ecologia mediterranea Revue Internationale d'Ecologie Méditerranéenne International Journal ofMediterranean Ecology TOME 25 - fascicule 2 - 1999 188N : 0153-8756 REDACTEURSIEDITORS COORDINATRICE 1COORDINATOR Laurence AFFRE Sophie GACHET-BOUDEMAGHE Frédéric MEDAIL Philip ROCHE TRESORIER 1TREASURER Thierry TATONI Jacques-Louis de BEAULIEU Eric VIDAL FONDATEUR 1FOUNDER Prof. Pierre QUEZEL COMITE DE LECTURE 1ADVISORY BOARD ARONSON 1., CEFE CNRS, Montpellier LE FLOC'H E., CEFE CNRS, Montpellier BARBERO M., IMEP, Univ. Aix-Marseille III MARGARIS N. S., Univ. of the Aegan, Mytilène, Grèce BROCK M., Univ. of New England, Armidale, Australie OVALLE c., CSI Quilamapu, INIA, Chili CHEYLAN M., EPHE, Montpellier PEDROTTI F., Univ. degli Studi, Camerino, Italie DEBUSSCHE M., CEFE CNRS, Montpellier PLEGUEZUELOS J. M., Univ. de Grenade, Espagne FADY B., INRA, Avignon PONEL P., IMEP, CNRS, Marseille GOODFRIEND G. A., Carnegie Inst. Washington, USA PRODON R., Labo. Arago, Univ. P. M. Curie, Paris VI GRILLAS P., Station Biologique Tour du Valat, Arles RICHARDSON D. M., Univ.Cape Town, Afrique du Sud GUIOT J., IMEP, CNRS, Marseille SANS F. X., Univ. de Barcelone, Espagne HOBBS R. J., CSIRO, Midland, Australie SHMIDA A., Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israël KREITER S., ENSA-M INRA, Montpellier URBINATI c., Agripolis, Legnaro, Italie ecologia mediterranea Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Saint JérÔme Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et de Paléoécologie, case 461 13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 20 FRANCE Tél. : + 33 4 91 28 89 76 - Fax: + 33 4 91 28 8051 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.ecologia.fst.u-3mrs.fr Abonnements / Subscription Un an =deux numéros / one year = Iwo issues: France: 400 F + 60 F de frais de port Europe: 400 F + 80 F de frais de port Amérique, Afrique, Asie: 400 F + 120 F de frais de port Tous les fascicules de la revue sont disponibles. Pour les commander et pour tout renseignement, nous contacter à l'adresse ci-dessus. Ali issues are avai/ab/e. To order or 10 obtain intiJrmation, p/ease contact the address above. ecologia mediterranea 25 (2),135-146 (1999) Caracterizacion de los pinares de Pinus ha/epensis Mill. en el sur de la Peninsula Iberica Caracterisation des pinedes de Pinus halepensis Mill. du sud de la Peninsule Iberique Characterisation of Pinus halepensis Mill. pine forests in southern Iberian Peninsula Juan Antonio TORRES*, Antonio GARCIA-FUENTES*, Carlos SALAZAR*, Eusebio CANO* & Francisco VALLE** * Dpto, BioI. Animal, Vegetal y Ecologia, Fac. C. Experimentales. Universidad de Jaen. E-2307l Jaen-Espafia. Fax: + (34) (953) 212141; [email protected] ** Dpto Biologia Vegetal (Botanica). Fac. de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada, E-1800l Granada, Espafia RESUMEN Estudiamos las comunidades naturales de Pinus halepensis en el sur de Espafia (Andalucia). Se recopila toda la informaci6n bibliografica disponible que aporta datos de interes sobre su espontaneidad en toda la cuenca mediterranea, con especial referencia a la Peninsula Iberica. Ponemos de manifiesto el caracter edafoxer6filo de este tipo de formaciones en el area de estudio con la descripci6n de una nueva asociaci6n y una comunidad vegetal : Junipero phoeniceae-Pinetum halepensis y comunidad de Ephedrafragilis y Pinus halepensis. Palabras c1ave : Pinus halepensis, pinares aut6ctonos, caracter edafoxer6filo, sur de Espafia RESUME Cette etude porte sur les communautes naturelles de Pinus halepensis du sud de l'Espagne (Andalusia). Toute I'information bibliographique concernant la spontaneite dans le bassin Mediterraneen, particulierement celle de la Peninsule Iberique, est compilee. Le caractere edapho-xerophile de ce type de formations dans I'aire d'etude est mis en evidence, et une nouvelle association est decrite : Junipero phoeniceaePinetum halepensis, ainsi qu'une communaute 11 Ephedra fragilis et Pinus halepensis. Mots-c1es : Pinus halepensis, pinMes autochtones, caractere edapho-xerophile, sud de l'Espagne ABSTRACT A study on the natural communities of Pinus halepensis in southern Spain (Andalusia) is carried out. A compilation of the bibliographic information that contributes interesting data on their spontaneity in the Mediterranean basin is previously made, pointing out those references where the Iberian Peninsula is treated. We emphasize the edaphoxerophilous character of this vegetation type in the study area, and we provide the description of a new phytosociological association (Junipero phoeniceae-Pinetum halepensis) and a new plant community (community of Ephedra fragilis and Pinus halepensis) Key-words: Pinus halepensis, native pine forests, edaphoxerophilous character, southern Spain 135 Tones et a!. Caracterizach5n de las pinares en el sur de la peninsula iberica ABRIDGED ENGLISH VERSION A study on the natural communities of Pinus halepensis There are only a few botanists that have pointed out the in the south of Spain (Andalusia) has been carried out. The natural and authoctonous character of P. Iwlepensis in some bibliographic information with data of interest about its territories, either co-dominating with trees and shrubs or spontaneity in the whole Mediterranean basin (specially in dominating the community by itself. the Iberian peninsula) has been compiled. The edaphoxero­ In our study, bearing in mind the results of fossil and philous character of this pine-woods in the study area has subfossil registers of the last 15.000 years and the analysis been pointed out, having described a new phytosociological and taxonomic identification of charcoals. we show inter­ association and a plant community: Junipero phaenieeae­ esting data about the spontaneous character of P. halepensis Pinetum halepensis and community of Ephedra jragilis and in the Baetic area (southern peninsula) where it takes part of Pinus halepensis. edaphoxerophilous communities confined to the most ther­ The spontaneous formations of Pinus halepensis in the mic and dry zones (sunny exposures) due to the lithological, Iberian peninsula develop on basic substrata, specially in the geomorphological and climatological territorial factors. The mediterranean coastal provinces (Catalufia, Comunidad Va­ widespread calcareous-dolomitic emergences allow the ex­ lenciana, Murcia and Baleares), reaching interior zones of istence of a sheer landscape with big rocky blocks where the the Baetic ranges, Iberian System, Ebro valley and eastern permeability of the substrata reduces the effects of the real Pirenees. They mainly appear under Mediterranean­ precipitations in the territory. Furthermore, the karstification pluviestational-oceanic, Mediterranean-xeric-oceanic and processes, break and crush the rocks causing hiperxeric en­ Mediterranean-pluviestational-continental bioclimates, vironments very suitable for the establishing of P. halepen­ ranging between thermomediterranean and mesomediterra­ sis pine-woods. nean thennotypes and from semi-arid to sub-humid ombro­ These pine-woods can also take place on marls (even types, sharing the areas occupied by shrub communities of with a high content of gypsum) in extremely degradated holly-oaks (Quereus caceirera L.), lentiscs (Pistaeia lentis­ soils that accentuate the ombroclimatic xericity.This fact is cus L.) or savines (Juniperus phoenicea L.) depending on quite common in places with rains shades where the pre­ the substrata nature. cipitations coming from the Atlantic ocean are very reduced The iberian pine-woods of P. halepensis, take the case because of the existence of high mountain boundaries. of the iberic southeastern have been scarcely studied, though Thus, P. halepensis (as other conifers) constitutes natu­ they are one of the most characteristic elements in the plant ral formations in southern Iberian peninsula, specially in the landscape. In spite of the physiognomic importance and their thermomediterranean and mesomediterranean belts, and at a widespread area, a large number of authors question the cli­ lesser extent in the inferior supramediterranean. In some macic role of these woods in the Mediterranean region, even cases, a semi-arid territory rich in Neogenous-Quaternarian stating that P. halepensis does not grow spontaneously in the deposits (marls, calcareous marls and conglomerates) with a Western Mediterranean. Though there are several biblio­ scarce water retention is optimum for the development of P. graphic references in which a secondary and anthropic char­ halepensis. In the other hand, a rough geomorphology of acter is assigned to this pine in woods and scrubs, it has calcareous-dolomitic ranges may be the determining factor never been regarded as the main species in such communi­ for the establishing of these pine-woods, in this case under a ties. wider range of ombrotypes (semi-arid, dry and sub-humid). INTRODUCCION de Grecia, en el sureste de Anatolia y en el Lfbano, suelen formar hfbridos naturales (Panetsos, 1975). Las Pinus halepensis Mill. es un arbol generalmente poblaciones apartadas de Pinus halepensis en Asia retorcido, de unos 12-14 m de altura media, Menor y Cercano Oriente, al limite este de la Cuenca normalmente aparasolado, aunque puede llegar hasta Mediterranea, plantea curiosas cuestiones a cerca del los 22-24 m en las mejores situaciones ecol6gicas. modelo de distribuci6n en el pasado y las rutas Presenta una distribuci6n basicameitte circun­ migratorias (Barbero et ai, 1998). mediteminea, formando bandas cercanas a la costa En la Peninsula Iberica, las formaciones donde no suele superar los 700-800 m de altitud, a espontaneas de Pinus halepensis aparecen sobre excepci6n
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