D. tr/. Atdtt SET AFIRE THE BAA{TEA/G SPIRIT ! EVER FOR$TARD, NO RETREAT! FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING D. N. Atdtt SET AFIRE THE BANTENG SPIRIT ! EVER FORSTARD, NO RETREAT ! Political Report to the. Second Plenum of the Seventh Central Committee of Communist Party of Indonesia, Enlarged with the Members of the Central Auditing Commission and the Central Control Commission (Djakarta, 23rd-26th December, 1963) FOREIGN I-ANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1964 CONTENTS CONTTNUE FORWAED F'OR CONSISTENT LAND REFORDT. TO CRUSH 'MA.T,AYSTA" A.ND FOts THE FORMATION OF A GOTONG ROYONG CAEIhTET WITH NASA.KOM AS THE COREI o (1) FOOD AND CLOTI{ING (2) CRUSFI "NTALAYSIA" (3) CONTINUE WITH CONSTRUCTION 46 (a) 26th May, 1963 Economic Regulations 47 (b) The 1963 and 1964 State Budgets DI. (c) Economic Confrontation r,vith "Malaysia,, 52 (d) The Penetration of Imperralist Capital into Indonesia 55 (e) Back to the Dekon as the Cn15, Way to Continue with Economic Consiruction 57 II, CONTINUE TO CRUSH IIIIPERIAT,ISM AND REVI- SIONXSM! 63 (1) THE STRUGGLE TO CRUSH IMPERIALISM IS CONTINUING TO ADVANCE ON ALL FRONTS 12) IN ASIA, AFRICA AND LAIIIN AMERICA TFIERE IS A REVOLUTIONARY SITUA- TION THAT IS CONTINUOUSLY SURGING FORWARD AND RIPENIIVG 3) SOUTHEAST ASIA IS ONE OF THE CENTRAL POINTS IN TI]E REGION OF I\{AIN CON- TRADICTION 95 (4) IT WOULD BE BETTER IF TTIERE WERE NO MOSCOW TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT AT ALL 98 (5) COMNIUNIST SOCIETY CAN ONLY BE R,EALISED IF IMPERIALISM HAS BEEN WIPE.D OF'F T}IE EA,RTH 103 (O) 'I}ID INTERNATIONAL CONINTUNIST MOVE. MENT 11,2 UL CONSOLIDATE THE INTEGRATION OF THE Pri'nted in the Peopie's Republic oJ Ch,ina MARXISIT-LENINIST CP-{ WITH TIIE PEASANTS 1t, Dear Cclmlades ! Ten months have passed since the Firsb P1enum (Febru- ary, 1963) of the Seventh National Congress (April, 1962) Central Committee of our Party. During these 10 months the Indonesian working peopie with o,r.rr Party in the foremost ranks, have waged a tre- mendous struggle under the slogan of the First Plenum I of the Central Committee: Daring, Daring, Once Again Dari.ng! which has been the so,urce of great inspiration t and mobilisation. l Our Party together with President Sukarno has suc- ceeded in setting afire a spirit of daring among the broad masses of the Indonesian people. The year 1963 did in- deed become a "year of daring", and once daring has been aroused and has become the possession of the peo- pIe, it will certainly sweep aside all barriers and cbsta- cIes. For revolutionaries, in particular for Communists, their place is in the foremost ranks of the masses whose polit- ical consciousness and daring is continually surging up- wards. If they fail to take their place in the foremost ranks, they cease to be revolutionaries, they become use- Iess or become an obstacle to the revolutionary mass movcmcnt. Undcr the slogan, Daring, Dari,ng, Once Again Daring! the members of our Party have undertaken tremendous activities and in the course of doing this, the ideological, political and organisational unanimity of our Party and the revolutionary mass organisations has been further steeled, with the result that our Party and our mass in general further improved. The alliance of workers organisations have got into their stride with great gusto, and peasants as the basis of the National Front has be- have swung their arms and aimed their fists against come more consolidated. The integra,ticn of citizens of the enemies of the people with ever gleater freedom. foreign cxtraction with the revolutionary rnovement, in Thanks to the spirit of daring that has developed, we particular those of Chinese extraction, is now rapidly have also raised ever higher the Triple Banner of the under way. The revolutionary peasant movement has Nation: the banner of Democracy, the bo"nner of UnitE made most heartening progress. and the banner oJ Mobzlisation. The heroic struggle of Efforts to intensify the building of the Party are mark- the people and the members of our Party resuLted in ed by the success of the "final-spurt" movement of the the liberation of West Irian and the lifting of the strongly- Second Three-Year Plan, and it can now be definitely condemned state of emergency (SOB) on 1st May, 1963, ascertained that the "flying-start" movement of the Four- it has brought about some improvement demo- slight in Year Plan on Culture, Ideology and Organisation is also cratic conditions, and national unity a-s well as the mobil- running well. The combination between a burning spirit isation of the masses in crushing the enemies of the peo- daring and persevering work in implementation of ple and in defence of their vital interests has further of the Plan has been the primary factor in pushing forr,vard developed. The efforts of the reactionaries to create a situation of "SOB without SOB" and to reintroduce the the building of our Party, in altering the internal balance holding SOB met with the po'lrerful resistance of the masses who of forces, and in our endeavours to take part in have already got a taste of democracy again. The reac- high the Marxist-Ler-rinist banner of the international ticnaries wil1, it is certain, continue these efforts of Communist movement. theirs, as they did when they launched the "10th May" The burning fervour of the August 1945 Revolution is racialisi movement earlier this year, but ii is certain, too, beginning to be felt again, and the value of the lessons that the resistance of the people will also be much more 'of that revolution, in particular the lesson about the deci- powerful than ever before. sive role of the peasants in the revolution, is now being Thanks to the spirit of daring that has inspired our felt more and more. entire ranks, we have also raised ever higher the Triple The conclusion drawn by the First Plenum of the CC Banner of the Party: the bq.nner of united front, the to the effect that US imperialism is the number one ene- banner oJ building th,e Party q,nd the banner of the Au- my and the most dangerous enemy of the Indonesian gust 7945 Reuolutr,on Today the National Front organi- people has been confirmed and strengthened by events sation has grown broader and Nasakoml co-operation has that have taken place during the past ten months. The fact that thc US Seventh Fleet has expanded its opera- t Nasakom: the expression denoting unity of the three main tional area to the Indonesian Ocean is further testimony political trends in Indonesian society-NAS: nationalists; A = rcligious groups; and KOM:Communists. of the correctness of this conclusion. Thanks to the intensifying spirit of daring, the Indo- graphical or meteorological sense but in a lofty political nesian people have come to the unanimous resolve to sense. crush so-called "Malaysia" completely, to pursue a policy At the First Plenum of the CC we defined the prac- of confrontation in all fields against this project of mori- tical Triple Task of the Party as follows: 1) consoiidate bund imperialism. The fact that the Indonesian people the victories; 2) tackle the economic difficulties; and are now waging a struggle to crush "Malaysia" is proof 3) oppose neo-colonialism. These tasks stiIl apply. The that the Indonesian people, besides being conscious of victories that have been scored such as the liberation of the fact that their number one and most dangerous ene- West Irian, the continuously improving restoration of my is United States imperialism, do not for a moment Iaw and order, the beginning made in restoring democrat- relax their vigilance against other imperialists. In the ic rights, the severance of economic ties with Malaya campaign to crush "Malaysia" we are face to face with and Singapore, the GANEFO, the strengthening feeling British i4nperialism which is supported by the USA. This of international solidarity among the people, the con- fact also proves that as long as there are imperialists tinued development of the National Front and Nasakom around Indonesia, the resolve must continue to be: a rifle co-operation, the success of the demand for the annul- in one hand and a hoe in the othet". We must always be ment of the "26th May, 1963" regulations the failure of ready to strike back with arms against the armed attacks which has now been recognised by the Governrnent, the launched by the enemy and at the same time be ready to growing demand for the formation of a Gotong Royongl work ourselves to the bone so as to stand on our own Cabinet with Nasakom as the core, the building of the two feet and solve the economic difficulties, especially Party, the building of the mass organisations, etc., etc., food and clothing. must aII be consolidated. The economic difficulties must Last month, the Games of the New Emerging Forces continuously be tackled, especially food and clothing, and (GANEFO) were held with great success. Without a spirit more especially food. We must continue to struggle of daring on the part of the Indonesian people and against neo-colonialism, especially "Malaysia" as well as Government in the struggle against imperialism and revi- political, economic and cultural infiltrations by the im- sionism, it would not have been possible for the GANEFO perialists headed by the United States of America. to be successful. The success of GANEFO proves once The task of dealing with the economic difficulties, of again the absolute superiority of the New Emerging continuing the struggle against "Malaysia" and all forms Forces (NEFO) over the OId Established Forces (OLDEFO), of imperialist infiltrations and intrigue can only be im- the absolute superiority of the forces of anti-imperialist plemented well if aII the forces of the people are mobil- over imperialism and its agents; it proves that the East ised to the maximum.
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