Index Acanthophis, distribution of, 2 action potential (cont.) Acanthophis antarticus tetrodotoxin and, 148, 170-176, venom, antivenin to, 14 191-193 venom, nerve activity of, II7 transmitter release by, 195-204 venom, systemic activity of, 8 Agkistrodon acutus, venom, systemic acetylcholine actions of, 99-101 botulinum toxin and, 312-314, Agkistrodon halys, venom, com- 317 ponents of, 98 metabolism of, 126-133, 326- Agkistrodon halys blomhoffi 327 venom, components of, 88, 92, neuromuscular transmission 104 and, 326-327 venom, systemic actions of, 105 nerve conduction and, 115 Agkistrodon mokeson nerve permeability and, 121-123 venom, local action of, 83 receptor to, 119-120, 327 venom, nervous action of, II7 tetanus toxin and, 271 Agkistrodon piscivorus tetrodotoxin and, 147, 176-177 venom, components of, 88 supersensitivity to, 312, 330-336 venom, distribution of, 95 acetylcholinesterase venom, local action of, 83 botulinum toxin and, 313, 336- venom, systemic action of, 95, 339 102, 105 cobra venom and, 32 Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus colubrid venom and, 125 venom, nervous action of, 117 neuromuscular transmission venom, systemic action of, 94 and, 326-327 Agkistrodon rhodostoma nerve conduction and, 115 venom, components of, 92 nerve permeability and, 121-123 venom, systemic action of, 97- tetanus toxin and, 271 101, 105 tetrodotoxin and, 177 Alaska butter clam, saxitoxin from action potential 163, 165, 189 basis of, 170, 190-191 alkaline phosphatase, nerve con­ phospholipase A and, II4-115, duction and, 117 125 Ambystoma, tetrodotoxin and, 188 349 350 Index I-amino acid oxidase, nerve per­ Bothrops jararaca meability and, 125 venom, local action of, 90 y-amino butyric acid, nerve per­ venom, systemic actions of, meability and, 121 99-100 anhydrotetrodotoxin, pharmacolo­ Bothrops nasuta, venom, systemic gical actions of, 151, actions of, 95 180-182 Bothrops neuwidii, venom, com­ ankylosis, botulinum toxin and, ponents of, 103 343, 344 Bothrops nummifera, venom, local anticoagulation, rattlesnake venom action of, 90 and, 99 Bothrops picadoi, venom, systemic antihistaminics, snakebite and, 16 actions of, 95 arsenite, nerve conduction and, 117 Bothrops schlegelii, venom, local atelectasis, clinical tetanus and, 216, actions of, 90 219 botulinum antiserum ATPase, cobra venom and, 33 cross reactivity to 308 Australian tiger snake fluorescence and, 319 venom toxicity of, 2 botulinum antitoxin venom, yield of, 3 cross reactivity of, 305, 286 bee venom, direct lytic factor of, 28 efficacy of, 297, 298 benzoylcholine, acetylcholine re­ botulinum toxin ceptor and, 119-120 adrenergic transmission and, Bitis arietans, venom, actions of, 311, 339-342 83, 117 botulism and, 285 blood sausage, botulinum toxin in, cardiac muscle and, 295, 329 283 central nervous system and, blue krait, venom, yield of, 3 295, 310, 314-318 Boigina dendrophila, venom, action epidemiology of, 286-288 of, 83 hemagglutinin of Boiginae, classification of, 71 antiserum to, 308 Bothrops mechanism of action of, distribution of, 87 309 venom, local actions of, 90 purification of, 306-308 venom, systemic action of, 95 stability of, 308-309 Bothrops alternatus, phospholipase human lethal dose of, 303 C of, 128 mechanism of action of, 312- Bothrops atrox 314 venom, components of, 88 parasympathetic nervous system venom, local actions of 83, 90- and, 339-340 91, 100 production of, 288-290 venom, nervous actions of, 117 purification of, 304-308 venom, systemic actions of, 99 reactive sites of, 318-321 Index 351 botulinum toxin (cont.) cardiotoxin site of action of, 309-312, 328- acetylcholine metabolism and, 327 131 source of, 303-305 amino acids of, 29 sympathetic nervous system cardiovascular activity of, 47-49 and, 340-342 central nervous action of, 50--52 tetanus toxin and, 277-278 cobra venom and, 27 trophic influences and, 331-339 ganglionic activity of, 46-47 botulism metabolism of, 38 animals and, 285-286 necrotic activity of, 49 diagnosis of, 294--297 nerve blockade by, 44 epidemiology of, 286-288 smooth muscle action of, 45-46 history of, 283-284 teratogenic effects of, 60 humans and, 284--285 toxicity of, 36-37 pathogenesis of, 288-290 chemosensitive zone, tetrodotoxin prognosis of, 298-299 and, 146 symptomatology of, 290--294 Chilonyeterus ajJinis, organ toxicity toxico-infection theory of, 290, of, 142 297, 304 choline acetylase treatment of, 297-298 acetylcholine metabolism and, Boulengerina annulata, distribution 131, 326 of,22 botulinum toxin and, 313 Boulengerina ehristyi, distribution tetrodotoxin and, 177 of,22 chymotrypsin, nerve conduction and, bradykinin 115, 116 crotalid venom and, 104 ciguatera, fugu poisoning and, 143 hypotension and, 96-97 ciguatoxin, tetrodotoxin and, 143- bronchopneumonia, clinical tetanus 144 and, 215, 219 Clostridium botulinum Bungarus, distribution of, 2 botulinum toxin of, 284--288, Bungarus eaeruleus 303-304 fatality due to, 3 food chain and, 160 venom of Clostridium tetani antivenin to, 12 discovery of, 225 hyaluronidase activity of, 12 tetanus toxin of, 214, 263 local actions of, 7, 83 Clostridium we/ehii nerve action of, 117 phospholipase C of, 127 yield of, 4 toxin of, 113 Bungarus multicinetus, neuromus­ coagulation, rattlesnake venom and, cular blockade by, 41 .99 Canthigaster rivulatus, organ toxicity cobramines A and B of, 142 amino acids of, 29 352 I~dex cobramines A and B (cont.) cobra venom, toxins of (cont.) biochemical actions of, 57-58 cytotoxin, 28-29 cobra venom and, 27 direct lytic factor, 28-30 cobra neurotoxin neurotoxin, 23-27 amino acids of, 24 toxin y, 27-30 isolation of, 23-24 summary of actions of, 61 metabolism of, 38-39 collagenase, nerve conduction and, neuromuscular blockade by, 115 39-42 Colubridae, classification of, 87 toxicity of, 34-35 conjunctivitis cobra venom Hemachatus haemachatus venom acetylcholine metabolism and, and, 8 131 Naja nigricollis venom and, 8 biochemical actions of, 54-58 convulsin, rattlesnake venom and, 93 cytotoxic actions of, 58-60 coral snake, venom yield of, 3 enzymes of corticosteroids, snakebite and, 16 acetylcholinesterase, 32 Crotalidae ATPase, 33 classification of, 1, 87 5'-nucleotidase, 33 distribution of, 71 phosphodiesterase, 32 envenomation by, 72 phospholipase A, 31 envenomation, treatment of, phospholipase B, 31 84-85 phosphomonoesterase, 32- nerve growth factor of, 112 33 venom, components of, 88-89 metabolism of, 38 venom, local actions of, 89-92 nonproteins of, 33, 36 venom, plasma actions of, 79-81 pharmacological actions of venom, potency of, 73-75 blood, 51-54 venom, systemic actions of, cardiovascular system, 47- 76-77, 92-105 49 Crotalus, distribution of, 87 central nervous system, 50- Crotalus adamanteus 52 venom, components of, 98 ganglia, 46, 47 venom, local actions of, 90 neuromuscular junction, venom, nerve actions of, 117, 39-42 123 peripheral nerve, 43-45 venom, nerve growth factor of, skeletal muscle, 42-43 113 smooth muscle, 45-46 venom, potency of, 74 toxicity of, 54-57 venom, systemic actions of, toxins of 93-94, 96-97 cardiotoxin, 27 Crotalus atrox cobramines, 27-30 venom, nerve actions of, 117 Index 353 Crotalus atrox (cont.) Dendroaspis (cont.) venom, potency of, 74 distribution of, 2 venom, systemic actions of, incidence of bite by, 5 97-98, 104 Dendroaspis angusticeps Crotalus cerastes, venom, potency venom, effects of, 83 of,74 venom, yield of, 4 Crotalus durissus terrificus Dendroaspis polylepis, venom, effects venom, components of, 93, 98, of, 83, 117 104 Denisonia, distribution of, 2 venom, local action of, 83 desoxytetrodotoxin, pharmacological venom, systemic actions of, actions of, 151-153, 93, 95-99, 105 181-182 Crotalus horridus atricaudatus, diacetylanhydrotetrodotoxin, phar- venom, effects of, 83 macological actions of, Crotalus horridus horridus 151-153, 181-182 venom, local action of, 83 digitonin, nerve conduction and, venom, nerve action of, 117 116 venom, plasma effects of, 81 dimethyl formamide, nerve con­ venom, potency of, 74 duction and, 117 venom, systemic actions of, dimethyl sulfoxide, nerve con­ 97-99 duction and, 117 Crotalus lepidus klauberi, venom, dinoflagellate, saxitoxin from, 160 effects of, 83 Diodon holacanthus, organ toxicity Crotalus rhodostoma, venom, effects of 142 of, 83 direct lytic factor Crotalus viridus oregan us activity of, 52-54 venom, local action of, 83 amino acids of, 29 crotamin, rattlesnake venom and, 93 bee venom and, 28 crotoxin cobra venom and, 28, 52 isolation of, 93 nerve permeability and, 120-124 action of, 93 phospholipase A and, 52 curare Dispholidus typus, venom, effects nerve conduction and, 115-119 of, 83 tetrodotoxin and, 176 DOPA, nerve permeability and, trophic influences and, 335 121 Cynops pyrrogaster, tetrodotoxin Elapidae and, 188 antivenins to, 12-14 Demansia, distribution of, 2 classification of, 1, 2, 87 demyelination, experimentally in­ distribution of, 2 d uced, 113-114 incidence of bite by, 3 Dendroaspis symptomatology of bite by, 6 classification of, 2 toxicity of, 2 354 Index Elapidae (cont.) Fugu pseudommus, organ toxicity venom, nerve growth factor of, of 142 108 Fugu rubripes venom, local action of, 7-8 food source and, 141 venom, systemic action of, 8-9 organ toxicity of, 142 venom, yield of, 3 Fugu stictonotus, organ toxicity of, electrocardiogram, botulism and, 142 294-295 Fugu vermicularis porphyreus electroencephalogram food source and, 141 botulism and, 294-295, 316-318 organ toxicity of, 142 snake venom and, 77-79 Fugu vermicularis l'ermicularis electro-olfactogram, tetrodotoxin food source and, 141 and, 150 organ toxicity of, 142
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