香港社會及經濟趨勢 Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends 二零零七年版 2007 Edition 有關本刊物的查詢,請聯絡: 政府統計處綜合統計組(二)乙 地址:中國香港灣仔港灣道十二號灣仔政府大樓二十一樓 電話:(852) 2582 4734 圖文傳真:(852) 2119 0161 電郵:[email protected] Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : General Statistics Section (2) B Census and Statistics Department Address : 21/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China. Tel. : (852) 2582 4734 Fax : (852) 2119 0161 E-mail : [email protected] 政府統計處網頁 Website of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk 本刊物備有印刷版和下載版可供選擇。有關獲取本刊物的方法,請參閱第 A9 頁。 This publication is available in both print version and download version. Please refer to page A9 for the means of obtaining this publication. Produced by the Census and Statistics Department 政府統計處製作 序言 Foreword 每兩年出版一次的《香港社會 The biennial publication, Hong Kong Social and 及經濟趨勢》是政府統計處編製的 Economic Trends, is one of the general statistical digests 綜合性統計刊物之一,其他綜合性 compiled by the Census and Statistics Department. Other 統計刊物包括《香港經濟趨勢》 digests include the Hong Kong Economic Trends (half- ( 半月刊) 、《香港統計月刊》和 monthly), Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics and 《香港統計年刊》。這些綜合性統 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics. Each digest 計刊物輯錄香港社會及經濟各方面 brings together statistical data covering various social and 的統計資料,提供範圍十分廣泛的 economic aspects of Hong Kong. Statistical data 數據,涉及社會、經濟和工商業各 contained cover a very wide range of topics relating to the 主題。它們各具特色,出版頻次、 society, economy and businesses. The digests are each 所載數列的統計期、詳細程度及形 featured in its own way. They are published at different 式均有所不同,相輔相成,組成一 frequencies with statistical data series presented in 個全面的參考系列。 various length, depth and format. Complementing each other, together they form a comprehensive series for reference. 《香港統計月刊》收錄本港各 The Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is a 項最新社會及經濟統計數列,並盡 collection of up-to-date statistical series on various 可能將資料齊備的最近十五個月份 aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong 的按月統計數字,連同最近三個完 Kong. Statistical data are presented wherever possible in 整年份的按年統計數字一同刊載。 the form of monthly figures for the latest fifteen months 由於月刊輯錄需時,政府統計處每 for which data are available together with annual figures 半月出版《香港經濟趨勢》,列載 for the latest three complete years. Since collation of data 主要經濟指標的最新按月及按季資 takes time, the Census and Statistics Department compiles 料,讓讀者在其他詳盡數據尚未齊 the Hong Kong Economic Trends on a half-monthly basis. 備前,盡快掌握香港的經濟脈搏。 This publication presents up-to-date monthly and quarterly data of major economic indicators which help readers grasp the pulse of Hong Kong’s economy before more detailed statistics become available. 若需要較詳細的社會及經濟統 In case users require more detailed social and 計資料或較遠年份的按年數據,則 economic data or more back-dated annual data, they 可參考《香港統計年刊》。該刊物 should refer to the Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics. 所載大部分數據是以七個年份的時 Most of the data are presented for seven years, spanning a 間數列發表,而數列跨越的年期為 period of ten years. 十年。 本刊,即《香港社會及經濟趨 This publication, i.e. Hong Kong Social and 勢》,於單數年份出版,旨在選錄 Economic Trends, is published biennially in odd-number 與社會及經濟各方面有關的主要按 years. It aims to present selected major annual data series 年統計數列並加以分析。本刊除載 relating to various social and economic aspects of Hong 有統計圖表外,兼有短評闡釋,讓 Kong for analysis. With the use of tables and charts, plus 讀者綜觀香港過去十年的社會及經 commentaries, this publication is meant to give readers an 濟趨勢。二零零七年版的《香港社 overall view of Hong Kong’s social and economic trends 會及經濟趨勢》的主要統計分析期 in the past decade. The main period of statistical analysis 為一九九六年至二零零六年。 covered by the 2007 edition of the Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends is from 1996 to 2006. 序言 Foreword 本刊亦載列由一九九六年至二 This publication also contains a list of major social 零零七年十月間,有關香港的社會 and economic events about Hong Kong during the period 及經濟大事紀要,其中不少是有助 from 1996 to October 2007. Many of the events on the 締造香港社會及經濟發展的重要事 list are those that have shaped Hong Kong’s social and 情,它們所導致的影響在本刊所載 economic developments during the period, the effect of 統計數據中亦反映出來。 which is also reflected in statistics presented in the publication. 本刊內有一節是關於「用語及 A section on terms and definitions is included in 定義」,以協助讀者明白一些專門 the publication to assist readers in understanding certain 詞彙的定義。有意研究個別主題的 technical terms. Readers who wish to make more in- 讀者,亦可參考每章最後所示的資 depth studies on individual themes can also refer to the 料來源及其他有關刊物,作更深入 data sources and further references as indicated at the end 的探討。 of each chapter. H. W. FUNG 政府統計處處長 馮興宏 Commissioner for Census and Statistics 二零零七年十一月 November 2007 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 統計表一覽 List of Tables ix 統計圖一覽 List of Charts xv 慣例及代號 Conventions and Symbols xix 1. 人口及生命事件 Population and Vital Events 1 人口數據系統 Population Data System 1 人口增長 Population growth 1 人口結構 Population structure 1 人口的地區分布 Geographical distribution of the population 2 住戶 Households 2 出生 Births 3 死亡 Deaths 4 婚姻 Marriages 5 資料來源 Data sources 21 其他有關刊物 Further references 21 2. 勞工 Labour 22 勞動人口 Labour force 22 就業 Employment 23 工資率 Wage rates 24 資料來源 Data sources 36 其他有關刊物 Further references 36 3. 國民收入 National Income 37 本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product 37 按開支組成部分劃分的本地生產總值 GDP by expenditure component 37 按經濟活動劃分的本地生產總值 GDP by economic activity 39 本地居民生產總值 Gross National Product 40 對外要素收益流動 External Factor Income Flows 41 資料來源 Data sources 54 其他有關刊物 Further references 54 4. 國際收支平衡 Balance of Payments 55 國際收支平衡表 Balance of Payments Account 55 對外債務統計 External Debt Statistics 56 國際投資頭寸統計 International Investment Position Statistics 57 資料來源 Data sources 62 其他有關刊物 Further references 62 v 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 5. 製造業 Manufacturing Industries 63 營運特徵及生產活動 Operating characteristics and production activities 63 工業生產指數 Index of industrial production 64 資料來源 Data sources 68 其他有關刊物 Further references 68 6. 屋宇建築業、建造業及地產業 Building, Construction and Real Estate 69 Sectors 屋宇建造及土木工程 Building and civil engineering 69 地產發展、租賃、經紀及 Real estate development, leasing, brokerage and 69 保養管理服務 maintenance management 建築設計、測量及工程策劃服務 Architectural, surveying and project engineering 70 資料來源 Data sources 73 其他有關刊物 Further references 73 7. 商業 Commerce 74 批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、飲食 Wholesale, retail and import and export trades, 74 及酒店業 restaurants and hotels 製造業相關活動 Manufacturing-related activities 76 運輸及有關服務 Transport and related services 77 倉庫、通訊、金融、保險及 Storage, communications, financing, insurance and 78 商用服務行業 business services 資料來源 Data sources 87 其他有關刊物 Further references 88 8. 科技 Science and Technology 89 研究及發展 Research and development 89 工商業創新活動 Innovation activities in the business sector 90 創新及科技基金 Innovation and Technology Fund 90 專利 Patents 90 高等教育機構的研究成果 Research output of higher education institutions 91 高科技產品 High technology products 91 技術國際收支平衡表 Technology balance of payments 92 資料來源 Data sources 103 其他有關刊物 Further references 103 9. 對外貿易 External Trade 104 對外商品貿易 External merchandise trade 104 港產品出口 Domestic exports of goods 105 商品轉口 Re-exports of goods 105 商品進口 Imports of goods 106 涉及外發中國內地加工的 Trade involving outward processing in the mainland 106 貿易 of China 服務貿易 Trade in services 107 資料來源 Data sources 123 其他有關刊物 Further references 124 vi 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 10. 旅遊、通訊、運輸 Tourism, Communications and Transport 125 旅遊 Tourism 125 通訊 Communications 125 運輸 Transport 127 資料來源 Data sources 138 其他有關刊物 Further references 139 11. 消費物價指數 Consumer Price Indices 140 通貨膨脹與消費物價指數 Inflation and Consumer Price Indices 140 各項消費物價指數數列 Different series of Consumer Price Indices and 140 及其變動 their movements 住戶開支模式 Household expenditure patterns 141 資料來源 Data sources 149 其他有關刊物 Further references 149 12. 貨幣、銀行、金融 Money, Banking and Finance 150 接受存款機構 Deposit-taking institutions 150 貨幣供應量 Money supply 150 外幣兌換率 Exchange rates 150 資料來源 Data sources 159 其他有關刊物 Further references 159 13. 公共財政 Public Finance 160 政府帳目 Government accounts 160 政府收入 Government revenue 160 公共開支 Public expenditure 160 資料來源 Data sources 163 其他有關刊物 Further references 163 14. 房屋 Housing 164 房屋類型 Housing type 164 共住程度 Degree of sharing 164 居處租住權 Tenure of accommodation 164 住房支出 Housing cost 165 資料來源 Data sources 172 其他有關刊物 Further references 172 15. 教育 Education 173 教育程度 Educational attainment 173 學生人數 Student enrolment 173 學生與教師比率 Pupil-teacher ratios 174 資料來源 Data sources 181 其他有關刊物 Further references 181 vii 目錄 Contents 頁數 Page 16. 醫療衞生 Medical and Health 182 病床及醫護專業人員 Hospital beds and healthcare professionals 182 死亡原因 Causes of death 182 住院及門診服務 In-patient and out-patient services 183 資料來源 Data sources 191 其他有關刊物 Further references 191 17. 社會福利 Social Welfare 192 社會保障計劃 Social security schemes 192 社會保障援助物價指數 The Social Security Assistance Index of Prices 194 資料來源 Data sources 198 其他有關刊物 Further references 198 18. 罪案 Crime 199 舉報的罪案 Reported crimes 199 犯罪被捕人數 Offenders arrested 199 資料來源 Data sources 203 其他有關刊物 Further references 203 用語及定義 Terms and Definitions 204 一九九六年至二零零七年十月 Major Social and Economic Events 227 社會及經濟大事紀要 in 1996 – October 2007 附錄 - 半對數圖的應用 Appendix - Application of Semi- 255 logarithmic Charts 一些主要統計項目的最新數字 Update of Certain Key Statistics U1 政府統計處刊物一覽(截至二零零七年十 List of Publications of the Census and A1 二月一日) Statistics Department (as at 1.12.2007) 政府統計處唯讀光碟產品一覽(截至二零 List of CD-ROM Products of the Census A5 零七年十二月一日) and Statistics Department (as at 1.12.2007) 郵購表格 Order Form A7 獲取政府統計處刊物及其他統計產品的 Means of Obtaining Publications and A9 方法 Other Statistical Products of the Census and Statistics Department 香港特別行政區地圖 Map of the Hong Kong Special M1 Administrative Region (HKSAR) viii 統計表一覽 List of Tables 頁數 Page 1. 人口及生命事件 Population and Vital Events 表 1.1 年中人口年齡結構 Table 1.1 Age structure of mid-year population 7 表 1.2 年中人口的地區分布
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