International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Ten Years of Supporting Democracy Worldwide © International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2005 International IDEA publications are independent of specifi c national or political interests. Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of International IDEA, its Board or its Council members. Applications for permission to reproduce or translate all or any part of this publication should be made to: Publications Offi ce International IDEA SE -103 34 Stockholm Sweden International IDEA encourages dissemination of its work and will promptly respond to requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications. Graphic design by: Magnus Alkmar Front cover illustrations by: Anoli Perera, Sri Lanka Printed by: Trydells Tryckeri AB, Sweden ISBN 91-85391-43-3 A number of individuals (and organizations) have contributed to the development of this book. Our thanks go, fi rst and foremost, to Bernd Halling, External Relations Offi cer, who coordinated the content development of this book and for all his hard work and support to the book through its many phases. We also thank Ozias Tungwarara, Senior Programme Offi cer, who developed the concept from the beginning and helped in the initial phase of writing and collection of material, as well as IDEA’s Publications Manager, Nadia Handal Zander for her help in the production of this book. Foreword International IDEA was born in 1995 in a world tions—hence the notion of local ownership of the which was optimistic about democratic change. process of reform and development. For signifi - The end of the Cold War had ushered in a period cant political reforms and public policy decisions, of opportunity and innovation with democracy as there needs to be the space and time for knowl- well as more self-critical analysis of the quality and edge to be shared, for information to be circulated, achievements of democracies, old and new. The and for opinion groups to form and debate and to time was ripe for the idea of IDEA, the creation build consensus with key stakeholders. The qual- by a group of countries committed to democracy ity of the dialogue and the inclusive nature of the of a special body to assist in strengthening democ- decision-making processes will tend to condition racy anywhere in the world. the acceptability and effectiveness of the reforms in question. Building local capacity for dialogue Defi nitions of democracy differ and evolve. IDEA as well as for institutional strengthening has thus has had its own vigorous debates on the issue. been one of the priorities in the work of IDEA. What is clear for IDEA is that democracy goes be- yond the rule of law and the protection of human For IDEA, this has meant on the one hand an em- rights; it means more than good governance and phasis on the importance for local stakeholders the effective management of public resources. De- and political elites of using dialogue and public mocracy is about the use of power and the man- debate to establish a momentum and a consensus- agement of confl ict. We may formulate this as a based agenda for political reform. It has meant an set of political institutions and processes based on equally strong emphasis on learning from others, the principles of popular control over public deci- and developing comparative knowledge and expe- sions and decision makers, and equality of respect rience so as to enhance understanding about po- and voice between citizens in the exercise of that litical processes and institutions. control. However, IDEA has been insistent from the beginning, as now echoed by many, that there Every situation may be distinct but common el- are no blueprints for democracy since every coun- ements do emerge: there may be lessons to be try’s political institutions and practices are shaped learned in democracy and peace building, in en- by its history, its culture, and social and economic forcing standards of integrity and transparency for factors. The quality of democracy will vary accord- political parties and institutions, in designing in- ing to how well the institutions allow for these stitutional arrangements to enhance participation two principles to be given practical expression, and governability, in establishing good practice through processes of participation, representation, in political management, negotiating techniques accountability, transparency and responsiveness to and consensus building processes and so on. Such the citizens. Such processes depend on a culture of comparative knowledge and experience is more participation, in which pluralistic media, an active than ever in demand by political reformers at lo- civil society, competing political parties and other cal, national and intergovernmental level. IDEA mechanisms allow all citizens to acquire political has specialized in developing such materials in re- voice. sponse to needs and demands and in cooperation with a wide range of partners and user organiza- It follows that the task of making democracy work tions. belongs to the countries themselves, their citizens, civil associations, social and economic forces, The last decade has seen both major changes and professional associations and religious groups, as continuity in the business of democracy build- well as public bodies, political parties and institu- ing. IDEA’s basic premises have been confi rmed 4 The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and vindicated but also sharpened over time. Ris- preoccupations and activities. In the decade to ing apathy and cynicism in various parts of the come, IDEA will continue to be a microcosm of world about democracy’s failure to deliver on ex- the international community of democracy-lov- pectations or provide any real control over polit- ing nations but it may well develop a more con- ical elites present one set of challenges. Confl ict ventional intergovernmental structure and draw and insecurity present other challenges: democrat- much closer to its Member states in future. It will ic processes should serve as the tools of confl ict certainly remain true to its philosophy of democ- management and remain paramount when tack- racy building, but should fi nd satisfaction as more ling security threats of all kinds, but they never- and more other bodies emulate IDEA, extending theless need very careful design and development its infl uence, although reducing its uniqueness. to avoid contributing to confl ict in society. Other IDEA will adapt to the changing scene, no more challenges, and also opportunities, arise from glo- a lone pioneer attempting to fulfi l an impossibly balization, mass communications and technology. ambitious global vocation, but acting in future as Tackling inequality has become perhaps the most a wise and enterprising partner for cooperation pressing task for democracy. Political institutions and a dynamic creator of networks in the expand- and processes need to ensure political equality and ing world of democracy building. popular control but they also need to ensure the political mandate and capacity to govern and de- I am privileged to have been part of IDEA’s jour- liver policies which serve to improve the lives of ney into its second decade, contributing to its re- citizens. Without both economic and political jus- newal and development. It was nearly ten years tice, democracy cannot thrive. ago when I fi rst encountered IDEA on one of its fi rst missions to start a process of democracy ca- These twin objectives need to remain present in pacity building. At the time, and now more than foreign trade and development cooperation poli- ever, I share their vision with all those who con- cies as well as in specifi c efforts at democracy pro- sider IDEA to be a wonderful idea. My thanks go motion by the international community. Com- to all those who have contributed to this shining pared with a decade ago, there is a vast increase in idea as well as those who have brought this anni- talk about democracy building, and much more versary book into being. May IDEA’s next decade knowledge too, although concepts and strategies be as bright as its fi rst! still vary widely. There are appreciably more re- sources available, but here are multiple challenges and needs. There is also a considerable growth in the number of pro-democracy actors, both in the not-for-profi t sector at national and internation- al level and in the public sector as an increasing variety of public agencies—different government departments, parliaments, judiciaries and so on— take initiatives related to democracy and govern- ance support. Karen Fogg This is a new environment for IDEA. It started Secretary-General out as a body with a unique vocation and a unique International IDEA structure. The fi rst decade was a period of inno- vation and passion. IDEA attracted many lively minds, then as now, and built up great expecta- tions, then as now. There have been many impor- tant achievements and this anniversary yearbook is an excellent opportunity to present some of these as well as highlight some of IDEA’s current Ten Years of Supporting Democracy Worldwide 5 Table of Contents Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................................4 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................................................9
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