G. G. tournament starts SPORTS The Cleveland Golden Gloves MENU TIPS Tournament will be held on May Rockers Open 9, 10 and 11, at Garfield Heights Getting More EAST SIDEily NEWS High School Gym, 12000 Maple Training Camp Veggies Into Meals ISSUED FRIDAY LeafDrive, Garfield Heights. Ohio. For tickets call (216) 752-0678. The SERVING LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, action starts at 7:00p.m. on May 9 MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY See Page 7 See Page 8 and 10; 5:00p.m. on May 11. CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF FREE IDGHLAND IDLLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON TUesday, ApriJ 16, 2002- Friday, Apri119, 2002 VOL. 23 No. 11 "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR ABETTER TOMORROW" Teaching kids about saving money By JOSEPHT. DETERS Money instructors. Boyd, Overly, and the revealed that learning did, in­ As a matter of fact; Marysville faculty; with no deed, take place. If you're the parent the program was the brainchild budget and no designated time On 16 true-false ques­ ofa student who will be gradu­ of Linda Overly, a Marysville during the school year to teach tions, students got more than ating from high school in the business education teacher, the unit, Financial FUNda­ 90 percent ofthe answers right. next few years, how confident who attended our Women and mentals was taught on March And four open­ are you that he or she under­ Money financial education 13 to 160 Marysville students ended-questions revealed that stands the basics of manag­ workshop in Columbus during in three 45-minute sessions. students were already thinking ing money and can avoid the summer of2000. The curriculum was about steps they would take some of the financial pitfalls Women and Money, largely adapted from the "bud­ to better manage their money. that confront more young now in its third year; is a free, geting" chapter ofour Women For example, one After two wee~ ofstriking, East Cleveland teachers ended the strike and returned to their adults? daylong workshop tailored to and Money course manual. student's goal was to budget . classrooms. (ESDN Photo by Ray Robinson.) The question is at Ohio women that provides The students' con­ his money so he could one day the heart of discussions go­ practical information on a va­ cept of money management afford a car payment and in­ ing on in Columbus right now riety of personal-finance top­ was tested both before and af­ surance. Others talked about East Cleveland teachers end strike over recently introduced leg­ ics, including budgeting, credit ter they took part in Financial opening a savings account. After two weeks of achieve by accepting the of­ According to ECEA islation that calls for the cre­ and debt management, invest­ FUNdamentals. Another said she would "not striking East Cleveland School fer. President Mary Alice Conkey, ation of a financial education ments, and retirement plan­ Overly's evaluation turn down babysitting. jobs." System teachers and staff re­ Some ofthe gains the there were other important curriculum in Ohio schools. · ning. cently voted to accept the union cited were guaranteed concerns other than money. Regardless of the Overly enjoyed the school board's latest offer and protection of their health ben­ Myra J to visit 'A Cultural Exchange' Conkey is a fifth outcome of those dicussions, workshop and felt she learned to return to work. efits, paid holidays, maintain Myra J of the Tom grade special education the success of a pilot progarni some valuable strategies on The members of the the length oftheir school days, Joyner Radio Show will appear teacher at Rozelle Elementary called Financial FUNda­ managing her own money. East Cleveland Education As­ allow the staff up to two years at A Cultural Exchange, I2624 School. mentals, which was taught at But she then did sociation (ECEA) agreed to ac­ of parental leave, receive ad­ Larchmere Blvd., to introduce Elvin Jones, who is Marysville High School in something that good teachers cept the proposed contract equate equipment, sufficient and sign her new greeting the school's superintendent, Union County this year, dem­ often do, she thought of her after an hour long close-door books and supplies and to be cards for single moms on Sat­ was elated with the vote and onstrated the value and the students. She began envi­ meeting held at First Baptist notified ifone oftheir students urday, May 11, from II :00 am. need for financial education sioning how they might ben­ Church in Shaker Heights. has a violent background. happy that the normal educa­ untill :00 p.m. in our schools. efit from some ofthe material The education asso­ The salaries would tion process will continue im­ For information on Financial in Women and Money. ciation, which consist of 641 be increased by 3 percent on mediately. Myra rs appearance call, (2I6) FUNdamentals was devel­ After Overly con­ union members, will formally July 1; by 2 percent on July I, The union members 229-8300. oped as a partnership among tacted our office with her idea, vote at their school building's 2003; and by 3 percent on J uiy went out on strike as of April MyraJ'sappearance Marysville High School fac­ a planning meeting was held on Wednesday, May I. 1,2004. 3, after their last three year is sponsored by IOO Black MyraJ ulty, my Community Education last summer. Of the 350 members The union's main contract expired. Men of Cleveland and A Cul­ are hilarious and heartwarming Department, and Donna Gray Eve1,1tually, after who attended the meeting, no contention for striking was to The union repre­ tural Exchange. while making a lot of laughter Boyd, one of our Women and many hours of hard work by one objected to accepting the seek annual raises of6 percent, sents teachers, librarians, Her new line ofcards in the household. proposal. which was contrary to which guidance counselors, social The union cited 39 the district had portrayed the workers, nurses and psy­ significant gains they would strike. chologists. Judges appoint grand jury members ENDORSEMENTS The General Division children and four stepchildren Jewish Community Federation, of Common Pleas Court re­ and resides in Bay Village with president, Heartland PAC and cently appointed four (4) his wife Sally Ford Hayes. president ofJewish Education Elect Pamela O'Bannonjudge grand jury f-.remen. Donna Yanowitz was Center ofCleveland. EAST SIDE DAILY Judge Sara J. Harper. EaCh grand jury fore­ appointed by Judge Janet R. Gross and his wife, NEWS encourages all voters in By electing O'Bannon man will lead deliberations of Burnside to serve as a grand Roc~elle , have three sons and Cuyahoga County to vote for as a judge, the. voters of Cuya­ cases presented to it to deter­ juy fore-person. four grandchildren. They re­ Pamela Ann O'Bannon for judge hoga County will guarantee the ofthe Court of Common Pleas on legacy that Judge Harper estab­ mine whether probable cause Yanowitz, born and side in Shaker Heights. Tuesday, May 7. lished will be continued in exists that a felony was com­ raised in Duluth, Minnesota, Pamela Marshall­ O'Bannon, 38, whose O'Bannon's work as a judge. mitted within Cuyahoga is a 20 year resident of the Holmes, vice president, Com­ interest to become a judge was O'Bannon is more than County. Cleveland area, currently re­ munity Service Cleveland ignited while in the fourth grade qualified for the position ofjudge O'Bannon Judge Mary Jane siding in Pepper Pike. Clinic Health System/Eastern her on May 7 to assure quality during a career day when she had and the voters of Cuyahoga Boyle's appointment for grand Calabrese She earned her mas­ Region was appointed by the opportunity to meet former County are encouraged to vote for and equal justice. jury foreman is Terrence P. Roosevelt, Jr., and Aviation ters in Judaic Studies from Judge Kenneth R. Callahan as Re-elect Annie Keys State Representative Hayes, a retired Cleveland High Schools. Siegal College ofJudaic Stud­ a grand jury fore-person. Public Schools teacher and He retired in I966 and EAST SIDE DAILY To assure the quality ies and serves on the Jewish Under her leadership, NEWS encourages all voters in the ofservice that Keys has provided presently very active in the presently works as a substi­ Community Federation's En­ several community health pro­ 11th State House District to re­ to her constituents, the voters of community ofSt. Malachi. tute teacher in Fairview Park, dowment Committee and the grams were created to provide elect Annie L Keys as State Rep­ the 11 House District are urged During Hayes' career North Olmsted and Westlake board of Siegal College ofJu­ educational and wellness op­ to vote for Keys on Tuesday, resentative for the district. in education he taught at St. schools. daic Studies. She is also ac­ portunities for the community. May 7. Keys, who is a life-long Ignatius, Glenville, Franklin D. He is the futher ofsix tive in the United Way and In addition to being resident of the district, has repre­ Council Gardens Board. selected as the 2002 "Top Lady sented the district in a commend­ Jenna Boyne wins state handwriting contest of Distinction'' by the March able manner. Judge Anthony 0. Jenna Boyne, a first sistently tell us how important The· schools also Calabrese, Jr. appointed Harley of Dimes, Marshall-Holmes grade student at Saints Jo­ legible handwriting is to every­ win a $100.00 gift certificate for Gross, foreman for the Janu­ was honored by the Ohio's seph and John School in thing from processing mail Zaner-Bloser products.
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