We Welcome You To N EWMA N H ALL - H O LY S PIRIT P ARI sh On the 30nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 27 W E G AT H ER W E A RE S E N T ♰To hear God’s Word, ♰To relish learning that enriches all lives, ♰To taste Jesus’ life in Eucharist, ♰To heal divisions in our church and world, ♰To be a community of God’s love for ♰To participate in the world’s quest for one another and for all. justice and peace. The new Deacon Justin Claravall, SJ A Ministry of the Deacon Justin with his new celebrates his first Mass at Newman. Newman family. Mass Schedule STAFF Mon-Sat: 12:10pm Thursday: 9:00pm (Candlelight) REV. IVAN TOU, CSP (PASTOR) Saturday: 5:00pm (Organ) [email protected], ext. 1001 Sunday: 7:30am REV. STEVEN BELL, CSP (ASSOCIATE PASTOR) 10:00am (Choir) [email protected], ext. 1002 5:00pm (Choir) REV. STEVE BOSSI, CSP (ASSOCIATE PASTOR) 10:00pm (Candlelight, Guitar) [email protected], ext. 1007 Reconciliation COLLEEN LENORD (MUSIC & LITURGY) Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:30pm [email protected], ext. 1003 Thursday: 8:00pm - 9:00pm By appointment, call 510-848-7812 FRANCES ROJEK (FAITH FORMATION) [email protected], ext. 1004 Eucharistic Adoration Mon - Wed: 9:00am - 10:00am AMY LAGOY (ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT) Thursday: 8:00pm - 9:00pm [email protected], ext. 1000 ELIZABETH KRISTOS (BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR) Building Hours [email protected], ext. 1005 Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 6:00pm CHRISTINE DALTON (SACRISTAN) Sunday: 7:00am - 11:00pm [email protected] 2700 Dwight Way, Berkeley, California 94704 - Phone: (510) 848-7812 - Fax: (510) 848-0179 Email: [email protected] - Website: calnewman.org Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @calnewmanhall THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR SCRIPTURE READINGS (Year C: Cycle I) (Student activities in bold) Sunday, Oct 27 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 Sir 35:12-18 Ps 34:2...23 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18 Lk 18:9-14 9:00am Choir Rehearsal Monday, Oct 28 – St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles 9:30am Children’s Faith Formation Eph 2:19-22 Ps 19:2-5 Lk 6:12-16 10:00am Little Church Tuesday, Oct 29 - St. Narcissus of Jerusalem, Bishop 11:00am Teen Confirmation Rom 8:18-25 Ps 126:1b-6 Lk 13:18-21 4:00pm Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, Oct 30 - St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, SJ 6:00pm Student Dinner Rom 8:26-30 Ps 13:4-6 LK 13:22-30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 Thursday, Oct 31 - All Hallow’s Eve 9:00am Food Not Bombs Rom 8:31b-39 Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31 Lk 13:31-35 1:00pm Writing Group Friday, Nov 1 – All Saints’ Day (Holy Day) 6:00pm Faculty Dinner Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a 7:30pm Meditation Group Saturday, Nov 2 – All Souls’ Day, Commemoration TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Wis 3:1-9 Ps 23:1-6 Rom 5:5-11 Jn 6:37-40 1:00pm Tuesday Theology Sunday, Nov 3 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00pm Newman Grads Bible Study Wis 11:22-12:2 Ps 145:1...14 2 Thes 1:11-2:2 Lk 19:1-10 7:00pm Rosary Group 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal REFLECT ON THIS: Last weekend was World Missions Sunday, which WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 is a signal for us to become more active in our preferential option for the 7:00pm Holy Spirit Bible Study poor through service, justice advocacy, prayer and reclaiming our sacred 7:30pm Catholicism WOW relationships broken by systemic poverty. As you consider your actions 8:00pm Study Hall to help those who are poor, what is your household’s or dorm’s mission THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 toward our brothers and sisters who are poor? 7:00pm Emmaus Group 8:00pm Adoration and Confession DISCIPLESHIP CHALLENGE: Offer the human experience to our brothers and sisters who have been dehumanized in their poverty with an 9:00pm CANDLELIGHT VIGIL MASS encouraging word, prayer, or hello. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 - ALL SAINTS’ DAY 7:30am MASS TRIVIA QUESTION FOR THE WEEK: True or False...The origin of 9:00am Loaves & Fishes Set-Up ‘Trick or Treating’ is actually from a once very popular practice of the 12:10pm MASS rich giving food to the poor in exchange for their powerful prayers. Last 2:00pm MASS (TILDEN RM ON CAMPUS) week’s answer: St. Quadragesimus. 5:30PM MASS 6:45pm Newman Grad All Sts Flshp FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 7:00pm SEEKERS Weekly Collection for Sunday Collections through SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 - ALL SOULS’ DAY October 20 August 2019 9:30am Oakland Pilgrimage Info Sunday $15,599.51 Income $429,648.59 10:30am Chun Jin Ahn Bible Study Online $3,162.50 Goal thru July $461,061.81 3:30pm Reconciliation Total $18,762.01 Goal Total -$31,413.22 4:00pm Loaves & Fishes Dinner Weekly Goal $11,557.69 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED Goal Total GENEROUS SUPPORT OF YOUR PARISH! WE REMEMBER YOU! $7,204.32 Maureen Rinne, Jan 18 Gary Ginder, Jan 28 HOW CAN I SUPPORT NEWMAN? Wayne Hutton, Feb 17 1) Faith Direct, an online giving system. Visit www.faithdirect.net. Use Bob Simpson, Apr 27 our church code: CA705. Signing up for weekly or monthly offertory pro- Marylyn Coons, May 15 vides a reliable source of income for our expenses. Steven Koneffklatt, Jul 30 Truong Bach, Aug 3 2) Venmo, a direct payment app. Download and setup the app on your Alan ‘Tinker’ Shinn, Aug 12 phone. Send your offering to @Newman-Hall. Memo your offering as Thao Tran, Aug 26 “Sunday contribution.” Barbara Werner, Sept 30 3) Check or cash in our collection basket is perfectly fine, but this is so old school, so we’d prefer folks using Faith Direct. Throughout November, let us pray that our beloved departed enjoy the fullness of light and Please do not forget to mention us to your family and friends as a worthy peace as they rest in the Arms of the Lord! charity to support. Thanks! ~Fr. Ivan ALL SAINTS’ DAY MASSES Friday, November DEACON JUSTIN! Last 1st is All Saints’ Day and we will offer five opportu- weekend, we welcomed the nities to celebrate this Holy Day of our great Cloud newly-ordained Jesuit Dea- of Witnesses! Thursday night’s Candlelight Mass con Justin Claravall, SJ who at 9:00pm will be the Vigil Mass. is joining us in ministry here Friday’s Masses are: at Newman Hall. Deacon 7:30am in the Chapel Justin joined the Society of 12:10pm in the Chapel Jesus in 2009 after working 2:00pm in Tilden at the Student Union on Campus at the Newman Center in 5:30pm in the Chapel University of Hawaii at Ma- noa, and after graduating UCSB in 2006, where he first CHRISTMAS CHOIR Do you “feel the met both Paulists and Jesuits. He is finishing his MDiv at call” to help lead the singing this year for the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. As a Jesuit, he Christmas Eve? Would you like to join with has taught in high schools and worked in prisons both in the Newman 10am Choir to sing for the De- the U.S. and the Philippines, and is grateful to finally be cember 24th 9:30pm Carols and 10:00pm at a Newman Center again. He’s currently obsessed with Mass? Are you available for rehearsals each Tuesday evening art, rock climbing, and interculturality. Deacon Justin will at 7:30pm, from now until Christmas? If so, Colleen would mainly serve at Masses and lead our Pandasal Ministry. love to hear from you at [email protected] (Please “Late have I loved you, Newman Hall!” exclaims Deacon note: this is NOT the “Family Choir” - which sings for the Justin, “Thank you for welcoming me this year to learn 12/25 10am Mass - & rehearses only in December.) how to serve the Church. After two years in Berkeley, I’ve finally found a place to grow some roots, even in this CONGRATULATIONS to our new Eucha- ristic Ministers who have answered the call last year of my studies at the Jesuit School of Theology. to serve in this most wonderful way: Mari- I am humbled by depth of faith here in all the communi- lyn Catterton, Susan Schaeffer, Ned Nicco- ties represented. I look forward to getting to know you lls,Yvette Niccolls, Peter Nico, Bori Kozek, through our conversations and prayer together.” Deacon Jessica Lindgren, Peggy Anderson, James Sheehan, Rachel Justin, we welcome you with open arms and abundant Michaud, Emily Lopez, Nicole McMindes, Claire Ganian. prayers! Sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus is an amazing privilege PAULIST VOCATION RETREAT Could and we are grateful that these parishioners have stepped for- God be calling you, or someone you know, ward. to serve the Church as a Paulist priest? If so, please join us for our Paulist Come & See RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF Weekend at our seminary in Washington, D.C. on No- Want to know more about the ADULTS vember 1-3 to learn more about discernment as well as Catholic Faith or to become a Catholic, we the charisms and ministries of the Paulist Fathers. For de- are here for you. If you are already Cath- tails, please visit paulist.org or please talk to any Paulist olic, consider becoming a sponsor for one of the candidates on staff. making the journey. For more information, please contact Fr.
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