CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD.!” VOLUME 3, NUMBER 7 NEWS REVIEW ,I $ 2.00 NOVEMBER 9, 1993 Gov. Carnahan: We’re Mad As Hell WE WON'T TAKE IT MUCH LONGER! 1117193 #l HATONN in every category. We suggest that you pure excitement, monetary gain, “I Spy”, to NOT BE LISTED AMONG THOSE CRIMI- total devotion to our nation, the United “We” may be a small paper but we ARE NALS, SIR. If, indeed, you do not know States of America. We are not given the the voice of the people of this nation, under about this atrocity in your dooryard-that right to judge reasons-only performance GOD who proclaims freedom and justice you find out lest you be painted with the and mistreatment at the hands of those for ALL. We are going to turn this focus of same black brush of disregard for all jus- put in office TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM light onto you and the judicial non-system tice and order in our once great nation. AND RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITU- of Missouri, Sir, until you let Gunther If, Sir, you do not feel capable of acting TIONS OF OUR STATES AND NATION. Russbacher go. You HAVE all the informa- as a Governor of a great State, then we Puppet-masters? The higher echelon of tion regarding this servant of our govern- suggest you ask your puppet-masters about misrepresentation of We-The-People-the ment who is now sick and possibly dying in the seriousness of this incarceration con- very ones involved directly-the Kissinger-s, your State Prison simply to maintain his tinuing. There are many things and people the Bushes, Twigs and Voted-in betrayers silence regarding such as October Sur- involved in the focus of this man’s incar- of our nation in the White House. THEY prise. I suggest you and all persons who ceration. He represents every hostage KNOW THIS MAN, GUNTHER pick up this paper READ the accompany- POW/MIA, every other patriot incarcer- RUSSBACHER, ATVERY PERSONAL LEV- ing letter from author Rodney Stich, to our ated after being used and abused, and ELS OF ENCOUNTER. incredible EXCUSE for a head of our Jus- every man or woman who has served this There is no need to further test this man tice Department. We, in America, have nation at the most dangerous and clandes- in point, Sir; the FACTS are out before the reached a new low in morality when we tine level known to man. Why do they sleepy masses from many, many sources allow the criminals to head the government choose to serve? Many reasons, Sir, from (Please see p.2) FIRST CLASS MA IL INSIDE THIS ISSUE What Is The Government Hiding? p.6 Secret Underground Bases, p.9 HOLOCAUST Amerikan Style, p.24 Nora’s Research Comer, p.33 Committee of 300, p.44 Nevada Corporations, p.50 Truth Blackout “CENSORSHIP”, p.5 1 From The CONTACT News Desk. n.55 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT regarding the involvement at home and sons. There is no doubt or misunderstanding We ask that everyone who receives abroad and the treasonous actions of Gov- as to WHO is this man or his status with the this paper and shares it with others will emment persons. If they do not wish to Special Forces, Naval Intelligence, etc. take this message directly, or copy it further pursue the matter, it makes no WE ARE MAD AS HELL, GOVERNOR and sign it AND SEND IT IMMEDIATELY difference as to whether or not you release CARNAHAN, AND WE WONT TAKE IT ANY TO GOVERNOR CARNAHAN OF THE this Capt. Russbacher; there is nothing LONGER! WE WILL PETITION EVERY GREAT STATE OF MISSOURI TO DE- further he wishes to do to the ones at the COURT, DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATIGN MAND THAT HE RELEASE THIS SER- top or at your level of Government politics. AND PAPER ON THIS GLOBE IF IT BE NEC- VANT OF YOU-THE-PEOPLE AND 60 Therearesomethings, however, at stake ESSARY TO BRING THE S’I’GRY OF THIS Minutes. here, that are so big as to cause ones on the MAN TO THE PUBLIC VIEW-IF YOU CON- Governor Mel Carnahan globe to shudder in possibilities. GOD is at TINUE TO REFUSE TO *LET HIM Go”. State Capitol Building work ALSO-ALONG WITH THE ADVER- We, as a paper (press), have no interest in Jefferson C.ity, MO 65101 SARY TO JUSTICE AND GOODNESS and groupies, groups, patriot organizations, or- .-^--^.^I ------,----- --I- ----l__ --.._ THIS MAN HAS ASKED FOR THE HELP ganized ANYTHING--onlythatwhich is right Office (314) 751-3222 AND INTERVENTION OF THAT GOD OF and just to our fellow-citizens. We are not Fax (314) 751-4458 CREATION/LIGHT. HE, SIR, IS RECEIV- troublemakers by intent--only information ING IT AS WE SPEAK. Perhaps you are bearers-to the best of our ability in a free Mansion (3 14) 75 l-4 14 1 willing to bring down the arm of Justice nation, under God. Fax (3 14) 75 l-92 19 from that God and the people of this na- We do not speak as a group voice+we tion, once great in its lighted messages to speak as individualcitizens of this once great 60 Minutes the world, but it seems highly unwise for nation, under God, and DEMAND that jus- Attn: Story Editor you must realize that the political persons tice be served and let this man go in peace, 555 W. 57th St. you protect will destroy you and there will back to hisnative home and family to live out New York, N.Y. 10019 be no cuddly constituents to guard you. what life he has remainin@ikely short now (2 12) 975-2009 Perhaps you think we JEST? I, further that he has been infected deliberately with then, suggest you check out the circum- diseases incurable. Ifyou as f&citizens do not take mspon- stances happening around New Mexico, If this gross miscarriage of justice is not sibility for your brother in ttoublvu am Arizona and parts near and in the skies correctedimmediate~thereshallbeanopen- LOST to a political system so unjust as to “over” White Sands. There are higher ingof”Pandom’sBoxes’,Sir, andweshallsee willi@yserveyouintoslavexy. IfYOUdonotact powers at work, Governor, and it would what the investigators have already uncov- in behalf of your brother--WHOWILL ACT IN seem the better part of curiosity or possi- emd. It would appear to be fhr more serious BEHALF OF YOU WHEN THE DAY COMES bility TO LET SOME PEOPLE Go! than Sen. Packwood’sdiary of sexual misbe- (VERYSOON NOW)? At this pointall you have You KNEW that this man had HEPATI- havior among his old buddies. Missouri is to do is let THEM know THATYOU KNOW and TIS and yet you allowed the Prison to put the “SHOW ME” Stabit appears there is ask for enemy” for this fiend in need. him, with total knowledge, into the kitchen certainly a lot to be shown- IN THIS ONE There axeothers in troublefmrn one end of areas to serve and prepare food and spread UNJUST CASE OF INCARCERATION. yournaliontoanother,victimsofasystemgone that disease throughout the system in Weandothersofthe pressarequite happy insaneasiteffartstogobb~upthevlerylife-by Missouri. You KNOW that he had had to drop this unfortunate case and allow the ofyouronoegmatnation. Butyoumuststarta horrible torture as a Prisoner of War in sheltering of your backsides if you accept journey with the first step-so we go to one Cambodia-in service to this once great your responsibility as the servant of the who has earned the reputationof beingafair nation. You KNOW that his fingernails people that a Governor represents. YOU and just Governor and ask his help. This were tom out over and over until his hands KNOW THAT THE AUSTRIAN EMBASSY IS man has honorably paid any price outstand- bleed and fester with even the use of wa- SEEKING HIS RELEASE AND ACCEPI’ RE- ing and the people who continue the incar- ter-much less the solutions and misuse SPONSIBILITY FOR RETURNING HIM TG ceration KNOW AS MUCH-THEY HOLD in an institution kitchen. This is, Sir, HIS HOME. YOU KNOW THAT AMNESTY HIM IN AN A’ITEMPT TO SILENCE HIM. deliberate and knowing contribution of INI’ERNATIONALWILLLIKEWISEHELPHIM WELL, HE NO LONGER WANTS TO TALK spreading an infectious disease which TO GET HOME. SINCE YOU KNOW THESE ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCES FOR IT IS ALL ‘OUTSIDE” would be grounds for charges THINGS IT APPEARS THAT YOU ARE IN KNOWN-IT IS ONLY YOU-TI-IEPEOPLE of MURDER. COALITION WITH THE VERY CRIMINAL WHODONOTKNOWAND,YET,ITISTHERE You further KNOW THAT THIS MAN JUSTICE DEPARTMENTSWHO CONTINUE FOR THE SEEING IF YOU BUT WANT TO HAS HEART PROBLEMS WHICH WILL RE- TO DEMAND INCARCERATION FOR THIS KNOW. THIS MAN NEED PAY NO MORE- QUIRE SURGERY. Medicines are withheld MAN WHO SIMPLY SERVED HIS NATIONAS BUT THE EYLEIPOF THE WORLD WILL BE at random and now.he is in isolation pend- REQUIRED, TG THE BESI’ OF HIS ABILITY. FOCUSED aCEFoRTH ON THE STATE ing ‘who knows what next excuse”! THE GOVERNOR, WE PEIlTIONYOUTO ‘LET OF MISSOURI-UNTIL THISMANISRE- PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF THAT PRISON THISMANGO”!WE,TOO,BEARTHEBLIGHT WED. SOBEIT. SAID HE HAD ‘NO HEPATITIS” AND YET, ANDINJUSTICEASFELLGW-CITIZENSWHO Readers, it may seem as ifyour one small NOW, HE IS ISOLATED ‘BECAUSE OF HAVE ALLOWED POLITICS TO DESTROY voice is not h&but IT ISI When hun- HEPATITIS’I EITHERWAY, SIR, ITDOESN’I’ OUR ONCE GREAT NATION. dmls, yea thousands, of letters demanding LOOK GOOD FOR YOUR IMAGE FOR AL- Thank you for your attention and we attention arrive on a man’s desk-and fur- LOWING THIS TO GO ON FOR WE KNOW await,.eagerly,Gunther Russbacher’simme- ther, when the solution is so simpl*your YOU HAVE BEEN CONTACTED OVERAND diate release from your unjust incarceration.
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