It 10000RENT R ONE qfr ED 208 671 r FL 012 589 AUTR01. Behrense .Sophia A.,Co4p., TITLE Directory of Foreign Languge Servicp Organizations: 2. Language in Education: theory and Practice, No. 33. i INSTI4TION ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, Washington,. D.C.' SPONS AGENCY Nationa] Inst. o: Edication (ED,Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISBN70-87281-1.544.9 .._ PUB DATE 81' CONTRACT 400-77-0049' NOTE 68p. AVAILABLE FROMCenter for Applied Linguistics, 3520 Prospect St., Nile -Washington; DC 20607 ($7.00)., EDRS PRICE J81,01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS , Cultural Centers: *Egucational Resources; *admpat ion Service Centers: *English (Second*Lauguage); 7 L/ Instructional Materials; *OrganizaZipns (Grow s); *Professional Associations: Publisiing Industy; j, *pecond Language Instruction: Student Exching ....- - i Programs . ABSTRACT *1' -- 4 / This directorris intended to provide foreign language educators as sell as persons interested in foreignlanguages and cultures with a convenient reference guide containinginformation on the availabilitt0 resources and services thatcan help enrich classroom instruction and independent study. Two majorsources of information and services for the teaching' el EngliShas a second language ,have also been included: TESOL and the AnTlishlanguage division at the ritish Council Central Information Service.This second editXon of the directory has threenew features: (1 a greatly expanded 111fguage-index, now covering publishers and distributors.as * w011 as ,organizations: (2 mote than 40new organizatiOnS, many of them IDEA centers: and (3 seieral organizations involved in international student exchanges or study programs. the directory is divided into three sections:- (1 foreign language service organizatio : j2 publishers'apd digtributors of foreign language' materials: (3) the language index. Suggestions la how to use.the directory119re,7 providedatc end of the. introduction. (NES) . ( Ar ******************************1***************************************1 * Reproductions supplied,by EDRS are. the best thatcan be,saiie *. * from the originil document. * *****0*********************4t****************************************** '- AI .7 ( LANGUAGE IN EDUCATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE ti / 'r Directory of Foreign Language Service Organizations: 2 Sophia A. Behrens U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTRUTE OF EOUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) )4This document has been reproduced as I--- regret( from the person or organizthon onginating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THEEDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or op s stated in this docu INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" ' rnent do not necessan eeresent offKmt NIE position or policy Puklished by Cerfter for Applied Linguistics co, Prepared by EFRIC:1 Clearinghoue on Langua4es and Linguistics as. :4. I A. t . V 4. t r- . - This publication was prepared with funding from the National Institute of Education 4U.S. epartment of Education under,Aentract no. 400-77-0049. The opinions expressed,in thi94 report do not ne &esarilyreflect the positions or policies of N* or ED. _ NI i A t . 5- ' Behrens, Sophia. Directory of foreign language service organizations, 2. 1Laryguetge in education ;33). Includes index., 1. Language and Languages--Study-and teaching--United States--Directories. I. ERIC Clearinghouse 'on Languages and Linguistics. II. Title. III. Series. S Sm. P57.U784. 1981 418'.007'1073 81-385104-- I8BW6-87281-154L9 AACR2 A October. 1981 Copyright e 1911 By-the center for Applied Linguistics 3520 Prospect Street NW Waihington Dc.20007 . Printed in the U.S.A. ("3' 4 -4 a LANGUAGE IN EDUCATION; THEORY AND PRACTICE . ERIC (Educaonal Resources Information Center) is a nationwide network of information centers,' each responsible for a given educational level or field of study. ERIC is supported ,by the National Institute of Education of the U.S. Department of Education. The basic Objective of ERIC is to make current developments in educational research, instruction, and personnel preparation more readily accessible to-educators and members of related professions: ERIC/CLL. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics (ERIC/CLL),)one'of the specialized clearinghouses in the ERIC system, Is operated by the Center for Applied Linguistics. ERIC/CLL is specifically responsible for the collection and dissemination of information in the general area of research and application in languages, linguistics, and language teaching and learning. LANGUAGE IN EDUCATION: THEORY AN D PRACTICE. In addition to processing information, ERIC/CLL is also involved in information synthesis and analysis.The Clearinghouse commissions recognized authorities in languages and linguistics to write analyses of the current, issues in theirareas of specialty. The resultant documents, intended for use bY,educators and researchers, are pablished, under the titleiLanguage in Education; Theory and Practice.*The series includes practical *aides for clEsproom teachers, extensive state-of-the-art papers, and selected bibliographies. The material in this publication was prepared pursuant to a contract with the National Institute of Education, U.S. Department of Education.Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are ehcodtaged to express freely their judgment an professionc and tech- nical matters. Prior.to publication, the manuscript was submitted to the American Council on the Teaohing. of Foreign Languages for critical/ review and, determination of professionalcompetence. This publication has met such standards. Points of view.oropinions, hoWever, donot necessarily represent the officigliview or opinibns of either ACTFL or RIE. This publicatio'n is not printed theexpente of Federal,' Government. This publication may be purchased directly from the Center for Appliad Linguistics. It also will be announced in the ERIC monthly abstract journal Resources in Education (RIE) and will be' available from the ERIC Document Reproduction ServiCe, Computer Microfilm International Corp., P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. (Se RIE for arderNpg intbrmation and BD number. ---17. For further information on the ERIC system, ERIC/CLL, add Centel / Clearinghouse publications, write to ERIC Clearinghouse ofi'Languagse and Linguistics, Center foillppliedLinguistics, 3520 Prospect St., N.11., 'Washingtonl.C. 20007.. v e, *From 1974 through 1977, all Clearinghouse publications appeaiedag the CALERIt/CL4 Ser4eson Languages and Linguistics. Although mote papers are being added to the Original ser4es, the , majority of the ERIC/CLL information anaipsis products, will be included in the Language in Educa- tion series. a r4, CONTENTS %IfiNTRODUCTI ON vii FOREIGN LANGUAGE SERVICE ORGIZATIONS I s. *C2 PUBLISBERS'AND DISTRIBUTORS OF FOREIGN .LANGUAGE MATERIALS 53 0 LANGUAGE INDEX 57 . t A c V I N.' f . INTRODUCTION Purpose * This directory is an expanded and updated version of'the Directory of Foreign Laiguage Service Organizations;'whicli-Was published by the Center for Applied Linguistics and the ERIC Clearinghouse ons.Languages and Linguistics in May 1978. It is intended to provide foreign language educators with a condenient reference guide containing' information on the availability of resources and ser- vices that can help tem enrich classroom instruction. It is meant to be useful as to all persons who are concerned with the study o/ advancement of foreign languages and cultures. Two major sources y inMormation and services Palatiagsto the teaching of English as a second Language have'also beenwinciuded--TeachiFs of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and the English J..anguege division of the Britia Council Central To:formation Service (formerly the British Council 4 English Teaching, Information Centre). 4 ' s' New Features 46 a '' 1 0, This second edition of e directory his three new features: (1) a greatly expanded, language index, now covering lishers and distributors as well as brganizations; (2) more than.forty new organifations, many of them NOEA centers;, (3) several organizations involved in international stu- do' dent exchanges' or study,programs., or l ! a Organization The direc tory is divided into three sections: Foreign Language Service Organizations, Publishers and Distributors of Foreign Language Materials, and the Language Index. Organizations and publishers/distributors offering services or materials, related to specific Languaged may be located in thd index under the language itself or under such btoader terms as "Foreign Languages, General," ," "Uncommonly Taught Languages," "African Languages," "East/European Languages(," etc. How to Use the Directory This directory may help,,,thelpeader in sexpial ways. For example, a teacher of Italian may want information on Italian culture.The index should beconiulted under -"Italian" for organizations and publishers focusJng specifically onthisis language ,.l Or a school may want to develop' a new Spanish curriculum and /ould like to provide ervice training for teacherg after the curriculum is adopted. The list of publishers indicates se that offer inservice training. Individual organizationa_may`i also be checked under "service's" to identify those that provide consultant services. 6 We welcom e suggestions for fdture additions to the d irectory and have provided a form on page ix for that pu ;pose. Please note, however, that the only academic language-teaching prograis that we include are those
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