54 Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59:54–60 CONCISE REPORTS Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.59.1.54 on 1 January 2000. Downloaded from Lower frequency of focal lip sialadenitis (focus score) in smoking patients. Can tobacco diminish the salivary gland involvement as judged by histological examination and anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La antibodies in Sjögren’s syndrome? R Manthorpe, C Benoni, L Jacobsson, Z Kirtava, Å Larsson, R Liedholm, C Nyhagen, H Tabery, E Theander Sjögren’s Syndrome Research Centre, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Abstract Cigarette smoking at the time of lower lip Internal Medicine, Objectives—Prospectively collected com- biopsy is associated with lower risk of Malmö University puter database information was previ- abnormal focus score (p<0.001; odds ratio Hospital, S-205 02 Malmö, Sweden ously assessed on a cohort of 300 patients 0.29, 95%CI 0.16 to 0.50). The odds ratio R Manthorpe who fulfilled the Copenhagen classifica- for having focal sialadenitis (focus score > L Jacobsson tion criteria for primary Sjögren’s syn- 1) compared with having a non-focal C Nyhagen drome. Analysis of the clinical data sialadenitis or normal biopsy (focus score E Theander showed that patients who smoked had a < 1) was decreased in all three age groups Sjögren’s Syndrome decreased lower lip salivary gland focus (10–45: odds ratio 0.27, 95%CI 0.11 to 0.71; Research Centre, score (p<0.05). The aim of this original 46–60: odds ratio 0.22, 95%CI 0.08 to 0.59; Division of report is to describe the tobacco habits in and > 61: odds ratio 0.36, 95%CI 0.10 to Gastroenterology, patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome 1.43) although there was only statistical Department of or stomatitis sicca only and to determine significance in the two younger age Internal Medicine C Benoni if there is a correlation between smoking groups. Moreover, among current smok- habits and focus score in lower lip biopsies ers at the time of the lower lip biopsy there http://ard.bmj.com/ National Information as well as ciculating autoantibodies and was a decreasing odds ratio for an abnor- Learning Centre of the IgG. mal lip focus score with increasing Ministry of Health of Methods—All living patients with primary number of cigarettes smoked per week (p Georgia and Sjögren’s syndrome or stomatitis sicca trend 0.00). In the group of former smok- Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Tbilisi only, who were still in contact with the ers, which included patients that had State Medical Sjögren’s Syndrome Research Centre stopped smoking up to 30 years ago, the University, Tbilisi, were asked to fill in a detailed question- results were in between those of the smok- Georgia naire concerning present and past smok- ers and the historical non-smokers (odds on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Z Kirtava ing habits, which was compared with ratio 0.57, 95%CI 0.34 to 0.97, compared Sjögren’s Syndrome smoking habits in a sex and age matched with never smokers). Present or past Research Centre, control group (n=3700) from the general smoking did not correlate with the func- Department of Oral population. In addition, the patients pre- tion of the salivary glands as judged by Pathology, Centre for vious lower lip biopsies were blindly unstimulated whole sialometry, stimu- Oral Health Sciences re-evaluated and divided by the presence lated whole sialometry or salivary gland Å Larsson of focus score (focus score = number of scintigraphy. Among former smokers, the 2 Sjögren’s Syndrome lymphocyte foci per 4 mm glandular median time lapse between the first symp- Research Centre, tissue) into those being normal (focus tom of primary Sjögren’s syndrome and Department of Oral score ≤ 1) or abnormal (focus score > 1). the performance of the lower lip biopsy Surgery and Oral Furthermore the cohort was divided into was approximately half as long as the Medicine, Centre for Oral Health Sciences three groups; 10–45, 46–60 and > 61 years median time lapse between smoking ces- R Liedholm of age. Finally the focus score was related sation and biopsy (8 versus 15 years). to the smoking habits. Seroimmunological Hence, symptoms of Sjögren’s syndrome Sjögren’s Syndrome (ANA; anti-SSA/Ro antibodies; anti- are unlikely to have had a significant Research Centre, SSB/La antibodies; IgM-RF and IgG) influence on smoking habits at the time Department of samples were analysed routinely. of the biopsy. Among the seroimmuno- Ophthalmology H Tabery Results—The questionnaire was answered logical results only anti-SSA/Ro and anti- by 98% (n=355) of the cohort and the per- SSB/La antibodies reached statistical Correspondence to: centage of current smokers, former smok- significance in a manner similar to the Dr R Manthorpe ers and historical non-smokers at the time way smoking influenced the focus score in Accepted for publication of lower lip biopsy was not statistically dif- lower lip biopsies. On the other hand the 26 August 1999 ferent from that of the control group. level of significance was consistently more Lower frequency of focal lip sialadenitis in smoking patients 55 pronounced for the influence of smoking score (focus score = number of lymphocyte foci Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.59.1.54 on 1 January 2000. Downloaded from on the focus score than for the influence per4mm2 glandular tissue; normal focus score on anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La auto- < 1) compared with non-smokers (unpub- antibodies. lished data). To evaluate if this eVect was Conclusion—This is believed to be the dependent on the dose of tobacco or on the first report showing that cigarette smok- initiation or termination of smoking, we mailed ing is negatively associated with focal our present patients a questionnaire concern- sialadenitis—focus score >1—in lower lip ing past and present tobacco habits. In addition biopsy in patients with primary Sjögren’s the patients’ previous lower lip biopsy data syndrome. Furthermore, tobacco seems were blindly re-evaluated. to decrease the focus score in a dose The purpose of this report is to describe the dependent manner. Smoking may also tobacco habits in patients with primary SS or negatively influence the presence of anti- stomatitis sicca only and to determine if there is SSA/Ro and/or anti-SSB/La antibodies in a correlation between smoking habits and focus circulating blood. Thus, smoking habits of score in lower lip biopsies as well as circulating patients might invalidate the use of both autoantibodies and IgG. The null hypothesis lower lip salivary gland focus score and of stated that there was an equal percentage of anti-SSA/anti-SSB antibodies. It is sug- focal sialadenitis (focus score > 1) in the lower gested that the simultaneous performance lip biopsy among smoking and non-smoking of other objective tests is required to avoid patients with primary SS. misdiagnosis of oral involvement in smok- ing and former smoking patients. There- fore, classification criteria for Sjögren’s Methods syndrome that more or less rely on an PATIENTS AND DEFINITIONS Since late 1984 we have prospectively compu- abnormal focus score and/or presence of terised symptoms, signs, haematological, sero- anti-SSA/anti-SSB antibodies should be logical and immunological data from patients used with great caution. fulfilling the Copenhagen classification criteria (Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59:54–60) for primary SS.9 Diagnosis was based on at least two abnormal objective tests for the lach- Smoking is generally considered to be a great rymal glands (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) and at health hazard leading to increased socioeco- least two abnormal objective test for the nomic expense and premature death. In salivary glands (stomatitis sicca). In patients contrast, some immunological disorders seem with normal lower lip focus score (<1) at least to be negatively associated with smoking. two other objective oral tests should be abnor- These include aphthous stomatitis,1 extrinsic mal before the requirement for stomatitis sicca alveolitis, sarcoidosis and hay fever (reviewed is fulfilled—most often unstimulated whole by Baron2). sialometry (abnormal if ≤ 1.5 ml/15 min) and In ulcerative colitis, smoking seems to have a salivary gland scintigraphy, but a few times http://ard.bmj.com/ beneficial eVect as smokers have a reduced risk sialography was used. and former smokers an increased risk of devel- As our prospective data did not contain a oping the disease.3 The reason for this protec- detailed tobacco history, we mailed a question- tive eVect is not known. Nicotine has proved naire (see below) to those patients still being eVective only when added to standard treat- seen at our SS Research Centre. New patients ments in moderately active disease4 and not in were asked to fill in the smoking questionnaire maintaining remission.5 as well. A negative association such as a protective on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. eVect of smoking seems also to exist for SMOKING QUESTIONNAIRE younger cases of Parkinson’s disease6 while The formula had the following questions: advancing age showed a significant positive (1) Are you a current smoker? If yes, (a) Do trend association.6 Both in Parkinson’s and you smoke regularly? or (b) irregularly? Alzheimer’s diseases the nicotine system in- Note: As many patients consider them- volvement may lead to new treatment selves as only feast smokers, both sub- strategies.78 groups should state the year they started Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a and the number of cigarettes (or packages) systemic rheumatological disorder with a smoked per week. frequency that seems to exceed that of other (2) Are you a former smoker? If yes, (a) What systemic rheumatic diseases.
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