A DESCRIPTION OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE FOUND IN SHAWN MENDES’S ALBUM : HANDWRITTEN A PAPER WRITTEN BY ICHSAN BAGAS PRAYOGA REG. NO 162202004 UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA FACULTY OF CULTURE STUDY DIPLOMA III ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM MEDAN 2019 Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I, Ichsan Bagas Prayoga , declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains nomaterial published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which Ihave qualified for or awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main textof this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree inany tertiary education. Signed : Date : JULY , 2019 i Universitas Sumatera Utara COPYRIGHT DECLARATION Name : ICHSAN BAGAS PRAYOGA Title of Paper : A Description of Figurative Language Found in Shawn Mendes’s Album : Handwritten Qualification : D-III / AhliMadya Study Program : English I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion ofthe Libertarian of the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Culture StudiesUSU on the understanding that usres are made aware of their obligation under law ofthe Republic of Indonesia. I am not willing that my papers be made available for reproduction. Signed : Date : JULY , 2019 ii Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT In literary works, figurative language is unavoidable because it flavours the work more beautiful and interesting. Most language in figurative languages has many kinds of meaning because the word do not have single object. There are some categories in figurative language those have been made by some experts. Figurative language is usually used to make a lyric of song more interesting and unique. The purposes of this study were to: Identify the types of figurative languages in Stitches song lyric by Shawn Mendes in Handwritten Album. Identify the meaning of figurative languages in Stitches song lyric by Shawn Mendes. This research was a qualitative study because this study about the kind of figurative language and the meaning of figurative in Shawn Mendes song tittle 'Stitches' in album Handwritten. In this research, the researcher used objective approach to analyze the lyric and also uses popular culture document as the instrument because song lyrics is created for commercial purposes to entertain the people. Based on the research finding, the writer found some figurative languages in the Stitches song lyric by Shawn Mendes. They were hyperbole, metaphor and repetition. from five song the most of the ’ lyrics are still using the simple word and still pretty easy to understand so that, the writer can only find 3 types of figurative language. the dominant type of the figuratvie language found in Shawn Mendes Album: Handwritten is hyperbole .Hyperbole make Shawn Mendes's song has dramatic effect about sadness after break up with his lovely girl. Metaphors help Shawn Mendes's releasing his feeling after a bad break up and just wants to be happy. And the last is repetition shows us how important the girl is to him, and how important she is. The repetition could also mean that he thinks about her constantly and she is the only cure for his broken heart. Key words : Figurtive Language , Song , Lyric , Shawn Mendes v Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRAK Dalam karya-karya sastra, Majas tidak dapat dihindari karena karya lebih indah dan menarik. Sebagian besar bahasa dalam majas memiliki banyak jenis makna karena kata tersebut tidak memiliki objek tunggal. Ada beberapa kategori dalam bahasa kiasan yang telah dibuat oleh beberapa ahli. majas biasanya digunakan untuk membuat lirik lagu lebih menarik dan unik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: Mengidentifikasi jenis majas dalam lirik lagu Stitches oleh Shawn Mendes di Album Handwritten. Identifikasi arti bahasa kiasan dalam lirik lagu Stitches oleh Shawn Mendes. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif karena penelitian ini tentang jenis majas dan majas dalam lagu Shawn Mendes berjudul 'Stitches' di album Handwritten. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan obyektif untuk menganalisis lirik dan juga menggunakan dokumen budaya populer sebagai instrumen karena lirik lagu dibuat untuk tujuan komersial untuk menghibur orang-orang. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, penulis menemukan beberapa majas dalam lirik lagu Stitches oleh Shawn Mendes. Mereka hiperbola, metafora dan pengulangan. Hiperbola membuat lagu Shawn Mendes memiliki efek dramatis tentang kesedihan setelah putus dengan gadis cantiknya. Metafora membantu Shawn Mendes melepaskan perasaannya setelah putus dan hanya ingin bahagia. Dan yang terakhir adalah pengulangan menunjukkan kepada kita betapa pentingnya gadis itu baginya, dan betapa pentingnya dia. Pengulangan juga bisa berarti bahwa dia memikirkannya terus- menerus dan dia adalah satu-satunya obat untuk patah hati. Kata Kunci : Bahasa Kiasan , Lagu , Lirik , Shawn Mendes iv Universitas Sumatera Utara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thanks and praise to Allah SWT blessing and giving me the opportunity, health, strength, and ability to accomplish this paper. However,this this success would not be achieved without support from individual, people and institution. For all guidance, the researcher would like thanks to: Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S. as the Dean of Faculty Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum as the head of English Diploma Study and as my supervisor too , who give me chance to prove my qualified for finishing this paper Both of my parents Nasip S.E , and Endang Listiyani for their support, love, financial, prayers, care, and advice for me finishing my paper. I present this paper for you. My beloved Sister Anindya Pratiwi Ningtyas S.E , i really thank you for your support , pray and love . To my beloved friends Satria Lucky Amor , Windy Aprillya, Nadya Pinem, Mouza Rizizka, Titania Alviona and Sarah Matondang . Thank you for your support, cares, and others things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together. v Universitas Sumatera Utara Thank you to M. Haidir Alfath and my sister since junior high school Cut Asysyura Munliza has filled my days and support me in every situations or problems. To my friends Dona Febrina , Maghfira Aprilia Putri, Aisyah Aulia Putri, Cut Audina Zachrani, Abshar Syahputra , AyuMustika Asih , and I Gusti Bagus Pradipta to support me. to all my friends in Diploma III English Study Program/Solidas 2016. Thank you for your support that help me to complete this paper. I will be missing you all. Finally, I do realise that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions towards this paper. Hopefully this paper can inspire and give knowledge for anyone in the future. Date, 26th july 2019 The Writer Ichsan Bagas Prayoga Reg. 162202004 vii Universitas Sumatera Utara TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ........................................................................... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ....................................................................... ii ABSTRACK......................................................................................................... iii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEGEMENTS................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... vii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1 1. 1 Background of the Study ........................................................................... 1 1. 2 Problem of the Study ................................................................................. 3 1. 3 Objective of the Study ............................................................................... 3 1. 4 Scope of the Study ..................................................................................... 3 1. 5 Significance of the Study .......................................................................... 4 1. 6 Method of the Study .................................................................................. 4 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................ 6 2.1 Defeition of Figurative language .............................................................. 6 2.2 Type of Figurative Langauge .................................................................... 7 2.2 Song ................ .......................................................................................... 14 2.2 Lyrics ................ ........................................................................................ 17 3. DESCRIPTION OF PAPER TOPIC .................................................... 19 3.1 Stitches ...................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Mercy ........................................................................................................ 21 3.3 Life of The Party ...................................................................................... 23 3.4 Imagination ..............................................................................................
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