OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. Soniomber 10 , In OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEK. churches' the towns throughout the state.- . Mores. Ho was one of the band who signed A week ago the good people of Wayne , Nob. , thomsclves "Tho Friends of Mores. " After Cup performed the dedication upon a- of America's ceremonies the death of the marquis , M , Guerln took Story the Published Weekly by The Dee Publishing newi church Just completed , which will bo thu load ot the anti-Semites , and , nlwa > Company , JUeo Building , , i by Omaha Neb. used the First Presbyterians of that spoiling for a fight , he has been In every ( CopM-lnbted. 1SSi.! by the S. S Mi-Clure C'o. ) detract from the Interest of a national com ¬ flourishing town. The church Is n ¬ Price , G cents per copy per year, $2.00- . magni- street demonstration which the anil-Somites " ficent , The "America Cup , " or, to speak more petition. structure practically paid rot , a neat have got up In Paris for this last ten years.- . accurately , the "Hundred Guinea Cup , " Is at- Mr. Schuyler therefore Inserted this clause .Tor advertising rates address Publisher. sum having been raised by M. A P. , , or contributions at n London publication says : Tiffany's , In New ork. Million * ! d < In the deed the dedication exercises to apply on sinking htm "He Is a strong man , 35 years of age , la Communications relating to photographs or- bo spent during the autumn In the con- ¬ "Vessels Intending to compete for this cup the debt. tall nnd very , anger always in- will publication ad- - broad lurks on bot- ¬ artlclon for should be test for Ita possession , nnd this fact furnishes must proceed under sail their own Dee , drewed "Editor Omaha Illuntratcd , ) Is nut In- toms to the port where the contest is to Tim Deo'a leaders nro pho- ¬ a straiiRe anomaly for the cut Omaha. " favored with a " tograph taken of the burning chlorlnallon trlnslcally valuable. If It could tell Its own take place. fol- ¬ The English owners have also been to a works at Deathoml August 28. This disas- ¬ story It would have something like the expense usually in bringing trous tire was fully chronicled In thu news lowing to say : considerable , advisory committee , ns Dunraven , Pen and Picture Pointers of the day , but the present picture shows "When Sir Thomas Llpton , the tea man along an Hrst time , brought over Wnteon , designer Tlio lost Tow weeks have belonged to thu the perfection to which the photogrnpher'H tries to win me awny from the United the Is It will be tenth time an effort ot of the Valkyrie II , and Lnpthorn , sail- - volunteers of 1808 , whose glorious homo- art attaining. Wo have had snapshots States the made n forty-eight years.- . maker. coining from tlio Philippines hns been cele- ¬ of cyclones , Hashes of lightning , moving that kind has been | am to sportsmen brated by receptions and ovations nnd en- ¬ trains of all sorts of natural phenomena nnd H seems that I ns desirable Tlio CUP'H IiiNcrliitloiiM. was to the Argonauts. thusiasm gnloru. Thu coming week will be- ¬ the camera promises to preserve for us also ns the Golden Fleece The only things about the cup Itself , how- - two been wildly long to tlio volunteers of 1861 , who will the ravages of the lire llend Just nH they are Eleven times nations have ever , 'that tell of these millions spent on ac- ¬ gather In tholr annual reunion at Lincoln committed. excited over these contests , which have cost count of it are the Inscriptions , carved in- and there recount their deeds In defense of enough to build a decent navy for each one different styles and type. In looking back the ling nnd for the preservation of the Great preparation ;* nro being made for the of them- . fifty years these brief legends Inspire nwo- ? I only union. For the first time nt this reunion reception of Admiral Dewey on his return ."And what Is It all about am a In 'the' heart of the veteran yachtsman. They to old misshapen silver mug , of no par- ¬ the veterans of 1801 will have as tholr guests the United States , In which Now York , little toll him of ono struggle after another when , so com- ¬ veterans of another war , as the Invitation Washington , Chicago and several other ticular design and out-of-date nnd the country was all in a flUter over the In has Ixson extended broadly to all the mem- ¬ cities expect to outdo one another In the monplace that a flret-clasa Jeweler these approach ot a challenger , nnd when It to mo as bers of the Nebraska volunteer regiments lavlshness of tholr entertainment. There Is- days would be ashamed confess seemed sure that Yankee supremacy on the Is out of me , that responded to the call In the war against no question but what the admiral will meet his workmanship. The bottom water would bo snatched away by the Brit ¬ my covering Is , If down Spain to participate In the gathering , the with a welcome such ns no other naval hero Inferior and melted isher. On each occasion the result of the I would , according to present principal feature of which will bo a recep- ¬ over enjoyed , but the depth of the enthusi- ¬ bo worth the contests has been the samo. The nearest , A tion to those volunteers.- . asm can be no greater than that which was quotations for ellver just 75. Junk dealer that the game challengers have ever been would think bard before offering that.-. ¬ accorded the volunteers ot the First Ne- ¬ to the cup Is to look at It in Tiffany's win- In am I you In presenting ns the frontispiece of this braska regiment on their ro-ontry Into the "What the world that dow , or perchance view it on the banquet number of The Illustrated Ileo a portrait of circles of their families and friends. The should make so much fuss over me ? Really , tables at the New York Yacht club house. I feel tjulto bored over this attention , the department commander n few words Dewey celebrations will only bo n reproduc- ¬ W. II. BARGBR , LINCOLN , ADJUTANT all Tiffany Is now concerned ns to where ho about him and his war record will be of- tion on a much larger scale of the small GENERAL. for , In confidence , I dm of no value at all , will carve these Inscriptions. There is only my been quiet. I was Interest. receptions which have been seen In Ne- ¬ and career has made one small panel below the six large shields eye ; ; by R. & R. on , Lon- ¬ John 13. Evans , department commander , braska towns and villages during the last his his fist is perpetually pounding Gerard Panton street about the body of the cup that Is not filled.- . Grand Army of the Republic , was born In- two wcokB. among agitators he Is the fiercest. Director don , on a hurry order when the yacht On these shields Is told the story of the ¬ or ' Tloga county , Pennsylvania , moving to Wis- the 'Llgtic Antl-Scmltlque. editor of its America came over in 1851 and beat our trophy. And the narrative has taken all the organ , , ' $ was not consin with his parents In 1850 , who settled the 'Antl-Julf ho has to Interest English regatta at Cowes. t a space available there for Inscriptions , nlso- ¬ ago 17- and the 50,000 of celebrated firm , and the workmen only or- ¬ In Sank county on a farm. At the of About Noted People entertain members the first on the panels underneath , with the excep- 80,000 . ho enlisted. On account of bis ago ho was and the readers of the second ; he dinary. Ono of them said he thought I tion of ono , leaving Just enough room to ¬ A , " on detail duty for some time , being subse- movement has been set on foot to have does nil this sturdily nnd glories In It. ought to bo fashioned In the style of Henry contain the account of this year's races quently assigned to Company L , First Wis- ¬ either Massachusetts or New Hampshire II and another thought a Henry III de- ¬ should there be more than two. That num- ¬ consin cavalry. This regiment was In bo- - buy the Daniel Webster estate In Marsh- Post Wheeler , New Yorker , poet , Prince- ¬ sign more suitable , so I am a sort of mix ¬ ber can be crowded In and still leave space Hold , Mass. , Including the tomb In which ho- ton man , author of cynical "Reflections of- ture. I had no Idea that 1 should become for another contest. More than that will ; , " Is burled or , this falling , to have a sum of a Dachelor has been missing from New an International prize then , nor did the fill the cup.i- . money raised by prlvato subscription suf- ¬ York for two years. His departure followed men who ordered mo dream of my com- Ati first the silversmiths were quite lavish ficient to purchase the burial place of thp- close upon the report of the breaking of- "great expounder , " and provide for Its be- - an engagement between him and Hallie- Ing held In trust. Ermlnlo Rives , cousin of Amelia Rlvea , the Princess Troubetskoy , who Is herself an After General Shatter had made nn- author, and not long ago startled the read- ¬ nddrcra to some school children In Grand ing public by the novel , "Smoking Flax. " Is Rapids not long ago , ho disappeared nnd Mr. Wheeler living In a remote Indian the searching party finally found him village In a spur of the Rockies , close on , In In a schoolroom , signing his autograph the Arctic circle the great Northwest for about 100 clamorous children.
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