A Chan, a Tancareira

A Chan, a Tancareira

INDEX “A Chan, a Tancareira” (Senna Albuquerque, Pedro António de Fernandes), 250 Meneses Noronha de, 73 Abriz, José, 38 Ali, Ha¯jı¯ Muha¯mmad, 73 Abu’l Hasan (sultan), 71 Allen, Charles Herbert, 179 Aceh Almeida, António José de Miranda e, Portuguese conflicts with, 51, 53, 36 57 Almeida, Manuel de, 122 sultan and sultanate of, 50 Almeida, Miguel Vale de, 72–73, 242, adaptation, 4–5, 6, 10, 19, 240, 255 259 Afonso, Inácio Caetano, 35, 37 An Earth-Colored Sea, 259 Africa, 12, 26, 29, 140, 173 Almeida, Teresa da Piedade de Baptista Lusophone, 131, 143, 242, 271 See Devi, Vimala (pseud.) plants from, 33, 34, 39 aloe, 40 Africans, 11, 12, 133, 135, 138, 160, althea, 40 170, 245, 249 Álvares, Gaspar Afonso, 69 See also slaves Amaral, Miguel de, 90 Agualusa, José Eduardo, 261, 265, 270 American Institute of Indian Studies, Um Estranho em Goa, 261–63, 270 xi Fronteiras Perdidas, 265 Ames, Glenn Joseph, xi–xiii “A Nossa Pátria na Malásia”, 270 works by, xiii Aguiar, António de, 86, 89, 97 Amor e Dedinhos de Pé (Senna “Ah Chan, the Tanka Girl” (Senna Fernandes), 247, 250–54 Fernandes) Amorim, Francisco Gomes de, 183 See “A Chan, a Tancareira” An Earth-Colored Sea (Almeida), 259 air forces Anderson, Benedict, 236, 240–41, 255 Royal Air Force, 217 See also imagined communities United States Army Air Forces, Anglo-Asians, 132 Fourteenth Air Force, 215 See also Luso-Asians Ajuda Palace, 36 Anglo-Indians, 134, 139 Albuquerque, Afonso de, 48, 54 and White Australia policy, 143 299 14 Portuguese_1.indd 299 10/31/11 10:17:12 AM 300 Index Anglo-Portuguese relations Banco Nacional Ultramarino impact on Indian Ocean trade, and the Hongkong and Shanghai 116–17 Banking Corporation, 217 Angola, 265 Bandel (of Hugli), 111 Anselmus, Joseph, 91 property conflicts in, 119–20 anti-colonialism bangue, 38 as a theme in modern literature, bankers 234 British Apollo 11, 267 aid to POW and internment Aquino, Emílio Honorato de, 188 camps, 217 Armenians and European, in Hong Kong, migration to Calcutta, 112 216 Arnedo, João António, 87 interned at Stanley camp, 217 Assumpção, Francisco da, 114 Bardez, xii Atienza, V.N., 216 population statistics, 165–66 Atures (people), 179 Barnes, Joseph, 215 Augustinians Barreto, Adeodato, 232 at Bandel (of Hugli), 111, 114 O Livro da Vida: Cânticos Indianos, at Chandernagore, 111 232 at São Tomé de Meliapor, 69 Barreto, Floriano, 235 Australia Barreto, Manuel Teles, 115 discriminatory practices of, 143, Barretto, Joseph, 114, 122–23 209 civic activities of, 115 Eurasians in, 245 English trading partners of, 115 Malaysian Eurasians in, 147 trade in Bengal by, 115 Singaporean Eurasians in, 147 Barretto, Luis, 114 White Australia policy, 143 civic activities of, 115 Aventura e Rotina (Freyre), 239 Batavia, 136 Ayurvedic medicine, 37, 40, 41 Dutch presence in, 138 Ayutthaya, 9, 53, 88–90, 138 Batavian Portuguese, 132, 136–37 Christians in, 136 See also Luso-Asians Portuguese community (bandel) at, Bauss, Rudy, 163 84, 90, 91 Baxter, Alan, 192 Portuguese trade at, 90 Bayingyis, 132, 135 See also Luso-Asians BAAG Bela Vista (club), 214 See British Army Aid Group Bengal Baghdadi Jews cross-cultural interactions in, 9, leaving post-war Hong Kong, 218 106, 122 Bahasa Indonesia (language), 265 Indo-Portuguese in, 108–10, 112, Bahasa Malaysia (language), 265 114, 119, 122 Bahau, 213, 248 Portuguese in, 108–10, 112, 114, Bandung conference, 245 122 14 Portuguese_1.indd 300 10/31/11 10:17:13 AM Index 301 property purchases and sales, 10, British Army Aid Group (BAAG), 119 215–16 Bewitching Braid, The (Senna British Asia Fernandes) Japanese occupation of, 205–07, See Trança Feiticeira 220 Big House and Other Memories of an Portuguese communities in, 205– Old Goan, The (Rocha) 13, 217–20 See Casa Grande e Outras Recordaçõs See also Hong Kong; Hong Kong de um Velho Goês Portuguese; Malaya; Singapore blacks British consul as a demographic classification, 158, in Macao, 214 160 British consulate in Diu, 171 in Macao, 215 Bocarro, António, 56, 107 British Madras, 68 Bodhidharma, 269 British Military Administration, 218 “Bodhidharma Preaches the Wake-Up British nationals Sermon, The” (Gaspar), 269 among the Hong Kong Portuguese, Bodki (Fernandes), 233 208 Bohra, Mahomed Zulfee, 116 British reoccupation of Hong Kong, Book of Life: Indian Hymns, The 215, 218 (Barreto) Buddha, 268, 270 See Livro da Vida: Câticos Indianos, Buddhism, 268–29 O use of swastika symbol, 264 Botelho, Nuno Álvares, 50–53, 55–56, Bukit Timah, 210 59 Burghers Boxer, C. R. (Charles Ralph), xii, 108 of Dutch origin, 140 Braga, John, 211 of Portuguese origin, 140 Braga, José Pedro, 207 Burma, 135 Braganzas, 70 See also Myanmar Brahamanes, Os (Gomes), 234 Burmese (language), 265 Brahma, 231 Bustamante, Alexandro, 91 branhô, 191 Bustamante, Fernando Manuel, 91 British (people) butua, 39 discriminatory practices of, in Hong Kong, 208–09 Cabreira, Francisco de Seixas, 110 in India: Calcutta colonialism of, 234 churches in, 115 relations with the Indo- civil society and religion in, 114 Portuguese, 108–10, merchants at, 114–17 112–13, 115, 122 , 139 Portuguese religious activity in, 114 relations with the Portuguese, 120 purchase of property in, 10, 119 See also bankers trade at, 116 See also English (people) California, 230 14 Portuguese_1.indd 301 10/31/11 10:17:13 AM 302 Index Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, xi Capuchins Calvinists, at Chandernagore, 111 Indonesian Portuguese Creole, 137, cardamom, 41 138 “Carmelita Raez” (Gaspar), 267 camps, internment (Japanese), 206, Carvalho, Valentim, 85 210–11, 248 Casa Grande e Outras Recordações de camps, prisoner of war (Japanese) um Velho Goês (Rocha), 234–35 in Hong Kong, 212 casados, 133 Pasir Panjang, 217 “black”, 137 Shamshuipo, 212, 213 of Malacca, 49, 53, 55 Stanley, 212, 213, 216 of São Tomé de Meliapor, 68 Canada, 143, 147, 148, “white”, 137 canarins, 169 cashew, 41 See also Christians, “native” caste system (Hindu) cantigas (folksongs), 13 in Goa, 232, 234 in Cochin, 184 in India, 230, 232, 234 cristão (Kristang), 192 Castelo Branco, Camilo, 183 in Daman, 185 castiços, 138, 160, 169 in Diu, 185 Castro, Afonso de, 163 “Galinha Caté”, 192 Castro, António de Melo e, 70 “Gingle Nona”, 192 Castro, Leonardo Horácio d’Almada “Gingli Nona”, 192 e, Jr., 207, 209, 211, 214, 215, in Macao, 188 218, 219 in Malacca, 191–93 Catholicism, 269 in Mangalore, 184 conversion of Hindus to, in Goa, 232 “Nina, Boboi, Nina”, 192 literary attention paid to, 263 in the Northern Enclaves, 185 Catholics “Papagaio Verde” Burmese, 135 in Indo-Portuguese communities, Goan, 230–31 178, 197–98 socio-religious division from in Luso-Asian communities, 178, Hindus, 230–32, 234–35 197–98 in Indonesia, 134 in Macao, 187 Indonesian Portuguese Creole, 137 in Malacca, 190 in Malacca, 133 in South Asia, 183–84 in the Spice Islands, 136 “Pasarinya Berdi”, 196–97 in Sri Lanka, 133 “Passarinho Berde”, 192–95 Caviteno-Chavacano, 136 in Portugal, 181–82 Center for Early Modern Europe, xi “Singelle Nona”, 192 Céu, Maria do, 183 in Sri Lanka, 184, 186–87 Ceylon, 59 Canton priority over Malacca, 55, 56, 60 relations with Macao, 9, 91–92 “Chá com Essência de Cereja” (Senna Cantonese (language), 244, 265 Fernandes), 248 14 Portuguese_1.indd 302 10/31/11 10:17:14 AM Index 303 Chandernagore, 111 Japanese, 135 French influence at, 111 Native (of Singapore), 134 Indo-Portuguese at, 113 “native”, 169 Portuguese at, 113 as a demographic classification, characters, fictional 160 in works by Henrique Senna “white”, 160 Fernandes, 252–54 as a demographic classification, in works by José Eduardo Agualusa, 137 263–66 churches in works by Rex Shelley, 248, in Calcutta, 115 252–53 Club Lusitano, 211 Charnock, Job, 114 and clandestine bank records, 217 Chaumont, Chevalier de, 88 Club Macao, 214 Chennai, 67 Clube Vasco da Gama, 236 chikotie, 186 Cochin China cantigas (folksongs) of, 184 Communism in, and migration Cochinchina of Hong Kong Portuguese, relations with Siam, 87 218–19 Coelho, António de Albuquerque, 86 female sexual slavery in, 248 Coelho, José da Silva, 235–36 relations with Macao, 87, 251, 252 Communism See also Free China in China, and migration of Hong China Light Company, 209 Kong Portuguese, 218–19 Chinese (language), 244 communities Chinese (people) Christian, 236 collaboration with Allied resistance, imagined, 17, 236, 240–41, 255 215 Indo-Portuguese, 107, 178, 197–98 pilots (air force), 217 Luso-Asian, 178, 197–98, 255 Chinsura, 111 Luso-descendants (Luso-descendentes), Christ, 231 132, 160, 169–70 Christianity miscegenated, 244 in Goa, 16, 230, 234, 236 Portuguese, 84, 90, 91, 110, in Siam, 90–91 205–13, 217–20, 252 Christianization Portuguese Asian, 137, 165 process of, in Goa, 234 Portuguese Eruasian, 248 Christians Portuguese-speaking, 267 Asian, 138 Community of Portuguese-Speaking in Malacca, 49 Countries (CPLP), 259 in Singapore, 134 Conde de Alvor (Francisco da Távora), converts, in India, 68 71 indigenous, in India, 25, 33–36, Congregation of Propaganda Fide, 70, 40, 69 75 in Indonesia, 137 at Chandernagore, 111 14 Portuguese_1.indd 303 10/31/11 10:17:15 AM 304 Index Conselho da Fazenda, 59 hybrid, 3 Conselho Ultramarino Indian, 262 See Portuguese Overseas Council Indo-Portuguese, 229, 233, 235–37 convents Japanese culture, 245 at Bandel (of Hugli), 110–11 Luso-Asian, 20, 241, 264–65 Cordeiro, Reinaldo (Ray), 210, Lusophone, 244, 259–60, 262 213–14, 219 Macanese, 250 Coromandel Coast, 7, 68 Portuguese, 17, 18, 240 Correa, Francisco, 97 portrayal of, in literature, 244 Correa, Frank, 209, 219 Portuguese-American, 20, 268–69 Correa, Ignácio, 120 transmission through print, 241 Corumbá, 265 transmission through social Cossimbazar organisations, 241 Portuguese at, 112 See also dependency Costa, Elizabeth da, 122 Cultures of the World: Japan and Costa, Francisco João da Culture Shock (Shelley), 245 See Gip (pseud.) Cunha, João Nunes da, 70 Costa, Gaspard da, 90–91 Costa, Juliana Dias da, 75 “D” Company, 210 Costa, Luís da, 10, 116–17, 119, 122 of Malacca, 207 Costa, Orlando da, 16, 229, 234–35 D.

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