COOPERATIVE NATIONAL PAkh RESOURCES STUDIES UNIT Hawaii Technical Report No, 5 REVISED CHECK-LIST OF VASCULAR RWTS OF HAWAII VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK F. R. Fosberg Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20550 University of Hawaii Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit April, 1975 Preface The following list is part of a manifold approach to identifying the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park plant populations, determining which are endemic ind which exotic, and go on to developing an understanding of why some of the former are rare or endangered species. After completion of both the present text and the text for Vol. 1, no. 1, of the serial Allertonia, Rare and Endangered Species of Hawaiian Vascular Plants by Drs. F. R. Fosberg and Derral Herbst, permission was given by Dr. Fosberg for the insertion of an asterisk, *, in front of these species in the following list which are also listed in the Allertonia publication. Determining the status of these plants in the Park so designated in the list by asterisks thus becomes of prime importance. Some may prove to be neither rare nor endangered. Precautions are wise in considering varieties and forms, some of which are rare and have not been recognized in the Park as yet. It is anticipated that ultimately management practices will result that will facilitate the Park Service's achieving its objectives in respect to protection and interpretation. Throughout the work of the UH/CPS-unit and even before, Dr. Fosberg has been the principal taxonomist associa~edwiththis work in the Park, though several others have participated very vigorously and effectively. Four from the University of Hawaii must be mentioned individually. Among them first would be Dr. Charles H. Lamoureux and secondly the currently unfinished floristic activity of Dr. William Theobald. The basic preparation of the present list and changes in it through various stages of editing have been the work of Ms. G. Virginia Carey of the Hawaii IBP project directed by Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois. A large number of graduate students and others are constantly making contributions to our knowledge of the plants of the Park and it is anticipated distribution of the present list will stimulate these activities. At one time it had been planned to include a check-list of the ferns but that is not possible at this time. Maxwell S. Doty, Director REVISED CHECK-LIST OF VASCULAR PLANTS OF HAWAII VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK by F. R. Fosberg In 1966 F. R. Fosberg revised Fagerlund and Mitchell's 1944 check- list of vascular plants of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. It was published in the "Atlas for Bioecology Studies in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park," Hawaii Botanical Science Paper No. 2, Department of Botany, University of Hawaii. The present list is a further revision of the 1966 check-list. Later, the 1966 list was put on a magnetic disk at the University of Hawaii's computing center for storage and continuous revision. From time to time revisions and additions were made by myself and others. Additional species were reported by Dr. Garrett Smathers, Dr. Charles Lamoureux, Frederick Warshauer and perhaps others. Mrs. Sarah Wirawan and Ms. Virginia Carey brought the list into accord with St. John's list (List and Summary of the Flowering Plants in the Hawaiian Islands). The present list is based on a printout from the disk, made in December 1974. I have gone over this critically, bringing it into accord with my present knowledge and concepts. It will be noticed that some names are not those used in St. John's list. This is due to differences in generic and species concepts, mostly matters of opinion. It may also be noted that certain plants are included that occur in the vicinity of the Park, from the Kilauea Forest Reserve, from the Keeau Rain Forest and from gardens close enough to tke Park so they may likely spread into the Park. It is thought that the list may be more useful this way. The present list is arranged alphabetically by families, by genera under the families, and by species under the genera. This may facilitate the use of the list by non-botanically trained users. The same symbols are used as in the 1966 list tc indicate whether the plants are endemic in Hawaii (E), indigenous but not endemic (I), introduced by the Polynesians (P), or introduced in post-European time (X). An asterisk (*) is used to designate rare and endangered plants. I wish to thank Ms. Sandra Yamashiro and Ms. G. Virginia Carey for putting the list in machine-readable form and for putting the data onto a computer disk. This was done under the supervision of Dr. Dieter Mueller-Dombois as an adjunct to the Island Ecosystems IRP under the ~S/~nternationalBiological Program (NSF Grant No. GB 23230). My own part in the revision is as a collaborator of the University of Hawaii Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, with assistance from a Smithsonian Institution Research Awards Grant. December 15, 1974 ACANTHACEAE X JUSTICIA BETONICA Lo A1 ZOACEAE X YESEMBRYANTHEMUM SPo I SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM (Lo) Lo X TETRAGONIA TETRAGONIOIDES (PALLAS) KTZEo AMARANTHACEAE X AMARANTHUS TRICOLOR Lo X AMARANTHUS VIRIDIS Lo E CHARPENT IERA OBOVATA GAUD- E CHARPENTIERA OROVATA X OVATA E NOTOTRICHIUM SANDWICENSE (GRAY) HBD- AM4RYLLI DACEAE X AGAVE RIGIDA VARo SISALANA IPERRo) ENGELHo X HIPPEASTRUM X JOHNSONIX BURY X NARCISSUS SPe ANACARDIACEAE X MANGIFERA INDICA Lo E RHUS JAVANICA Le X SCHINUS TEREBINTHIFOLIUS RADDI APOCYNACEAE E ALYXIA OLIVIFORMIS GAUD* X CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS (Lo) Go DON * E OCHROSIA COMPTA KO SCHUM- X PLUMERIA RIJBRA L. * E RAUVOLFIA SANDUICENSIS Ao DCo X VINCA MAJOR L. AQUIFOLIACEAE E ILEX ANOMALA H. & Ao X ILEX AQUIFOLIUM Lo ARACEAE X ANTHURIUM SP. P COLOCASIA ESCULENTA (Lo) SCHOTT X ZANTEDESCHIA AETHIOPICA (Lo) SPRENGo ARALIACEAE E CHEIRODENDRON TRIGYNUM (GAUDo) HELLER X HEDERA HELIX Lo E REYNOLDSIA SANDWICENSIS GRAY X SCHEFFLERA ACTINOPHYLLA (ENDLO) HARMS E TETRAPLASANDRA HAWAIENSIS GRAY ARAUCARI ACEAE X ARAUCARIA HETEROPHYLLA ISALISBe) FRANC0 ASCLEPIADACEAE X ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA Lo X GOMPHOCARPUS PHYSOCARPUS Eo MEY- RALSAMINACEAE X IMPATIENS SULTAN1 I HOOK* Fo BEGONIACEAE X BEGONIA FUCHSIOIDES HOOK. X BEGONIA SEMPEKFLORENS LINK t OTTO X BEGONIA SP. B IGNON IACEAE X JACARANDA ACUTIFOLIA HUMB. t BONPLt BORAGINACEAE X AMSINCKIA INTERMEDIA FISCH. G HEY* P CORDIA SURCORDATA LAM. X CYNOGLOSSUM ZEYLANICUM VAHL EX LEHM. X HELIOTROPIUM ARBORESCENS L. * I HFL IOTROPI UM CURASSAVICUM L. X MYOSOTIS AZORICA H. C. MATS* EX HOOK* X TOURNEFORTIA ARGENTEA L. F. BUXACEAE X BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS Lo CAMPANULACE AE X TRIODANIS BIFLORA (R. t Po) GREENE CANNACEAE X CANNA (ORNAMENTAL HYBRID) X CANNA INDICA L. ZAPPAR IDACEAE E CAPPARIS SANDWICHIANA OC. CAPRIFOLIACEAE X LONICERA JAPONICA THUNB. X SAMRUCUS MEXICANA VAR- BIPINNATA (SCHLECHT. L CHAM.) SCHWERIN CAR ICACEAE X CARICA PAPAYA L. CARYOPHYLLACEAE X CERASTIUY VULGATUM Lo X DIANTHUS BAHBATUS Lo X DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS 1. X DIANTHUS CHINENSIS Lo X DRYMARIA CORDATA (L.1 WILLDO EX Re & S* X POLYCARPON TETRAPHYLLUH (Lo) L. X SILENE GALLICA L. F SILENE HAWAI IENSIS SHERFF X STELLARIA MEDIA (L.1 VILLARS CELASTRACEAE E PERROTTETIA SANDWICENSIS GRAY CHENOPODI ACEAE X BETA VULGARIS VAR. CICLA Lo X BETA VULGARIS VAR. CRASSA ALEF. X CHENOPOOIUM ALBUM Lo X CHENOPODIUM AMRROSIOIDES Lo COMHEL INACEAE X COMMECINA DIFFUSA BURH. F. CDMPOSITAF X ACANTHOSPERMUM AUSTRALE ILOEFL.) KTZE. X ACHILCEA MILLEFOLIUM L. X AGERATUM CONYZOIDES L, X ANTHEMIS COTULA L. *E ARGYROXIPHIUM SANDWICENSE DC. X ARTEMISIA VULGARIS L, ASTER SP, X BIDENS CYNAPIFOLIA HBK. X BIDENS PILOSA VAR. MINOR (BL.1 SHERFF X BIDENS PILOSA L. VAR. PILOSA *E BIDENS SKOTTSBERGII SHERFF X CENTAUREA CYANUS Lo X CFNTAUREA MELITENSIS Lo X CHRYSANTHEMUM FRUTESCENS Lo X CHRYSANTHEMUM MAXIMUM RAM. X CIRSIUM VULGARE (SAVI) TENORE X CONYZA BON4RIENSIS (Lo) CRONQ. X CONYZA CANADFMSIS (Lo) CRONQ. X COREOPSIS LANCEOLATA Lo X COSMOS BIPINNATUS CAV. X DAHLIA EXCELSA BENTH, X DAHLIA PINNATA CAV. E DUBAUTIA CILIOLATA (DC.1 KECK E DUBAUTIA LINEARIS (GAUD.) KECK E DURAUT IA SCABRA (DC-1 KECK E DUBAUT [A SCARRA VAR. MUYROI (SHERFF) KECK E DUBAUTIA X VAFRA (DEG. C SHERFF) KECK X EMILIA JAVANICA IBURM. F.) C. 8- ROBINS. X ERECHTITES HIERACIFOLIA (L.1 RAFo X FRECHTITFS VALERIANIFOLIA (WOLF) DCo X ERIGERDN KARVINSKIANUS DC. X EUPATORIUM RIPARIUH REGEL X FILAGO GALLICA Lo X GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA VAR. PICTA (SWEET) GRAY X GALINSOGA PARVIFLORA CAV. X GERBERA JAMESONI BOLUS E GNAPHALIUM HAWAIIENSE DEG. G SHERFF X GNAPHAL IUM JAPONICUM THUNB. X GNAPHALIUM PURPUREUM Lo *E GNAPHACIUM SANDWICENSIUH VAR. KILAUEANUH DEG. & SHERFF X HELICHRY SUM BRACTEATUM IVENT ANDRm X HYPOCHOERIS GLABRA Lo X HYPOCHOERIS RADICATA Lo X LACTUCA SATIVA Lo *E LIPOCHAETA SUCCULENTA VAR, DECURRENS (GRAY) SHERFF X PLUCHEA CAROLINENSlS (JACQ.1 Go DON X SENECIO MIKANIOIDES OTTO EX WALP. X SENECIO SYLVATICUS Lo X SOLIDAGO ALTISSIHA Lo X SONCHUS ASPER (Lo) HILL X SONCHUS OLERACEUS Lo X STOKESIA LAEVIS (HILL) GREENE X TAGETES ERECTA Lo COMPOSI TAE X TAGETES PATULA Lo E TETRIMOLOPIUM HUMILE (GRAY) HBD. E TETRAMOLOPIUM HUMILE VAR, SKflTTSBERGII SHERFF X VERNONII CINEREA VAR* PARVIFLORA (REINW*) Dc* X XANTHIUM ITALICUM L. X YOUNGIA JAPONICA (Lo1 DC* X ZINNIA ELEGANS JACQ* CONVOLVULACEAE E CUSCUTA SANDWICHIANA CHOISY p IPOMOFA BATATAS (Lo1 POIR* 1 IPOYOEA INOICA IRURM.) MERR. I IPOMOEA PES-CAPRAE SSP. BRASILIENSIS (L. 1 V* OOSTSTR. E JACQUEMONTIA SANDWICENSIS GRAY X MERREMIA AEGYPTIA (L.) URBAN X STICTOCARDIA CAMPANULATA (Lo1 MERR. CRASSULACEAE X KALANCHOE TUBIFLORA IHARV.) HAHET X SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM Lo CRUCIFERAE X BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS L. X BRASSICA CHINES15 Lo X BRASSICA JUNCEA (Lo) CZERNJ* C COSS* X BRASSICA NIGRA (L.1 KOCH X BRASSICA OLERACEA VAR* BOTRITIS Lo X BRASSICA OLERACEA VAR* CAPITATA Lo X BRASSICA RAPA L. X CARDAMINE FLEXUOSA F* UMBROSA (GREN* t GODR.) 0s E. SCHULZ X CORONOPUS DIDYMUS (Lo) SM.
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