NGU -BULL 436, 2000 - PAGE 75 Granasen, a dolomite-brucite deposit with potential for industrial development ODD 0VERENG 0vereng, O. 2000: Granasen, a do lomite-brucite deposi t wi th pote ntial for indust rial develo pm ent. Norges geolog iske und ersekelse Bulletin 436, 75-84. Granasen, situated close to Mo sjoen in north ern Norway, is a deposit containing several milli on tonn es of dolomite and brucite. The deposit has been investig ated and characte rised in preparati on fo r future deve lopment and exploitation. The ore consists of dol omi te and brucite . Brucite has fo rmed as a result of hydro th ermal alte rat ion associated with intrusion of gabbro. Tests have been carried out to evaluate the com mercial value of the dolom ite resources. A variet y of different bene ficiation met hods were investigated to achieve co mmerc ial concent rates of brucite . The most successful result was obtai ned by selective flocculat ion , w hich up-gr ades th e ore to a maximum gra de of 95.5 % brucite, with a recovery of 80 %. As an alte rnative, or by-product of bru cite concent rate produ ction, th e deposit cou ld also be w orked for dolomite. Odd 0vereng, Norgesgeologi ske undersekelse,N-749 1 Trondh eim, Norw ay. of th e Granasen dol om it e marble (Faye & 0 vereng 1979). Introduction Extensive mi neralogical and geo log ical investigat ions, Since the beg inning of the 1970s, the Geologica l Survey of including diamond drill ing, were carried out in 1979 and Norway (NGU) has investigated a large number of indu strial 1980 (0 vereng 1981), and confirmed th e interpretation th at min eral occurrence s. In the early stage of this programme, a t he brucit e min eralisation is related to th e contact-metamor­ large deposit of high -qu ality dolomite marbl e was found phic effects of th e Mosjo en gabb ro. During t his progr amm e, some 13 km north of th e town Mosjoen, in Nordl and county a variety of different tests were carried out to esti mate th e (Fig. 1). The deposit has a favourable location, as it is sit uated likely commercia l value of the deposit (0 vereng 1995). Simi­ onl y 3 km from Vefsnfjord, wit h railway and good harbour lar brucite-dolomite depositsare describ ed from Canada, e.g. facilities, and is close to a we ll-devel oped infrast ruct ure at by Goudge (1957) and Amb rose (1943), and from the USA Mosjo en. The location is also favourable from an environ­ (Burnham 1959). ment al point of view . This paper reviews th e exploration his­ Brucit e isan industrial mineral with a far higher content of tory of th e Granasen do lomite-bru cite deposit. MgO (69.1wt. %) or elemental Mg (41.6 wt. %) than any ot her naturally occur ring magnesium com pound , except th e rather rare min eral periclase (MgO).In com parison, th e main History of investigations current ly exploited sources of Mg-comp oun ds, magn esite, The Granasen dolomite marble depo sit wasfirst described by magnesium chloride and do lomite, cont ain 28.8, 25.5 and 0vereng (1972). Since th en, much wo rk has been carried out 12.6 wt. % Mg, respectively. Brucite is therefore a min eral of wit h th e primary goal ofobtaining reliable information about considerable interest as an alternative raw mate rial for pro­ th e size, geometry and qualit y of the dep osit. In 1974, the duction of MgO and elemental Mg. centra l part was mapped at a scale of 1:5,000, and several short drillholeswere fi nanced by Norcem A/S to test th e qua l­ ity of th e ore (0 vereng 1974). Norcem A/S signed royalty Geological setting agreements wit h th e landowners. The Granasen area is located in th e Elsfjord- Mosjoen tecton­ In 1975 a co-operative project between NGU and SINTEF ostrat igraphic unit (Riis & Ramb erg 1979) in th e Helgeland was initi ated to evaluate technical aspect s for use of Norw e­ region of Nordl and. The rocks of th e area belong to th e east­ gian dolomite marble in production of basic refractory prod­ ern part of th e Helgeland Napp e Complex (HNC), th e upper­ uct s. Dolomite marbl es from a number of localiti es were most unit of a series of nappes in th e Central Scandinavian tested for th is purpose (Seltveit et al. 1977). The dolomite Caledonid esand ascribed to th e Upp ermost Allochthon (Gee from Granasen gave excellent result s. Materi al was also sent & Zachrisson 1979). The Uppermost Allochth on in thi s region to Dolomitwerke GmbH, WQl frath , Germany, one of t he lead­ consists of t hree tectonic complexes, th e HNC, th e Beiarn ing producersof refractor y bricks.The testsgave result scom­ Nappe and th e Rodinqfjallet Nappe Complex. These com­ parable to t hose obtained at SINTEF and encouraged NGU to plexes broadly consist of comparable lith olo gies: mica continue core dri llin g at Granasen in 1978. Additional testing schists, calcareous mica schists, marbles, amphibo lit es, ser­ of th ese cores confirmed t he earlier results (0 vereng 1978). In penti nites, gneisses and granitoid int rusions (Gavelin & Kull­ 1979, the mineral bruci te (Mg(OHb l was discovered in parts ing 1955, Ramb erg 1965, 1967, Gustavson 1981). NGU-BULL 436, 2000 - PAGE 76 ODD0VERENG N l I lOt . /f t ff V ' 50 100,io: J r \ ,j I • Granasen Mosjeen LEGEND Dolomite marble PROFILE0 o Calcite marble Mica schis Garnet-mica schist o Quartzite/Calc-silicate rock o Mica gneiss with lenses of acid igneous rock Acid in rusions (granite, diorite) o Greenschist PROfU600 ­o Gabbro/Amp hibolite Certain boundary PROFIlEBOO Uncertain bou ndary Strike/d ip lp A Fold axis o 200 400 m ( / ( ,- I .. -.... ~ Fig. 1. Geological map of the Granasen do lomite deposit (0 vereng 1981). ODD0VERENG NGU-BULL 436, 2000 - PAGE 77 m.a.s .! PROFILE0 4()() 300 200 Stream \ 100 1---· " o 100 200 m m.a.s.t PROFILE200 300 .........7 -- _ 400 b------------ 200 : .../ : " 100 ../ " , o 100 200 m m.a.sJ. PROFILE 400 400300 b-----------....--).---- - - - - 200· / 100 r o 100 200 m LEGEND ma.s.t PROFILE 600 ~ ------------, Dolomite marble 300 o Calcite marble ­ Mica schist/Garnet-mica schist 200 o Quartzite/Calc-silicate rock l00 j ---- Mica gneiss with lenses of ­o 100 200 m acid igneous rock Acid intrusion (granite, diorite) m .a.s.t PROFILE 800 ~- -- - - - - - - - - - Greenschist 400 )' .... - - Gabbro/Amphibolite 300 /:/ ~ Certain boundary 200 :/'/ Uncertain boundary 100 . Drillhole o 100 zoom m.8.S.!. PROFILE 1200 4()() Fig. 2. Geological profiles from t he Granasen dolom ite deposit (0 vereng 1981). l00 ~--....--......--------.......- 100 200 m Traditionally, the Uppermost Allochthon had been consid­ are th e result of the major phase of deform ation, metamor­ ered as essentially compris ing Cambro-Silurian rocks, phism and nappe tran slation that to ok place during th e Scan­ deformed and metamorphosed during Caledonian moun ­ dian phase of th e Caledon ian Orogeny in Late Silurian to tain building (e.g., Strand 1960). No fossils have yet been Early Devonian time. In contra st to oth er nappes in the found in sedimentary rocks from th e Uppermo st Allochthon, Uppermo st Allochthon, the HNChostssizeable bodi esof syn­ but radiom etric ages indicate that parts of th e gneissic units orog enic intr usions which crop out over more than 30 % of are of Precambrian age. Intru sive rocks, however, are of both th e area. In accordance with th e regional trend, th e rock units Late Precambrian and Cambro-Silur ian to Late Siluri an age in the Granasen area have a compl ex and pro long ed defo r­ (Priem et al. 1975, Claesson 1979). Rock units in th e area are mation history (Riis & Ramberg 1979). In the HNC, early fold s strongly deformed and the observed mineral assemblages have N-S axes and almost upright axial planes. Gabrielsen & NGU -BULL 4 36,200 0 - PAGE 78 ODD0VERENG Ramberg (1979) suggested two phases of thrusting for th e content is, on average, about 17 wt. %; individua l samples HNC, both older than the latest fold ing phases in th e area. may contain up to 23 wt. % brucite. Metamorphism in th e Mosjoen un it of the HNC is appar entl y Exploratory core drilling in the deposit (5000 m of core) linked to the second, main deformation ph ase (0 2). wh ich revealed t hat bruci te occurs in distinct layers within th e dol­ overprints older magmatic mineral assembl ages. The P-T omi te marble. Distribution of brucite w ithin the layers conditions of metamorphism are assumed to be about 500 ­ appea rs to be concentrated in a very complex net work of 600° C, at 2.0 - 3.5 kb, with increasing temperatures to wards veinlets, with a gradual decrease in brucite concentration the contact with the Mosj oen Igneous Compl ex (Theisen away from the gabbro contact. Layersof brucite-bearing dol­ Juell 1985 ). omi te alternate with layers of pure do lomite or dolomite w ith granulesofoliv ine (forsterite),or of olivine disp laying varying grades of alteration to serpentine and brucite. Since brucite The Granasen dolomite-brucite is more soluble than carbonates, the brucite content can be deposit roug hly est imated from the naturally-etched weat hering sur­ The lens-shaped deposit, which crop s out bet ween 115 and faces.
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