Bare Facts 16th February '96 University of Surrey Students' Newspaper issue 870 Minibus Accident In this issue hortly before Union onboard, had on Tuesday. Other injuries midnight on Friday pulled out of a carpark. suffered mainly consisted of scratches, grazes and shock. 10th of February Neil Hunt and Ruth Holling- S dale both received broken one of the Union The driver of the other car es- jaws after hitting objects in caped without any serious in- minibuses was involved front of them as they were juries. in an accident where it thrown forward by the force of was hit head on by a the impact. ITie driver, Alis- The Students' Union and the tair Oliver had to be cut free University have offered their Volvo travelling on the after the accident but managed assistance and are currently wrong side of the road. to walk to the stretcher having dealing with insurers and po- The accident occurred on suffered a broken arm. Five of lice and offering general assis- the A6 just outside of the fourteen aboard had to be tance to those people who More Internet Bedford after the taken to Accident and Emer- were involved in the accident. gency, of which 3 were re- news minibus, with fourteen leased after treatment. Neil members of Christian and Ruth both had to remain in Henry S. Katt page? hospital but Ruth was released Eyewitness report page 3 Broken Promises And Shattered Dreams. N FRIDAY diligence and expertise of the rorist campaign). The Sunday NIGHT a bomb City's security forces and hos- Times reported that whilst pital staff ), a return to full there has been a peace there Oexploded in scale war spells the loss of has not been a process and the London's Canary Wharf many more lives and a return reasons for the attack has killing two, injurying to a life of fear. When you hence been an attempt by the many others and causing have known peace, experi- I.R.A. to move the negotia- enced fteedom from terror for tions along. TTiis will prove of untold damage to the first time, it's confiscation little consequence to those in Johnny numerous buildings. will prove ali the more grating. Northern Ireland and those Mnemonic It has since been disclosed that whose lives were shattered in the bombing was the work of What the consequences are for the blast. We have been reviewed the LR.A . and with this dis- the peace process is as yet un- plunged into a political quag- page 10 covery the peace process has known, certainly the news of a mire and those who watched been thrown into turmoil. It resumption of an active terror- the Dimbleby report will have has been reported that news of ist campain will do little to seen the tension on the faces of the explosion brought tears to foster trust between the com- both the audience members many people, especially to peting politicai parties, and the and panelists and realise from those in Northern Ireland it- Unionists will certainly not be this just how fragile the situ- self, who know only too well disposed to granting further ation is. Whether a peace is the implications of the bomb. Republican concessions, (de- salvageable is as yet unknown, Whilst on Friday the loss of spite the fact that this is re- certainly the next few weeks life was kept to a minimum ported to be one of the motives will prove crucial. (which is perhaps due to the for the resumption of the ter- Election Results President: Sports: NUS Delegates: Spoiled -15 Spoiled - 27 Spoiled - 49 Valentine Sharon Baker - 307 Steve DeWint - 372 Sharon Baker -160 John Mirbel - 74 RON - 60 Andrea Morley -166 personals RON - 63 Dave Smithee -147 page 11 RON - 28 Nominations for the by-election open at 12 noon on 19th February, close 1st March If you are interested either Student Affairs Officer or Communications Officer then pick up a nominations form from Malcolm Hamling the Union Finance Officer 2 Letters/Editorial Dear Editor, Cheesy Quavers* articles are Roman Catholic school. Un- The results of state schools why there is a lack of teachers always well written and infor- fortunately, he has picked an are probably very bad be- wishing to practice their pro- matíve, but I felt last weeks anonomaly here as the budget cause many special schools fession and a queue of teach- (9th Feb *96 edition 869) did for schools of religious de- have been shut down due to ers waiting to retire from not contain the whole picture. nominations are slightly dif- lack of ftinding by the LEAs. stress-related illnesses? As a son of a family, whose ferent. As a person who Thus children with emo- both parents are in the "indus- attended a Roman Catholic tional, social problems and Lee Hopkins infers that the try" of education, I feel sev- state school, and has recently motor learning difficulties are politicisation of education is eral facts are often neglected seen its budget, I know that it thrown into mainstream due to the present Conserva- by the media. receives a fixed amount from schools. And they are ex- tive administration. I take is- the LEA (Local Education pected to compete on the sue with this. It is actually a Firstly, the fallacy is that in- Authority) and a fixed same level as able, emotion- reaction ft^om certain teachers dependent fee-paying schools amount from the local parish. ally and socially stable chil- who fail to realise that they are presented as a completely The parish at its discretion is dren! should be politically neutral bad idea. Yet a certain fact is allowed to give supplemen- within their jobs and that they skirted around. Parents who tary amounts for any particu- Another reason for the low should work under any demo- send their children to fee-pay- lar purpose, eg. buying a results of many schools is the cratic administration. Part of ing schools are still paying for computer. rapidly increasing numbers of the NUT (National Union of a place at a state school children in the class again due Teachers) national subscrib- through local rates. There- Tiiirdly, it must be remem- to the lack of funding by the tion is paid towards the La- fore, if their child fails to use bered that an OFSTED in- LEAs. This means basic skills bour Party. This is the largest this place the funding will be spector spends only a very such as reading are not exam- trade union amongst the allocated to the central funds, short time in every classroom, ined by the teacher on a daily teaching profession. which are used to provide fa- because he must also inspect basis. Also the increased time cilities such as new books, other schools in the locality. needed for marking takes up Yotirs Sincere^, computers, and supply teach- The OFSTED inspector also precious hours which are nor- Stephen Conlon ers etc. applies the s^e criteria to mally used for setting and special needs children. Is this preparing work. After this the (P.S my parents passed^ Secondly, Lee Hopkins takes fair? teacher feels tired and has a their respective OFSTED as an example, St. Patrick's low morale. And they wonder reports.) Valentine Thoughts HE OTHER DAY Cards to their would-be-love I was casually the probability was that only leafing my way one Card would be sent per Tthrough one of the would-be-couple. With cou- University of Surrey Students' Newsp^er women's magazines ples sending each other cards (why men read these is the number being sent is more Union House, University of Surrey, likely to be four! Why four? another topic worthy of The answer is simple... Just Guildford, Surrey. GÌJ2 5XH consideration at some remember back to that first later stage) when I came Valentine that you shared Phone: (01483) 259275 across an article about with that special person. You Valentine's day. In this would have sent the card that Fax: (01483) 34749 article, it was claimed is blatantly ftom you (or you Advertising: (01483) 259275 that Valentines day was would be in serious trouble), only for couples already but then just to "check up on" Email: b,[email protected] in relationships. the other person, you send an- http://www.surrey.ac.uk/Union/bf/ "Pha! How unromantic!" I othercard.Thissecondcardis ( shouted. But then doubt ran designed to be completely up behind me and tapped me misleading and to find out Editor - Rob Dorey whether your loving partner on the shoulder. Is this really Secretary - Sophie Rocks will teil you of this card fi-om Sports Editor • FItzy so unrealistic? Maybe in the the "mystery" admirer. Music Editor - Steeve French past Valentines day was a Add onto these 4 cards per Contributors: Bagpus and Emily, Richard Bell, chance to show that special couple the odd joke cards to Catherine Bickley, Lee Hopkins, Sally Kentfield, The somebody, whom you des- fiiends and you soon see why Sabs, Phil Singleton,Campusport, Russ Clark and a few perately fancy, that you actu- the card manufacturers get to more.... ally: a) love them; b) fancy rub their hands in glee and them c) exist. Now it has be- watch the money come roll- come a time when you lavish ing in. gifts upon that person whom Quote of the week "Why iiie Fa» h an Independe« new^apa, pU)llshed b]^ Uihmitf rf you are already with. Convnunlcjtiont Ön<r. don't Valentine card manu- The vl(wi oprmd withiii the PV« « dM o< ihc Mhoí, ite tdkortil boad ind the All this time tíie card manu- or The Unlvenily of Sun«)', facturers produce large packs Tills puMiciDan nay not b« i^rodvctd In whole or In pan, soied in elecltDnk fonn, pholocopled or facturers are rubbing their dhuihiled.
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