.V TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1959 PACn SlXtEEN manrl;PBt(r jEtfrning l|mUl Free Polio Shots at Municipal Building Until 9 o*Clock Tonight The exadutlve b oi^ of Umt Kan- Sant or Citlzaha, who are going one could be installed at the Bell chanter Ctoundl Of Burch' Women to the Spiingfleld Fair, will meat St. intereeetlon and others eaat About Town will meet Thuraday at (kr30 a.m. at In front of Orange Hall Thuraday Town Plans and west of It at strategic spots. Center Church. Detalla of World at 10 a.m. North Rnd membera Another could be put at the foot Rlohud A. Boltn. son of Mr. Community Day. to be obaerved will meet at the bue atop comer of the hill and the last at the in­ Averag* OffilT Net Prem Rud III# WeatlMff Bin. HUding Bolin. 36 Ke«- Nov. 6, will be dlicaaaed. Repre- acroea from the depot. Toimprove tersection' o f Hlllstown IM., he Far th* Week Ended Fereeaat *f 0; A Wentfeav WaMM n ty Sti, h *« retumod to th* Uni- aentativea from all churchee are said. flkrpt. 13. Idse va n ity o f Vermont,-. Burllnyton. urgM to attend. Fair. mtM fhnlgM. Lew 4MB. fWr hit Junior year. The Mothera' Club of Second Bush Hill Rd. TERRIFIC Thontdacr eantlimed wurM. M r ■» Congregational Church will hold 0 0 12,962 early, anattered ahowera In aflnr- Mancheater Uodye of Maaona ita flrat fall meeting tomorrow at Trinity Peat Noble Grande of step* to make it "much euier" Women Attend UN Member of the Audit neon er evfatng. High hi Nm inM Buaaet Rebekah Lodye will meet will hold a apeciai meeting to­ Sp.'m. in the church parlor. A to live-on narrow, bumpy Rush Hill Barean of Ctrculation. tomorrow at 6 p.m. In Stafford night at 7:30. The entered appren. abort film will be ahown, followed Assembly Session by a diacuaaion, aocial hour and Mancheater-^A City of VUlage Charm Bprlnya. tice degree will be conferred, with Rd. will be reported to the Board , .Tunlor Warden Howard F. Wad­ refreahmenta. of Director* tonight at a meeting dell. preaiding. There will be a ao- Ten women from MancJieater, supermarket at 8 o'clock In the Municipal Bulld- Rockville, Bolton and Vernon yes­ VALUES! (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHE.STER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMRER 83, 1959 (ChwiHlei AdverMalng an Png* M) clal hour and refreahmenta. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 801 PRICE FIVE C E im The We-Two X^rbup of Concor­ '"fc. terday made a special trip to the dia Liuiheran Church wtti aponaor The report by Deputy Director of United Nations, sponsored by the j Rug craftamen. hookera and a paper drive tomorrow at 6 p.m. Public works Cheeter Langtry, to Service Bureau for Woman’s Or­ ! braidera are Invited to an open The collection center will be at the be piresented by General Manilanager ganizations. ITiey were given a LECLERC Pitkin property. Thoee unable to Rich) Teeth Display houae at the Fraaer Studio. 1B3 briefing on "Africa's Role In the Strike in 71st D ay G>st of Living deliver papera there may call any underway on widening the lioad. re­ ^NERAL HOME Hartford Rd.. Thuraday, Friday UN and World Affairs.’’ land Saturday from 11 a.m. to 'S member o f the group for pickup. moving some bumps, cutting back Those who attended the General May Cost Job I p.m. Special featurea will be a sharp curve at the base o r a hill WEDNESDAY and Assembly session were Mrs. Irv­ Off .1% from FUNERAL jdlaplaya of hooked and braided The Golden Age Club will meet west of Bell St., and on planning ing Bayer, 14 Stephens St.; Mrs. Cincinnati, Sept. K UPi -~ ! ruga, new deaigna in rug pattema, Thuraday at 2 p.m. at the Eaat the installation of five street lights. Mary Kosak, 304 E. Middle Tpke., THURSDAY ONLY! Patrolman Charles L. Gellan- SERVICE i demonatratlona of hooking, dyeing Side RMreatlon building. There A t an Aug. 12 meeting, Bush July’s Record beck may lose hte Job because Khrushchev Invades ] and tranaferrlng pattema. The will be a penny aale. George Bd- Hill Rd. residents got a- promise and Mrs. Leo Paiisane, 35B Wood­ Waltdr- N. land St., all of Manchester; Mra. Steel Contract he showed his teeth to Police I Fraaer elide collection will be warda, atate vice preaident of the from' Martin, Langtry and other Loclerc. Csrieton Daley. Bolton; Mra. E l­ Chief Stanley Schrotel. i ahov^’n aeveral tlmea gach day. organization, will diaciiaa the For- offlclaU that their road would be Washington, S«pt. 23 {IP)— Director . mer Weden, Bolton, and Mrs. Schrotel said Gellenbeck ap-. and Bill recently before Congreaa. Improved. .Langtry’a report, which The cost of living edged down Henry Abuza, Mrs. Rebecca SMell, proached him last wM k at Robertaon School P T A will hold wag being readied today. Is In the one-tenth of 1 per cent last City Hall and happily dis- Call Ml 9-5869 form of a letter to Joseph Hasch, Mrs.'Lillian Olessman, Mrs. Kath­ 38 Main Street, Mancheater ita annual open houae tomorrow at T h e Immaculate Conception leen Kies and Mrs. Michsel Page, Parley Stalled month from July’s record pla>’«d new dentures. Ths chief M Bush Hill Rd., spokeaman for 7:.30 p.m. at the ^gchool. Mothera' Circle will hold ita flrat all of Rockville. said he smelled alcohol on. the fall meeting tomorrow at fl p.m. the residents. high, the Labor Department The. deputy works director told patrolman's breath and or­ at the home of Mra. Thomaa Albro, New York, Sept. 23 (ilp)_tnegotlatora hope to have reported today. dered a chemical teet. Iowa’s Tall Corn Belt Hasch that ^‘all of thia..work will Freshbake Bread A big aeasonal drop in f o b d 50 Winter St. kind of report* from th# aubcom- O. E. Hamilton, -city ae/ety not provide ymi with a number one The liation'e top mediator said prices, nine-tenths of 1 per cent, class' street, but We think thst it mitteea. director, recommend^ at a Mancheater Jay-Cee Wivea will today there still hasn't been "W e hope to look Friday and *e# was solely responsible for halting hearing yesterday that Gellen­ will make it much easier to live on the summer spurt of consumer iss hold a flrat fall meeting tomorrow Bush Hill Rd.” "" Biutbry whist any noteworthy progreaa tO;- what ha* ’ *en identified by the beck be fired on department D on 't M The prices. at the Community Baptiat Church, He said widening and pa'Wng Ward settling the steel indus­ •ubcom'mittee* as problem# and charges of being under the in­ Red Leader B. Center St., preceded by a pot- see if they can be Ironed out," Fin­ E*rlce tags were higher oa virtu­ with bituminous concrete will con­ I lb. LOAVES try’s , 71-day-old strike. His fluence of alcohol when on luck aupper at 7;30 pirn. sai SETBACK negan said.- ally everything, else making up duty. tinue, particularly on Ute hill weat statement was echoed by of Bell 8t. Two X im p y areas on McDonaid’i atatement waa made the average city family’s costa. Steelworker^ Union president aa he went into the 20-minute top- The index stood at 124.8 per Urges the hill slope were being leveled T o i A h t , 8 O ' c l o c k RED MEN’S SHOW today. David J. McDonald. level parley. cent of the 1947-49 average. OPEN DAILY He added that enough property ODD PEUOWS HALL "The aituation in Juat about the The union president aaid; ^Thia waa nine-tenth*, of 1 per 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. is expected to be conveyed to the aame as it waa wheh we entered " I am now going to tell the in­ Cent higher than a year earlier. Soviet Aims In Fa|?i HIGH SCHOOL town to allow the sharp curve at Sponsored By SMOKED lb the negotiations on July J6,’’ said The, figure means It now takes dustry top team about the lack of __ , SUNDAY. 8 A.M..8 P.M. the base of-the hill to be, cut back MEMORIAL TEMPLE HAMSUCES Joapph F. Finnegan, director of the progress but I ’m sure U.e„v already . nearly. ,81.25 to buy what cost about 60 feet, Storm sewer basins PVTHIAN SISTERS Federal. Mediation and Concilia­ know since they have reports from I dollar 'in the years immediately By JOlkN BOAU PINE PHARMACY^ will be Installed at the foot of the JiNeed Study, Coon Ra^dfl, lows, Sept." 23 Wed., Sept. 23—Curtain at 8:30 DONATION 75c tion Ser^cje. their subcommittees,’’ i after World W ar II. «84 CENTER ST. grade, he added. | U. S. No. 1 Grade—Size A Finnegan v^ced thl* view short ' Almost two w;eeki( ago, the sub- In spite of the slight drop in ^ (JP)— Niki LA R .' KhruslMheY, Of the five lights, Langtry said, i ly a fte r McDo'rlald .told reporters j committees were aet up to diacuas : coats, at least 125,000 workers, ■ tired buK hflpjt.v-lookinf, «r- ttsre has been “ absolutely n o' local 'Wprk practice* and non-, will receive wage increases under Press Told , rived itr the h«irt nf fowa’s progress" made-during''almost two I economic issues in the individual ■ cost-of-living escalator contracts ______ weeks of subcommittee ba’fgaining contracts with the 12 major steel i which are adjusted q u a r - t e r l y .
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