265 M. Lucioni, Practical Guide to Neck Dissection, DOI 10.1007/978

265 M. Lucioni, Practical Guide to Neck Dissection, DOI 10.1007/978

Index A Common carotid artery , 73, 75–77, 83–87 Anterior commissure , 119, 122, 126–131, Conus elasticus , 114, 144, 145, 149–152, 147, 152, 154, 155, 187, 196–199, 187, 188, 190, 195 204, 208 Corner of the mandible , 28 Anterior cricoarytenoid space , 208 Cricoarytenoid joint , 190, 202–205 Anterior jugular vein , 91, 92, 105 Cricoarytenoid unit , 208 Anterior margin of the trapezius , 55, 56, 59 Cricoid cartilage , 144–148, 150–152 Anterior scalene muscle syndrome , 67 Cricoid ring , 19, 25 Anterior triangle , 22 Cricopharyngeus muscle , 120 Aryepiglottic fold , 114, 122, 124, 125, Cricothyroid artery , 91, 94, 95, 119, 132 127, 128 Cricothyroid joint , 101, 102 Arytenoid cartilage , 144–147 Cricothyroid space , 119 Ascending cervical artery , 86 Crista arcuata , 143, 153 Ascending palatine artery , 28, 35, 36, 38 Cutaneous cervical nerve , 56–58 Ascending pharyngeal artery , 28, 35, 38, 78, 79 Auriculotemporal nerve , 27, 29–31, 35, 39 D Deep cervical fascia , 14, 135, 139, 141 Deep lymph node system , 15 B Delphian lymph node , 15 Beclard’s triangle , 44, 51 Delphian lymph node , 199 Berry-Gruber’s ligament , 91, 102 Digastric muscle , 21, 22, 24, 43, 45, 47, 50, Bjork’s fl ap , 105 70–72, 76, 78, 80–82, 84 Brachial plexus , 63–67 Distal facial pedicle , 44–47 Broyle’s tendon , 143, 152, 152, 187, 189 E C Endoscopic laser surgery , 194 Carotid glomus , 77 Erb’s point , 56, 58 Carotid tubercle , 70, 83, 91, 107, 111, 116, External auditory canal , 11, 12, 27–36, 38, 39 135, 138, 140 External carotid artery , 27, 28, 30, 31, 35–39, Central compartment , 89, 90 72, 77–78, 80–81, 84 Cervical esophagus , 100, 101, 106–108 External jugular vein , 27–31, 33, 35, 56, 57, Cervical plexus , 57–63, 65, 67, 70, 72–74, 61, 62 75–78, 84, 85, 87 External occipital protuberance , 11, 12 Cervical sympathetic chain , 135–137, 141 Cervicofacial trunk , 37, 39, 40 Claude Bernard-Honer’s syndrome , 137 F Clavicle , 11, 12, 14, 16, 19–21, 23–25, 55, 56, Facial artery , 78 58–64, 66, 67 Facial nerve , 28–40 M. Lucioni, Practical Guide to Neck Dissection, 265 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-33977-6, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 266 Index Facial nerve branch serving the platysma , 27, 30 L Facial valley , 28, 34 Laimer’s triangle , 116, 120, 121 Facial vein , 44–49, 52 Lalouette’s lobe , 91, 95, 96 Farabeuf’s triangle , 80–82 Laryngeal corner , 111, 126, 131 Foramen cecum , 111, 124, 126 Laryngeal prominence , 19 Frey’s sindrome , 28, 39 Larynx , 112, 114–133 Lateral cricoarytenoid space , 205–208 Lesser occipital nerve , 60, 61 G Levator scapulae muscle , 70–72, 75, 77, 84 Galen’s loop , 117, 118, 122 Lingual artery , 44, 48, 51–53 Glossoepiglottic valleculae , 122, 124 Lingual nerve , 50–52 Glossopharyngeal nerve , 28, 31, 34, 36, 38 Lingual “V,” 124 , 126 Goose’s foot , 28, 32, 37 Lisfranc’s tubercle , 66, 67 Great auricular nerve , 27, 29–31, 33, 35, 56, Lorè’s triangle , 91, 101 57–58 Greater cornu of hyoid bone , 44, 51, 77–80, 111 M Gruber’s recess , 92 Mandible , 11, 12, 16 Mandible angle , 19, 25 Marginal nerve , 44, 45 Masseter muscle , 27–31, 35, 38, 39, 41, 45, H 47, 49 Hayes-Martin’s manoeuvre , 47 Mastoid apex , 11, 19, 28, 31 Hering’s nerve , 28, 35 Mental prominence , 111, 112 Horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy , 194 Mental symphysis , 254 Hyoglossal muscle , 47–53, 78, 80 Middle cervical fascia , 14, 14, 92–94, 97 Hyoid bone , 19, 22, 24, 25, 111–123, Morgagni’s ventricle , 125, 127, 128, 130, 131 127, 128 Mylohyoid muscle , 44, 46–53 Hypoglossal loop , 74, 78, 93 Hypoglossal nerve , 44, 48–53, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78–81, 84 N Nuchal region , 12, 13 I Ima thyroid artery , 95, 97, 98 O Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx , 116, Oblong fovea , 143, 153 117, 120–122 Occipital artery , 70, 72, 77, 78, 84 Inferior margin of the mandible , 19, 22, 44, Omohyoid muscle , 22, 23, 58, 60, 61–63, 45, 47 73–76, 80, 84, 85 Inferior paraglottic space , 189, 191, 195, 202–206 Inferior thyroid artery , 83, 84, 86, 87, 95, P 99–100, 101, 103, 104, 107 Pancoast syndrome , 56, 63 Infrahyoid linea alba , 92, 108 Paraglottic spaces , 127, 144, 145, Infrahyoid muscles , 91–93, 108 148–153, 155 Innominate artery , 90, 98, 104–107 Parathyroid glands , 91, 93, 99, 101, 102 Interglandular septum , 43, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51 Paratracheal lymph nodes (PTLNs) , 90 Internal jugular vein , 28, 33–36, 70, 71, 72, Pars membranacea of the trachea , 107, 108 75–87 Perijugular lymph nodes , 75, 76 Internal thoracic artery , 86 Perithyroidal nodes , 89 Phrenic nerve , 56, 64, 65–67, 73, 74, 84–86 Piriform sinus , 118, 120, 122–125, 127 K Pirogoff’s triangle , 44, 51 Killian’s mouth , 91, 102, 106–108 Platysma , 57 Index 267 Pointer , 28, 32, 34 Styloid process , 27, 28, 32, 34, 36–40 Ponce-Tortella’s loop , 28, 37, 40 Stylomastoid artery , 28, 32, 34, 35 Posterior auricular artery , 27, 31–33, 35, 78 Stylomastoid foramen , 28, 32, 34 Posterior belly of the digastric muscle , 27, 28, Subclavian artery , 66–67, 70, 83–87, 98, 99, 31, 32 101, 103–107 Posterior commissure , 124–126, 128, 131 Subglottic region , 153 Posterior margin of mylohyoid muscle , 44 Subglottis , 189, 193, 208 Posterior triangle , 23, 24 Submental artery , 44, 46–49, 51, 52 Preepiglottic space , 113, 120, 128, 130, Submental region , 43–53 144, 145, 148–151, 189, 190, 192, Submental vein , 44–46, 48, 52 200–202 Super fi cial cervical fascia , 13, 14, 27–30, Pretracheal and paratracheal nodes , 89, 90, 43–45, 56–60 95, 98, 107 Super fi cial cervical lymph node Prevertebral plane , 135, 136, 139–140 system , 14 Proximal facial pedicle , 43, 47 Super fi cial plane of the digastric muscle , PTLNs . See Paratracheal lymph 28, 32 nodes (PTLNs) Super fi cial temporal artery , 27–31, 35, 38 Superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx , 27, 28, 34, 38 Q Superior laryngeal artery , 69, 78, 80 Quadrangular membrane , 111, 114, 128, 144, Superior laryngeal nerve , 116–119, 122, 123 145, 149–151, 187, 190 Superior nuchal line , 11, 12 Superior paraglottic spaces , 189, 190, 200–202 R Superior thyroid artery , 94, 95, 101 Recurrent nerve , 70, 86, 87, 91, 94, 97, 98, Supracricoid laryngectomy , 194, 199 99–104, 107, 108 Suprahyoid linea alba , 44, 53 Reinke’s space , 111, 129, 130, 147 Suprasternal notch , 19, 23–25 Retrocricoid area , 121, 122, 124 Retromandibular vein , 28, 30, 34, 35, 37–39, 43–46, 48, 49, 52 T Riolan’s bundle , 27, 28, 34 Temporal branches of facial nerve , 27, 29–31, Robbins level system , 23 35, 38 Robbins level VII , 23, 90 Temporofacial trunk , 37, 39, 40 Thoracic duct , 69, 84, 85 Thoracoacromial artery , 70, 86 S Three fold region , 127 Santorini’s corniculate tubercle , 145 Thyrocervical trunk , 84–86 Scalene muscles , 60, 61, 63, 64–67, 70, 86 Thyroepiglottic ligament , 128, 149, 150, 153 Selective neck dissection , 23, 25 Thyroglossal duct , 96, 97 Sentinel artery , 28, 32 Thyrohyoid membrane , 149 Shoulder syndrome , 56, 59 Thyroid cartilage , 144–153, 188, 191, Somatic branches of facial nerve , 29–31, 195–199, 202, 206–208 35, 38 Thyroid gland , 90, 93–98, 101, 102, 105–108 Spinal accessory nerve , 56, 57–62, 67, 70–75, Thyrolinguofacial trunk , 75–77, 79–81, 81, 84, 87 84, 85 Spinous process of the seventh cervical Thyropericardial lamina , 97, 98 vertebra , 11, 12 Total laryngectomy , 194, 200 Splenius capitis muscle , 70, 72 Trachea , 90, 91, 93, 95–99, 101–103, Stellate ganglion , 136–138 105–109 Stenone’s duct , 27–31, 35, 38 Tracheal muscle , 107 Sternocleidomastoid muscle , 20–25, 27–33, Trachelian region , 12, 13 35–40, 55–63, 67, 69–73, 74–77, Tracheostomy , 105–106, 109 81, 86, 87 Transverse artery of the face , 27, 30 268 Index Transverse cervical artery , 56, 60, 62–65, Vocal ligament , 114, 125, 128–130, 133 73–76, 84–86 Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage , Transverse process of the atlas , 70, 72, 129, 130 135, 138 Transverse scapular artery , 62, 63, 65, 73–75, 84, 86 W Trapezius muscle , 19–21, 23–25 Wharton’s duct , 44, 50–53 Troisier’s sign , 67 Wrisberg’s cuneiform tubercle , 145 V Z Vagus nerve , 75, 77, 79, 83–87, 98, 99, 101, Zenker diverticula , 120 103–105, 107 Zygomatic branches of facial nerve , Vertebral artery , 103, 107, 135–138, 139 27, 29–31, 35, 38 .

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