Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47093-3 — Trace Metals in the Environment and Living Organisms Philip S. Rainbow Index More Information INDEX Aberdeenshire, 34, 156 Agrostis, 148, 160, 251, 271, 664 Ammodytes, 627 Aberllyn mine, 173 Merseyside refinery, 142, 166, 221, 249 Ampharete, 598 Aberystwyth, 172, 307, 370, 471, 498 tolerance, 172–173, 175, 268 ampharetid polychaetes, 598, See also Abington, 312 Aire River, 432 Ampharete, Melinna Abramis. See bream Aire valley, 32 Amphibalanus, 112, 495, 557 absorption, 68, See also uptake Airedale, 33, 54 Amphinemura, 343–344, 387 Acanthephyra, 585 ALAD, 116, 124, 222, 382, 547 amphipod crustaceans, 362, 551, See also acanthite, 29 Alca. See razorbill Corophium, Echinogammarus, Acarospora, 152, 155–156 alderflies, 318, 361, See also Sialis Gammarus, hyperiids, Rhepoxynius, Acartia, 551, 579–580 Alderley Edge, 27, 34–36 stegocephalids, talitrids Acaster, 432 alga, 286, 323, See also brown algae, bioaccumulation, 90, 99, 101, 103 acceptable daily input (ADI), 266, 660 green algae, phytoplankton, red biomarkers, 119 accumulation, 90 algae detoxification, 98, 101 accumulation patterns, 99 alginates, 441 uptake rates, 83, 85 Achillea, 163 Alice in Wonderland, 8 Anaconda, 50 Achnanthes, 321 Aliivibrio, 551 Analasmocephalus, 247 Achnanthidium, 321–322 Alitta, 443, 450, 515, 551 Anas. See mallard ducks acid mine drainage, 22, 29, 66, 288, 315, alkali disease, 20 Ancylus, 366 317, 389 Alle. See little auk Anglesey, 26, 33, 35, 47, 55, 306 Acid Mine Drainage Index (AMDI), 316 Allen River, 160 anglesite, 28, 33 acid volatile sulphide (AVS), 286, Allendales, 28, 32, 54, 309, See also Allen Anglo-Saxons, 36 315, 397 River, East Allen, West Allen Anguilla. See eels acidification Allenheads, 54 Anodonta, 367–368 freshwater, 29, 82, 317, 319 Allolobophora, 186, 192, 245, 265 Anstruther, 559 seawater, 667 Alloteuthis, 588 Antarctic Ocean, 575, 587 Acidithiobacillus, 29, 315 alpine pennycress, 159–161, 168, 171, Anthoxanthum, 173 actinides, 3 664, See also Thlaspi antifouling, 401, See also TBT (tributyl active transport, 68 Alston, 62, 154, 161, 310 tin) ADAS Gleadthorpe, 254 Alston Block, 32 copper, 554 adduct, 117 Alston Moor, 32, 36, 41–42, 54, 309 introduced species, 556, 558, 564 adsorption, 68 aluminium, 3, 9 lead, 554 biota, 94, 580, 584 ecotoxicity, 9, 147, 176, 319 paints, 7, 470, 504, 554, 558–559 sediment, 405 flowering plants, 176 antiknock, 6, 431, See also tetra-ethyl lead soil, 140 freshwater, 318 antimonite, 29 Adur Estuary, 524, 527 mining, 66 antimony, 3, 9, 11, 53, 129, 135 Aequipecten, 106, 484, 519, 606, 622 ores, 30 ores, 29, 53 Afon Goch, 118, 293, 306, 403, 425 soils, 146–147, 176 antioxidants, 68, 117, 392, 547 ecotoxicity, 360, 392 use, 9 Antwerp, 236, 239, 241 Africa, 48, 662 Alva mine, 58 Anyphaena, 247 African–Eurasian Waterbird Agreement, Alyssum, 171, 258, 665 Aphelochaeta, 454, 597 383 Amanita, 150 aphids, 170, 181 AFS Convention, 563 American dipper, 381–382 Apodemus, 209 Agabus, 361 amino acid, 70, See also cysteine, Aporrectodea, 186, 192, 245, 265 Agar mine, 48 glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, Appert, Nicholas, 6 Agaricus, 150 methionine, mugineic acid, proline Appletreewick, 37 Agassiz, Louis, 494 membrane transport, 77–78 aqua regia, 140 Agriolimax, 178 Amlwch, 56 Arabidopsis, 664 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47093-3 — Trace Metals in the Environment and Living Organisms Philip S. Rainbow Index More Information Index 721 Arachnida, 124, See also harvestmen, Asian clam. See Corbicula baleen whales, 565–566, See also right mites, pseudoscorpions, spiders Askrigg Block, 32 whales, rorquals Araneus, 205 Asplenium, 158, 160 Ballin valley stream, 61 Arcachon, Baie d’, 560 assimilation efficiency, 85, 105, 292 Ballinafunshoge mine, 61 Arctic, 156, 662 Associated Octel, 431 Baltic Sea, 461 Arctic Ocean, 568, 575 Asterocarpa, 557 Baltic tellin. See Macoma Arctic skua, 627 Atlantic Ocean, 10–11, 591 Bampfylde mine, 52 Arctic tern, 627 North Atlantic, 568–569, 572, 575, 585, bank vole, 209, 223, See also Myodes Arenicola, 401, 452, 551 635 BARGE, 145, 281 bioaccumulation, 452, 597 atmosphere Barmby on the Marsh, 311 biomonitoring, 452 biogeochemical cycles, 11 Barmote Courts, 36 argentiferous galena, 55 deposition, 11, 14, 129, 156–157, 573 barn owl, 226, 229, 234, 238 Argyll, 33, 39 smelter emission, 129, 135, 139, 164 barnacles, 494, See also Amphibalanus, Arion, 177 Atolla, 591–592 Austrominius, Balanus, Lepas, Arkle Beck, 33, 362 Auckland, 320 Semibalanus Arklow, 316 auks, 627, See also guillemot, little auk, bioaccumulation, 90, 99, 101, 103, 495 Armeria, 160–161 puffin, razorbill biomonitoring, 112, 498 arrow worms, 565, 589 Australia, 21, 45, 51, 397, 559 detoxification, 97–98, 101, 498–499 arsenate, 1, 20, 78, 158, 441, 574 Austrominius, 83, 101, 104, 495, 557 fouling, 112, 557 arsenic, 3 autunite, 30 uptake rates, 83 coal, 11 Avenula, 146 Barnstaple, 25, 534 dust, 282 Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), 389, 394 Barrow Deep, 427, 607 fan worms, 596 Avoca, 29, 60, 66, 316 barytes, 22, 24, 33 mining, 49, 63 Avoca River, 61, 316, 389 Basset mine, 48 ores, 23, 27 East Avoca, 61, 316 Bathgate, 42 organic forms, 20, 176, 441, See also West Avoca, 61 bathypelagic zone, 565, 582 arsenobetaine Avoca River, 66, 506 Batrachospermum, 325 oxidation state, 1 avocet, 110 bats, 225 palatability, 455, 596 Avon Estuary, 436 batteries, 8 pesticides, 9, 50, 63 Avonmouth, 66 lead-acid, 9 soils, 142, 163, 284 centipedes, 206 nickel-cadmium, 7, 9 tolerance, 173, 176, 268 earthworms, 263, 268 nickel-metal hydride, 7 toxicity, 9, 20, 271, 278, 597, 618 ecotoxicity, 191, 198, 245, 248, 263, zinc chloride, 7 use, 5, 9, 49 268 zinc-carbon, 8 vegetables, 163, 278, 284 emissions, 139, 164, 173, 177, 244 bauxite, 30, 66, 147 arsenite, 1, 20, 405, 597 smelting works, 66, 139, 141, 164, 428 Bavaria, 6 arsenobetaine, 20, 618 soils, 141 beachhopper, 401, See also Orchestia arsenopyrite, 27, 49, 304 spiders, 247 beaked whales. See Blainville’s beaked Ascidia, 592–593 woodlice, 193 whale, Northern bottlenose whale, ascidians, 592, See also Botryllus, Ciona Aznalcóllar, 290 Sowerby’s beaked whale invasive fouling species, 556 azurite, 27, 34, 152 Beaulieu Estuary, 405, 562 Ascidiella, 592–593 beaver fur, 8 Ascophyllum, 440 Bacidia, 154–155 Beckton, 426, 515, 606 Asellus, 126, 363 bacteria. See microbes Beddgelert, 57 ash. See also pulverised fly ash badger, 266, 272, See also Meles Bedford United mine, 47 coal, 14, 20, 129, 140, 317 baetid mayflies, 288, 343, 348, 387, 498, beetles, 203, 206, 361 refuse, 14, 129, 140 See also Baetis carabid ground beetles, 203, 206, 248, Ashbourne, 32, 274 Baetis, 288, 343, 348, 350 See also Notiophilus, Poecilus Ashburton, 38 Bakewell, 36 staphylinid rove beetles, 203, 206 Ashdown Forest, 35, 39, 43, 61, 317 Balaenoptera. See blue whale, fin whale, water beetle, 340 Ashford, 36 minke whale water beetles, 361, See also Dytiscus, Ashover, 33 Balanus, 495 Helophorus, Oreodytes Asia, 662 Baldhu, 64, 299 Beldon Burn, 310 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47093-3 — Trace Metals in the Environment and Living Organisms Philip S. Rainbow Index More Information 722 Index Belgium, 203, 236, 269, 322, 666 morphological, 118 Blencathra, 65 belland, 280 omics, 549 blende, 22, 28, See also sphalerite Bellis, 163 organism, 118 blind staggers, 20 Beltingham, 161 physiological, 119, 549 bloomery, 22, 39 bentgrass. See Agrostis population, 119, 548, 550 blue-green algae/bacteria, 286, See also benthos, 286 tolerance, 121, 550 Cyanobacteria Bere Alston, 51, 306 biomonitor, 69, 111 blue tit, 225, 234, 241 Bere Alston peninsula, 38, 47, 51, 251, biomonitoring, 69, 111, 544 ecotoxicity, 241 306, 425 bird eggs, 241, 637 blue whale, 566–567, 645 Bere Ferrers, 38 cosmopolitan species, 112 BMWP score, 121 Bermuda, 595 feathers, 234, 633, 636–637 Bodannon mine, 53 Betws-y-coed, 173 required characteristics, 111 Bodmin, 38 Biala Przemsza River, 350 suite, 112, 398, 544 Bodmin Moor, 25, 31, 38, 322 bilberry, 146 Biomphalaria, 119 Bolenowe, 305 Binnerton, 371 biosphere, 1 Bolivia, 45, 49 bioaccessibility, 68, 88, 144, 281–282, biotic index, 69, 121, 388, 669 boll weevil, 50 626, See also BARGE bird eggs Bolts Burn, 310 bioaccumulated metal guideline, 68, 115, biomonitoring, 241, 637 Bontddu, 57 269, 390, 399, 669 mercury, 633, 637 booster biocides, 555, 661 bioaccumulation, 68 toxicity, 109, 639 Boothferry, 432 toxicity, 108 birds of prey, 226 Borrowdale, 43, 311 bioaccumulation factor (BAF), 124, bioaccumulation, 227, 229 Boscasswell mine, 63 264–265, 272 feathers, 238 Botallack mine, 63 bioaccumulation patterns mercury, 227, 238 Botrylloides, 557 crustaceans, 99, 104 Birmingham, 45, 167, 281, 432 Botryllus, 592–593 regulation, 100, 103 Bissoe, 49–50, 63, 299, 421 bottlenose dolphin, 640 strong net accumulation, 101, 103, 112, Black Burn mine, 154 Bournemouth, 435 189 black copper, 27 bournonite, 29 weak net accumulation, 102–103, 112 Black Country, 39 Bowland, 54 bioavailability, 68, 79 Black Death, 40 Bowmore, 513 dissolved, 80, 291, 313 Black Deep, 607 Brachythecium, 326–327 dust, 281 black jack, 22, 28, See also sphalerite Bradford, 432–433 sediment, 89, 314, 417 black tin, 22, 27, 37, See also cassiterite Bradshaw, A. D., 172 soil, 140, 142, 158, 281 blackband, 29 Brain River, 377, 400 trophic, 85, 106, 144, 292, 314, 417 blackbird, 225, 234–236 Braithwaite, 65 bioconcentration factor (BCF), 124, 264 ecotoxicity, 240 Branchiomma, 596–597 biodynamic modelling,
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