J REGD. GOA - 5 J Panaji; 7th August, 1975 (Sravana16, 1897l, S~RIESIIN~ .. 19 OFFICIAL -- GAZETTE GOVERNMENT, OF' GOA,. DAMAN ,'AND. DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN allong With tIle" incumbents '-'~(i trie red~igl:t"ate the trans- " r ferred posts as Assistant- Surveyor WorkS'. AND DIU 1. P. A. to SuperinJtending Engineer, I W.D. V ) 2. P. A. to Sup,erintenqing Engineer, ill W.D. X i \ Special' Department 3. P. A. to Superintending Engineer" V W.D. III } - By order and in the name of the Admlnl$l:rator of Goa, ) Daman and i.Hu. Order N. Raja8hekar; Under- S,ecretary (Revenue). No. 4-17-74-SPL Panaji, 1st August, 1975. On -the recommen-iat1on of the 'Government' of . India, Ministry of Home- -Affairs, New Delhi, Shri W. Shaiza, lAS is appointed as Seqleta.ry (Planuing)-cum-Development Com­ Notification missIoner, GovernrnE:nt of Goa, Daman and Diu with effect N~ DE/OSD/ESTofSBSE f.rom the date of his jOin"jug ~nd until furthe:t;' orders. In exercd:se of tp,e,p_owers conferred by Sub-Secrtd.on (1) of With effect from the same date Shri .s. C. Pandey. lAS, Section 7 and Sub':Secti!On" (5) -of SectIon 12 of the Goa, Secretary (Industrie'S and Labour) is relieved of the additional Daman and Diu Se-C'ondary and H:gher Secondary Education charge of·the post of Secretary (Planning)-curn-Development Board Act, 1975 (13 of 1975), -the Government of Goa, Daman Commiss'ionel' . and Diu hereby const11tutes ,the Board as fonows:- " By ,order and in .the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and _-Diu. 1. S'hrli M .. H; -S'ardessClIi, Director ot.Educatton·- Chairman. f I M~ K. Bha.ndare, _Deputy Secretary (A~pointments). Category Sl'. N8. Name 1 ! Panaji, 30th July, 1975. Vide I Class A 1. The nominee of Director of Educatli.·on. ... Ex. Officio 2. Director .of Sports .and Cultural Affairs . \ ... 3. Principall, GoV'·t. Pdlytechntic, Panaji" j Educaf1-cfu.! and Public Works Department 4. Director !Of S. I. E., Vacant. ,~. 5. Director of' Agriculture. I 6. Director of, Accounts•. Order Class B. ('i) Two members 'Of Leg·islative Assem­ No: PWD/PE-STN/202/75 ElIected -b,ly, Govt. of Goa, Daman ,and Diu. I " Members 11\ partial modificaition of Government order of even number 7. Shri- Eduardo Faileiro, M.L.A. dat-ed 2 M 7M 1975 the. Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu S. Sn:ri R'Ohiidas NaJi:k, M;L.A. i is hereby ,pleased' to promote 800 P. S. Kandeparkar, ~ AS'Sistant Engineer, W. D. V. on purely temporary and ad-hoc (ilt) _Folir members tto represent Untiver­ basis and posted iu W. D. XVI, Margao with immediate ~ffect. ~ sity --of Goa 'or Principals and Tea­ I -chers 9f Collleges .ill; .this Territory. 'Shri S. M. Kudchadkar, Executive' Engineer,,' W. D. II is deputed to Econom1c Developmenit CoTPotation of Goa, Daman 9. Shri D. J~ 'Ma:lkarnekar', Prlncipall, Smt. Par· and Diu Ltd. ' - vathibai Chowgule: College, __ Margao, Goa. 10. Prof. A{-M-.--'Ch!rkhaJ.i'kar,~Oommerce CoHege. By or-der and in the name of the Administrator of I Mapusa. Goa, Daman and Dhl. 11. shri M: '13. iKamat, Pl1incipa'l, College' of Arts and Commerce, Vasco da Gama. ' N. Rajasekhar, Under -Secretary (Revenue). ··12. ·Prof.: D. B~ 'Wag-h, Director, Post Graduate Panaji, 31st July, 1975. CeJi1trej Panaji. .HH) One Headmaster of a Higher .ge-c~>n­ dary School. '" "13, ,Shrl 'oM. S. " Sakhardande, Headmaster, Order '.: 'Higher Se'(x)ndary ~chOO1, BfchQUm. , No. PWD/PE/3412/75 (dv) One Teacher 'of a Hdgher Secondary Government is pleased to Itransfer with immediate' effect ·School_ > the_ -following. tecl1.nical,- pOSits· of P. A. to Superintending '1'4 .. !i:n1t1·J.' C .. 'Rodrig~es, Asstt. Tea~lier, Hq'gher Engineers _to the respectd.:ve- divisions shown, against each -.Se~qtid.ar.y_ S.choOI; Cutchorem. - .~.". _. --~ 160 8ER1E~ II)jo, 19 Category S N Category ,Sr. No. Namo . Vide 1'. o. Vid.e - (v) Six Headmasters of Secondary a:iss C (!tv) Two reputed educatJionists. ,-Sch,ools,. one- each from <\:,slgnated .. Nominated , 32•• Shv!J~. S. Kenkare,r>&;,etor iii' Tr,w,ll\g, area. -'-Boar:5i' of App,renf:tceship;-Bomba:y. ,: ,-~ ~-, . l)egignatedarea: Sfroda VJce Ass~t!On, Pernem~" Bwholim ' and, ,Satari. "'-" '-'-. 15. Shri R. S. Gramopadhye" Headma'Ster. Govt. High School, Valpai. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa~ Bardefll-', , Daman'and Diu. '-'. _' -- ' ' , 16. smt. Mitra Bir, Headinistie~s; Saras~at" 8., O. Pu.uley, DevelOp";ent OOmmIss!6Iter. High School, Mapusa. Panaji, 5th August, 1975. TWwa,iU and Mormugao' ,17; Shri G. R. Sard'essal, Headm~er. Pro­ gress High School, Panajl. Corrigendum 8a.lcete No. PWD/PE-STNj202/75 18. Shri R. N. Phene, Headmaster, Mahila The words «to the post of Executive Engineer» may be­ Vidyalalya, Margao. inserted betw~n the words (<ad hoc basis» and ~and posted» ' in the order of .even number dated 31-7-1975. PQooa -and Bamgueni, 19. Shri C. Fernan-des, Headmaster, A. J. de By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa~ Almeida High School, ponda. Daman and Diu. N. Rajasekhar, Unrct'er_Secr~tary (Revenue). Quepmn and Canaoona Cy 20. Shr! A. F. DeSsa!, Headamster, Malikarjun Panaji, 4th AuguSt, 1975, High School, Canacona. (yo1) Six Teacher$ of Secondary Schools ---.......""-.-' one eMh from designated area. peri~etk, Bich<>J~m an4 -8a.t~ Rural Development Depart~ent 21. Shri. G. S. Karpe, Asstt. Teacller, ~ogress High School, Sanquelim. Order Bardez No. ADWABN-R's Nominee/75 22. Shri John D'Mello. Asstt. Teache.. , St. Br!­ Re8.d: - This Office Order No. ADMjAB.N-R's ,Nominee! tos High School, Mapusa. /74 dated 3-7-74 whereunder Shri P. R. Prabhu, Ma­ pusa" Shri ~athew N. D'Sa, Margao and Shri R. C. TlsWad! and Mormugao BhatIa, Daman have been appointed as Registrar's 23. Shri A. of. Parab. Asstt. Teacher', Mata Se­ Nominees for the COOperative Year ending 30·6-1975. condary School, Vasco da -Gama.. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 93(1) of the Maharashtra Cooperative-Societies Act. t"9-60 as applied Salcete to the 'Union TerrItory of Goa, Daman and Diu read with . 24. Shri R. Y. Raiturkar, Asstt.- Teacher, New Rule 73 of ,the Cooperativa Societies Rules, 1962. I. Vaman Era High School, Margao. Sardesai, RegIstrar of Cooperative Socletles;-Goa, Daman and Diu, Panaji, hereby appoint the following perso~§ to perform Ptmda and Sanguem the duties of the Registrar'S Nominee, for decidIng the dIs­ putes ariSing in any of the Cooperative So'cieties~ until furthel' 25. Shri Prakash Hede, Asstt. Teacher, M'ira­ orders. des High School, Sanguem. o Sl'.No, Name of the person Address Quepern-, and Cantacona 1 Sl1ri P. R. Prabhu, B.A., LL.B., Near Police 8.tation, 26. Shri C. L. farsekar, Asstt. Teacher. New Advocate. Mapusa, Bardez~ ~ Goa. Ji::ducational Institute, Cu-rchorem. 2 Shri Mathew N. D'Sa, B.A., Near HolY Spirit (V'ii) Two representatlv,," of the ma.~ LL.B., -~dvocate. High SchOOl, Mar-­ ments of Secondary Schools. ·gao-Goa. 27; Shri R. A. Tople, Headmaster, Janata High 3 Shri Roopchandra Soharam Opposlte Sport. Club. School, Mapusa. Bhatia, M.A. (Eng.), M.A. Moti-Daman, Da­ (Hind!), M,A. (Psy), LL.B., man. 28. Fr. Nlcolau Pereira" PrJnClpall, st. Xo.vlers Advocate. - College, MlIJpusa. V(Wnan .8aro.esai, Registrar of Gooperative Societic"> Goa.~ Class C (,1) One HeadmasU>1'. of a Secondary Daman and Diu. 'School from Daman and mu.- l\'I:lmlnl'ted Panaj,i, 8th July, 1-975. 29. Shl'! R.D. 'Dhimar, Headmaster, SarvajanU< V1idyalaya, ' Daman. Olass C (.i) One Teacher of a Sec<>!ldary School Ord&r Nom'inated fr.on:l Daman and Diu. No. RES-(c)-1611Goa/LQD/75 3t). Shri I. T. ,Mall!, Asstt. Teacher, Shri Som­ nathKe1wallli MandaJs IDgh ~1, Dabhal, Read: - This Office Order No. RSR/ORG/St. Estevam; Daman. /LQD/Notice/73-74 dated 5-2-1974 appointing· Kum. Kishori N. Pai; as,liquidator of the St. Estevam VlvldI't Karyakari Sahakari Seva Society Ltd., St. Estcvan1 Class C (Ii,) One PrinCipal of a secorufary Tea­ NomJnated chers' TNl4DJing College. Tiswadi. 31. M!!ss T.' IKalathiveetll, Prinolpall, Nirmala In partial modification of this Office Order 'Cited above, Instituta of E<lucatil>n, Panali. Shri C. D. Gaude, Jr.- Inspector. CooP?I'at1ve SOCieties, Panaji.. -: 7TH AUGUST, 1975 (SRAVANA 16,1897) 161 is hereby appointed as liquidator of St. Estevam Vividh Ka­ His initIal pay is fixed at Rs. 575/M per mon'th. The next ryakari Sahakari Seva Society Ltd., St. Estevam, Tlswadi ·increment wnl be admissible to h'lm on 1st January 1976. in place of Rum. Kishor! N. Pal, with effect from the date of taking over charge. He .w:ill be on probation for the per-iod of two years. The appoinbnent 'is fUl'ther subject to the terms and condi­ M. N. Bhartiya, Asst. Registrar of Coop. SocIeties, Goa, tions specified in the offer of appointment of even number Daman· and Diu. date<! 11th June 1975. Panajl, 19th July, 1975. By order and in the naa"'l1e of the Administrator of Goa, of GOd, Daman and Diu. P. Noronha, Under Secretary, (Industries and Power). Notific~tion Panaji, 30th July, 1975. In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 9(1) of the Maharashtra Coop. Societies Act. 1960 as' applied to the Union Territory of Goa, D~an and Diu, Peoples High School Staff and Students Consumers Cooperative Society Order Ltd., Panaji, -is registered under code symbol No.
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