ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIENCES 1987-1988 PRESIDENT Thomas Barker, Jacksonville State University 1st VICE PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT ELECT Larry Gaines, Eastern Kentucky University 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Edward Latessa, University of Cincinnati SECRETARY/TREASURER David Carter, Michigan State University IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Robert Regoli, University of Colorado TRUSTEES Ben Menke, Washington State University Robert Bohm, Jacksonville State University Gennaro Vito, University of Louisville REGIONAL TRUSTEES REGION I-NORTHEAST Raymond Helgemoe, University of New Hampshire REGION 2-SOUTH Ronald Vogel, University of North Carolina at Charlotte REGION 3-MIDWEST Allen Sapp, Central Missouri State University REGION 4-SOUTHWEST Richard Lawrence, University of Texas at San Antonio REGION 5-WESTERNAND PACIFIC Judith Kaci, California State University, Long Beach PAST PRESIDENTS 1963-1964 Donald F McCall 1975-1976 George T Felkenes 1964-1%5 Felix M Fabian 1976-1977 Gordon E Misner 1965-1966 Arthur F Brandstatter 1977-1978 Richard Ward 1966-1%7 Richard 0 Hankey 1978-1979 Richter M Moore J r 1967-1968 Robert Sheehan 1979-1980 Larry Bassi 1968-1969 Robert F Borkenstein 1980-1981 Harry More J r 1%9-1970 B Earl Lewis 1981-1982 Robert G Culbertson 1970-1971 Donald H Riddle 1982-1983 Larry Hoover 1971-1972 Gordon E Misner 1983-1984 Gilbert Bruns 1972-1973 Richard A Myren 1984-1985 Dorothy Bracey 1973-1974 William J Mathias 1985-1986 R Paul McCauley 1974-1975 Felix M Fabian 1986-1987 Robert Regoli ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIENICES 25TH ANNUAL MEETII�G APRIL 4- 8, 1988 SAN FRANCISCO HILTON & TOW'ERS SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNI.A PROGRAM THEME: CRIMINAL JUSTICE: VALUES IN TRA.NSITION ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIENCES Dear Colleagues: Welcome to San Francisco and the 19 88 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. This year marks the 25th anniversary of ACJS and we are pleased that you are attending our celebration party. There are 19 0 panels, workshops, and roundtables scheduled. In addition, a plenary session will cover the "History of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences." Registration, exhibits, and a message center are located in the Franciscan Ballroom. Em_ployment exchange is set up in the \VhitneyRoom. The Plenary Session and ACJS Business Meeting will be held in the Cypress Room. Social activities have been scheduled, including a reception hosted by Michigan State University on Tuesday evening, participant's reception Wednesday evening, awards luncheon Thursday noon, and a reception sponsored by the;� University of South Carolina on Thursday evening. Finally, the 19 88 Program Committee would like to thank you for participating in the 25th Annual Meeting. THE 1988 ACJS PROGRAM COMMITTEE Joanne Belknap Ben Menke University of Cincinnati Washington State University Norman Bottom Eric Poole Journal of Security Administration University of Colorado at Denver Finn-Aage Esbensen Mittie Southerland University of Colorado Eastern KentuckyUniversity Donna Hale Gennaro Vito University of Baltimore University of Louisville Fred Jones Ron Vogel Simpson College Universityof North Carolina Larry Mays John Vollmann Jr New Mexico State University SE Florida Inst of Criminal Justice 19 88 Program Committee Chairwoman Deborah G Wilson University of Louisville Local Arrangements Coordinator Anna Kuhl San Jose State University 2 CONTENTS SUM"MARY PROGRAM ••••..••..••..••..•...••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 5 ALPHA PHI SIGMA ...•..•...•..............•.......•...•..••..•••••••••••••...••••••..••.•••.••.•••.••.••..••..•..•••.••.•...•.......•.... 19 ACADEMY SUPPORTERS ..................................••..••.••....•...•..••..••......•..•...................................... 23 MEETING ROOMS ................................•...•..........••..••.•••.••...••..•••.••..••.•••••.....•......•.........•.............. 24 ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM •..••...••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•...•..••..•..•..........•........ 25 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS .............................•..•..••.•••.•••..••..••..••..••..•.•......•.................................. 95 ABSTRACTS .............•.••.......•••...•..•••....•.•.......•••.••.•••••••••••.•••.•...•...••..••.•••••••••••.•......••...............•....... 99 INDEX 0 F PARTI CIPANTS ••••....•...••.••...•••..•..•••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. .•••••••••••••••••••.....•.• 155 3 A Resolution from �lNDERSON PUBLISHING CO. WHEREAS, Al\DERSONPUBLISHING CO. recognizes that the ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JlJSTICE SCIENCES is a national organization dedicated to the furtherance of professional excellence in the field of Criminal Justice, and WHEREAS, the ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIENCES will be commemorating its Twenty-FifthAnniversary in 1988 in San Francisco at its Annual Meeting, now THEREFORE, J3E IT RESOLVED, that ANDERSON PUBLISHING CO. hereby spreads upon its minutes a resolution of Congratulations and Best Wishes for that nzemorable occasion, and RESOLVED Fl!RTHER, that ANDERSON PUBLISHING CO. affirms its continued support and advocacy of the ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIENCES in the years ahead as the Academy continues to provide academic and professional growth to the field of Criminal Justice. Resolution pas��ed unanimously at the December 29, 1987 meeting of the Board of Directors of Anderson Publishing Co. 4 SUMMARY PROGRAM ACADEMY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCIEN(�ES ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 4-8, 1988 Theme: Criminal Justice: Values in Transition Monday, April 4, 19 88 12 :00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Registration 3:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. ACJS Executive Board Meeting Tuesday, AprilS, 1988 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration 6:30 p.m.- 7:15 p.m. Regional Meetings 7: 30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Reception Sponsored by Michigan State lJniversity 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. PANELS 1. Roundtable: Certification Process in North Carolina: A Working Model (J T Henson) 2. Motivational Dynamics and Delinquency (Eric Hickey) 3. Distinctive Perspectives on Criminal Justice Education: Clientele and Curricula (Jay Berman) 4. The British Criminal Justice System (Frank Devine) 5. Educating the Loss Prevention/Security Professional: A Practitioner's View (Lyle Shook) 6. Theoretical Issues Concerning Woman Battering (Michael Steinman) 7. Alternatives to Incarceration (Everett Laning) 8. The Police Personality: Examination and Assessment (Allen Wagner) 9. Issues in Police Training: Innovations and Analysis (Steve Egger) 10. Roundtable: Technology and Tough Guys in Modern Retail Security (Michael Magill) 11. Workshop: Battered Women Who Kill (Sara Johann and Frank �Osanka) 10 :10 a.m.-11: 40 a.m. PANELS 12 . Roundtable: Alternative Remedies for Police Misconduct (Steve n Puro) 13 . Economic Issues in Criminal Justice (Michael Victor) 14 . Evaluation Research in Corrections (Michael Neustrom) 15 . Roundtable: Youth Gangs in Chicago: An Update (Sloan Letman) 16 . Court Actors and Institutions (Norman Kittel) 17 . Current Dilemmas Facing Jails (L Thomas Winfree) 18 . Applied Research in the Criminal Justice Setting (Daniel LeClair) 5 NOW AV AI LADLE FROM WAVELAND PRESS, INC. New edition! New! HUMAN RELATIONS & POLICE WORK POLICING URBAN AMERICA Second Edition Larry Miller, East Tennessee State University Geoffrey P. Alpert, University of Miami Michael Braswell, East Tennessee State University Roger G. Dunham, University of Miami Changes in the current edition of this widely adopted Policing Urban America integrates the policy impli­ text attempt to build upon and expand the positive ap­ cations of empirical research into a comprehensive plications of using the experiential case study approach review and discussion of issues concerning policing to acquaint the reader with the many facets of the in urban America. criminal justice experience. Contents 1. Police in the American System of Crimin­ 180 pages, $10.95; ISBN 0-88133-292-5 al Justice 2. History of the Police 3. Police Recruit­ Instructor's Manual ment, Selection and Training 4. Police Organization and Administration 5. Police Socialization and Police Subculture 6. Police Deviance: Corruption and Con­ trol 7. Styles of Policing 8. Hazards of Police Work 9. The Future of Policing 10. Careers in Law New edition! Enforcement "ORDER UNDER LA�N" 194 pages, $8.95; ISBN 0-88133-321-2 Readings in Criminal J tJtstice, Third Edition Robert G. Culbertson, Arkarzsas State University Ralph Weisheit, Illinois State University An ideal supplementary text for introductory courses, this popular collection of eighteen contemporary and classic articles explores important controversies and If you would like complimentary issues in the field of criminal justice. review copies for possible adoption, write to us providing the following Four new articles make the Third Edition even more information; 1) course title; 2) annual valuable than its predecessors: enrollment; 3) next decision date; "The Rediscovery of Crime Victims" 4) text(s) currently in use. (Andrew Karmen) "Patterns of Female Crime" WAVELAND PRESS, INC. (Ralph Weisheit) P.O. Box400 ''Guilty Until Proven Innocent'' Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070 (C. Ronald Huff, Arye Rattner and Edward Sagarin) 312/634-0081 "Inside America's Toughest Prison" (Newsweek) 280 pages, $10.95; ISBN 0-88133-333-6 Instructor's Manual 6 19. Misbehavior by Private SecurityWorkers, A Scandal (William Taggart) 20. Women Professionals in the Criminal Justice System (Imogene lvloyer) 21. The Police in Historical and International Perspective (Finn-Aage Esbensen) 21A. Violence and Health (William Parsonage)
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