Financial statements of thyssenkrupp AG 2016 / 2017 List of equity interests thyssenkrupp AG as of 09/30/2017 List of equity interests thyssenkrupp AG as of 09/30/2017 The list of equity interests held by thyssenkrupp AG corresponds to Art. 285 No. 11 in conjunction with Art. 286 para. 3 No. 1 German Gommercial Code (HGB). The share of capital relates to the share held by thyssenkrupp AG or one or more companies under its control. Where profit-and-loss transfer agreements exist, income is stated after transfer. The companies are economically assigned to business areas. Equity in Income in million € or million € or Shareholding Name und Sitz Currency local currency local currency in % Components Technology Berco Bulgaria EOOD, Apriltsi, Bulgaria BGN 2.4 0.2 100.00 BERCO Deutschland GmbH, Ennepetal 2.4 0.0 *) 100.00 Berco of America Inc., Waukesha/Wisconsin, USA USD 9.4 0.3 100.00 Berco (Shanghai) Undercarriage Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China CNY (58.7) (5.3) 100.00 Berco S.p.A., Copparo, Italy 76.6 (26.2) 100.00 BercoSul Ltda., Hortolandia-São Paulo, Brazil BRL 40.9 17.6 100.00 Berco (UK) Ltd., Spennymoor, Great Britain 0.0 3.6 100.00 Berco Undercarriages (India) Private Ltd., Andrah Pradesh, India INR 403.3 3.9 100.00 Chengdu thyssenkrupp Fawer Spring Co. Ltd., Chengdu, China CNY 55.0 9.4 100.00 Defontaine Ibérica S.A.U., Viana, Spain 1.4 (0.1) 100.00 Defontaine (Qingdao) Machinery Co., Ltd., Jiaonan City, Shandong Province, China CNY 432.1 108.4 100.00 Defontaine S.A., La Bruffière, France 35.5 8.0 100.00 Defontaine Tunisie S.A., Ben Arous, Tunesia TND 0.4 0.0 53.00 Nippon Roballo Company Ltd., Minato-ku/Tokio, Japan JPY 12,131.0 446.5 100.00 OOO PSL, Moscow, Russia RUB 17.6 0.0 100.00 PSL a.s., Povazská Bystrica, Slovakia 62.8 13.7 100.00 PSL Wälzlager GmbH, Dietzenbach 0.0 0.0 *) 100.00 Roballo Engineering Company Ltd., Peterlee, Great Britain GBP 2.8 (0.6) 100.00 Rotek Incorporated, Aurora/Ohio, USA USD 5.1 (2.6) 100.00 Rothe Erde Ibérica S.A., Zaragoza, Spain 4.2 0.6 100.00 Rothe Erde India Private Ltd., Maharashtra, India INR 2,494.7 284.5 100.00 Rothe Erde - Metallurgica Rossi S.p.A., Visano, Italy 2.7 (0.4) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Automotive Systèmes France S.A.R.L., Sarreguemines, France 1.3 0.7 100.00 thyssenkrupp Automotive Systems de México S.A. de C.V., Puebla, Mexico USD 22.7 5.2 100.00 thyssenkrupp Automotive Systems GmbH, Essen 31.2 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Automotive Systems of America. LLC, Wilmington/Delaware, USA USD 3.3 1.3 100.00 thyssenkrupp Bilstein GmbH, Ennepetal 75.7 0.0 *) 99.50 thyssenkrupp Bilstein of America Inc., San Diego/California, USA USD 28.8 9.9 100.00 thyssenkrupp Bilstein S.A., Sibiu, Romania 14.3 6.8 100.00 thyssenkrupp Components Tech GmbH, Essen 36.0 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Components Technology de México, S.A. de C.V., San Luis Potosi, Mexico USD 19.6 31.0 100.00 thyssenkrupp Crankshaft Co. LLC, Danville/Illinois, USA USD 32.1 (0.8) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Engine Components (China) Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China CNY 158.3 1,035.9 100.00 thyssenkrupp Engine Components (India) Private Ltd., Nashik, India INR (385.6) (110.1) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Fawer Liaoyang Spring Co., Ltd., Liaoyang/Liaoning, China CNY 434.5 19.4 60.00 thyssenkrupp Federn GmbH, Hagen 57.1 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Federn und Stabilisatoren GmbH, Hagen 36.0 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Gerlach GmbH, Homburg/Saar 54.4 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Mavilor S.A., Villeurbanne, France 92.6 0.3 100.00 1 Financial statements of thyssenkrupp AG 2016 / 2017 List of equity interests thyssenkrupp AG as of 09/30/2017 Equity in Income in million € or million € or Shareholding Name und Sitz Currency local currency local currency in % thyssenkrupp Metalúrgica Campo Limpo Ltda., Campo Limpo Paulista, Brazil BRL 1,098.9 55.1 59.77 thyssenkrupp Metalúrgica de México S.A. de C.V., Puebla, Mexico USD 965.3 136.6 100.00 thyssenkrupp Metalúrgica Santa Luzia Ltda., Santa Luzia, Brazil BRL 39.4 (9.7) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Aktiengesellschaft, Eschen, Liechtenstein CHF 109.5 42.8 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Chemnitz GmbH, Chemnitz 4.1 3.8 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Dalian Co. Ltd., Dalian, China CNY 657.7 152.7 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Danville, LLC, Danville/Illinois, USA USD 21.9 (1.2) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta de México S.A. de C.V., Puebla, Mexico USD 50.8 11.6 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Fawer (Changchun) Co. Ltd., Changchun, China CNY 598.7 95.3 60.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Fawer Changzhou Co., Ltd., Changzhou, China CNY 45.0 0.0 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta France S.A.S., Florange, France 49.4 26.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta HuiZhong Shanghai Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China CNY 565.0 138.3 60.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Hungary Kft., Budapest, Hungary 4.0 13.3 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Ilsenburg GmbH, Ilsenburg 34.7 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Mülheim GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr 38.1 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta North America, LLC, Terre Haute/Indiana, USA USD 151.5 36.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Schönebeck GmbH, Schönebeck 12.2 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta Shanghai Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China CNY 29.6 (22.6) 100.00 ThyssenKrupp Presta SteerTec Poland Sp.z o.o., Meseritz, Poland PLN 9.0 0.0 100.00 thyssenkrupp Presta TecCenter AG, Eschen, Liechtenstein CHF 43.2 3.9 100.00 thyssenkrupp Rothe Erde GmbH, Dortmund 25.6 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Springs and Stabilizers (Pinghu) Ltd., , China CNY 103.3 (12.8) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Steering Changzhou Ltd., Changzhou, China CNY 289.4 (262.2) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Valvetrain China Ltd., Changzhou, China CNY 222.8 38.2 100.00 thyssenkrupp Valvetrain GmbH, Ilsenburg (Harz) 13.9 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Woodhead Ltd., Leeds, Great Britain GBP 2.3 0.6 100.00 Xuzhou Rothe Erde Ring Mill Co., Ltd., Xuzhou, China CNY 385.6 20.8 100.00 Xuzhou Rothe Erde Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd., Xuzhou, China CNY (326.3) (165.9) 60.00 Elevator Technology Ascenseurs Drieux-Combaluzier S.A.S., Les Lilas, France 9.3 2.8 100.00 Compagnie des Ascenseurs et Elevateurs S.A.M. 'CASEL SAM', Monaco, Monaco 3.9 0.2 100.00 ELEG Europäische Lift + Escalator GmbH, Düsseldorf 4.0 0.0 *) 100.00 Euroascensori srl, Mezzolombardo, Italy 0.7 0.0 100.00 Hytrac Lifts Ltd., , Great Britain GBP 0.4 0.1 100.00 Lift & Engineering Services Ltd., West Midlands, Great Britain GBP 21.6 2.2 100.00 LiftEquip GmbH Elevator Components, Neuhausen a.d.F. 0.1 0.0 *) 100.00 Marohn thyssenkrupp Elevator Co. Ltd., Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, China CNY 227.9 32.5 51.00 MGTI SNEV S.A.S., Saint Jeannet, France 1.6 0.8 100.00 Mulder Liftservice B.V., Nuth, Netherlands 0.4 1.9 100.00 OOO thyssenkrupp Elevator, Moscow, Russia RUB 634.9 385.0 100.00 Peersmann Liften Ascenseurs S.P.R.L., Brussel, Belgium 0.7 0.3 100.00 Proxi-Line S.a.r.l., Angers, France 0.9 0.4 100.00 PT. thyssenkrupp Technologies Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia IDR 12,427.8 (4,549.7) 94.68 Rheinstahl Union Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Düsseldorf 1.0 (10.1) 100.00 SkyLift B.V., Barneveld, Netherlands 9.3 6.5 100.00 Sun Rich Elevator Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan TWD 8.7 (3.6) 100.00 Tepper Aufzüge GmbH, Münster 5.1 0.0 *) 100.00 The Britannic Lift Company Ltd., Nottingham, Great Britain GBP 4.3 0.0 100.00 2 Financial statements of thyssenkrupp AG 2016 / 2017 List of equity interests thyssenkrupp AG as of 09/30/2017 Equity in Income in million € or million € or Shareholding Name und Sitz Currency local currency local currency in % Thyssen Elevators Co., Ltd., Zhongshan, China CNY 587.5 524.7 100.00 thyssenkrupp Access China Ltd., Shanghai, China CNY 14.0 13.7 100.00 thyssenkrupp Access Corp., Kansas City/Missouri, USA USD 52.1 0.6 100.00 ThyssenKrupp Accessibility B.V., Krimpen aan den Ijssel, Netherlands 23.0 18.2 100.00 thyssenkrupp Access Japan Co., Ltd., Tokio, Japan JPY 122.9 18.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Access Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees, Great Britain GBP 11.7 7.2 100.00 thyssenkrupp Access Solutions GmbH, Essen 0.3 0.0 *) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Airport Services S.L., Mieres / Asturias, Spain 4.1 3.8 100.00 thyssenkrupp Airport Systems Co. (Zhongshan) Ltd., Zhongshan/Guangdong, China CNY 174.3 22.7 100.00 thyssenkrupp Airport Systems Inc., Fort Worth/Texas, USA USD 7.9 0.6 100.00 thyssenkrupp Airport Systems, S.A., Mieres/Oviedo, Spain 19.9 13.1 100.00 thyssenkrupp Asansör Sanayi ve Tic. A.S., Istanbul, Turkey TRY 88.5 0.4 100.00 ThyssenKrupp Ascenseurs Luxembourg S.a.r.l., Luxemburg, Luxemburg 11.9 0.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Ascenseurs S.A.S., Angers, France 8.9 (11.0) 100.00 thyssenkrupp Aufzüge AG, Rümlang, Switzerland CHF 14.9 8.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Aufzüge Gesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria 31.0 14.5 100.00 thyssenkrupp Aufzüge GmbH, Neuhausen a.
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