7 Timing Belts For All Free Wheeling vs. Interference History A free-wheeling engine has enough clearance between the Timing belts are truly a new-age item. valve and piston if the cam stops and the valve remains Slow advances in rubber technology fully open. On the other hand, interference engines will al- prevented timing belts from being reli- low the piston and valve to collide. As the illustration shows, able enough to mass produce. It was- an interference engine usually sustains damage if the piston n’t until 1950 that the Germans used a and valve synchronization is lost. reinforced rubber belt to operate the synchronization of the camshaft and Interference engines do not have enough space in the crankshaft. The vehicle was the the combustion chamber for the valves to remain German Goggomobile. open when the piston reaches the top of its travel. If the timing belt breaks, the valves will remain Soon after, many other European car- open. And since there’s not enough space for the makers began experimenting with syn- valves, the pistons will slam into the valves and chronous timing belts. Fiat and Vaux- cause a great deal of engine damage. At the very hall were among the first, followed by least, the valves will be bent and need to be re- the General Motors Pontiac Division. placed. At the worst, the valves will punch holes in The first mass produced vehicle with a the pistons, and pieces of metal shrapnel will circu- timing belt to hit the American high- late and cause catastrophic engine damage. ways was the 1966 Pontiac Tempest. Graphics from www.gates.com The traditional square-cut (trapezoidal) cially if your engine is interference. The Tempest Sprint came with a timing belt teeth have been replaced And even more important, have the by rounded (curvilinear) and modified timing belt replaced along with the straight six-cylinder overhead cam curvilinear teeth. These run quieter other repairs. It will save labor time four-barrel carbureted engine that pro- and are much longer lasting. And all of and money to replace it while you’re duced 206 horsepower. It was the only these rubber technology develop- having a similar repair done, espe- high-performance stock engine that ments have increased the life of timing cially if it involves replacing the water had been produced since the Hudson belts from 30,000 to well over 100,000 pump or other drive belts. Hornet. Mechanics scoffed at the idea miles.24 of having an engine that ran by using Remember, timing belts can’t be in- a “big rubber band.” Others simply Dangers spected for signs of wear, and can dismissed it as “cheap.” But, me- Because timing belt failure with an look good and fail shortly after. Timing chanic’s criticism soon faded as the interference engines can result in seri- belts will fail more often with vehicles idea caught on and spread to the other ous engine damage, we want to warn that operate in extremely hot or cold carmakers. vehicle owners about the potential climates, or in areas where the ozone hazards of operating these types of The beginning of the seventies levels are high. These factors will engines past their suggested change speed up the demise of the timing belt. brought timing belt equipped 4- interval. cylinder Audi Super 90 Diesel 1.6-liter Failure to replace the timing belt ten- and Honda Accord 1.8-liter engines. sioner is likely to result in repeat fail- Nutz and Boltz publishes the quick ures. Replacement of adjacent compo- Timing belt popularity took off by the reference guide of interference engine nents (e.g. water pump, balance shaft middle of the seventies, and timing timing belt applications (on the follow- and/or injection pump; accessory drive belts started showing up on just about ing pages) in order to save you from belts) is advisable to minimize the cost every make of vehicle. Today, timing an expensive breakdown. If your vehi- belts are found on everything from cle is listed below and has a timing of subsequent repairs. expensive BMW’s, Porsches, and belt, it has an interference engine. Volvo’s to the lowly Yugo. As a general rule, most import and All car and light truck engines fall into light truck diesel engines are interfer- During this time the rubber material one of two classifications, either Free- ence engines. But even with a free- has become stronger, becoming rein- Wheeling or Interference. The engine running engine, a broken timing chain forced with fiberglass cords and made classification depends on what hap- or belt can cause an unwanted break- from Highly Saturated Nitrile (HSN) pens to the pistons and valves if the down. All timing belts and chains are rubber. The new GM 3.4 dual over- synchronization timing between them hidden under a cover, and its “out-of- head cam V6 uses a belt made of al- is lost. This can occur if the timing sight, out-of-mind” for most vehicle kylated chlorosulfonated polyethyl- chain or belt breaks, and the cam owners. And since timing belts need to ene—a space age material with terrific stops turning. be replaced more often than timing low temperature performance and chains, it’s important to make timing thermal stability. By combining a new Did you buy your vehicle used? If so, belt replacement a part of your routine type of glass fiber design, these belts you won’t really know if the timing belt maintenance. Especially if you care have stronger teeth, load capacity, has ever been replaced. Never as- about your engine and want to and offer a longer life. sume that it has been replaced, espe- avoid a breakdown. Nutz & Boltz© PO Box 123 Butler, MD 21023 <www.nutzandboltz.org> Memberships 800.888.0091 in Maryland 410.239.0012 8 !"#"$%&'()*)$+' ,---/P,'J8?]9'L;'J8?9T'' T ,-.,/0'1)#*2%3'43%52%#'6%#%5%'0/67&8' ,---/P,'K57++"7'L;'J8E9 ' ]%H&"')^']2I2#V'@"&*'' 'T ,8.9:' ,---/-.'?8J69'?8J9'0/67&8 ' Z#*"$^"$"#3"'O#V2#"+'' : ?PP,'J8?69'L;'J8?9T' ,-.,/;'6<"=7'6<"="**"'0/67&8'>2"+"&',8.9 ' T ,-.?/;'@A23B'CB7<%DB'0/67&8',8.9:' ?PP,'(>Y'L;'J8E9 ' ' ,-.,/E'6<"=7'9A=F'123BAG+'0/67&8'>2"+"&' ' T'f',PP/,PEFPPP'I2&"+' : ?8?9 ' _""G/O%V&"' W f'-PFPPP'I2&"+' ,-.-/-P'CAII2*F'L2+*%'6%#%5%'0/67&8' ' ,-.E/.'1)#*2%3'CA#HA$+*'6%#%5%'0/67&8' : : ,8;9 ' [ f'NP/NEFPPP'I2&"+' ,8E9 ' : ' : ,-.-/-?'L2+*%'6%#%5%'0/67&8',8E9 ' ,-.E/-'6<"=7'CG"3*$AI'0/67&8',8E9 ' : :'f';PFPPP'I2&"+' : ,-.-/-;'CAII2*'0/67&8',8E9 ' ,-../-J'1)#*2%3'9"(%#+'0/67&8',8;9 ' : : ,--P/.']%&)#'0/67&8'`']A$H)'?8P9 ' g'f'0E/EPFPPP'I2&"+' ,--,/;'K&5+'6A*&%++'CAG$"I"'L/;'J809 ' :' : ,--,/?'?PPP'!]Y'6%#%5%'0/67&8'?8P9 iOj ,--,/;'1)#*2%3'!$%#5'1$2M'L/;'J809 ' b'f'JP/0PFPPP'I2&"+' ' ,--,/N'6<"=7'9AI2#%'OM38'L%#F'()#*"' : a2%*' ]<"'%H)="'+7IH)&'B"7'$"G$"+"#*'+AV/ 6%$&)'L/;'J809 ' b V"+*"5'3<%#V"'2#*"$=%&+8'Z^'*D)'+7I/ ,--;/P,'6%52&&%3'6%*"$%'L;'Q>KR6S'J8P9T' ,-N0/.',?0'C"$2"+'0/67&8',8;9 ' T ,-N0/.'@$%=%F',?0'`,J,'C"$2"+'0/67&8' ?PPP/P,'C%*A$#'9/C"$2"+'L;'Q>KR6S'J8P9 ' H)&+'%$"'A+"5F'*<"'&)D"$'#AIH"$' ,8.9b' ' +<)A&5'H"'^)&&)D"5'^)$'="<23&"+'5$2="#' ,-N0/.'Y,U-'0/67&8',8J9b' R)#5%U43A$%UC*"$&2#V' b I)+*&7')#'+<)$*'*$2G+'Q+"="$"'+"$=23"S8' : ,-N0/-',?.'C"$2"+'0/67&8',8J9 ' ,-NP/.E'433)$5'0/67&8',8.9 ' b ]<"'<2V<"$'#AIH"$'2+'^)$'="<23&"+' : ,-N./.,'@$%=%'0/67&8'?8P9 ' ,-NJ'62=23'0/67&8',8?9 ' b 5$2="#'%*'&"%+*',P'I2&"+'G"$'*$2G'Q#)$I%&'' : ,-N-/.?'C*$%5%F'Y,U-'0/67&8',8E9 ' ,-N0/.N'62=23'0/67&8',8J9 ' ,-N-/-?'CG25"$'?PPP'0/67&8'?8P9b' '''+"$=23"S8']<"'+%I"'2+'*$A"'^)$'*<"'' ,-NE/N-'6L66'0/67&8',8E9W' ' ''''''5)AH&"'+7IH)&+8''' ,-N;/.?'433)$5'0/67&8',8;9' : a)$5U("$3A$7' ,-N-/-N'1$"&A5"'0/67&8',8.9 ' T @(h' : ,-.0/;'])G%c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c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`'?PP'6%#%5%0/ W 67&8',8E9:' ,--0/;'1%++G)$*'0/67&8'?8;9 '
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