
An Treoir Oifigiúil Cuid a dó 2018-2021 Official Guide Part 2 Official Playing Rules www.facebook.com/officialcamogieassociation www.instagram.com/officialcamogie www.camogie.ie www.twitter.com/officialcamogie officialcamogie This is An Treoir Oifigiúil Cuid a Dó (Official Playing Rules 2018-2021) The other binding parts are as follows: • Part I Official Guide • Part III Code of Practice for all Officers of the Association • Part IV Disciplinary Code and THDC Mandatory Procedures • Part V Association Code on Sponsorship • Part VI Code for Camogie Supporters’ Club • Part VII Code of Behaviour (Underage) Effective from May 7th 2018 In the case of competitions at any level of the Association, that commenced prior to May 7th 2018, these competitions will be administered under the playing rules effective at the commencement of the competition. The Camogie Association Croke Park Dublin 3 Tel: 01 865 8651 Email: [email protected] Web: www.camogie.ie OFFICIAL GUIDE – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 Contents 15 A-SIDE CAMOGIE ...................................................................................... 2 1. Name of the Game .................................................................................. 2 2. Team Lists ................................................................................................ 2 3. Teams’ Composition ................................................................................ 3 4. Duration of Games .................................................................................. 3 5. Substitution of Players During a Game .................................................. 4 6. Playing Gear .............................................................................................. 5 7. Equipment ................................................................................................ 6 8. The Pitch ................................................................................................... 7 9. Rules of Play (normal and extra time) .................................................... 8 10. Foul Play .................................................................................................... 11 11. Advantage Rule and Frees ...................................................................... 14 12. Side-Line Puck .......................................................................................... 17 13. Puck-Out from Goal ................................................................................. 18 14. Small Parallelogram (square ball) ........................................................... 19 15. Scores ....................................................................................................... 20 16. Limitations of Liability ............................................................................. 20 12 A-SIDE CAMOGIE ...................................................................................... 21 17. Team Composition ................................................................................... 21 18. Substitution .............................................................................................. 21 19. The Pitch ................................................................................................... 22 20. Rules of Play ............................................................................................. 22 21. Fouls .......................................................................................................... 23 1 2018/2021 AN TREOIR OIFIGIÚIL – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 Playing Rules WH ERE competi tio ns for under 16 and other f ormats are concerned, c lub s, cou nty boards, provincial councils, nati onal education coun cils may adapt the playing rules in relation to team com posit ion, subst itutions, dura tion of match, pitch dime nsions and the size, weig ht and ma terial of the sliota r. Such adaptations must be app roved as compe tit ion rules at a properly consti tuted gen eral meet ing of the relevant unit. In incl ement weat her all players ag ed under 16 may wear match ing tra cksuit bottoms in add it ion to their un iform. Rules gove rning elig ibility Rule 28.4 (age restrictions) of An Treoir Oifigiúil Part I must apply. Rules for 12- a-side Cam ogie are detailed at the end of this document. 15-A-SIDE CAMOG IE Play ing Rules should be read in conjunction wit h Duties of the Referees, Lines Officials and Umpires, Sections 41, 42 and 43 of An Treoir Oifigiúil. 1. Name of the Game The name of the game is Camog ie. 2. Team Lists 2. 1. Each team shall provide the Re feree with a list in duplicate on Form CC2 (either hand writ ten or electronical ly genera ted) of the full names in Irish and /or English of its players and substi tutes. The li st shall be sig ned by an Official authoris ed by the Club/ Board/C oun cil. The team list shall be given to the Refer ee by the comm encement of the se co nd half of the match. Failure to com ply with this Rule shall result in afinebe ing imposed on the defaulting t eam by the committee in char ge of the compe tit ion. 2018/2021 2 OFFICIAL GUIDE – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 3. Teams’ Composition 3. 1. A team must be comprised of fifteen players who must be aff iliated and registered me mbe rs of An Cuma nn Camógaíoc hta in acco rdance with the Rules. Eligibil ity to play in acom peti tion will be determin ed by the rules and appr oved bye- laws. 3. 2. The team line -out must be as follows: • Goal keeper •Threeful l-bac ks •Threehal f-backs •Twocentre-f ield players •Threehal f-for wards •Threeful l-forw ards 3. 3. Each team must have at least twelve players to commence a match. Amatchma ycontinuewith less than twelve players asid e, only in the event of a pla yer (s) ordered off or retired injured. Ateam com mencing with less th an 15 playe rs may add to their team only du ring asto ppage in play and on play ers noti fying, in wr itin g, the Referee. Such pla yers must already be inc luded on the te am list su bmitted to the Referee. 4. Duration of games 4. 1. The time of ac tual play must be sixty minu tes. Ahalf-time int erval of not more than 15 min utes sh ould be allowed. Teams must switch ends on resumption of the game after half-time. 4. 2. Ex tra Time In the event of ex tra time be ing played, its duration w ill be ten mi nut es ea ch half. Teams must sw it ch en ds on resu mption of the game after hal f-time. Ahalf-t ime interval of not more than five min utes should be allowed. 3 2018/2021 AN TREOIR OIFIGIÚIL – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 5. Substitution of Players During a Game 5. 1. Subs titution me ans the replacing dur ing a game or at hal f-time of any of the fifteen players of a tea m, other than aplayerdismi ssed fr om the field of play by the Refer ee. Only five sub stitu tions pe r team will be allowed. A subs tituti on is not allowed in the case of aplayer orde red of f. A subs tituti on may only be ma de during a sto ppage in play and on notifying, in writing, to the Re feree. A team whi ch makes more than five su bsti tutio ns will forfeit the game to its oppon ents. Excepti on: Amaximum of 8 subst itu tions may be ma de in un der 14, und er 16, under 18 and adult lea gue compet itio ns at all levels. This does not a pply to cha mpionships at all levels regard less of compet ition st ructu re or format. 5. 2. Temporary Sub stitu tion/B lood re placement Aplayer who is bleeding or who has blood on any part of he r body, playing attire or playing eq uipment, as aresult of an in jury sustained during play, must on the ins truct ion of the Refe ree, imm ediately l eave the field of play to receive me dical an d/or oth er attention. She will not be allo wed to ret urn to the fie ld of play un til the bleeding has been cleaned off an d, where possibl e, the injured ar ea has been covered, any bloo dstained playing att ire has be en replaced and any blood -stained equipme nt has been fully cleaned. In that circums tance, a Tempor ary Rep lace ment may be used, and the fol low ing ac ts will not co unt as subst itutions under Rule 5.1. a. the use of the te mporary replacem ent for a play er ins truc ted to leave the field of play b. the return to the field of play of the injured (b lood) player as adirectreplac eme nt for the temporary replacem ent 2018/2021 4 OFFICIAL GUIDE – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 c. the return to the field of play of the inj ured (bloo d) player as areplac em ent for any oth er play er if the temporary replac eme nt has pr eviously been sent off or su bsti tuted. 5. 3. Subst ituti on in Extra Time For the pur pose of extra time in all formats, wh en pla yed, a further max imum of five subs tituti ons will be permitted. 6. Playing gear a. Te ams are requ ired to wear dis tinctive colo urs. In all ins tanc es all me mbe rs of the same team must be uni for mly dressed. b. Play ing gear must be of Irish manuf acture if pos sibl e. It must consist of: • ski rt/skor t/divided skir t, spor ts jersey with long or short sleeves, knee socks and boo ts. A base layer (‘skins’) may also be worn. Goalkeepers may wear the team tracksuit in all com peti tions ot her than na tion al fi nals. c. The crest of An Cuma nn Camóga íoc hta must be display ed on the team jer sey and ski rt/skor t/divided skir t. Penalty: If not complied with in Camogie games, the Referee will firstly caution the player/players for dissent. If the player/players continue to refuse to comply with Rule 6 as outlined above she/they will be dealt with in accordance with Rule 41.9 (b) for dissent. 5 2018/2021 AN TREOIR OIFIGIÚIL – Part 2 – Official Playing Rules 2018-2021 7. Equipment 7. 1. Hurley (Hurl/Camán) a. A player may play with a hurley which is bound with a metallic substance, with adhesive tape (“covered hurley”). In all Camogie games and training sessions, the use of a “covered hurley” shall be the player’s sole responsibility except where it is deemed dangerous by the Referee. b. In all Camogie games, a player must play with a hurley the bas of which cannot exceed 13 cm in width except for the goalkeeper when on goalkeeping duties.
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