West Virginia Section 303(d) List and Supplements uunnamednnamed ttributaryributary ooff Elk-twoElk-two MMileile CCreekreek iinn KKanawhaanawha CCountyounty PPhotohoto bbyy PPatat CCampbellampbell The format of the 2004 Section 303(d) list is organized around the Watershed Management Framework. The fi ve hydrologic groups (A-E) of the framework provide the skeleton. Within each hydrologic group, watersheds are arranged alphabetically and impaired waters are sorted by stream code in their appropriate watershed. The information that follows each impaired stream includes the stream code, the affected water quality criteria, the affected designated use, the general cause of the impairment (where known), the impaired length (or, by default, the entire length), the planned or last possible timing of TMDL development and whether or not the stream was on the 2002 list. The cause of impairment is often unknown or uncertain at the time of listing and is so indicated on the list. The cause(s) of impairment and the contributing sources of pollution will be identifi ed in the TMDL development process. Many waters are listed, by default, for their entire length. In most cases, it is doubtful that the entire length of stream is impaired, but without further data, the exact length of impairment is unknown. Each listed stream will be revisited prior to TMDL development. The additional assessments performed in the pre-TMDL monitoring effort will better defi ne the impaired length. A West Virginia Watershed Management Framework map is provided to assist navigation within the list. A key is also provided to aid in the interpretation of presented information. Six additional supplements to the Section 303(d) List are provided. The supplements allow tracking of previously listed waters that are not on the 2004 Section 303(d) list, and identify impaired waters for which TMDLs are not needed, waters for which obsolete total aluminum TMDLs have been developed, and new waters/impairments listed in 2004. Each supplement is described below: Supplemental Table A – Previously Listed Waters – No TMDLs Developed Previously listed waters from the 2002 list that are not on the 2004 list are included in this supplement if a TMDL has not been developed. These waters have been reevaluated and found not to be impaired. Causes for revision of their impairment status include recent water quality data demonstrating an improved water quality condition, revision to the water quality criteria associated with the previous listing, documentation that the water was previously listed in error, or modifi cation of the listing methodology. Supplemental Table B – Previously Listed Waters – TMDL Developed TMDLs have been developed for many previously listed waters. Under 40 CFR 130 regulations, TMDL development allows the removal of an impaired water from the Section 303(d) List. In the suggested format for the Integrated Report, such waters are to be classifi ed in Category 4a and clearly distinguished from Category 5 and the Section 303(d) List. Waters included in Category 4a have TMDLs developed, but water quality improvements are not yet complete or documented. Supplemental Table C – TMDL Developed – Below Listing Criteria The goal of every TMDL is to bring the impaired water back to the point where it meets its designated uses and associated water quality criteria. Waters in this supplement have had TMDLs developed and recent water quality information indicates that the listing criteria are no longer being exceeded. In the Integrated Report, the waters of Supplement C may be included in Category 1 (meeting all uses) provided that impairments for other uses/pollutants are not evidenced. Supplemental Table D – Impaired Waters – TMDLs not Required Under 40 CFR 130 regulations, TMDL development is not needed for impaired waters if other control mechanisms are in place which are reasonably expected to achieve water quality standards, or if the impairment is not caused by a pollutant. In the suggested format for the Integrated Report, such waters are to be classifi ed in Categories 4b and 4c, respectively. The waters residing in Category 4c are dewatered as a result of historic and present day deep mining activities. Supplemental Table E – Total Aluminum TMDLs This supplement identifi es waters for which TMDLs have been developed pursuant to the previously applicable total aluminum water quality criterion. EPA’s approval of revised aluminum criteria, as described on Page 10 of the report, makes the subject TMDLs obsolete. Supplemental Table F – New Listings for 2004 This supplement simply identifi es the newly identifi ed waters and impairments associated with the West Virginia 2004 Section 303(d) List. The waters and impairment shown on Supplemental Table F are also include on the Section 303(d) List and are classifi ed in Category 5 of the Integrated Report format. Watershed Management Framework Groupings with TMDL Finalization Target Dates WV 2004 Section 303(d) List Key List Format Impaired waters are first organized by their hydrologic grouping pursuant to the West Virginia Watershed Management Framework (i.e. Hydrologic Group A waters are shown first, followed by Hydrologic Group B, etc.) Within each hydrologic group, major watersheds are displayed alphabetically (e.g. within Hydrologic Group B, the Coal watershed is displayed first, followed by the Elk , followed by the Lower Kanawha, and so on.) Within each major watershed, impaired waters are arranged by their stream code. The following table displays the format of the West Virginia 2004 Section 303(d) List and contains excerpts designed to display various intricacies. Stream Name Stream Code Criteria Affected Cause Impaired Reach Description Projected 2002 Length TMDL List? (mi) Year Hydrologic Group B Coal Watershed – HUC # 05050009 Big Coal River WVKC Fecal Coliform Unknown 60.5 Entire Length 2005 Yes Little Coal River WVKC-10 Fecal Coliform Unknown 32.0 Entire Length 2005 Yes Spruce Fork WVKC-10-T Aluminum (dis) Unknown 11.4 Mouth – RM 11.4 2005 No Fecal Coliform Unknown 18.1 Mouth – RM 18.1 2005 No Hewitt Creek WVKC-10-T-9 Aluminum (dis) Unknown 6.0 Entire Length 2005 No Fecal Coliform Unknown 6.0 Entire Length 2005 No Iron Unknown 6.0 Entire Length 2005 No Craddock Fork WVKC-10-T-9-C Fecal Coliform Unknown 2.5 Entire Length 2005 No Sycamore Branch WVKC-10-T-9-C-2 Fecal Coliform Unknown 0.8 Mouth – RM 0.8 2005 No West Virginia’s streams are coded under an alphanumeric system. Major rivers have been assigned an alphabetical code that symbolizes their name. For example, the code for the Coal River is “WVKC” which symbolizes West Virginia- Kanawha-Coal. Adding a numerical suffix to the major river code codifies tributaries to the mainstems of the major rivers. Suffixes are applied in ascending order from mouth to headwaters. Tributaries of tributaries are codified by alternately adding numerical and alphabetical suffixes, always in ascending order from mouth to headwaters. In the example table, the Little Coal River (WVKC-10) is the tenth tributary of the Coal River (WVKC) and Spruce Fork (WVKC-10-T) is the twentieth tributary of the Little Coal River. Hewitt Creek (WVKC-10-T-9) is the ninth tributary of Spruce Fork. Craddock Fork (WVKC-10-T-9-C) is the third tributary of Hewitt Creek, and Sycamore Branch (WVKC- 10-T-9-C-2) is the second tributary of Craddock Fork. The “Criteria Affected” column identifies the numeric or narrative water quality criterion that is not attained in the impaired water. On the list, a separate line is provided for each affected criterion (reference above listings for Spruce Fork or Hewitt Creek). The “Cause” column identifies the general cause(s) of the impairment. In most instances, the actual cause of impairment is not known at the time of listing. For all waters and impairments, the impaired length is provided, as well as the impaired reach description, in as much detail as possible. If the exact length of impairment is unknown, the entire length of the stream is indicated by default. Causes of impairment and impaired reach descriptions will be confirmed in the TMDL development process. The “Projected TMDL Year” column indicates the latest year in which the WVDEP plans to develop a TMDL for the impairment. The last column of the list provides information as to whether or not the stream appeared on the West Virginia 2002 Section 303(d) List or is a new listing. Projected TMDL Completion Years Hydrologic Group A 2004, 2009, 2014 Hydrologic Group B 2005, 2010, 2015 Hydrologic Group C 2006, 2011, 2016 Hydrologic Group D 2007, 2012, 2017 Hydrologic Group E 2008, 2013, 2018 WV 2004 Section 303(d) List Key Designated Uses The affected designated uses associated with each listing are not displayed in the tabular format. Instead, the following table and discussion provides information regarding the affected designated use(s) for all criteria exceedances that resulted in the listing of impaired waters. Affected Designated Use Criterion Contact Public Water Aquatic Life All Other uses Recreation Supply Aluminum, dissolved X Chromium, hexavalent X CNA-Biological X Dioxin (2,3,7,8 – TCDD) X X X Fecal Coliform / Bacteria X X Iron X X Lead, dissolved X Manganese X pH X X X X Selenium X X Zinc X Both the aquatic life and public water supply uses are affected in most waters listed as impaired relative to iron because the numeric criterion for aquatic life in warmwater fisheries (1.5 mg/l) is identical to the criterion for the public water supply use. The aquatic life criterion for iron in troutwaters (0.5 mg/l) is more stringent than the criterion for the public water supply use. Three waters are listed solely due to the exceedance of the troutwater iron criterion - Snowy Creek (WVMY-2), Peters Creek (WVKG-13) and Right Fork of Middle Fork (WVMTM-11).
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