!"#$"%&"%' GO GREEN: a the sustainable tourism concept Dr. Peter Brandauer, Mayor Werfenweng Karmen Mentil, Director Alpine Pearls !"#$%&'()*+",#!"'-"%."%/0#1*2&'$3 ! 1.000 inhabitants, 900 m above sea level ! 45 km south of the city Salzburg, in the Salzburger Land !"#$%&' %()*+$,+(-+(. ! 2.000 guest beds ! 66.000 arrivals ! 275.000 nights ! 50 % summer tourism, 50 % winter tourism !"#"$%&' ()*+$,*-(.&/"-0&-0(&)$1*)&1$223%"-4&"%&5667 !"##$%&'()(*++)( ,)(-)+.)+/0%1*23(45 ! Soft-mobility vision developed 1994 ! Participation in Austrian Development Initiative "Sanfte Mobilität – Autofreier Tourismus“ (starting 1997) ! Participation in various EU-Projects, eg Alps Mobility 1 and Alps Mobility 2 (2000 – 2006) ")2*6327 ! Development of an outstanding sustainable tourism offer ! Transnational networking, leading to the foundation of Alpine Pearls !"#$%&'#()*)%+!&,-.&$.//&%#0.)"' Goals: ! Improvement of the environment and lifestyle for locals and guests ! Environmental friendly mobility and change of the mobility use from locals and guests ! Sustainable tourism model, which should guide Austria and foreign countries ! Use eco technology in a wide range !"#$%&'#()*)%+!&, -./&$/00&%#1/)"' !"#$%&'()*% +,-.,/# 0*,1&23,(45 As a holiday guest in Werfenweng you can get a samo card if: you stay at a samo host (specialized hotels) AND ! arrive by train, bus or plane or ! hand over your car keys at the tourist board in Werfenweng With this samo-card all mobility services are included, no extra cost !"#$%&"'())#$*+,+-.) ! Werfenweng Shuttle: connection from the train stations Bischofshofen, Pfarrwerfen and Werfen to Werfenweng !"#$%&"'()*#$+,-,./ ! Elois / public taxi: your private shuttle service, Mercedes Vito E-CELL ! Night taxi !"#$%&"'()**#$+,-,./ E-cars ! 5 Renault ZOE, 1 E-Smart, 1 Renault Twizy ! Powered by solar energy ! 5 BMW i3 – since July 2017 !"#$%&"'()*+,-*./01&2/3 ! Elector cars and fun rental at the village center “Dorfplatz“ ! E-Bikes, Pedelecs, E-Mountainbikes ! E-scooters ! Segways, Twizy and more fun-vehicles ! Mountainbikes and Citybikes ! Scooters for kids ! Tandembikes, more……. !"#$%&"'()*+,- ./01&2/3 !"#$%&"'()**+,- ./01&2/3 !"#$%&"'()*+,- ./01&2/3 !"#$%&"'()*+,- ./01&2/3 !"#$%&"'()*"(+",-"./0*(1'2,.*01##/' ! Day trips by bus ! Salzburg ! Cave of the Ice Giants ! Castle Hohenwerfen ! Skijump in Bischofshofen ! Guided hikes: huts and herbs ! Bike taxi ! Entrance fee leisure park / swimming lake Wengsee !"#$%&"'()*"(+",-"./0*(1'2,.*32,-/' ! Horse sleigh ! Lama trekking ! Guides snowshoe walks ! Cross country equipment ! Cross country trail fee ! Sled rental !"#$%&"'()*"(+",-"./0 (1'2,. 32,-/' !"#$#%&'#(%)"#%#*#$+,%-'.#%/$'.0 Solar energy: ! Solar charging stations for e-cars ! Solar power plant Werfenweng ! Solar park ! 54 solar lamps !"#$ %$&%'()* + ,-$*.'&'/0)1 ! Environment ! Tourist businesses ! Guests ! Locals (project “wirSamo”) !"#$ % &'(')*+!,)$-,+.','(/*-$(#'(+ ;<<=><? :@@@>@; :@@@>@; ! 25% train arrivals 456789:;.<= !"#$%&'( "/012" "3032! "3032! ")*+),-' J*;CC;I$)K:F$L;::M J*;CC;I$O+D;::;SV-(;:H*.T J*;CC;I$O+D;::;SV-(;:H*.T ! Minus 2.000 tons CO2/year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mployment: jobs created for locals through new activities ! Improvement of the image: we are proud to live in a model village ! Cooperation of hotels – mutually strong… 123456,,7$ 89:;:,< =>!+,?4@?7;?A3: !"#$%"&#'("&)*"$#+(%,'"-*&".*/%&".'"- ! Werfenweng is founding member and seat of Alpine Pearls ! Alpine Pearls is an association of 25 holiday destinations in the Alpine Space co-operating for sustainability and soft mobility !"#$"%&'() *+,-."'/"0%+& !"#$%&'(&)*"+'+,)%-+ ./* 000''1/"$-)2+'3$,4 5/6$"$,2 78)*)%,&& 1. Our Alpine Pearls are easily accessible via train and long-distance bus connections. 2. Last mile: Pick-up services care for the transfer from the train station to the hotel. 3. Guaranteed mobility in the destination thanks to a broad offer of mobility services 4. Trip planning made easy: Hosts support to organize the trip by public transport and motivate to use mobility services !"#$%&'()&*(+&,()+&#--.$-/($0 www.werfenweng.eu Tourism association of Werfenweng https://www.facebook.com/werfenweng/ www.alpine-pearls.com The network of Alpine pearls www.facebook.com/AlpinePearlsHoliday s Dr. Peter Brandauer, Mayor Werfenweng Karmen Mentil, Director Alpine Pearls.
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