
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1998 No. 11 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I object Herger Markey Redmond The Reverend Ronald F. Christian, Hill Martinez Regula to the vote on the ground that a Hinojosa Mascara Reyes Director, Lutheran Social Services of quorum is not present and make the Hobson Matsui Riley Fairfax, VA, offered the following pray- point of order that a quorum is not Hoekstra McCarthy (MO) Rivers er: present. Holden McCarthy (NY) Rodriguez Almighty God, Your glory is made Hooley McCollum Roemer The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Horn McCrery Rogan known in the heavens, and the fir- is not present. Hostettler McGovern Rogers mament declares Your handiwork. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Houghton McHale Rohrabacher Hoyer McHugh Ros-Lehtinen With the signs of Your creative good- sent Members. ness all about us, we must acknowledge Hulshof McInnis Rothman The vote was taken by electronic de- Hutchinson McIntosh Roukema Your presence in our world, through vice, and there wereÐyeas 353, nays 43, Inglis McIntyre Roybal-Allard Your people, and within us all. answered ``present'' 1, not voting 33, as Istook McKeon Royce So, therefore, we pray for Your Jackson (IL) McKinney Ryun follows: mercy when our ways are stubborn or Jackson-Lee Meehan Sabo [Roll No. 14] (TX) Meek (FL) Salmon uncompromising and not at all akin to Jefferson Meeks (NY) Sanchez Your desires. YEASÐ353 Jenkins Metcalf Sanders We pray for Your guidance in the Ackerman Camp Dunn Johnson (CT) Mica Sandlin choices and chances of life, so that Aderholt Campbell Ehlers Johnson, E. B. Millender- Sanford Allen Canady Ehrlich Johnson, Sam McDonald Sawyer Your wisdom will inform our decisions. Andrews Cannon Emerson Jones Miller (CA) Saxton And, we pray for Your grace so that Archer Cardin Engel Kanjorski Minge Scarborough we can place the consideration of oth- Armey Carson Etheridge Kaptur Moakley Schaefer, Dan Kasich Mollohan Schumer ers before the promotion of self. Bachus Castle Evans Baesler Chabot Everett Kelly Moran (VA) Sensenbrenner For Herculean efforts given by com- Baker Chambliss Ewing Kennedy (MA) Morella Serrano mon folk who serve their brothers and Ballenger Chenoweth Farr Kennedy (RI) Murtha Shadegg sisters every day in quiet love without Barcia Christensen Fattah Kennelly Myrick Shaw Kildee Neal Shays the herald of trumpet or headline, we Barr Clayton Fawell Barrett (NE) Coble Fazio Kilpatrick Nethercutt Sherman give You thanks, O God. Barrett (WI) Coburn Foley Kim Neumann Shimkus And, for the Olympian challenges Bartlett Collins Forbes Kind (WI) Ney Shuster faced every day by courageous people Barton Combest Ford King (NY) Northup Sisisky Kingston Nussle Skaggs who are struck down by disease or de- Bass Condit Fossella Bateman Conyers Fowler Kleczka Ortiz Skeen struction, we ask O God, for Your Bentsen Cook Frank (MA) Klink Owens Skelton intercession. Bereuter Cooksey Franks (NJ) Klug Oxley Slaughter Bless our days and our deeds in Your Berman Cox Frelinghuysen Knollenberg Packard Smith (MI) Kolbe Pallone Smith (NJ) peace. Amen Bilbray Coyne Frost Bilirakis Cramer Gallegly LaFalce Pappas Smith (TX) f Bishop Cubin Ganske LaHood Parker Smith, Adam Blagojevich Cummings Gejdenson Lampson Pastor Smith, Linda THE JOURNAL Bliley Cunningham Gekas Largent Paul Snyder Latham Paxon Solomon The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Blumenauer Danner Gilchrest Blunt Davis (FL) Gillmor LaTourette Payne Souder ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Boehlert Davis (VA) Gilman Lazio Pease Spence ceedings and announces to the House Boehner Deal Goode Leach Pelosi Stabenow Bonilla DeGette Goodlatte Levin Peterson (MN) Stark his approval thereof. Lewis (CA) Peterson (PA) Stearns Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Bonior Delahunt Goodling Boswell DeLauro Gordon Lewis (GA) Petri Stenholm nal stands approved. Boucher DeLay Goss Lewis (KY) Pickering Stokes Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Boyd Diaz-Balart Graham Linder Pitts Strickland to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on Brady Dickey Granger Lipinski Pombo Stump Livingston Pomeroy Sununu agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Brown (CA) Dicks Greenwood Brown (FL) Dingell Hall (OH) Lofgren Porter Tanner the Journal. Brown (OH) Dixon Hall (TX) Lowey Portman Tauscher The SPEAKER. The question is on Bryant Doggett Hamilton Lucas Price (NC) Tauzin the Chair's approval of the Journal. Bunning Dooley Hansen Luther Pryce (OH) Taylor (NC) Maloney (CT) Quinn Thomas The question was taken; and the Burr Doolittle Hastert Burton Doyle Hastings (WA) Maloney (NY) Radanovich Thornberry Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Buyer Dreier Hayworth Manton Rahall Thune peared to have it. Calvert Duncan Hefner Manzullo Rangel Thurman b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H449 H450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 12, 1998 Tiahrt Watkins Wicker I think it is all too easy in peacetime This problem is big and getting big- Tierney Watt (NC) Wise Towns Watts (OK) Wolf to forget exactly how much was sac- ger. I urge my colleagues to join me in Traficant Waxman Woolsey rificed. I think it is all too easy to for- protecting efficient, good quality home Turner Weldon (FL) Wynn get that the young men and women we health care. Our senior citizens deserve Upton Wexler Yates have in Bosnia, the situation develop- no less. Walsh Weygand Young (FL) Mr. Speaker, I submit the following Wamp White ing in Iraq, the 38,000 young Americans Waters Whitfield in Korea, all of them are risking their for the RECORD: lives, separated from their families, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR NAYSÐ43 doing what it takes so that America HOME CARE, Abercrombie Gutierrez Pascrell Washington, DC, February 10, 1998. Baldacci Gutknecht Pickett can be free and safe. Hon. JAMES P. MCGOVERN, Becerra Hastings (FL) Poshard We in this House have the great Borski Hefley Ramstad honor to serve with a man who was House of Representatives, Cannon House Office Clay Hilleary Schaffer, Bob courageous in fighting for his country, Building, Washington, DC. Clyburn Hilliard Scott DEAR REPRESENTATIVE MCGOVERN: On be- Costello Hinchey Sessions a man who was courageous in serving half of the National Association for Home DeFazio Kucinich Stupak as a prisoner of war, a man who came Care (NAHC), the nation's largest home Deutsch LoBiondo Taylor (MS) back to continue serving his country as health organization representing home care English McDermott Thompson a State legislator and a Member of providers, caregivers and the patients they Filner McNulty Velazquez Congress. serve, I would like to commend you for in- Fox Menendez Visclosky troducing legislation that would address Gephardt Moran (KS) Weller We all today have a chance, not just some of the devastating inequities in the in- Gibbons Obey here in the Congress to vote on a reso- Green Olver terim payment system (IPS). We whole- lution honoring prisoners of war, but to heartedly support your legislation, which ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð1 call on every county, every city, and will delay its implementation and change Spratt every State some time during this 25th the base year for calculation of per-bene- anniversary year to hold an event hon- ficiary caps. NOT VOTINGÐ33 oring those who have been prisoners of As you know, IPS became effective with Berry Harman Oberstar war, honoring their families and their cost reporting periods starting October 1, Callahan Hunter Riggs children, recognizing what they do for 1997. The new per-beneficiary limits, how- Clement Hyde Rush ever, will not be published until April. This Crane John Schiff all of us, and recognizing how much means that approximately 2/3 of home health Crapo Johnson (WI) Smith (OR) our freedom depends on their sacrifice. providers will be on the new IPS without Davis (IL) Lantos Snowbarger I urge all of my colleagues to join me Edwards McDade Talent knowing what their per-beneficiary limits Ensign Miller (FL) Torres in recognizing a great American who will be. Your legislation, by delaying the im- Eshoo Mink Vento we are privileged to have serve with us, plementation date, would ensure that provid- Furse Nadler Weldon (PA) the gentleman from Texas (Mr. SAM ers would not have to be ``flying blind'' Gonzalez Norwood Young (AK) JOHNSON). under a wholly new system. b Equally important is your provision which 1023 f would change the base year for calculation of Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi changed PROTECT EFFICIENT, GOOD the per-beneficiary caps from fiscal year 1994 his vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' QUALITY HOME HEALTH CARE to ``fiscal year 1995 or, at the election of the Mr. EVERETT changed his vote from agency, calendar year 1995.'' This change will (Mr. McGOVERN asked and was given ``nay'' to ``yea.'' level the playing field among agencies and permission to address the House for 1 cap reimbursement rates at more reasonable So the Journal was approved. minute and to revise and extend his re- amounts. The result of the vote was announced marks and include extraneous mate- Once again, thank you for your leadership as above recorded. rial.) on this most important issue. We look for- f Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, be- ward to working with you to assure passage of the legislation. Please contact Eric Sokol PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cause of an ill-advised provision in last or Lucia DiVenere of my staff if we can be of year's budget agreement, providers of any assistance to you. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. home health care all across America Sincerely, CAMP).
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