Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Water Resources Public Disclosure Authorized Bangladesh Water Development Board Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Draft Final) Volume I (Main Text) Public Disclosure Authorized River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) February 2015 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) List of Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank AEZ Agro ecological zone APHA American Public Health Association BCCSAP Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan BDT Bangladesh Taka BMD Bangladesh Meteorological Department BOD Biological oxygen demand BRE Brahmaputra Right-bank Embankment BSM Brahmaputra system model BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board CC Cement concrete CIIA Cumulative and Induced Impact Assessment CoP Conference of the Parties CPUE Catch per unit effort CSC Construction supervision consultants DAE Department of Agricultural Extension DC Deputy Commissioner DEM Digital elevation model DFL Design flood level DG Director General DO Dissolved oxygen DoE Department of Environment DoF Department of Fisheries DPP Development Project Proforma DTW Deep tube well EA Environmental assessment ECA Environmental Conservation Act ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate ECoP Environmental Code of Practice ECR Environment Conservation Rules EHS Environment, health, and safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Bangladesh Water Development Board ii Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) EMP Environmental Management Plan ERP Emergency Response Plan ESDC Environmental and social cell EMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESDU Environmental and social development unit EQS Environmental Quality Standards FAA Flood affected area FAP Flood Action Plan FFS Farmer field school FGD Focus group discussion FHWA Federal Highway Administration FPCO Flood Plan Co-ordination Organization GCM General circulation model GoB Government of Bangladesh GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Green house gases GRM Grievance redress mechanism GSB Geological Survey of Bangladesh HH Household HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey HIV Human immunodeficiency virus HL High level HSE Health, safety, and environment HYV High yielding variety IEC Important environmental component IEC Information, education, and communication IEE Initial Environmental Examination IESC Important environmental and social component IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPM Integrated pest management IPoE Independent Panel of Experts IPMP Integrated Pest Management Plan IPSNM Integrated Plant and Soil Nutrient Management IUCN International Union of Conservation of Nature Bangladesh Water Development Board iii Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) IWM Institute of Water Modeling JMREMP Jamuna Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project LL Low level LLP Low lift pump MHL Medium high level MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action NEMAP National Environment Management Action Plan NEP National Environment Policy NFP National Fisheries Policy NGO Non governmental organization NLDP National Livestock Development Policy NLUP National Land Use Policy NWMP National Water Management Plan NWP National Water Policy O&M Operation and maintenance OHS Occupational health and safety PCR Physical cultural resources PIRDP Pabna Irrigation and Rural Development Project PMU Project Management Unit PPE Personal protective equipment PWD Public Work Department RAP Resettlement Action Plan RBIP River Bank Improvement Program RCC Reinforced cement concrete RCNM Roadway Construction Noise Model RHD Roads and Highway Department ROG Reactive oxygen gases RS Resettlement site SASEC South Asian Sub-Regional Economic Co-operation SDP Social Development Plan SEALS Sundarbans Environmental and Livelihoods Security STW Shallow tube well TDS Total dissolved solids Bangladesh Water Development Board iv Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) TSP Tri super phosphate UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VEC Valued environmental component WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization WB World Bank Bangladesh Water Development Board v Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) Glossary Aman: Group of rice varieties grown in the monsoon season and harvested in the post-monsoon season. This is generally transplanted at the beginning of monsoon from July-August and harvested in November and December. Mostly rain-fed, supplemental irrigation is needed in places during dry spell. Aus: Group of rice varieties sown in the pre-monsoon season and harvested in the monsoon season. These are broadcasted/transplanted during March- April and harvested during June-July. Generally rain-fed, irrigation needed for high yield variety (HYV) of transplanted Aus. Beel: A natural depression, which generally retains water throughout the year and in some cases seasonally connected to the river system. Boro: A group of rice varieties sown and transplanted in winter and harvested at the end of the pre-monsoon season. These are mostly HYV and fully irrigated, planted in December-January and harvested before the onset of monsoon in April- May. Char: A shoal or a river island formed between the different channels of the braided river. Smaller ones keep appearing and disappearing. Some of the larger and stable chars also support settlements and cultivation. Haor: A back swamp or bowl-shaped depression located between the natural levees of rivers and comprises of a number of beels. Haat: Market place where market exchanges are carried out either once, twice or thrice a week, however not every day. Jaal: Different types of fishing net to catch fish from the water bodies. Kacha: A house made of locally available materials with earthen floor, commonly used in the rural areas. Kole: Kole is a seasonal closed water body separated from river, formed when river water starts to dry up; acts as a nursery and feeding ground for fish and merges with river again during high flow season. These are generally embayments in chars. Khal: A drainage or irrigation channel usually small, sometimes man-made. These may or may not be perennial. Kharif: Pre-monsoon and monsoon growing season. Cropping season linked to monsoon between March-October, often divided into kharif-1 (March- June) and kharif-2 (July-October). Pacca: Well constructed building using modern masonry materials. Rabi: Dry agricultural crop growing season; mainly used for the cool winter season between November and February. T. Aman: Transplanted aman rice. Upazila: Upazila is an administrative subdivision of a district. Bangladesh Water Development Board vi Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of River Bank Improvement Program (RBIP) Table of Contents Volume I List of Acronyms ............................................................................................................... ii Glossary ............................................................................................................................ vi 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1. Program Background ................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2. Overview of Proposed Program ................................................................................ 1-3 1.3. Study Scope .............................................................................................................. 1-5 1.4. Study Methodology ................................................................................................... 1-5 1.5. Program Influence Area ............................................................................................ 1-5 1.6. Study Team ............................................................................................................... 1-7 1.7. Document Structure .................................................................................................. 1-9 2. Policy and Regulatory Review ............................................................................... 2-1 2.1. National Environmental Laws .................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.1. Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act (ECA), 1995 ............................... 2-1 2.1.2. Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act (ECA), (Amendments) 2010 ...... 2-1 2.1.3. Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules (ECR), 1997 ............................ 2-1 2.1.4. Bangladesh Environment Court Act, 2010 ....................................................... 2-2 2.2. Relevant National Policies, Strategies and Plans ...................................................... 2-2 2.2.1. National Environment Policy, 1992 .................................................................. 2-2 2.2.2. National Environment Management Action Plan, 1995 ................................... 2-3 2.2.3. National Water Policy, 1999 ............................................................................. 2-3 2.2.4. National Water Management Plan, 2001 (Approved in 2004) ......................... 2-4 2.2.5. National Land Use Policy (MoL, 2001) ........................................................... 2-4 2.2.6. National Agriculture Policy, 1999 ...................................................................
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