TOWN BOARD MEETING January 2, 1975 A Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Chili was held in tho Chili Administration Offices, 3235 Chili Avenue, Rochester, New York 14624 on January 2, 1975. The Meetjng was called to order by Supervisor Powers at 7:30 P.M. lhe Invocation was read by the Town Clerk, Mrs. Robbins and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. / Roll Call: Supervisor James J, Powers Councilman Donald Ramsey Councilman Robert Criddle / Councilman Donald OIConnor Councilman William Gray ~ Also Present: Town Clerk Lurajna Robbins, Town Attorney Patrick Pictropaoli, Deputy Town Attorney Alfred Hcilman, Superjntcndcnt of Highways and Commissioner of Public Works Stephen Chudyk, Loziors Consulting Engineer James Mannara, Insurance Counselor J. Norman Vai 1 T'hc Minutes of Dcc. 18 and Dec. 30 werc approved as submitted. # 1 I<liSOLUTlON OFFERED BY SUPERVISOR POWERS l{IiSOI,VIil) that the following newspapers hc dcsignatod for the Town of Chili for the year 1975 as the official newspapers: Rochcstcr Times Union Rochester Democrat 6 Chronicle Gannett Newspapers Gates-Chili News Suburban News Erie Canal Publications Sccondcd by Councj lman Cri ddle, Carried with the following vote: Couiicilmaii Kamsey aye; Councilman Criddle aye; Council- man OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. #2 ItESOLUTION OFFEkEI) BY SUPERVISOR POWERS R~:~~L~I~IIthat the following banks bo designated for the year 1975 €or l'ow~i monies for the Supervisor: Marine Midland Bank of Rochester Lincoln First Rank of Rocheseer Sccurity Trust Company Seconded by Councilman Gray. Carried with the following votc: Councilman Kamsey aye; Councilman Criddle ayc; Councilman OlConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. #3 RhSOLUTION OFFERIil) BY SUPERVISOR POWERS I~ESOLVtiIl that Marine Midland Bank of Rochester, Chi -Paul Branch, bc designated for the Town Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Criddlc. Carried with the following votc: Councilman Ramsey aye; Councilman Criddlc aye; Councilman OlConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. I # 4 RESOLUTION oFI:EriI':D BY SUPERVISOR POWERS RI:SOLVRD that Marine Midland Bank of Rochcster, Chi-Paul Branch be dcsjgnated for the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments. Seconded by Councilman Gray. Carried with the following vote: Councilman ttamsey aye; Councilman Criddlc aye; Councilman OlConnor ayc; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. 2 l’own Board Mcct i ng January 2, 1975 n5 I~I!SOLUTION OlFI!KEI) BY SUPERVISOR POWERS I~I!SOI~VlIDthat a Safe Deposit Box bo held at Marine Midlalid Rank of Itocli~ster, Chi-Paul Branch, to deposit securi tics to be held for deposit. Seconded by Councilman OIConnor. Carried with tho following vote: Councilman Ramsey aye; Councilman Criddlc ayc; Councilman OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray ayo; Supervi sor Powers aye, 86 I< I, S 0 LU 1’ I ON 0 1: I: K K I: I) BY SU [’E ItV I SOR POW E R S RIIS0LVI;I) that the salaried employees shall be paid monthly, ANI1 BF: IT FURT1lI:R RESOLVED that thc liourly employees as well as employees to he paid per meeting shall be paid 011 the bi- weekly payroll as per schedule of the County of Monroe for the year 197.5. Seconded by Councilman Gray, Carried with the following vote: Councilman Ramsey aye; Councilman Criddle aye; Councilman OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. 87 RIiSO1,UI’ION OFk’EREI) BY SUPERVISOR POWERS ItIIS014VI:I) that Supcrvi sor Powcrs be authorized to release payroll chccks upon rcccipt of duly authorized statements from the 1)epartnient Hcads involved. Seconded by Councilman OlConnor, Carri cd with the following votc: Councilman Ramscy aye; Councilmaii Criddlc aye; Councilman OlConnor aye; Counci lman Gray ayc; Supervisor Powers aye. #8 111;SOI.Ul’ION OI~FI;KI~I~1lY SUPEKVI SOR POWERS RI:SOI.VI~I) that authorization be given Supervisor Powers to enter into a contract on behalf of the Town of Chjli with the cngineerjng fjrm of Lozier Engineers, Inc., to perform those c~rginecringservices outlined in the letter of intent (letter I uridcr the signature of James Dunlap, Lozicr Engineers, Inc. ,) said contract to includea No Conflict of Intercst Clause for an amount not to cxcecd $7590.00 for the ycsr 1975 to be paid on a monthly basis by voucher. Seconded by Councilman OIConnor. AF.II:NDMI’:”I’ 7’0 RIISOI,UTTON #& OFFEKCD BY COUNCILMAN CKIUDLE R1:SOLVHD that authorj zation be given Supervi sor Powers to enter into R contract with tho engineering firm of Wm. E. Larsen, 44 Sagjnaw I)rive, for an amount not to exceed $7590 for the ycar 1975. Seconded by Councilman Ramsey. Defeated with the following votc: Councilman Ramsey aye; Councilman Criddlc aye; Counci lman O’Connor no; Councilman Gray no; Suporvisor Powers no. I~rsolution%8 carried as originally offered as follows: Council- man ILamscy no; Councilman Criddle no; Councilman OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. #9 kliSOI.U’I’ION OI~l~f~RI!IlBY SUPERVISOR POWERS RI!SOI,VIiD that. Regular Town Board Meetings of the Town of Chili bc held on thc first and third Wednesday at 8:OO P.M. o’clock of each and every month of the year 1975 unless othcrwise notjficd AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that public hearings be sclicdulcd for the first Wednesday of each month and the regular agcnda to bc carried if there are no public hearings scheduled. Seconded by Councilman Criddle. Carried with the following vote: Councilman Ramsey ayo; Councilman Criddle aye; Councilman OIConnor ayc; Councilman Gray ayc; Supervisor Powers aye. .. - . Town Hoard Mcct i ng January 2, 1975 # 10 RliSOI.UTION OFI~I!RED BY COUNCILMAN GRAY KI:SOI.VI:I) that the salary of Supervisor James J. Powers for the ycar 1975 shall be $20,010.38, contract expenses $3,200.00, AND 13): 11' 1:URTllliR RESOLVED that his salary shall be paid monthly, other expcnses by vouchcr as incurred. Seconded by Councilman O'Connor. Carried with the following vote: Councilman Ramsey aye; Counci Iman Criddle aye; Councilman OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. NO'Fli; Supcrvisor Powers appointed Mrs. Johanna Ilorstman as Budget Officcr and Secretary to the Supervi sorb #II I~I:SOI~U'I'IONOFI'CRIiU BY SUPERVISOR POWERS I<I:SOLVI:U that Johanna Horstman be paid an annual salary for the ycar 1975 of $10,425.60 as Secretary to the Supervisor AND RE I1 1~Ultl'Ill~KRESOLVED that she shall be paid an annual salary for tho ycar 1975 of $1,576.40 as Budget Officer, AND BE IT l~U~Tlll:l<I~ESOLVI~I) that she shall be paid monthly, Seconded by Councilman O'Connor. Carried with the following vote: Councilman Ramscy aye; Councilman Criddle aye; Counci lman O'Connor aye; Councj lman Gray aye; Supervi sor Powers aye, # 12 I<l~SOI,U'l'ION OFFERED BY SUPERVISOR POWERS RI:SOI,VI:I) that Patrick J. Pietropaoli, duly appointed Town Attorncy for the Town of Chili, shall be paid for tho year 1975 a salary of $8489,25, Contractual expenses in the amount of $1500.00 for the office of Town Attorney and Deputy Town Attorney, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salary of Town Attorncy shall be paid monthly, other expenses by voucher as incurred. Seconded by Councilman O'Connor. Carried with the following vote: Councilman Ramsey no; Councilman Criddle no; Councilman O'Connor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powcrs aye. In cxplanatjoii of vote, Councilman Kamscy stated will be voting no on this rcsolution along with several others consistent with comments at the budget hearing that part-time salaried employees, both appointed and clccted should not got 10% increase that full-time cmployccs arc getting, Councilman Criddlc stated will vote no,for reasons as stated by Counci lman Ramscy. # 13 RESO1,UTION 0I:I~CRID BY SUPERVISOR POWERS RIISOLVI'I) that Alfred J. Hcilman of 27 Brian Drive, Rochester, N. Y. shall be appointed Deputy Town Attorney for the year 1975 and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board, AND Bfi IT FUKTIlliR I~liSOLVEl) that he shall be paid an annual salary of $4851.00 to be paid monthly, other expenses as incurred by voucher. Sccondcd by Councilman Gray. AM1iNI)MliNT TO RIiSOLUTJON #I3 OFFERED BY COUNCILMAN RAMSEY IlliSO1,VEII that Daniel Miller, 78 Archer Road, shall be appointed Deputy Town Attorney for the year 1975 at a salary of $4851.00. Seconded by Councilman Criddle. Defeated with tho following vote: Councilman Ramsey ayc; Councilman Criddle aye; Councilman O'Connor no; Councilman Gray no; Supervisor Powers no. Resolution #I3 carried as originally offered with the following vote: Councilman Ramsey no; Councilman Criddle no; Councilman OIConnor aye; Councilman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. 4 Town Board Mcctjng January 2, 1975 N011:: Supervisor Powers appointed Mrs, Bernice Wj lcox as Historian for 1375. #I 4 RBSOLUTJON OI~l~l7REl)BY SUPERVISOR POWERS 1~1~SOLVI~I)that Rcrnicc Wilcox, duly appint.ed Historian, be paid an aiinual salary of $606.00 to be paid monthly, contractual expenses in thc amount of $500.00 and $50.00 for equipment and which expenses arc to be submitted by voucher as incurrcd. Scconded by Councilman Gray. Carried with the following vote: 1 Councilman Kamsey aye; Councilman Criddle aye; Counci lman 0' Connor aye; C0unc.i lman Gray aye; Supervisor Powers aye. # 15 RtiSOI,U'I'lON OPFERED BY SUPERVISOR POWERS RESOLVIiD that the annual salary of Town Justice Cramer and Town Justice Pclkoy shall be $4851.00 each for the year 1975 to be paid monthly, contractual expenses for both in the amount of $2,000.00 to be paid by voucher as incurred. Seconded by Councilman O'Connor.
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