DIRECTORY.] lVIONMOUTHSHIRE. ABERSYCH.A~. If} 1Yilliamlt Wttl.Jas. M.n..C.V.S.veterinary surgeon,Lion st Yates Clement (Mrs.), ladies' school, 22 Monk street Woodley Emily (Miss), dress maker, 64 St. Helen's road Young Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer, Flannel street Woodward Wm. Davis, hay mer~ &farmer, Red Barn frm Young Rev. Sidney Rogers, registrar of marriages for 1Yorking Men's Conservative Association (J. "\V. Burlon. Abergavenny district, The Hawthoms, Hereford road hon. 'Sec.). Lion street . 1 - Young Thomas, county coUrt.bailiff. Monmouth road ABERSYCHAN was const,ituted a civil parish under Catholic (mixed), built 1863 {as chapel &; school). for 100 the provisions of the" Local Government Act, 1894" (56 boys &; girls &; 60 infants f> average. attendance. 80 boys. and 57 Vict. c. 73); it now contains Garndiffaith, Pont- & gids & 50 infants; Miss Bridget Broderick, mistress; newynydd, 'l'alywain and the hamlets of Cefnycrib, (}wm Miss Anns. Riordan, infants' mistress Avon, Cwm:ffrwdoer~ Cwmnantddu. Freehold, Golynos, Raihvay Station, Thomas Heaven, station master Nightingale Village, Pentrepiod. Snatchwood, Franch and CWM-AVON is a. hamlet.' with station <m the Great Varteg; the village of Abersychan is at the confluence of Western railway, 5 miles north from Pontypool and one the Syohan with the Torfaen <Jr Afon Lwyd; in 1844 it mile north-east from Blaenavon. The inhabitants are em. was formed into an. ecclesiastical parish from the civil ployed in the neighbouring cllllieries. parish of Trevethin;.. it is 168 miles from London, 2 Ra,ilway Station John Martin stati~n master north~west from Pontypool, and has tw.o railway stations, GARNDIFFAlTH is a villa~e. in this parish. half a Abersychan. on the Eastern Ya.lleys branch of the Great mile north from Talywain station on the London and ~estern rallway and T~l~am on the London and North North We.stern railway and 3! miles north from Ponty­ Wester.n .br~nch of then )me. f~0!U Brynmawr to Ponty- pool. Here are Calvinistic Methodist. Congregational. pool! It IS ~n. t.he Nor~hern diVISIOn of the cou~ty,. petty Primitive Methodist. Wes~eyan and Bible Christian sessI~nal dIVISIOn, unl<ln and county court dIstnct of! cha,pels. The B Company of the 3rd Volunteer' Battalion p.o~t~pool, rural deanery ef Abergaven.ny, Blaen~u Gwent I South Wales BoTdere.rs, wa.s formed here in 1859, and. dlVlswn. archd~~conry of Monmouth and ,~IOcese of numbers 120 rank and file. ~~andaff. The Local Government Act. 18.5 8 (21 & 22 j Post, M. O. O. &; S. B. & .Annuity &; Insurance Office.- VIct. c. 98), a~opted June 3, 1864, mcluded the RIchard Herbert, sub-postmaster. Letters throogh. who~e. of the pan~~ exceptl Pontypool, but unde~, the I Pontypool ~urive a,t 6,45 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.. proyrsIO!lS of the Local Government A~t, . 1894, t~e I The nearest telegraph office is at To.lywain parl~h .IS now ~overned by the Urban DIstrICt Council, County Police Station. Thomas O'Donnell, &; I constable­ consIstIng of -elgh~een members: The Abersychan Gas Board School (mixed & infants) (under Trevethin), bui:h Company, form~d m 1870! supplIes ga~ from ~orks near I in 1875, for 424 children; average attendanoo, 517; _\.bersychan raIlway statIOn; water IS obtamed from George Millard ma,ster· Mrs. Millard mistres9 works at Cwm Avon, the property of the Pontypool Gas .' '. ..' and Water Co. The oivil parish contains portions of GOL~OS IS a hamlet ad]ommg ~he V:~rteg. ab~ut three ecclesiastical parishes viz. Abersychan, St. Luke's half a mile south-west from T~I'Yw3.1Il raIlway st~t~on. and Trevethin. The church of St. Thoma.s, locally in and 4 north-west from ~ontYPool. Here are .th? mmmg­ the hamlet of Talywain, is a building in the Early works of Messrs. PartrIdge. ~ones & Co. LImIted.. English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles Letters through Pontypool at;rIVe at 6 B.m. Talywam IS and vestry, west porch and a wes,tern belfry con- the nearest money order & te.egraph office taining one bell: there are 400 sittings. - The register TALYW.A~ is a hamlet. and has a joint station of the dat,es from the year 1835. The living is a vicarage, London and North Western and Eastern Valley section of gross yearly value' £294, net £274, with I! acres of' the Great Western railway, about 2 miles north from g:ebe and residence, in the gift of the vicar of Trevetbin. Pontypool. Here is a Baptist chapel. and held since 1877 by the Rev. William Rees Thomas Post, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. Express Delivery, Insurance &; M.A. of Jesus College. Oxford. There is a Catholic Annuity Office & Telephone Exchange.-Llewelyn Barn-- chapel, built in 1863, and dedicated to St. Francis of field. sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Pontypool Assisi, two Baptist chape:s, one Welsh and one Englisb, at 5.35 a.m. &; 1.30 p.m.; & dispatched at 6.25 p.m and one English and one Welsh Congregational; there is Railway Station, James R. Stuart, station master also a Bible Christian chapel and Primitive Methodist .All traffic for Garndiffaith should be consigned to Aber-- and Wesleyan chapels; a new one for the latter denomi- sychan & Talywain stations nation is now (1895) in course of erection. Here ~s a Pontnewynydd and Trevethin will be found under- Literary and Scientific Institution, founded 1864, in con- separate headings. nection with the Society of Arts. The G Company of the VARTEG is a hamlet. with a station on the Abersycban 3rd Vo~unteer. Bat·talion South Wales Borderers was section of the London and North Western railway, about formed. here l~ 1891,. and numbers 70 rank and file. 5! miles north from Pontypool. Here are 'Vesleyan and. There IS a po~ce statIOn here f?r ~he county constabl!- Primitive Methodist chapels. On the Varteg mountains, lary, erected I.n 1885. The soil IS gravelly; subSOIl, are the extensive mining and colliery works of Messrs. stone. The ~hIef crops are wheat, oat~ and barley and John Vipond and Co. Limited. At Lower Varteg there­ some land lD. pasturage. The area IS IO,OOO acres; are also other collieries be:onging to Partridge J ones and rateable value £47,600, and the population in 189'1 was Co. Limited. • 15,~96 .. The population of St. Thomas ecc~esiastical Post & M. O. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- parIsh m 1891 was 8,843. Edward Webster, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Parish Clerk Robert Willis. Poo.typool at 5.55 a.m. & dispatched at 5.20 p.m. The N' . nearest telegraph office is at Talywain Po~t, M. O. & T: 0., S. B: & AnnUIty .& Insurance Board School (under Trevethin), for 289 children, Office.-Mrs. ELizabeth. Bram, sub-postmlstress. Let- originally an old Wesleyan chapel; an infant school ters from Pontypool a.rrIve. at 6.30 & 10·35 a.m. & 5·45 house has been added; average attendance, 220; John p.m. for callers only; & dispatched at 11.15 B.m. 4.20, Joseph Blatchly, pastel'; Mrs. Charlotte Hankim, 5.50 & 7. 15 p.m mistress Urban District Council. Railway Station, Alfred Griffiths, stati.on master I Offices, Literary Institution. Places of Worship. with times of services:- · h th t .A.bersychan. Council day, tillruesd t day III eac mon a 3 p.m. St. Thomas' Church. Rev. William Rees Thomas :\I.A. Chairman, William Lewi.g vicar; Rev. Joseph Davies, curate; II a.m. & 6.30 Clerk, Enoch Cooke, Urban District Council offices p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Treasurer, Wmiam Collins, Lloyds Bank Lim. Pontypool St. Francis of Assisi Catholic. served from Pontypool; 9 Medical Officer of Health. John Watson Mulligan M.D., & II S.m. &; 6 p.m.; daily. 7 a.m. &; 7 p.m J.P. The Hawthorns Baptist (English), Rev. James Hughes; II a.m. & 6 Surveyor, EnO'Ch Cooke, Brynteg house p.m.; mono &; thurs. 7.30 p.m Sanitary InspectDr, WiHiam Robert lames. High street Baptist (Noddfa), Rev. David Lewis; II a.m. & 6 p.m Co~leotor, Henry Harold Haden, George st. Pontypool Bible Christian, Rev. Thomas Nioholas; II a.m. & 6 County Police Station, Sergeant Charles Saunders, &; 6 p.m.; ,!,ed. 7.30 p.m constables Congregational, Rev. John L. Jones; II a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m Sch{)ols. Congregational (Eng~ish &; Welsh), II B.m. &; 6 p.m.; Board (mixed) (under Trevethin board), built in 1855. for wed. 7.30 p.m 800 children, eaarged 1893 for 9°°; average attendance, Primitive Methodist. II a.m. &; 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m 400 boys & girls & 290 infants; David Sadwrn Thomas, Wesleyan, Rev. Thomas Lewis; II a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. master; Mrs. Margaret Waters Thomas. infants' mistrss 7.30 p.m MON..
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