INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE JURISTES - COMISION INTERNACIONAL DE JUR.'STAS INTERNATIONALE JURISTEN-KOMMISSION 6, RUE DU MONT-DE-SION, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND - TELEPHONE 25 53 00 CABLE ADDRESS-. INTERJURISTS PORTUGUESE AFRICA AND THE RULE OF LAW A STUDY OP THE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC and SOCIAL SITUATION OF THE AFRICAN POPULATIONS IN THE PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES OP CONTINENTAL APRICA Ph.COMTE June 15f 1962 TABLE OP CONTENTS PRELIMINARY NOTE MAPS OP ANGOLA AND MOZAMBIQUE INTRODUCTION Chapter I. INTEGRATION*, THE THEORY AND ITS LIMITS Part I. The Political Unity of the Portuguese Nation §1. Political. Unity against the .Historical Background of Portuguese Colonial Policy §2. Political Unity under Current Positive Law I. The Principle of Political Unity II. Administrative Diversity * Part II. Assimilation of the Natives in Law :§1, Assimilation in the History of Portuguese Colonial Policy ; §2. The Status of the Natives Under the 1933 Constitution I, The Constitution of 1933 II* The Organic Law Relating to Portuguese Overseas Territories (Act'n°2066 of June.27, 1953) III. The Statute of Indigenous Persons of Portuguese Nationality in the Provinces of Portuguese Guinea, Angola.and Mozam­ bique (Legislative Decree n$S‘*666 of May 20, 1954) §3» Legislative Decree n°43.893 of September 6, 1961 Chapter II. THE POLITCAL ^ND ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTIONS Part I. The Political Rights of the Native Part II. The Administrative System §1. The Organs of Central•’ Pt^wer I. The Constitutional Organs of the Portuguese Republic II,- The Administration of the Overseas Provinces §2, The Organs .of Administration.in the .Overseas Provinces ; §3, The Administration of the African'Rural Areas Part III, The Judicial System I, The System Prior to September 6, 1961s Duality of Jurisdiction II. The Decree of September 6, 1961{ Unity of Jurisdiction • * Cahpter III. PUBLIC FREEDOMS AND CIVIL RIGHTS ; Part I. Public Freedoms ■ I. Public Freedoms Under Ordinary Law II. Obligations and Constraints Exclusive to Natives . Part II. The Legislation §1, Criminal Law §2. Civil Law §3. Fiscal Law . Chapter IV. THE PATTERN OP ECONOMY Part I. The Economic Background to Portuguese Colonial Policy ■ ; : §1. The Economic Role of the Colonies in the History of the Portuguese Empire. §2. Present-day Trends, in the Economic Poliy of the Portuguese Government in the Overseas Provinces Part II, The Financial Organization of the Overseas Provinces Part III. Utilization of the Territories’ Resources §1, The External Trade of the Overseas Provinces w • # - 1 .., L. The Overall Balance of Payments Situation II, The Pattern of Trade §2, Factors of Production 4 §3* The Big Companies §4. Invisible Exports Part IV, The Settlement of the Territories Part V, Development for the Overseas Provinces I- ■:'!fr"7;v 7S-: -i Chapter V. SOCIAL CONDITIONS Part I, The Social Assimilation"of the Africans Part II. Puislic Health Part III. Education §1. The Position of the Regligioua Missions in the Overseas Provinces §2. The General Structure of the Education System §3. Results and: Achievements-in the.Field of Education Chapter VI. THE ORGANIZATION OF 'LABOUR Part I. The.-General Conditions of Work SI. The -Pattern and Level of Employment §2. The Basic Legislation Governing Labour Regulations -J. §3. Principal Aspects of the Social Legislation §4. Wages Part II. The Obligation to Work • ■ >' §1, Evolution of Portuguese Policy Regarding the ! Obligation to Work §2. Positive Law at the Present Time I. National Legislation II.- International Conventions §3* Application of Positive Law Prior to 1961 §4» The Work of the Commission of Enquiry Appointed by the International Labour Organization (1961/62) Chapter VII. THE FORCES OF RESISTANCE Part I, Gathering Clouds §1. The First Symptoms of Unrest in the Overseas Provinces §2. -Angola From March 1959 to larch 1961 Part II. The Revolt in Angola §1. The Beginning §2. Counter-Attack and Repression Part III. The Situation Today Chapter VIII. THE OVERSEAS PROVINCES AND THE UNITED NATIONS Part I. Are the Overseas Provinces ’’NonrSelf-Governing Territories” ? s i . The Criteria of Non-Self-Governing Territories as Defined by the General Assembly of the United Nations §2» The Legal Validity of the Criteria Defined by the General Assembly §3, Application of the Criteria to Portugal’s Overseas.; Provinces Part II. Has Portugal'Fulfilled the Provisions of the Charter Relating to Non-Self-Governing Terri­ tories ? §1, Non-Trahsmit.;tal of Information Concerning the Overseas Provinces §2. General Conditions of Administration in the Overseas Provinces . §3. The Question of Angola CONCLUSION PORTUGUESE AFRICA AND THE RULE OF LAW .PRELIMINARY NOTE I.- The quotations from the Political Constitution of the Portugese Ropublic have been taken from the English translation published in 1953 by the National Secretariat for Information, Lisbon, Wherever possible, quotations from other Portuguese enact­ ments have been taken from English translations published in the United Nations' Yearbook on Human Rights, Texts of which no translation is available in' the’Yearbook have been translated into English from the Portuguese original. II.- The following abbreviations have been used to denote the authors, documents and periodicals most frequently referred tog A ) Lagislative and Statistical Yearbooks Anuario estatistico Anuario estatistico de Portugal, pub1ished by the Portuguese Government, Lisbon (latest editions I960;). Anuario Ultramar Anuario estatistico ,■ do Ultramar, published by the Portuguese Government, Lisbon (latest editions 1957)* Anuario Angola Anuario estatistico de Angola, published by the Administrative Authority. in Angola, Luanda (latest edition: 1959)* Anuario Guinea Anuario estatistico de Guinea, published by the Administrative Authority in Portu­ guese Guinea, Bissau (latest editions 1950/51)'. Anuario Mozambique Anuario estatistico de Mozambique', published by the Administrative Authority in Mozambique, Louren^o Marques, (latest editions 1959)* Demographic Yearbook Demographic Yearb.ook, published by the United Nations, New York (latest editions I960). Repertory U.N. Practice Repertory of Practice of United Nations ;0rgS.hs', ^published by the United Nations, New York. Vol.IV (1956), and Supplement No. II (1959). Statistical Yearbook Statistical Yearbook,published by the United Nations, New York (latest edition? I960). Y.H.R. Yearbook on Human Rights, published by the United Nations, New York (latest editions 1956). B) Authors Addicott Len Addicott, Cry Angola I (Londons SCM Press Ltd,1962). Bohm Elemor - Borer., la Mise on valour des colonies portu- galses (Pariss P .U.F.,. 1931) • Davidson Basil Davidson,. The African Awakening .,(Londons J. Cape, 1955)* Duffy James Duffy, Portuguese Africa (Cambridge} Harvard University Press, 1959)• Durieux A . Durieux, Essai sur le statut des indigenes portu- ga is de la Guinee, de 1'Angola et du Mozambique ^Brussels; Academie des sciences coloniales, 1955)* Egerton F. Clement C. Egerton, Angola in Perspective (London; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957) •- Favrod Charles-Henri Favord, le Poids de l'Afrique (Paris; le Seuil, 1958). FigUeiredo .Antonio.de Figueiredo, Portugal .and Its Empire; the Truth (Londons Victor Gollancz, I96I). Gunther John Gunther, Inside Africa (Londons Hamish Hamilton, 1955). ‘; Hailey Lord Hailey, An African Survey (Revised 1 9 5 6 ) (Londons Oxford University Press, 1 9 5 7 ) . Mondlane Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique, in Africa in the Modern WorId, pp.233-244? (Chicago; University of Chicago Press, 1955)• Ritner . Peter Ritner, The Death of Africa (New York; Mac­ millan , I960). Ross Edward A. Ross, Report on Employment of Native Labour in Por-tuguese Africa (New York, 1 9 2 5 ) , Spence C.F. Spence, The Portuguese Colony of Mozambique s an Economic Survey (Cape Towns A.A. Balkema, 1951). G) Survey and Official Documents African Labour Survey African Labour Survey, "Studies and Reports" New Series, No.48, pub- 11shed by the International Labour Office Geneva 1958. Congo-Angola Border Enquiry, report on the visit of Mr. George' ihomas, M.P., and the Rev. Eric L. Blakebrough to the Congo-Angola Border, August, 1961s published by the Angola Action Group, Southend-on-Sea jEss'ejs ,. Eng land) Economic Survey of Economic Survey of Europe in 1955? Europe in 1953 published by the Economic Commission for Europe (Document E/ECE/l74)» Geneva, 1954- I.L.O. Records Stenographic record of the hearings at the I.L.O. Commission's second session (September 18-30,’ 1961) and documents-appended to the/Commissionrs report (see I.L.O. Report below). Copies of the records and appended documents have been placed in- the library of the International Labour Office in Geneva. -A I.L.O. Report Report of the Commission Appointed under Article... 2 6 of the Internationa 1 Labour Organisation to Examine the Complaint Filed by the Government of Ghana concerning the Observance by the Government! of •Portugal, -if the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention 1 9 5 7 TWo. 10,5 ) ; published by the Inter­ national Labour Office, Official Bulletin, Vol. XLV, No.2 , April 1 9 6 2 , Supplement II.. I.N.S.E.E. Survey Economic, survey of Portugal-and the Overseas Provinces published by the Institut national de statlstique et d ’etudes economiques, Paris, August 1961 (roneographed). Mozambique’s Economy Special issue of the New York Herald Tribune (European Edition), Paris, April 1 9 6 1 ) . Report of Ad Hoc Committee Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Forced Labour, published by the Inter- national Labour Office
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