HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Membei:S Have Answered to Their Names; Mr

HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Membei:S Have Answered to Their Names; Mr

1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUS~ 5209 Leslie Dean High And be not conformed to this 'world; The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ I an Edward Holland but be ye transformed by the renewing lows: Archibald Barwell How 2d R ichard Bernard Humbert of your mind, that ye may prove what is R esolved, That the further expens~ s U.L J ames Patrick Hynes that good, and acceptable, and perfect, conducting the studies and investigation David Jenkins will of God. · authorized by House Resolution 5 of the pres­ Bruce Clifford Johnson ent Congress, incurred by the standing Com­ Robert Wayne Johnson Let us pray: Almighty God, unto whom mittee on Un-American Activities, acting as Frederick Steffe~ Kelsey all hearts are open, all desires known, a whole or by subcommittee, not to exceed William Joseph Kirkley and from whom no secrets are hid, $75,000, In addition to funds heretof.ore m ade R obert Charles Krulish available including expenditures for the Em­ cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the ployment of experts, ::nd clerical, steno­ R obert Allison Lee inspiration of Thy holy will that we may Mich ael Bea uregard Lemly graphic, and other assistants, shall be paid R udolph Edwin Lenczyk perfectly love Thee and worthily magnify out of the contingent fund of the House on Glen n Milton Loboudger Thy holy name. Through Jesus Christ vouchers authorized by such committee, James Hect or MacDonald our Lord. Amen. signed by the chairman thereof, and ap- Charles Scott Marple .- proved by the Committee on Accounts. Charles Madison Mayes The Journal of the proceedings of SEc. 2. The official committee reporters Donald Joseph McCann yesterday was read and· approved. m ay be used at all hearings held in the Dis­ trict of Columbia unless otherwise officially Alfred Edwin McKenney, Jr. CALL OF THE HOUSE John Hanson Kennard Miner engaged. Walter Bishop Murfin Mr. MARCANTONIO. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER. The gentleman from John Egbert Van Alen Murray make a point of order that a quorum is Alabama is recognized for 1 hour. Milton Ray Neuman not present. Elliott Northcott 2d Mr. BOYKIN. Mr. Speaker, as you William Merryman Page, Jr. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum know, our colleague the gentleman from Frank Eldon Parker · is not present. Missouri fMr. CocHRAN] has been very Robert Donald Parkhurst . Mr. DOUGHTON of North Carolina. ill for some time and I have been acting Robert Arthur Patrick Mr. Speaker, I move a call of'the House. chairman of the Committee on Accounts. David Eaton Perkins Warren Sawyer Petterson A call of the House was ordered. The gentleman from ' Georgia [Mr. William Comfort Pinder, Jr. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ WoonJ and his group on un-Americai1 Thomas William Powers lowing Members failed to answer to their activities have asked the Committee on Wilfred Francis Raes names: Accounts for the money provided in this Dan Rayacich [Roll No. 122] resolution to continue their investiga­ George Francis Rodgers tions. R::mdolph Ross, Jr. Adams Gore Plumley Arthur William ,Rouzie Andrews, N. Y. Graham Powell _ They gave us some information that I Baldwin, Md. Gra;nger Rains Just hate even to mention here about the Edward Peter Rutken Barden Douglas Cargill Ryan Gwinn,N. Y. Reece, Tenn. things that are going on right here under Barrett, Pa. Hall, Rich · George Thomas Sain, Jr. Bell Leonard W. Robertson, the Capitol dome. John Bean Saunders, Jr. Bender Harris N. Dak. Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, will the Wilmer Schweinsberg, Jr. Blackney Hart Robertson, Va. gentleman yield 'tor a question? John Henry Sharp Bland Hartley Robinson, Utah Herbert Henry Sharpe, Jr. Bonner Hebert Rodgers, Pa. Mr. BOYKIN. With pleasure. Boren · Heffernan Roe,Md. Mr. TABER. I have in my hand, just Robert William Smith Brumbaugh Charles Hudson Steele Hendricks Roe, N.Y. to show the seriousness of this situation, Buckley HinEhaw R:>oney John Wesley Steffey Byrne, N. Y. Hoch Russell a pamphlet entitled "The International Shirl Joseph Stephany Cannon, Fla. Holmes, Mass. Sa bath Film Fcundaticn, Inc.," announcing an James Paul Stewart Carlson Holmes, Wash. Sadowski initial showing of eight communistic pic­ James Howard Swint .case, N.J. Horan Sheppard tures. Down at the bottom of the back Alfred John Tatman Celler Huber Short Glenn Raymond Taylor Clark Jarman Simpson, Pa. page there is the statement: David Harry Thomas _ Clason Jenkins Somers, N.Y. - All inquiries regarding any of these Gov­ Thomas Cartwright Thompson Cochran Johnson, Ind. Starkey ernment films should be addressed to Mr. William Francis Tighe, Jr. Cole,N. Y. Judd Stewart Luther Evans, Librarian of Congress, Wash­ Combs Kee Stigler Richard Morse Underwood, Jr. Courtney Kelly, Ill. ington, D. C. Otto Francis Unsinn Sumner, Ill. Curley Kinzer Sundstrom That astounds me. Emil Miroslav Valehrach De Lacy Kirwan Taylor Donald Ray Vaughn Dzlaney, Knutson Thorn · Mr. BOYKIN. I thank the gentleman. Richard Theodore Wagner · James J. Kunkel • Thomas, N.J. Had the gentleman heard some of the in­ John Leland Wright D'Ewart LaFollette Tolan formation that was given when we had IN THE NAVY Domengeaux Larcaae Torrens Eberharter Lea Towe this hearing he would be even more as­ The nominations of James T. Brewer et al., Elliott LeCompte Traynor tounded. For instance, one Member of for appointment in the Navy, which were re­ Engle, Calif. Luce Walter - Congress came in with a list stating that ceived by the Senate on May 13, 1946, and Ervin Lynch Wasielewski there were 70,000 Comm·.mist members which appear in full in the Senate proceed­ Forand Mankin Weaver in this country, had their names in ac­ ings Of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for that Fulton Monroney Welch date, under the caption "Nominations," be­ Gamble Morgan West tive clubs, and that there were 500,000 Norton White ginning on page 4916 with the name of James hardner fellow travelers, and 150,000 underground Gavin O'Brien, Mich. Winter workers all working to change this f.o-rm T. Brewer, and ending on page 4919, with the Gearhart Patman Wolfenden, Pa. name of Edwin T. Ziolkowski. Gerlach Patrick Wood of government and to overthrow this Gifford Patterson Government. Gillette Pfeifer I yield to the gentleman from Missis­ The SPEAKER. On this roll call, 302 sippi. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Membei:s have answered_to their names; Mr. RANKIN. I just want to say in a quorum is present. re_nly to the gentleman from New York .._ FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 By unanimous consent, further pro­ that what- we should do is to clean house ceedings under the call were dispensed and fumigate, get all· these un-Americans The House met .at 11 o'clock a. m. with. - off the Federal pay roll and off the State The Chaplain, Rev. · James Shera pay. rolls and off the county pay rolls, Montgomery, D. D., offered the following COMMITTEE ON UN -AMERICAN and let these boys who fought this war prayer: ACTIVITIES understand that we are going to save I beseech you therefore, brethren, by Mr. BOYKIN. Mr. Speaker, by direc­ the Government they fought for. the mercies of God, that ye present your tion of the Committee on Accounts, I Mr. SMITH of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, bodies a living sacrifice, holy, 'acceptable submit a privileged resolution (H. Res. will the gentleman yield? unto God, which is your reasonable 624) and ask for its immediate consider­ , Mr. BOYKIN. I yield to the gentle- service. ation. man from Ohio. · 5210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 17 Mr. SMITH of Ohio. I should like to raise $'5,000 to send down into my dis- us to swear to uphold and defend the call the attention of the House to the trict to defeat me for reelection ta the . Constitution of the United States against fact that one of the appropriation bills Congress. all enemies, both' foreign and domestic. coming up today carries an item for the Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, will Mr. BOYKIN. Mr. Speaker, I now Library of Congress to put the films out the gentleman yield? yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from to the public the gentleman from New Mr. BOYKIN. I yield to the gentle- Tilinois [Mr. ALLEN], the ranking minor­ York [Mr. TABER] spoke of. In other man from Michigan. ity member of the committee, and reserve words, this appropriation will go for the Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, the the balance of my time. - purpose nf propaganda- Communist question has been raised how much Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Sptaker, I propaganda. We want to defeat that money has been spent by the Dies com- yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from appropriation today. It is as necessary mittee and the present committee. We Texas [Mr. SUMNERS]. to do that as it is to vote this sum for are either wrong or we are right in this Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Speak­ the continuation of the Committee on program. If we are right, what differ- er, we in America do not have a :fool­ Un-American Activities. ence does it make how much we spend proof, self-perpetuating system of gov- Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, 'will the provided it is spent in a judicious and · ~ ernment. We do not have here a system gentleman yield? nonextravagant manner? This, I as- of government which is suitable to all Mr. BOYKIN. I yield. · sume, is for the preservation of the Gov- peoples. We do have that system which Mr. CELLER. Will the gentlel}lan ernment of the United States. The until comparativ~ly recently has been the tell the Members how much money has money is being spent under the direction ideal, the dream of the liberty-loving and been spent heretofore by the present of the Members of this body.

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