009741/EU XXVII.GP Eingelangt am 30/01/20 Council of the European Union Brussels, 30 January 2020 (OR. en) 14250/99 DCL 1 PVD 89 ASIE 61 PESC 488 DECLASSIFICATION of document: ST 14250/99 RESTREINT dated: 20 December 1999 new status: Public Subject: Meeting of the Asia/Oceania Working Group, Brussels, 16 December 1999 - Report Delegations will find attached the declassified version of the above document. The text of this document is identical to the previous version. 14250/99 DCL 1 KAL SMART 2.C.S1 EN www.parlament.gv.at EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 20 December 1999 THE COUNCIL 14250/99 RESTREINT PVD 89 ASIE 61 PESC 488 OUTCOME OF PROCEEDINGSROCEEDINGS from : the Asia OceaniaOceania WorkingWorking GroupGroup dated: 16 Decembermber 11999999 Subject: Meeting ofof the Asia/OceaniaAsia/Oceania WorkingWorking GrouGrouup,p, BBrussels,ruusss ele s,s 16 December 1999.199 Report I. OPERATIONALTIONAL CONCLUSIONSCONCLUSIONNS 1. CHINA The Presidencyy will circulate,circulate,, byby coreu,cooreu,, possipossibleble terms of reference for a TroikaTroika demarche in Beijing, to be mademade as soonsooon asa possible,posssisibblle, which would raise EU concern at respectrespe for basic individual humanman rightrights,s,s iincludingnccluuddingn bbutut not restrictedrestricted to the cases of thosethose wwhoho aarer followers of the Falun Gong. 2. SRI LANKA/AFGHANISTAN:/AFGHHANNISI TTAN: EUEU ACTIONACTION PLANSPLANS AAGAINSTGAINST ILLEILLEGALGA IMMIGRATIONION Partners are invited to offer, by Coreu, their views on how to implement the recommended foreign policy measures included in the Asylum and Migration HLWG Action Plans adopted by GAC and the European Council (Council Docs 11424/99 and 11428/99). The Group will revert to this issue at one of its next meetings. 11842/99 EN DG E VI www.parlament.gv.at 1 3. AFGHANISTAN: REVIEW OF THE COMMON POSITION Partners are invited to circulate, before 6 January 2000, any comments on and/or suggestions for amendments to the Common Position, which the Group will examine at its next meeting. 4. PHILIPPINES EU HOMs in Manila are invited to identify priorities among the ideas set out in their report on strengthening the EU presence in the Philippines (coreu HEL/1410HEL/1410/99),/99)), the GrGroupo having taken note of the intentionention of the Commission to take accountaccount of the HOMs'HOMMs's iideasdeeasa in tthat report in its forthcoming EECC cco-operationo-operation stratestrategy.gy. 5. LAOS EU HOMs in VentianeVentiane are requested to make a demardemarcheche tot ttheirheir hhostost GovernGovernmentm regarding the human rights situation,situation, especiallyespecially the fate of those arrestedarrrese tet d onn 26 October, and partnerspa are invited to offer as soonn as possible and by coreu the namesnames ofo thosethoses whomwhom they believebelieve may have been arrested on thatat occasion. The Group will considerconsiddere ffurtherururthher tthehe situation in LaosLaos,, including the other proposalsls made by EU HOMs (see ccoreusorreus HEHEL/1484/99EL/L 14484/99 and HEL/1546/HEL/1546/99),9 in the light of the reaction too thethe demarche.demarche. 11842/99 EN DG E VI www.parlament.gv.at 2 II.OTHER POINTS 6. ASEM - China's investment symposium initiative The Group was not prepared to endorse the Chinese initiative; it was suggested that China should consider organising such a symposium outside the ASEM framework. - Preparation of SOMTI-6: follow-up to TFAPA and IPAP letter sent to the Asian co-ordinatorss The Commissionion invited partnerspartners to completecomplete a questionnaire onn ttraderarade bbarriersarrriiers aand return it by 21 January 2000. Ireland offered to host the next Young LeadeLeadersrss SySymposiumymposo iuum in JuneJu or September 2000. The Commissionmmission suggested that the Group discuss a nunumbermbmberr ofof currentccurrent iinitiativesn on education at onene of its future meetingmeetings.s. 7. DPRK The Group notedted the Secretariat report (coreu SESEC/1885/99)EC/C 188855/9999) of the EU-DPRKEU-DPRK PoliticalP Dialogue meeting held inn Brussels on 24 November 191999.999. It aagreedgreed to keep the situation iinn the DPRK under review. The Commissionommission briefed on the vivisitsit ofo forforo mmemerr Japanese PM Murayama to the DPRK (1-3 December 1999)99) and JJapan'sapan's announcannouncement,emmennt,t ffollowingolo lowwing thatthat visit,visit, that it intends shortly to take a number of stepsps towards the normalisatnormalisationioon ofof iittss relations with the DPRK. The Commission also drew attentionn to the signature off thethe KEDOKEDDO turn-keyturn-key contract on 14 DecemberDecember 1999. 8. SECURITY IN NONORTHRTH EAEEASTSTS ASIAASISIA Following the invitationinvitation offeredofffferred byby the Political Committee in its conclusions of 5 December 1999 (SEC/1936/99)9) thethe GroupGrGroup tooktoookk note of the COPLA paper (HEL/1443/99). A numbernu of partners considered thatat some rrecommendationseccomo mendations in the paper should be borne in mind iinn the ongoing debate in the AAOWGOWG oonn thtthee Korean peninsulapeninsula.. 9. INDIA The Presidency and the Commission debriefed delegations on further details of the EU-India SOM and Ministerial Meeting of 2-3 December, and, in particular, on the practical follow-up to be 11842/99 EN DG E VI www.parlament.gv.at 3 given to the agreed initiatives (Think tank network and the EU-Indian Round table, Consular WG, and high level economic dialogue). The Commission briefed delegations on the short bilateral talks held between Commissioner Patten and FM Singh. The Group agreed to come back to New Delhi EU HOMs recommendations for further EU action (cf. Coreu HEL 1200/99) when preparing for the next round of EU-India contacts during the Portuguese Presidency. 10. AFGHANISTAN Italy debriefed the Group on further details of the Rome meeting and on the short-term follow-up agreed among the participants. Italy indicated thatthat the Italian GoveGovernmentrnmem nt wouwouldl provide further assistance andd that the UN was prepared to support the Loya JirgahJirgahh iinitiative.nin tit attivi e. 11. EC-ASEAN The Group welcomedelcomed the results of the first EEC-ASEANC-ASEAN susub-committeeub-cocommmitttee oonn thethe environment which took placeace in Brussels from 223-243-24 NovemberNovember upuponponn wwhichhhichh ttheyhhey were briebriefed by the Commission, whichwhich noted, in particular,particular, that, despspiteitte a thtthinhinn attendanceattt endance on the partp of some ASEAN members,bers, agreement had been reached on a nnumberumbeb r of followfollow-up-up meetingsmeet at expert level. The Presidencysidency also drew attention to the decisiondecissioi n byb Coreper to extend, for another year, the arrangementsnts for the participation of nonon-son-sisiignatoriesgngnattoriei s to the EEC-ASEANC-ASEAN CCo-operationo Agreement in the susub-committeesb-committees of the JCC.JCCCC. 12. THAILAND The Commissionion briefed the groupgror upp oonn thtthee reresultsesults of the sixth EEC-ThailandC-Thailand SOSOMM that took place in Brussels from 16-1716-17 November,Novembberr, ddrawingraawingn particular attention to the worrying sisituationt of Karin refugees in campsmps in NNorthernorrthherrn ThThailand.haia llannd. 13. PHILIPPINESES The Commissionion briefedbrieffedd thethe group on the resultresultss of the second ECEC-Philippines-Philippines SOM held in Brussels from 222-232-23 NNovemberovveember and noted, in particular,particular, the request from the PhilippinesPh for EU co-operation in judicial matters regarding the death penalty. 14. EAST TIMOR 11842/99 EN DG E VI www.parlament.gv.at 4 The Group received an information note from the Commission services on the visit of Commissioner Nielson to East and West Timor as well as Jakarta. It was also briefed by Portugal on FM Gama's visit to East Timor as well as their concerns at continued militia activity and possible mining of the land border between East Timor and Indonesia. The Commission noted that it hoped to come forward with a programme of reconstruction assistance for East Timor in the light of the Tokyo donors' conference (16-17 December). 15. ARF The Group endorseddorsed the Presidency paper on EU policy towards the AARFRF (cor(coreue HEL/1360/99) and welcomedd the intention of the incoming PresidencyPresidency to prepare,preparee, iinn cocco-operation-opo erat with the Commission andand Council Secretariat, a "brainstorming""brainstorming" sessiosessionn onon tthehe bbasisaasiis of the policy set out in that paper. 16. MALAYSIA The Group welcomedelcomed the intention of EU HOHOMsMs to preparepreepap rer a common responserespons to the note verbale from thehe MaMalaysianlaysian MFA accuaccusingsing EU (and(andd ootherthherr WWesterneestern missions) ofof interference in Malaysia's internalernal affairs though support of MaMalaysianalaysiaan popoliticalllitical parties and NNGOs.G 17. AOB BURMA/MYANMARNMAR : The Group consconsideredidderede CCOREUOOREU HAG/622/HAG/622/9999 and invited EU Ambassadors accredited to Rangoon/Yangongoon/Yangon to fofollowllloww the ppractraacticeice regarding attendance at BurBurma/Myanmar'sm national day, as setet out in coreu PRPRES/DUB/1014/RES/DDUBU /1/ 0114/96,96, for the forthcominforthcomingg national dday celebrations in January 2000. ----------------------- 11842/99 EN DG E VI www.parlament.gv.at 5 .
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