UNCILASSFZIED UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL . DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Washington. D. C. 20523 BOLIVIA PROJECT PAPER SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY MANAGEMENT AID/LAC/P-910 PROJECT NUMBER: 511-0621 UNCLASSIFIED AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL C "LOPMENT7PE 1. TRANSACTIONAC' POAdd COL DOC'UMENT _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ PROJECT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATA_ SHEET __C A rnAdd Am endm ent Ntu mbejr CO _ Change DE 2. COUNTRYIENTITYBOLIVIA E D Delete 3 47 BURAUIOFFICE.7 3. PROJECT NUMBER LATIN AMERICA CARIBBEAN 02- _ S. PROJECT TITLE T (maximum 40,characters) I.Arl C BD 05 nSTAINABLE E: FORESTRY MANAGEMENT 6. PROJECT ASSISTANCE COMPLETION DATE (PACDJ 7. ESTIMATED DATE OF OBLIGATION MM I DO I YY (Under '0. below, enter 1. 2. 3, o, 4) 10913 10 10 10 A.Iitia FYI[1 3, 8.Oarter 8. COSTS Ej C.PFnalFY 919 $000 OR EQUIVALENT SI a A. FUNDING SOURCE FIRST LIFE OF PROJECT AID Appropriated ' B. FX . TOT___. TOTAL ant) Hoat Country Other.D ora,)TOTALS 701 -- 70 n _- nOtJ II nL__ 9. SCHEDULE OF AID :RIATIO- FUNDING (SOO_ PRIMARY C. PRIMARY PURIATIONSPERpI H CO D I 01LIGATION TO DATE E. AMOUNT APPROVED CODE Grant 2 Loan 1. Grant F. LIFE OF PROJECT 2. Loan 1.Grant 2. Loan. 1. Grant 2.Loan -- --- - - 2,968 15 ,000 TOTALS 2,9-----6---------8_ 10. SECONDARY TECHNICAL CODES _ (maximum 6 codes of 3 positions each) 1. SECONDARY PURPOSE COD I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ 12. SPECIAL CONCERNS CODES (maximum 1 codes A. Code of 4 positions each) ENV RGEN BR B. Amount 13. L PROJECT PURPOSE (maximum 480 characters) To build Bolivian public and private sector capacity to develop and programs for sustainable, implement certifiable forest use. :4. SCHIEDULED EVALUATIONS 15OII O OD NDSRIE MMSOURCE/ORGIN OF GOODS AND SERVICES M4. AMENDMENTSINATUREInterim 0 9 Final OF CHANGE PROPOSED 000 Local [ Other (This Ispage 1of a page PP Amendment.) (specify) The USAID Controller has reviewed the financial procedures described and hereby indicates herein his concurrhnce. .1 Rich . Goughnour, Controller .I AaRre / S IN AID/W. 1I.IS. DATE ORDOCUMENT FOR RECEIVED BY 7T AID/W DOCU- arber A. Davids Date Signed MENTS. DATE OF DISTRIBUTION AD (-9 IoI "I IDI3- I I I I IDO YY I AID 1330-4 (3-89) PROJECT AUTHORIZATION Name of Country: BOLIVIA Name of Project: BOLIVIA SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY MANAGEMENT Number of Project: 511-0621 1. Pu:suant to Sections 103, 103A, 117, 118 and 119 of t.he Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, amended, i hereby authorize the Bolivia as Sustainable Forestry Management Project (the "Project*) for the Republic of Bolivia (the "Cooperating Country") and Non-Governmental Organizations in Bolivia ("NGOs") involving planned obligations of not to exceed Fifteen Million United States Dollars ($15,000,000) in grant funds (the "Grant") over a seven period from the date of authorization, subject to the availability of funds in accordance with the A.I.D. OYB/allotment process, to help in financing foreign exchange and local currency costs for the Project. The planned life of the Project is approximately seven years from date of initial obligations until September 30, 2000. 2. The goal of the project is to reduce degradation of forest, soil, and water resources and to protect the biological diversity of Bolivia's forests. The purpose is to build Bolivian public and private sector capacity to develop and implement programs for sustainable forest use. The Project will be organized into three components and three supporting elements. The components are: natural forest management (including biodiversity protection, and technology transfer), product development, and policy and institutional analysis and development. The supporting elements include research, training, environmental monitoring and evaluation, and communications. The Project will be implemented by several public and private sector Bolivian organizations. A U.S. consortium will provide technical assistance. 3. The Project Agreement(s) which may be negotiated and executed by the officer(s) to whom such authority is delegated in accordance with A.I.D. regulations and Delegations of Authority be subject to the following essential shall ;erms and covenants and major conditions, together with such other terms and conditions as A.I.D. may deem appropriate. a. Sourceand Origin of Commodities. Nationality of Services Commodities financed by A.I.D, under the Project shall have their source and in Bolivia or the United States except origin as A.I.D. may otherwise agree in writing. Except for ocean shipping, the suppliers of commodities or services shall have Bolivia or the United States as their place of nationality, except as A.I.D. may otherwise agree in writing. Ocean shipping financed A.I.D. under the project shall, except as by A.I.D. may otherwise agree in writing, be financed only on flag vessels of the United States of America. b. A.I.D. shall reserve approval rights over key GOB personnel involved implementation, as a condition precedent in Project to payment of salaries in local currency with Grant funds. c. The GOB shall agree to work with community and private group and organizations assure access to land for pilot and demonstration to activities, to use its best efforts to present and urge the passage of a new forestry law supporting sustainable forest use, and to establish in Bolivia an I-i, / 2 independent, internationally recognized organization or agency capable of certifying sustainable forestry use and practices. 4. Based on the financial plan and the description of project activities and implementation arrangements in the Project Paper, local cost financing with appropriated funds is hereby authorized for the Project, as necessary to fulfill program objectives and to best promote the objectives of the Foreign Assistance Program. A& arber A. Davidson USA D/Bolivia Acting Director SA, RLA:nec - August 24, 1993 Clearances: ARD:JCalvo (in draft) ARD:MYates (in draft) ARD:WBaucom t/' . A/PD&I:MBarash (in draft 8/23/93) ECON:KBeasley (in draft 8/20/93) RCO:MKidd (in draft 8/20/93) DP:ESzepesy ._-/'7, {? CONT:RGoughn urJ A/DD:LLucke jj" h:\pdi\exe\62 1\pp\author ACRONYMS AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AID/R&D/ENR Agency for International Development/Research & Development/Environment & Natural Resources AID/EID Economic & Institutional Development AID/W Agency for International Development/Washington APCOB Apoyo Para el Campesino Indigena del Oriente Boliviano. APCOP Ayuda Para el Campesino Boliviano APG Asamblea del Pueblo Guarani ARD Agricultural and Rural Development Office B/C Benefit/Cost BOL.FOR Sustainable Forestry Management Project BOSCOSA The Osa Peninsula Foret Management and Conservation Project CARANA CARANA CATIE Centro Agricola Tropical de Investigacion y Extension CDC Centro de Datos para la Conservaci6n CDF/SC Forestry Development Center/Santa Cruz CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CESC Coordinadora Etnica de Santa Cruz CI Conservation International. CICOL Central Intercomunal Campesina del Oriente de Lomerio CIDOB Confederaci6n de Indigenas del Oriente Boliviano CIMAR Centro de Investigaci6n y Manejo de Recursos Naturales CIRABO Central Indigena de la Region Amazonica CITES Convention International Trade in Endangered Species CNF Cmara Nacional Forestal National Forestry Chamber of Commerce) CODEMA Consejos Departamentales del Medio Ambiente COP Chief of Party CORDECRUZ Corporaci6n de Desarrollo de Santa Cruz CORDEP Cochabamba Regional Development Project COTESU Cooperaci6n T~cnica Suiza (Swiss Technical Cooperation) CUMAT Capacidad de Uso Mayor de ia Tierra DA Development Assistance DAI Development Associates Incorporated DAP Design and Perfornance EA Environmental Assessment EOPS End of Project Status ER Environment Review FY Fiscal Year FAN Fundaci6n Amigos de la Naturaleza FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FBX Fundaci6n Bolivia Exporta FONAMA Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente (National Environmental Fund) FORESTA Forestry Project Costa Rica FSC Forest Stewardship Council FX Foreign Currency - Moneda Extranjera (US$) GEF Global Environmental Facility GOB Government of Bolivia IDB Interamerican Development Bank IIB Instituto Indigenista Boliviano INIF Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales IRR Internal Rate of Return ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization L/COM Letter of Commitment L O P Life of Project LT Long Term LAC/DR/E Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean/ Development Resources/Environment & Energy LAC Latin America and the Caribbean Bureau LC Local Currency - Moneda Local (Bs) M & E Monitoring and Evaluation MACA/CDF Ministry of Agriculture and Campesino Affairs/Forestry Development Center MDSMA Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente MEO Mission Environmental Officer MIS Management Information System NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NFM Natural Forest Management NGO Non Governmental Organization NPV Net Present Value NTFP Non Timber Forest Products ODA Overseas Development Agency ONG Organizaci6n No Gubemamental OP/PS/OCC Office of Procurement/Overhead/Special Costs & Close Out PAAB Plan de Acci6n Ambiental de Bolivia (Bolivian Environmental Action Plan) PAFT Plan de Acci6n Forestal Tropical (Tropical Forestry Action Plan) PID Project Identification Document PIO/C Project Implementation Order/Commodities PL-480 Secretaria Ejecutiva Programa de ]a P.L - 480 (Executive Secretariat, PL-480) PP Project Paper R&D Research and Development RENARM Regional Natural Resources Management (Central America) RIG/A/T Regional Inspector General ST Short-Term SEDEMAS Secretari'as Departamentales del Medio Ambiente. SENMA Secretarfa Nacional del Medio Ambiente (National Secretary for the Environment) SENMA/SC Secretarfa Nacional del Medio Ambiente en Santa Cruz SNAP Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas SUBIR Sustainable Use of Biological Resources Project (Ecuador) TA Technical Assistance TSC Tropical Science Center UAGRM Universidad Aut6noma Gabriel Ren6 Moreno UNDP United Nations Development Programme US United States of America USAID United States Agency for International Development WB World Bank WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WWF World Wildlife Fund H :\PDi\EXE\62 IPP\ACRONS -2­ S TPOESTo MANA5 M-02 PROJECT No.
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