
Poland MALL ABOUT POLISH MIEETINGSCINDUSTRY E IMEX 2011 Cover story Cu li na ry tra il from żur to pie ro gi Just like Poland itself, the local cuisine is more than a thousand years old. Learn more about the potential theme of many of your incentive programmes. COVER PHOTO rowar in Stary B Where the best meet the best! an artistic and yle MICE Poland post-industrial st Dinner selects OLAND Gala PROJECT P Personalities of the Year Case study European ophthalmologists chose Warsaw “As far as the programme its concerned, besides lectures and workshops, the ceremonious dinner at the Salt Mine in Wieliczka sounds particularly exciting” PIER PAOLO MARIOTTI ABOUT ECM SUMMER SCHOOL IN CRACOW What’s new Experience the taste and Ha xel in ten Eu ro pe an co un tries let imagination soar The Ha xel Events & In cen ti ve Agen cy is one of the fo ur com pa - Magdalena Kondas nies win ning a ten der held by the editor MICE Poland Avi va gro up. It will pro vi de se rvi ces for Avi va com pa nies’ event -in cen ti - ve pro jects in ten Eu ro pe an co un - tries: Fran ce, Spa in, Ita ly, Po land, Czech Re pu blic, Li thu ania, Ro ma nia, dis cus sed Sinc e the Hun ga ry, Rus sia and Tur key. Sin ce it o boż niak: a n sco- rzysz tof P an- Eu ro pe K ill ha ve a p o e rat ion w are able t star ted fi ve years ago, Ha xel’s co ope ra - co op v e that we had to pro ic es pe, we n si ve ser v tion with the Po lish branch of Avi va has com preh e Each year mo re and mo re is go ing on in the dy na mi cal ly chan - gu arant ee ging Po lish me etings in du stry, which – al tho ugh still ve ry young so far in c lu ded, i.a. trips to Pe ru, SAF, Chi na and Mau ri tius for gro ups of 200, to Vien na for gro ups – fe atu res not on ly a gro wing num ber of spe cia li sts and pro fes- of 300 and to Ber lin for gro ups of 400. ”The pro jects in qu - sio nals, but al so vo lun te ers of fe ring the ir as si stan ce in ar ran ging estion be ca me our key to suc cess, ma king it po ssi ble to win con gres ses and events. Even tho ugh the glo bal eco no mic cri sis the trust of pe ople la ter re com men ding us in the ten der. Sin - in spi red ter ror among con fe ren ce spe cia li sts all aro und the ce the di scus sed co ope ra tion will ha ve a pan -Eu ro pe an sco - world, it did not ha ve any gra ve im pli ca tions for the Po lish in- pe, we had to pro ve that we are able to gu aran tee com pre - du stry; what is mo re, the lat ter used this pe riod for all ty pes of hen si ve se rvi ces from the view po int of both lan gu ages and in i tia ti ves, which are now hel ping it to evo lve from in si de. Fur - lo gi stics”, sa id Krzysz tof Po boż niak, pre si dent, Ha xel Events ther mo re, me etings and con fe ren ces across Po land are stron gly & In cen ti ve. www.ha xel.pl sti mu la ted by the pre si den cy of the EU Co un cil and the en su ing or ga ni sa tion of hun dreds of smal ler and lar ger me etings, as well CBP returns to garden as the pre pa ra tions for the Eu ro 2012 Cham pion ship and the In spi red by the IMEX Chal len ge Po land pro ject, its or ga ni sers re sul ting ad van ce ment of in fra struc tu re, in ve st ments in ve nu es, – the Co nven tion Bu re au of Po land – de ci ded to on ce aga in ma in ly ho tels, con fe ren ce cen tres and, obvio usly, sta diums, in vi te re pre sen ta ti ves of the Po lish me etings sec tor to be co me who se ope nings al so be co me in ter na tio nal -sca le events. The of - in vo lved in gro up work for the sa ke of others. In Sep tem ber fer of me etings to be held in Po land, the options of im ple men - ting a wi de ran ge of di ver se and one -of -a -kind sce na rios are tru- ly im pres si ve. All you ne ed to do is, to qu ote the Po lish To urist Or ga ni sa- tion, let your ima gi na tion le ad you. One of Po land’s di stinc ti ve qu ali ties is our ho spi ta li ty, which ma ni fe sts it self in the oft -em - pha si sed at ti tu de to wards cu isi ne and sha ring the gi fts of the ta- ble. Ma king Po lish fla vo urs and re la ted pe ople and sto ries the the me of your me eting is hi gh ly re com men ded. Pro fes sio na lism, ta ste and ima gi na tion will all gu aran tee its suc cess. 2010 in du stry pro fes sio nals from all over the world jo ined for - ces to help a fa mi ly -ty pe chil dren’s ho me by fo un ding a gar - den and a play gro und. Now, after se ve ral mon ths, the pro per ty New MPI Poland was in ne ed of cle aning up and the gar den – of fre she ning up. Gar den works on the di scus sed pro per ty are plan ned to be co - Club president me a re gu lar event. www.po land -co nven tion.pl After two years in office, Krzysztof Celuch was replaced by Wojciech Liszka of the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cracow, the heretofore education vice- president, as the new president of MPI Poland Club. The elections of the new board were held in the course of the II General Assembly & Annual Conference in Warsaw. www.mpiweb.pl Cu li na ry tra il from żur to pie ro gi George Michael in Wrocław Robert Sowa, one of the most popular Polish chefs: George Michael will perform during the opening ceremony of the Wrocław stadium currently developed ”To find out what Po lish cu isi ne is re al ly li ke, for Euro 2012. The concert on 17 September will be you ha ve to co me over and vi sit se ve ral go od re - a part of the Symphonica tour, with the British singer stau rants. Whi le co oking re gio nal di shes, chefs now accompanied by the Symphonic Orchestra of the do the ir best to ren der them as le an as po ssi ble. They Wrocław Philharmonic. The price of the 28 000 tickets en co ura ge, i.a. mo re fre qu ent use of flax oil or vir gin col za oil” UU 8 will range from 79 to 399 PLN. www.2012.wroc.pl Bimonthly – International edition of MICE Poland ISSN 1731-7452 International edition of a bi mon th ly de di ca ted to the is su es of Po lish in cen ti ve, bu si ness com mu ni ca tion and events. Cover photo Stary Browar in Poznań from the archives of Start Browar Pu bli sher Eu ro sys tem, Ja ro sław Śle szyń ski, ul. Wa wel ska 78, ap. 30, 02-034 War sza wa, tel. (+48 22) 822 20 16, fax (+48 22) 823 78 83, e-ma il: mi ce@eu ro sys.pl www.micepoland.com.pl Edi to rial te am Magda Kondas (editor), Ksenia Bednarek, Marek Chojnowski, Krzysztof Celuch, Anna Łukasik, Michał Kalarus, Ja go da Wal czak (di rec tor) De sign Stu dio Studio4you, Iwona Bóta Monthly Polish edition. The ma ga zi ne is aimed at the clients and or ga ni sers of events and in cen ti ve trips of the lar gest Po lish com pa nies. If you are in te re sted in di stri bu ting our ma ga zi ne, ple ase con tact us: mi [email protected] MICE Poland | IMEX 2011 | 3 WHAT’S NEW NEWS Light, sound and water New con fe ren ce cen tre in Po me ra nia A new con fe ren ce -exhi bi tion cen tre, Am - ber Expo, is go ing to be ope ned in in Warsaw Gdańsk. The ve nue, who se com ple tion is sche du led for spring 2012, will fe atu re a ple na ry hall with a ca pa ci ty of as ma ny In au gu ra ting the ca pi tal’s Fo un ta in Park, the ear ly May ”Ma gic as 600 gu ests, along with the so -cal led of ele ments” show at trac ted tho usands of spec ta tors, who bre ako ut ro oms for 100-150 me eting had an op por tu ni ty to ad mi re its first mul ti me dia li ght, so und par ti ci pants.
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