To: Mayor and Council From: Maggie Ung, Acting Finance Director Subject: Budget Update Date: March 8, 2021 Attachments: 1. Revenue Summary 2. Revenue Detail 3. Revenue Graph 4. Expenditure Summary 5. Expenditure Detail 6. 4th Quarter Vendor Listing 7. YTD Top 100 Paid Vendor Listing The fourth quarter 2020 budget to actual comparisons are included with this memo. Both detailed and summary data is being presented for review. The amounts being presented should be considered preliminary numbers and may change as staff prepares for the 2020 audit. It is anticipated that any changes will be minor in relation to the overall budget. Although some adjustments have been made, both revenue and expenditure statement should be view as non- adjusted. Also included are the 2020 vendor listings. General Fund Revenues At 101.14% of revenues, the City’s total revenue collect is slightly over budget, which continues the trend of ending the year over budget. Once investment earnings are allocated to the various city funds, revenue will increase by approximately $70,000. In the total, General Fund Revenues will exceed budget by approximately $170,000. Property tax revenues, which accounts for 51% of the revenue budget, are at 99.12% of budget compared to the previous year of 99.86%. For Other Government Revenue, the City is at 131% compared to 159.78% in 2019. The main variances are the receipt of Cares Act funding, and a reduction in the Towards Zero Death grant funds received not that the City is not administering the grant. The Golf Course Revenue is also exceeding budget at 203.06% compared to 102.74% in 2019. COVID-19 also play a large role in this revenue item as many indoor social gatherings were advised against and therefore, there has been an uptick in individuals taking to outdoor activities, such as golfing. For the last few years at year end, Licenses and Permits have exceeded budget. Due to COVID- 19 this year, the City has collected 93.78% of the budgeted revenue compared to 141.56% in 2019. One factor for this decrease is due to less developments occurring within the city. Another likely factor is COVID-19 and having government mandated shutdowns throughout the year. Budget Update Page 2 Charges for Service is under budget at 98.04% compared to exceeding budget in 2019 at 108.27%. In 2020, police special service was halted due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines preventing private events from being held. Plan check and site exam fee revenues similarly fell under budget. General Fund Expenditures At 98.86%, the overall expenditure amounts are on target for the year. Many of the departments are below budget due to reduction and turnover in staffing. The Police department is $300,000 under budget due to decrease in overtime worked along with no longer administering the Towards Zero death Grant. The biggest item that was over budget was Special Projects department, due to the purchase of land for future projects. Central Services and Public Works department is slightly over budget in order to keep the common areas clean and maintaining social distancing. These expenses were offset with the CARES Act grant. Another department over budget is the Golf Course. The overage is due to course maintenance and bank fees being higher than budgeted. On the revenue side, course revenues have exceeded budget and offsets any overage in expenditures. General Fund Summary In summary, the overall General Fund budget looks good with revenue exceeding budget and expenditure falling slightly under budget. The projected positive variance for the General Fund is $224,000. Attachment 1 - Revenue Summary City of Orono General Fund Revenue Summary with Comparison to Budget For The 12 Months Ending December 31, 2019 ‐ 20 2019 2020 Adjusted Source Dec 31 Budget Percent Dec 31 Budget Percent Taxes 4,384,038 4,390,000 99.86% 4,647,515 4,689,000 99.12% Licenses & Permits 703,192 496,750 141.56% 499,099 532,200 93.78% Other Governmental 431,753 270,220 159.78% 522,999 398,000 131.41% Charges for Service 3,293,341 3,041,900 108.27% 3,098,758 3,160,700 98.04% Fines 85,809 80,100 107.13% 40,812 75,100 54.34% Miscellaneous 2,250 2,000 112.50% 1,520 2,000 76.00% Golf Course 180,831 176,000 102.74% 357,392 176,000 203.06% Interest 97,003 96,410 100.62% 655 77,100 0.85% Other Sources & Transfers 68,811 23,900 287.91% 78,578 33,100 237.40% 9,247,029 8,577,280 107.81% 9,247,327 9,143,200 101.14% CITY OF ORONO Attachment 2 - Revenue Detail REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2020 GENERAL FUND PERIOD DECEMBER 31, 20 BUDGET UNEARNED PCNT TAXES 101-31010 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 4,565,199.31 4,565,199.31 4,679,000.00 113,800.69 97.6 101-31020 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 20,892.92 20,892.92 10,000.00 ( 10,892.92) 208.9 101-31040 FISCAL DISPARITIES 40,494.26 40,494.26 .00 ( 40,494.26) .0 101-31050 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 20,221.24 20,221.24 .00 ( 20,221.24) .0 101-31060 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORTIONMT 20.89 20.89 .00 ( 20.89) .0 101-31070 RENT CREDIT .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-31900 PENALTIES AND INTEREST-TAXES 686.02 686.02 .00 ( 686.02) .0 TOTAL TAXES 4,647,514.64 4,647,514.64 4,689,000.00 41,485.36 99.1 LICENSES & PERMITS 101-32100 BUSINESS LICENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-32110 BEER & LIQUOR LICENSES 6,600.00 6,600.00 7,100.00 500.00 93.0 101-32120 CIGARETTE LICENSES 1,375.00 1,375.00 500.00 ( 875.00) 275.0 101-32130 COMMERCIAL DOCK LICENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-32140 SET UP LICENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-32150 SEPTIC LICENSES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-32170 GARBAGE HAULERS LICENSES 1,110.00 1,110.00 1,100.00 ( 10.00) 100.9 101-32180 OTHER BUSINESS LICENSE/PERMIT 6,335.00 6,335.00 10,000.00 3,665.00 63.4 101-32230 RENTAL LICENSES 1,800.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 2,200.00 45.0 101-32240 DOG LICENSES 450.00 450.00 .00 ( 450.00) .0 101-32510 BUILDING PERMITS 358,982.10 358,982.10 425,000.00 66,017.90 84.5 101-32520 ZONING PERMIT 2,350.00 2,350.00 1,500.00 ( 850.00) 156.7 101-32530 MECHANICAL/SEPTIC/OTHER 93,790.96 93,790.96 55,000.00 ( 38,790.96) 170.5 101-32590 PLUMBING PERMIT 26,306.12 26,306.12 28,000.00 1,693.88 94.0 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 499,099.18 499,099.18 532,200.00 33,100.82 93.8 OTHER GOVERNMENTS 101-33220 FEDERAL GRANT-EMRGNCY PREP .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33390 FEDERAL GRANT-OTHER 610,407.00 610,407.00 .00 ( 610,407.00) .0 101-33410 HACA AID .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33415 MARKET VALUE CREDIT 321.04 321.04 .00 ( 321.04) .0 101-33420 POLICE STATE AID 252,027.66 252,027.66 230,000.00 ( 22,027.66) 109.6 101-33430 POLICE TRAINING REIMBURSEMENT 28,076.35 28,076.35 23,000.00 ( 5,076.35) 122.1 101-33440 MUNICIPAL STATE AID-STREETS .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33450 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33460 PERA STATE AID .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33490 STATE GRANT-OTHER 6,649.11 6,649.11 145,000.00 138,350.89 4.6 101-33610 COUNTY GRANT-RECYCLING .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33690 COUNTY GRANT-OTHER ( 6,260.00) ( 6,260.00) .00 6,260.00 .0 101-33800 OTHER GRANTS/AIDS .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-33890 GRANTS/AIDS FROM OTHER GOVTS 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 ( 5,000.00) .0 TOTAL OTHER GOVERNMENTS 896,221.16 896,221.16 398,000.00 ( 498,221.16) 225.2 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 100 % OF THE FISCAL YEAR HAS ELAPSED 03/04/2021 02:09PM PAGE: 1 CITY OF ORONO Attachment 2 - Revenue Detail REVENUES WITH COMPARISON TO BUDGET FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2020 GENERAL FUND PERIOD DECEMBER 31, 20 BUDGET UNEARNED PCNT CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101-34200 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES FOR SVC 286,000.00 286,000.00 283,500.00 ( 2,500.00) 100.9 101-34210 GENERAL TAXABLE SALES/SERVICE 268.24 268.24 2,000.00 1,731.76 13.4 101-34220 ASSESSMENTS SEARCHES 40.00 40.00 200.00 160.00 20.0 101-34230 FILING FEES-ELECTIONS/PLATS 4.00 4.00 3,000.00 2,996.00 .1 101-34240 ZONING DISCLOSURE .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-34410 PLAN CHECK/SITE EXAM FEES 169,196.34 169,196.34 200,000.00 30,803.66 84.6 101-34420 COND USE-VARIANCE-DEV FEES 17,325.00 17,325.00 19,000.00 1,675.00 91.2 101-34430 ENGINEERING & LEGAL FEES 42,706.22 42,706.22 45,000.00 2,293.78 94.9 101-34440 BLDG PERMITS-MAIL IN FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-34450 ON-SITE SEPTIC PROGRAM FEES 46,700.71 46,700.71 45,800.00 ( 900.71) 102.0 101-34460 COOP AGREEMENT-INSPECTION 18,990.98 18,990.98 15,000.00 ( 3,990.98) 126.6 101-34610 COOP AGREEMENT-POLICE 2,417,012.00 2,417,012.00 2,428,000.00 10,988.00 99.6 101-34620 COOP AGREEMENT-ANIMAL CONTROL .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-34630 POLICE SPECIAL SERVICES 71,911.40 71,911.40 100,000.00 28,088.60 71.9 101-34640 FALSE ALARM FEES 200.00 200.00 1,000.00 800.00 20.0 101-34650 POLICE REPORTS 1,055.93 1,055.93 900.00 ( 155.93) 117.3 101-34670 POLICE RESERVE RECEIPTS 24,790.00 24,790.00 .00 ( 24,790.00) .0 101-34680 EXPLORERS PROGRAM 60.00 60.00 .00 ( 60.00) .0 101-34781 OFF LEASH ANNUAL PASS .00 .00 15,000.00 15,000.00 .0 101-34783 PARK RESERVATIONS 270.00 270.00 .00 ( 270.00) .0 101-34810 COOP AGREEMENT-PUBLIC WORKS 2,227.33 2,227.33 1,500.00 ( 727.33) 148.5 101-34815 INTERDEPARTMENTAL SERVICES-PW .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-34820 RECYCLING PROGRAM FEES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-34830 BRUSH SITE FEES .00 .00 800.00 800.00 .0 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,098,758.15 3,098,758.15 3,160,700.00 61,941.85 98.0 FINES 101-35104 OTHER FINES .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-35105 ADMIN CITATIONS 3,342.68 3,342.68 .00 ( 3,342.68) .0 101-35400 COURT FINES 37,469.46 37,469.46 75,000.00 37,530.54 50.0 101-35410 DRUG TASK FORCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 101-35420 DOG IMPOUND FEES .00 .00 100.00 100.00 .0 101-35620 ADMINISTRATIVE 30% SHARE .00 .00 .00 .00 .0 TOTAL FINES 40,812.14 40,812.14 75,100.00 34,287.86 54.3 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY 100 % OF THE
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