Circulation Package __________________________________________________ May 2019 $-\ <-_ *\r_l l*l 3åffi3å^ 3å,îå3'n' ßegional Disliict Mt Waddington ,2_-x-jL),() \ þlAY û ri 2019 €Tìo,:-l.c; ì Regional District of Mt. Waddington Box 729, 2044 McNeill Road, Port McNeill, BC VON 2R0 Your flle Votre référence Attention: Chief Administrative Officer Ourflle Nolre rêlérence RDTMS # 1519337s April29,2019 Greetings - As you are aware, Transport Canada is the lead agency for several important initiatives under the Governtnent of Canada's Oceans Protection Plan, a suite of 57 initiatives being irnplemented across the country. Arnongst the regional and national activities that constitute the Oceans Protection Plan, is the Places of Refuge initiative (POR), which seeks to establish marine areas where ships in need of assistance can take action to enable them to stabilize their conclition and reduce the hazards to navigation, and to protect human life ancl the environment. At this time, Transport Canada has identifred a need to concentrate on identifying suitable Places of Refuge in the area of Queen Charlotte Strait. We woulcl like to invite you, as a coastal community, to participate in the collaborative process of identifying potential Places of Refuge in the Queen Charlotte Strait. Coastal communities have local knowledge that would be essential to consider in an incident that reqr.rires a Place of Refuge. Your input will contribute to the developrnent of an Annex to the Pacifrc Regional POR Contingency Plan. Transport Canada has engaged Nuka Research and Planning Group to help with the Places of Refuge planning process. Nuka Research led the effort to develop the POR Annex for the Haida Gwaii region (2015 -2017) and they have considerable experience in developing Places of Refuge plans in Alaska. Nuka Research will be facilitating the workshops to solicit input on the Queen Charlotte Strait POR Annex development. The Governrnent of Canada intends to engage with several cornrnunities and groups, including regional and local governments, First Nations and others in a manner that best reflects their interests. V/e are reaching out to you, to hear from you on how we can best engage you. Background Marine vessel accidents/incidents occur infrequently in Canadian waters, but can have signifìcant consequences. Ships in neeclof assistance may anchor at a Place of Refuge for repairs to await a tow or receive other resources that would enable the voyage to resurne. Each incident is unique and decisions regarding Places of Refuge are only made at the time of the incident based on the circumstances at that time. Planning for a marine incident before it occurs is essential, so that the decision-makers at the tirne will have the best infonnation available to make the infonned choices that protect the environtnent and stabilize the ship's condition. Places of Refuge Plans are already in place in other coastal states, nationally across Canada's regions, and in the Canadä 2 -2- Pacific region since 2009. These plans create a f'ramework fbr a collaborative plarrning and risk assessment to support marine incident response. En gagernerrt Strategl¡ Transport Canada and Nuka Research intend to invite all interested parties to attend one or more workshops in North Vancouver Island communities in the spring of 2019 to: l. Review the Place of Refuge planning and decision-rnaking framework 2. Gather input on potential locations where a ship could be safbly anchored in the QCS area 3. Just as irnportantly, gather input on locations where a ship should not be directecl 4. Gather input on area logistical resources and services 5. Gather input on area cultural and environmental areas of concern After the information gathering workshops, Transport Canada will draft and circulate a draft Queen Charlotte Strait Annex for the Places of Refuge Contingency Plan for review and comment before being finalized. As a frrst step, we ask that you identify indicate if your organization intends on participating; if you wish to proceed, we ask that you please identify a point of contact on behalf of your organization, Once we have identifred all interested parties, we will begin scheduling. Funding is available to support participation of coastal communities through Transport Canada's Comrnunity Participation Funding Prograrn (CPFP). Please note this application should be sent at least 20 business days prior to the event to allow time for processing. I look forward to hearing from you, and working with your community on this important initiative. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at We hope to hear from you by May 24,2019 in order to schedule our workshop this spring. 3 -3- Regards, Captain David Kyle, Places of Refuge Initiative Lead, Oceans Protection Plan cc: Cecilia Lei, Director of Engagement, Transport Canada 4 -4- y¿itgilî" l*l #¡ii;sir* lrZ lr N¿vR¿úio.l CúÐt¡:.r¿r' c¡ Oceons Protection Plon Ploces of Refuge lnitiotive Bockground A pl¡cc ol rcft¡c l¡ o sttc when ¡ ûlp ln nc¡d ol r¡¡bt¡rrr c¡n -raF¡)tÊs- t¡kc ¡slbn to ¡t¡blll¡c hcr condltion to pro{cct hum¡n lfc and lhê ênvüoomont. Plrcc of rdr¡r rcqucrt¡ mry be comph¡ rnd wt¡û ¡.qddrl clocr ooordln¡tlon ¡nd ommun¡c¡tlom brtu.rn thr vr¡¡d and Mertlr Srftty ¡uthorlüs¡. lr¡nrport Crnrdr l¡ tho h¡d r¡rnc1 lor drclrlom rrlrtrd !o ¡hh6 r.qu¡rü{ r Þhcr of rtfugr ln Crnrdl¡n wü.rr. Plaær ol cfu¡c arr not desl¡nrtcd ln ¡dvancc bccrura tha moct rultrùlc shclù¡r can bc deÞrmlncd only aftcr ür drblr of ü¡ krcldrnt ¡rr lnorn, Tobe brnprprrrd locn¡ch lncldrntl tlf cor¡mmrnt olCttrd¡ h¡c c¡r{rd ¡ lú¡rtlon¡t 9h¡r.r ol R¡'{uu¡r ç-Q¡¡l¡ß¡fl-¿¡¡¡üd b uÞd¡únaflvr r¡loml phnl Pre-ldcnfiing ooorlol looqlionc lhrw¡h tñr Plrø ol Rrft¡r lntdrthlr, û¡núport C¡nrdr l¡ pældrnülyh¡ oo¡crl loc¡t¡on¡ lor ¡,¡l¡Uo pbcr¡ ürt shlpr DÍ¡b þ c¡ntd¡r ¡hdtr.It. dlP¡rtrmnt b urorl{úwlth Plrtrxn ttrrot¡¡b ttr¡¡ rrpc¡¡ ¡o tfirt Pl¡c¡¡ ol Rrlu¡¡ drd¡bn m¡th¡ ðilo, crn bc ¡lîclcnt cvld¡m+b¡r4 rnd hdu¡tvr. Thls prccahn pgrordrtopbnnlil wlll rrt ln plrl the ftollowl'f,canclde¡atlom bofc¡ rì hcldrnt r'- U¡tbUc* rn¡rcrurrntrl rndtlvlüc. human ux rnd nrvþüon "r Pottntl¡t conllct¡ ol ¡¡¡c r'' Loøl rnd tndtlond tnorb{t Working wilh porlners thr lruolwmrnt of lndfrnour poopl¡¡. or¡t¡l communltlr, gsvornrnont organl¡ttþn¡ rnd lndu*ry b holplng to: / Evaluats potcntl¡l pboc¡ of ¡¡fugc url4 rlt+sprdflc d¡t¡ o lnform dcctloo¡ / lmpror¡r thr contln¡rncy plrn'¡ lrwlronmantrl, rodo<conomlc ¡nd cult¡¡nl srnrltlv{tl.r conbnt / lmprorr communlotþnr.nd bro¡drn coordlnÐtlon ln dcclrlon maklng ol frfn.. hlËûra b Ídiar ¡aüo.l ltrl lñ. Oourñilrt oa C¡.4¡ b r¡lh¡ ta Fôt¡É atr lù. 6oyti,n ût b hdta 3f ,t ¡llln h ûa O¡r.r Èot attli! ?¡il a a.t¡oltll r rort.lodtr¡ mrbt raLtt rtrtír làn pc{ôr omrllc ollortÍll¡¡ b. 5ùy, rùL rrûldl or odhs lor lA¡r 3lrñlbî¡. ffi 5 AVICC update – Vancouver Island North research project April 2019 Geoscience BC is planning a new airborne survey to help identify mineral potential on northern Vancouver Island, starting in 2019. The survey will use helicopters equipped with instruments that measure the properties of bedrock to help identify potential mineral deposits across an area including Port McNeill and Sayward in the north and Zeballos, Tahsis and Gold River to the south. A draft map of the proposed research area is on the reverse if this sheet. The Vancouver Island North project will: • produce new research that will lead to an improved understanding of regional geology; • identify regional geological and structural mineral exploration targets; • provide economic stimulation; and • engage communities and share information or explore any training needs. As with all Geoscience BC projects, the results of the research will be made public. Similar public geoscience projects have been proven to bring new investment, with the data used by the mineral exploration sector, government, communities and Indigenous groups to inform mineral exploration and development decisions. The project is still in the planning stages, and we are interested in hearing any feedback about the area or timing for the survey. We expect: • to begin a Request for Proposals process for project contractors in May, 2019; • to confirm project details and holding a project open house in June 2019; and • to publish data from the project in early 2020. This latest research follows on from a similar survey conducted further north and west in 2012. Data from that project was release in 2013 and information can be found at: vancouver-island About Geoscience BC Geoscience BC is an independent, not for profit organization that generates and distributes public earth science research about British Columbia’s minerals, energy and water resources that advances knowledge, informs responsible development, encourages investment and stimulates innovation. Geoscience BC’s vision is to be a leading partner and provider of credible and relevant earth science research and data in British Columbia. Visit or follow us @GeoscienceBC to find out more. For more information, please contact: Richard Truman Geoscience BC 604-662-4147 [email protected] 6 850000 900000 950000 1000000 1050000 650000 650000 Port Hardy North Vancouver " Island Port Alert Geophysical McNeill Bay Map Extent Survey (2012) " " Port Alice " 600000 Sayward 600000 " Legend " Towns and Communities Proposed Vancouver Island North Project Area Completed Geoscience BC Geophysical Campbell Surveys (250 m Line Spacing) River " Zeballos " 550000 Tahsis 550000 " DRAFT Gold River " Vancouver Island North Courtenay " " Regional Project GBC_PLN_PRP_ab_2019VanIslandNorthMap.mxd Cumberland Proposed Research Area " Vancouver Island, British Columbia Projection: BC Albers Datum: NAD 1983 500000 500000 Revision Date: Mar.
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