Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases Puccinia arachidis Speg. Fungi: Basidiomycota: Pucciniales Compiled by CABI in association with EPPO www.cabi.org/dmpd Hosts: groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Map No. 160 Edition 7 Issued April 2012 IF Present: national record Present: subnational record CABI/EPPO (2012) Puccinia arachidis. Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases No. 160. CABI Head Office, Wallingford, UK. ISSN 0012-396X ©CAB International 2012 CABI is a trading name of CAB International April 2012 Puccinia arachidis Map No. 160 (Edition 7) Note: See CM! Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria No. 53. Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database, specimens in the IMI fungus collection and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only ASIA Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Bangladesh X Hossain, M. D.; Ali, M. M. H. (1991) Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology 7 (1-2), 33-34. Jiangsu X Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes Hossain, M. D.; Rahman, M. Z. (2007) Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology 23 (1/2), 85-88. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. [Gazipur.] Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Jiangxi A Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Brunei X Gibson, I. A. S.; Waller, J. M. (1972) PANS 18 (3), 336-337. 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Darussalam Liaoning X Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Peregrine, W. T. H. (1971) PANS 17 (3), 318-319. 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. IMI (1971). Shandong X Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes China X Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Zhang, B. C.; Huang, Y. C. (1990) Review of Plant Pathology 69 (3), 97-118. Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. [South.] 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Zhuang, J. Y. (ed) (2003) Flora Fungorum Sinicorum. Vol. 19. Uredinales (II). Science Press, Sichuan A Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes Beijing, China, 324 pp. [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Zhuang, W. Y. (ed) (2001) Higher Fungi of Tropical China. Mycotaxon Ltd., Ithaca, NY, USA, 485 Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September pp. [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Anhui A Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes Yunnan X Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Zhejiang A Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Fujian A Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September India A Ghewande, M. P. (1990) Journal of Oilseeds Research 7 (1), 78-97. 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Ghewande, M. P.; Reddy, P. S. (1986) Pesticides 20 (5), 57-61. Zhuang, J. Y. (1983) Acta Mycologica Sinica 2, 146-158. [Source: http://nt.ars- grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] Kadam, R. M.; Reddy, N. J. M.; Jadhav, B. S.; Nagpurne, V. S. (2008) International Journal of Plant Protection 1 (2), 63-65. Guangdong X Yeh, W. L. (1988) Bacterial Wilt Newsletter, ACIAR 3, 4. Pande, A.; Rao, V. G. (1998) A Compendium of Fungi on Legumes from India. Scientific Publishers, Zheng, G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September 1984, Jodhpur, India, 188 pp. [Source: http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases.] 107-108. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Andhra Pradesh X Gopal, K.; Ahamed, S. K.; Babu, G. P. (2006) Legume Research 29 (4), 292-294. [Jagtial.] Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Johnson, M.; Subramanyam, K. (2003) Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 11 (2), 395-397. [Anantapur.] Guangxi X Zhang, B. C.; Huang, Y. C. (1990) Review of Plant Pathology 69 (3), 97-118. Pande, S.; Rao, J. N. (2000) International Arachis Newsletter 20, 42-44. Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Sharma, H. C.; Pampapathy, G.; Dwivedi, S. L.; Reddy, L. J. (2003) Journal of Economic Entomology 96 (6), 1886-1897. Guizhou X Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Assam X Goswami, R. N. (1979) Indian Phytopathology 27 (2), 238. Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Hazarika, D. K.; Dubey, L. N.; Das, K. K. (2000) Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 30 (1), 27- 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. 30. Hebei X Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September IMI (1972) [Jalukbari]. 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Bihar X Singh, G. P. (1978) Indian Phytopathology 31 (3), 357-358. [First record.] Hubei A Chen, C. Y.; Duan, N. X.; Li, W. R. (1981) Chinese Oil Crops 1, 48-50. Subrahmanyam, P.; Reddy, D. V. R.; Gibbons, R. W.; Rao, V. R.; Garren, K. H. (1979) PANS 25 (1), Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes 25-29. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. IMI (1993) [Patna]. Zhou, L. G. (1987) Groundnut Rust Disease: Proceedings, Patancheru, India, 24-28 September Gujarat X Jadeja, K. B.; Nandolia, D. M.; Dhruj, I. U.; Khandar, R. R. (1999) Indian Phytopathology 52 (4), 421- 1984, 103-106. ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. 422. [Junagadh.] Hunan A Virmani, S. M.; Faris, D. G.; Johansen, C. (eds) (1991) Agroclimatology of Asian Grain Legumes Mayee, C. D. (1982) Indian Botanical Reporter 1 (2), 75-83. (Chickpea, Pigeonpea, and Groundnut) Research Bulletin 14, 1-84. Patel, V. A.; Vaishnav, M. U. (1987) Gujarat Agricultural University Research Journal 12 (2), 52-53. Patel, V. A.; Vaishnav, M. U. (1989) Journal of Oilseeds Research 6 (2), 373-374. Page 2 April 2012 Puccinia arachidis Map No. 160 (Edition 7) Records are based on bibliographic data from the CAB ABSTRACTS database, specimens in the IMI fungus collection and plant quarantine information compiled by EPPO X: Present, no details A: Present: widespread B: Present, restricted distribution C: Present, few occurrences (D): Absent, formerly present (E): Eradicated (F): Intercepted only Karnataka X Gururaj, S.; Srikant, K. (2006) Indian Phytopathology 59 (1), 56-61. [Raichur.] Java X Kasno, A.; Nugrahaeni, N.; Purnomo, J. (1996) International Arachis Newsletter 16, 25-26. [Muneng Gururaj, S.; Srikant, K. (2007) Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 (2), 297-300. [North.] Experiment Station.] Gururaj, S.; Srikant, K.; Benagi, V. I.; Kenchanagoudar, P. V. (2006) Karnataka Journal of Nasir, S.; Baliadi, Y.; Nugrahaeni, N. (1998) International Arachis Newsletter 18, 23-24. [Research Agricultural Sciences 19 (3), 553-557. [Northeast.] Institute for Legumes and Tuber Crops, Malang.] Gururaj, S.; Srikant, K.; Benagi, V. I.; Suhas, Y. (2010) Journal of Oilseeds Research 27 (2), 147- Saleh, N.; Trustinah (1996) International Arachis Newsletter 16, 15-17. [Jambegede Experiment 150. [North.] Station, Malang.] Kerala A Subrahmanyam, P.; Reddy, D. V. R.; Gibbons, R. W.; Rao, V. R.; Garren, K. H. (1979) PANS 25 (1), Taufiq, A.; Rahmianna, A. A.; Hardaningsih, S.; Rozi, F. (2007) Journal of SAT Agricultural 25-29. Research 5 (1), 1-3. [Tuban District.] Madhya Pradesh A Khosla, H. K.; Puranik, K. K.; Nema, K. G. (1974) JNKVV Research Journal 8 (3/4), 292. [Indore. Kalimantan X Bromfield, K. R. (1974) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 22 (2), 29-31. First record.] Sumatra X Bromfield, K. R. (1974) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 22 (2), 29-31. Subrahmanyam, P.; Reddy, D. V. R.; Gibbons, R. W.; Rao, V. R.; Garren, K. H. (1979) PANS 25 (1), Israel X NPPO (2009) Israel Pest List. NPPO, Israel. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/10916260/ISRAEL- 25-29. PEST-LIST. IMI (1976). Japan A Gibson, I. A. S.; Waller, J. M. (1972) PANS 18 (3), 336-337. Maharashtra X Deshmukh, M. P.; Shambharkar, D. A.; Patil, T. R.; Patil, R. B.; Kurundkar, B. P. (2009) Journal of Hiratsuka, N.; Sato, S.; Katsuya, K.; Kakishima, M.; Hiratsuka, Y.; Kaneko, S.; Ono, Y.; Sato, T.; Plant Disease Sciences 4 (2), 156-159. [Jalgaon, Digraj, Gadhinglaj, Kopergaon, Karad and Rahuri.] Harada, Y.; Hiratsuka, T.; Nakayama, K. (1992) The Rust Flora of Japan. Tsukuba Shuppankai, Galgunde, L. P.; Kurundkar, B. P. (2002) Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities 27 (1), Takezono, Ibaraki, Japan, 1205 pp.
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