Volume MMXV No. 1 January—February 2015 A new exhibit set to open on January 20, 2015 in the upstairs Upcoming gallery at Pennypacker Mills highlights the extraordinary life Events & Programs of Galusha Pennypacker. Galusha was a second cousin to Samuel W. Pennypacker. They shared the same great- Exhibit Opening grandparents Matthias and Mary Custer Pannebecker. Samu- The Making of a Hero: el wrote in his autobiography, When I was a child about seven The Life of Major General years of age, my father one day took me to a house on Nutt’s Galusha Pennypacker Road on the north side about a half mile from Phoenixville and Tues., Jan. 20th thru Mar. 1st within a short distance of the Corner Stores. In the house was a modest, diffident boy, perhaps a little larger than myself. My Gallery Talk father said to me: “Sam, this is your cousin, Galusha Penny- The Making of a Hero: packer,” and we played together in the yard. The Life of Major General Galusha Pennypacker Galusha was the son of Joseph J. and Tamson Workizer Pen- Sun., Jan. 25th 1 to 2 pm nypacker. There have always been discrepancies of his FREE, suggested donation $2 per person birthdate. Galusha wrote to Samuel on October 6, 1871, I was born at Valley Forge- passed but a few years of my life with my Valentine’s Workshop for Kids Grandfather, near Phoenixville. Was born on the farm owned Sat., Feb. 7th 10 am to 12 pm by my mother at V.F., June 1st 1841. Since in Philadelphia, until Fee: $5 per child my mother's decease. Only child she had. {Some of my people Registration on page 9 say I was born in 1842 a year later). In 1838, Tamson inherited Girl Scouts—Register Now! the farm owned by her father which was the house used by “Don’t Lets Forget the Girls….” Baron von Steuben during the Valley Forge encampment. A Visit with Juliette Gordon Low She was described as a very beautiful, intelligent, educated Sat., Mar. 14th 10 am to 11 am woman. She married Joseph Pennypacker on May 7, 1839. Fee: $7.50 per person Galusha’s mother named him for the Baptist missionary, Elon Registration on page 7 Continued on Page 2 Visit us on the web at http://www.montcopa.org/pennypackermills Continued from Page 1 held in the Old Friends Meeting House. He went to Galusha. Joseph moved the family to Philadelphia work for the Chester County Times newspaper in where he operated a merchandise store. Tamson West Chester in 1859. In 1860, he wrote to Dr. Isaac I. died on January 8, 1846 from smallpox. Shortly after Hayes of Philadelphia about joining his arctic expedi- her funeral, Joseph closed the store and left Galusha tion which mapped Ellesmere Island. It appears Ga- to live with his grandparents Joseph and Elizabeth lusha was looking for an adventure. Funk Pennypacker and Joseph left for California. The When President Abraham Lincoln issued his first call war with Mexico broke out in May of 1846, and Jo- th seph served as an Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Gen- for troops, Galusha joined the 9 PA, a ninety-day eral William J. Worth. Galusha’s grandfather was regiment, on April 22, 1861. He was elected a lieuten- against the war with Mexico and unhappy that his ant, but felt he was too young to serve in that capaci- son was a part of it. After the war, Galusha’s father ty, and served as the unit’s quartermaster sergeant instead. At the expiration of the 9th PA, Pennypacker went to San Francisco and operated a newspaper. th recruited a company for the 97 PA and was commis- Galusha’s grandfather died in 1852, and his grand- sioned captain for Company A. On October 7, 1861, he was promoted to major. The Regiment left West mother at age 73, along with his Aunt Elizabeth, th raised him. When Elizabeth married in 1856, Galusha Chester for Washington on November 16 . From Washington, the 97th PA was sent to Fortress Mon- and his grandmother went to live with her eldest son th Elijah Funk Pennypacker. Elijah was a member of the roe, Virginia five days later. On December 8 , 1861 Pennsylvania legislature from 1831 to 1835 and mem- they were ordered to Port Royal, South Carolina. ber of the Canal Board. He supported Thaddeus Ste- th vens with the highly controversial Free Public School The 97 PA took part on the siege on Fort Pulaski Act of 1834. Elijah served as the surveyor for Phoe- outside Savannah, Georgia, on February 7, 1862. Fort nixville and as the president of the Iron Bank of Phoe- Pulaski was built with five foot thick brick walls and nixville. Elijah’s Whitehorse Farm served as a station described as strong as the Rocky Mountains. This was on the Underground Railroad. Elijah’s nine children a combined naval and army assault to take the fort were all younger than Galusha. that guarded Savannah harbor, thus strengthening the Union blockade. The Union Navy landed new 30 Samuel described Elijah in his autobiography, A mile pound rifled Parrot cannons near the fort. The fort away, at the Corner Stores, Elijah F. Pennypacker, a surrendered after one day’s bombardment. Quaker, six feet four inches in height and straight as an th arrow, at one time president of the Pennsylvania Aboli- The 97 PA took part in the occupation of Fort Clinch, tion Society, had a station on the Underground Rail- Jacksonville, Florida and Fernandina, Florida. On June road and when, as occasionally happened, an unknown 10, 1862 they participated in the Battle of Grimball’s negro was met wending his way northward, he was Station, South Carolina and on June 16, 1862, the Bat- bidden “Godspeed.” tle of Secessionville, James’ Island, South Carolina. Elijah wrote to William Still, the Chairman of the Vigi- Fort Wagner on Morris Island covered the southern lance Committee of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist So- approach to Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. The ciety, on November 7, 1857, Respected Friend- There first attack on July 11, 1863 had Union losses at 339 to are three colored friends at my house now, who will 12 for the Confederates. A second attack on July 18, is well known for the charge made by the 54th Massa- reach the city by the Phil. & Reading train this evening. th Please meet them. Thine, &c., E.F. Pennypacker We chusetts, a black regiment. The 97 PA served in re- have within the past 2 mos. Passed 43 through our serve for this failed attack and were ordered to re- hands, transported most of them to Norristown in our move the wounded from the field while taking fire own conveyance. E.F.P. from the fort. Isaiah Price in his History of the Ninety- Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Galusha was educated in the private schools of Phoe- during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 wrote, Dur- nixville and Schuylkill Township including the one ing the night, the enemy threw shot and shell continu- Gallery Talk ally over the ground where the men were seeking for the wounded, but no casualties occurred. The The Making of a Hero: firing, however, so seriously frightened the ambu- The Life of Maj. Gen. lance drivers as to cause them to start off their Galusha Pennypacker teams at a run as soon as their load of wounded soldiers was ready, regardless of the piercing cries Sunday, January 25th of the poor sufferers. This was summarily and effec- 1 pm to 2 pm tually stopped by sending an armed guard with To commemorate the 150th Anniversary each wagon, with orders to shoot the driver if he of the Battle of Fort Fisher, come hear drove out of a walk. The Confederates abandoned an in-depth talk on the current exhibit of the life of Maj. Gen. the Fort on September 6th. Galusha Pennypacker. th The Galleries are located on the 2nd floor of the Pennypacker On October 2, 1863, the 97 PA was sent again to mansion. FREE, suggested donation $2 per person. Fernandina, Florida. Fernandina served as the rail- head for the longest railroad in that state. In Feb- ruary of 1864, they took part in the expedition Pennypacker returned to the regiment on August 12, with the Navy schooner “Para” against Wood- 1864 and was appointed Lt. Colonel on August 13th and stock Mills and captured a million and a half feet promoted to Colonel on August 15th in command of the of lumber, accomplishing their objective of cut- entire regiment. In September, he commanded the bri- ting off supplies coming from Florida. gade. Galusha stated to his Uncle Uriah that his duties have been quadriplicated. The 97th PA took part of the On April 23, 1864, the 97th PA was sent to Fortress siege on Petersburg, Virginia. On September 28, 1864, Monroe to join the tenth corps and engaged in at Fort Gilmer, Pennypacker’s horse was shot from un- the Battle of Green Plains on May 20, 1864. The derneath him, with him taking a wound to the ankle. advance line was broken, therefore leaving a gap which the Confederates quickly filled. Pennypack- Fort Fisher, located er was in reserve with 300 men of the 97th and on the peninsula of was ordered to advance in order to recapture the the Atlantic Ocean line. After recapturing the line, Pennypacker was and Cape Fear River, ordered to charge the right of the rebel lines be- guarded the ap- ing told the center was already taken.
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