Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83746-0 - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King Carl A. Huffman Index More information Select index of Greek words and phrases discussed in the text delf»v/delf, 64, 123, 125, 154 galnh, 66, 75, 491, 494–500, 504–05, 515 kanqa, 341 gr, 122–23 ll»triov, 194–95 gewmetrw, 567 nagka©wv, 396 gewmetrik, 232–33, 244 ndocov, 39–40 gewmetrik»v, 244 na©sqhtov, 449 nakmptw, 538 de»menoi, 217–18 naklw, 476–77 dicr»nou , 291 nakÅptw, 322 diagignÛskw, 58–59, 149–51 nalog©a, 179–81, 503, 529–37, 538; toÓ ­sou, diagnÛmen, xiv, 149 529–37 dignwsiv, 58–59, 149–51 nlogon, 179 digramma, 396, 566 namon, 291 d©aita, partn d©aitan , 300–01 nastrof, 123, 155 diallttw, 215 nepistmwn, 193–94 disthma, 166–67, 169, 181, 458 n»moiov, tn»moia , 436, 441–43 diatrib, 228–32 ntere©dw, 561 dunmenoi, 217–18 ntreisma, 297 dÅnamiv, 446 nt©lhyiv, 451 dusmcanov, 79, 348, 375, 379 nÛmalov, 513–15 nwmal»thv, 513 gg©gnomai, 539 »ristov, 511 e²dov, 93, 123, 226, 238, 250–51, 567; pqeia, 600, 603 (prÛtiston), 122 pantizw, 113, 156 e«kÛn, 601 planv, 542–43 kle©pw, 247 podeiktikäv, 375, 379 mp»diov, 335 p»deixiv, 71, 232, 237–38, mfusw, 113, 160 248–49 n aÉt, 222 podcomai, 503–04 nant©ov, 445 porov, 195 nargv, 71, 233, 236–37, 238, 246–47 pofrssw, 160 narm»zw, 351 riqmhtik, 240–44 xeur©skw, 193, 195, 196–200, 202 rmon©a, tperª tn rmon©an , 565 peiskwmzw, 314, 322 rc, 358, 500, 502, 598 piqumhtik»v, 93 rc kaª mhtr»poliv, 69 p©stamai, 196–200 %rcÅtav, 619 pistmwn, 193–94 stronomik»v, 244 pistthv, 389 aÎxh, 80, 386 pitelw, 72, 237–38, 247, 249 aÉt¼v fa, 55 pitmnw, 587 stÛ, 96 banausourg©a, 380 scatov oÉran»v, 87 638 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83746-0 - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King Carl A. Huffman Index More information Select index of Greek words and phrases 639 ta±rov, 37 Melita±on kun©dion, 301 eÉekt©a, 599 mrov, n mrei, 59; katmrov , 59 eÉqÅv, 115 msh, 177 eÎporov, 195 mes»thv, 178 eËr©skw, 193, 386–87, 389 metcw, 93 eÎstocov, 492 mtron, 204, 219 mhcanik, 77 zhtw, 195, 196–200 mhcanik»v, 14, 379 zwof»rov, 606 mhcanopoi»v, 81 monv, 500; monv qsin cousa, 501 ¡dupaqv, 316, 318 monoeidv, 524 rem©a, 497, 504, 603, 605 morf, 93 ¡suc©a, 491, 497 mousik»v, 244 §cov, 113, 140, 159, 161 nenosqw, 351 qerapeutr, 321 nhnem©a, 490–91, 494–500, 504–05, 603 qewrw, 153 nwqräv, 474 qumoeidv, 93 xen©a, 36 «da, 601 xnov, 37 ­diov, 194–95 xuggneia, 64 «diwtikäv, 370 «s»koilov, 475–76 o³ sti, 152 «sonom©a, 211–12 o«ke±ov, 64 «sopacv, 475–76 ½lbi»tufov, 24 ­sov, 567; t¼ ­son, 204, 211–15, 217, 529–37 Âlov, 89, 125 «s»thv, 204, 211–15, 503 ¾mal©zw, 317, 321–22, 513, 515 ¾mal»thv, 497, 504–05, 513, 515 kaq©zw, 578–79 ¾moiomerv, 523 kaq»lou, 59–60, 125, 598 Âmoiov, 499; tÂmoia , 436, 441–43 klamov, 160, 476 ¾moiÛmata, 492 kanÛn, 204, 218–21 ¾m»noia, 73, 200–02, 204, 235, 322 kataskeu, 80, 379 ¾mäv, 250 kaul»v, 525 ½rganik»v, 14, 80, 379, 523–24 k©nhsiv, 141, 538 oÉran»v, planv, 542–43, 550; scatov, 542, knmh, 525 548, 550; t¼ xw, 545 koinwn©a, 64, 314, 322 Àyiv, 557; tperª tn Àyin maqmata , krsiv, 447 568 kr»talon, 305 kÅbov, 80 paradÅomai, 157 kwlutr, 218–21 pedartw, 290–91 pnhtev, 217–18 lgetai, 376 per©, o¬ per©, 450–51, 477 lxiv, 117–19 perikatalambnw, 113, 157 log©zomai, 75, 187, 199–200, 224 periferv, 522–23, 532 logism»v, 72–73, 75, 189, 191, 199–200, 202–06, platag, 304–07 214, 215, 218–21, 235–36, 243, 332 pltov, 137 logistik, 69, 72, 204, 227, 232–33, 235–36, pleonex©a, 73, 204, 206–11, 212, 214, 240–44, 332 314–16 logistik»v, 93, 203, 244 plhg, 60, 130–32, 141, 474 l»gov, 166–67, 181, 458, 567; d©ca l»gou, 391; ploÅsioi, 217–18 n l»gw, 532 polueidv, 524 pragmate©a, 251 mlista, 112 pragmateÅomai, 247 manqnw, 56, 193 prtov, 124, 179 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83746-0 - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King Carl A. Huffman Index More information 640 Select index of Greek words and phrases pt»rqov, 525 tcnh, 527–28 puqmn, 438–41, 442, 462 t»de ti e²nai, 93, 597 toª perª tmaqmata , 149 çbdov, 158 çdiov, 195–96 Ìlh, 96 ç»mbov, 159 Ëpenant©a, 170, 177, 178 Ëperoc, 166–67, 179 sof©a, 71, 226, 235, 245 Ëpoke©menon, 93, 597 spniov, 195–96 stqmh, 219 fer»mena, 130–31, 133 stsiv, 200–02 fq»ggov, 130, 140, 161, 445, 447, 449 stlecov, 525 fil©a, 36 stigm, 500 f©lov, 37 stoice±a, 357 for, 393, 395 sugcalw, 113, 156–57 fronw, 153 summe©gnumi, 435, 443 fusik»v, 526 sump©ptw, 156 fÅsiv, 314–15 sunllagma, 215–17, 322, 503 fwn, 131, 134, 140, 161 sustoic©a, 510, 590, 599 sÅstomov, 113, 157 yallhgenv, 24 y»fov, 60, 130–31, 156, 161 tktwn, 29, 302–03 tmenov, 318–19 Þv oike, 292 teÓcov, 113, 157 Ýs©a, 96 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83746-0 - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King Carl A. Huffman Index More information Index locorum (Entries in bold refer to the page on which the Greek or Latin text is provided). Aelian (B29), 156;(B44a), 200;(B44), 315;(B63), Varia Historia (iii. 17) = (A5c5), 34, 276, 200;(B67), 200 300;(vii. 14) = (A1d), 12, 258, Apollonius Rhodius 300;(x. 12) = (A11a), 19, 31, 100, 340; ii (1055), 260, 305 (xii. 15) = (A8), 298, 299;(xiii. 23), 292; Apostolius, Michael (xiv. 19) = (A11), 4, 19, 31, 73, 100, 337; xiv (37.1) = (Leutsch and Schneidewin i. (xiv. 20), 338 213) = (A10, Text A), 29, 302, 304 Aeschylus Apuleius Prometheus Bound (454–59), 228 Apologia (1), 553;(3), 553;(13), 553;(15), 554; Aetius¨ (15–16) = (A25), 31, 68, 77, 85, 86, 88, 99, (i. 18.6), 584;(i. 23.1), 514;(ii. 6.2), 592; 297, 528, 550;(16), 554 (ii. 31.2), 558;(iv. 13.9–10) = (A25, Text B), De Platone (i. 3) = (A5b7), 25, 33, 271 552;(iv. 14.3 ) = (A25, Text A), 551, 557–58, Arcadius 561 De Accentibus (28.17), 619 Aetius¨ Medicus Archelaus (DK) ii (103.3), 301 (A1), 134 pseudo-Albertus Magnus Archimedes The Marvels of the World (p. 91 Best and Spir. (2.8.3), 248 Brightman), 611;(94), 611 Arethas of Caesarea Alcmaeon (DK) Scholia on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s (A10), 451 Categories (136.14 Share), 596;(223.20), 596 Alexander of Aphrodisias Aristides, Aelius in Metaph. = CAG i (39.13–14), 484;(75.16), To Plato: In Defence of the Four (232) = 584;(550.37 ff.), 489;(798.23), 588 (A5a2), 269 Quaestiones (106.35–107.4), 544, 549 Rh.(1.10.1), 246 in Top. = CAG ii. 2 (118. 13–19), 503 Aristides Quintilianus Anaxagoras (DK) (iii. 20), 138 (A106), 134 Aristophanes (B1), 547 Birds (995), 567 Anaximenes (DK) Clouds (1061), 315;(1075–78), 315;(1400), 315 (A7), 547 Aristotle Anonymus Iamblichi APo. (73a39), 524;(75a38 ff.), 526;(75a39), 243; DK ii (402.21), 208 (75b13–14), 377;(75b16 ff.), 563, 566; Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic (76a24), 81;(76a34), 393;(77b41 ff.), 534; Philosophy (78b34 ff.), 76, 232;(78b37), 81, 393, 566; (5. 15–24 = 11 Westerink), 370 (78b38), 391, 393;(79a7–8), 567;(88b11), Antiphanes 243;(99a13), 357;(100b7), 203 (PCG ii. 369), 535 APr.(24a16 ff.), 59;(28a), 249;(41a26–7), 234; Antiphon (DK) (68b36), 246 641 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83746-0 - Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King Carl A. Huffman Index More information 642 Index locorum Aristotle (cont.) 520;(990b30), 562;(992a20), 502; Ath. (lxii. 3), 12 (993b1–2), 57;(996b21), 178;(997b20), 566; Aud. (803a), 140 (1003a ff.), 227;(1003a24), 598;(1003a26), Cael. (268a), 493;(273b30), 89; 598;(1004a10), 599;(1004b28), 599; (273b30–274a3), 537;(286b11 ff.), 526; (1015a29), 479;(1024b22), 152;(1043a12), (290b), 131, 135;(290b12 ff.), 137;(290b28), 497;(1043a14–26) = (A22), 31, 51, 66, 67, 150;(298a7), 524;(300a23), 526;(302b5), 74–75, 84, 92, 99, 189, 489, 490, 492, 526;(304b20), 526;(306a5), 526 506–07, 515, 603;(1043b31), 492;(1060b32), Cat. (11b17–24), 596;(15b1), 504 59;(1061b18 ff.), 227, 599;(1068b24), 504; de An. (405a30), 527;(407a28), 538;(412b1), (1073b19), 550;(1077a5), 566;(1078a14), 523;(413a19), 177;(419b4 ff.), 131, 141; 566;(1078b20 ff.), 491;(1078b21), 491, 492; (420a18), 194;(420a–b), 140;(420b33), (1078b22), 493;(1078b22–23), 492; 156 (1084a36), 487;(1085a33), 500;(1087b5–6), EE (vii. 7), 201;(1215b23), 538;(1235b), 196 589;(1087b14), 589;(1087b26), 588–89, 590; EN (ix. 6), 200;(1094b12 ff.), 192, 321; (1087b27), 589;(1092b8–14) = (A13, Text (1094b23 ff.), 504;(1101b10 ff.), 599; I), 55, 583, 585, 593;(1093a29), 178 (1101b32), 599;(1103b14), 216;(1103b26), Mete.(342b36 ff.), 557;(364b12), 538;(367b15), 251;(1104b24), 603;(1106a36), 180; 504 (1107a2), 178;(1109a29), 196;(1113a33), 219; MM (i. 9), 196;(ii. 12), 201;(1182a11), 590; (1116b8), 152;(1126a28), 215;(1130b28), 530; (1182a14), 493;(1194a28–b3), 493;(1194a29), (1130b30), 192;(1131a9), 213;(1131a29 ff.), 590 192;(1131a31), 180, 529;(1131b13), 180; Mu.(392a11), 606;(400b1), 157 (1131b32 ff.), 192;(1132a22), 604;(1132b21), PA (646b13), 523;(662a24), 157;(642a14), 491; 223;(1132b23 ff.), 493;(1139a11 ff.), 203; (687a2), 525 (1141a12), 245;(1141a16), 235;(1152a31), 479; Ph.(194a7), 232;(194a11), 563; (1152b16–18), 333, 335, 336;(1153a20–23), 333; (200b12–201b15), 509;(201b5), 514; (1156a26 ff.), 37;(1156a30), 37; (201b16), 520;(201b16–202a2), 509, 589; (1167a22–28), 200;(1167a24), 192; (201b26), 510, 590;(203b15–203b29), 541; (1167a25), 201;(1168b8), 212;(1169b18), 295; (203b22 ff.), 545;(203b23), 85, 548;(204b2), (1172a2), 295;(1172b9–10), 7, 316;(1177a27), 543;(215a24), 89;(249b27 ff.), 537; 294;(1177a35), 296 (249b29), 89;(260a22 ff.), 527;(262b), Fr.
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