CALENDAR OF AMS MEETINGS THIS CALENDAR lists all meetings which have been approved by the Council prior to the date this issue of the NOTICES was sent to press. The summer and annual meetings are joint meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. The meeting dates which fall rather far in the future are subject to change; this is particularly true of meetings to which no numbers have yet been assigned. Programs of the meetings will appear in the issues indicated below. First and second announcements of the meetings will have appeared in earlier issues. ABSTRACTS OF CONTRIBUTED PAPERS should be submitted on special forms which are available in most de­ partments of mathematics; forms can also be obtained by writing to the headquarters of the Society. Abstracts of papers to be presented at the meeting in person must be received at the headquarters of the Society in Providence, Rhode Island, on or before the deadline for the meeting. Note that the deadline for abstracts to be considered for presentation at special sessions is three weeks earlier than that given below. For additional information consult the meeting announcement and the list of organizers of special sessions. MEETING ABSTRACTS NUMBER DATE PLACE DEADLINE for ISSUE 768 August 21-25, 1979 Duluth, Minnesota JUNE 12 August (83rd Summer Meeting) 769 October 20-21, 1979 Washington, D.C. AUGUST 22} October 770 November 2-3, 1979 Kent, Ohio AUGUST 27 771 November 9-10, 1979 Birmingham, Alabama SEPTEMBER 19 } November 772 November 16-17, 1979 Riverside, California SEPTEMBER 24 773 January 3-7, 1980 San Antonio, Texas OCTOBER 22 January 1980 (86th Annual Meeting) March 28-29, 1980 Boulder, Colorado April 11-12, 1980 Bloomington, Indiana April 25-26, 1980 Davis, California August 18-22, 1980 Ann Arbor, Michigan (84th Summer Meeting) October 17-18, 1980 Storrs, Connecticut January 7-11, 1981 San Francisco, California (87th Annual Meeting) DEADLINES listed above for abstracts are also the deadlines for other information intended for publication in the same issue: news items and announcements of special meetings. There are separate deadlines for Classified Advertis­ Ing and for abstracts of papers presented to the Society for publication by title (rather than for presentation in per­ son at a meeting). They are as follows: ISSUE BY TITLE ABSTRACTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUGUST 1979 June 5 June 22 OCTOBER 1979 August 21 September 5 NOVEMBER 1979 September 18 October 3 JANUARY 1980 October 15 November 14 Other Events Sponsored by the Society June 19-30, 1979 Seminar/Workshop on Algebraic and Geometric February 1979 Methods in Linear Systems Theory p. 96 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts June 25-July 20, 1979 Summer Research Institute on Finite Group Theory February 1979 University of California, Santa Cruz, California p. 96 August 19-20, 1979 AMS Short Course: Operations Research: June 1979 Mathematics and Models p. 211 University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota Notices of the American Mathematical Society EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Volume 26, Number 4, June 1979 Ed Dubinsky, Richard ). Griego, Robion C. Kirby, Arthur P. Mattuck, M. Susan Montgomery, Barbara L. Osofsky, Everett Pitcher (Chairman) MANAGING EDITOR Lincoln K. Durst ASSOCIATE EDITOR FOR QUERIES Hans Samelson SUBSCRIPTION ORDERS NOTICES is published eight times a year (january, February, April, june, August, October, November, and December). Subscription for Vol. 26 (1979), $19.00 list, $9.50 member. 206 MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY The subscription price for members Vancouver, june 75, 206 (Abstracts A-399) is included in the annual dues. Sub­ Duluth, August 22, 210 scriptions and orders for AMS publi· Washington, D. C., October 20, 226 cations should be addressed to the American Mathematical Society, Kent, November 2, 226 P. 0. Box 1571, Annex Station, Special Sessions, 225; Invited Speakers, 226 Providence, R.I. 02901. 227 AMS ELECTION INFORMATION All orders must be prepaid ADVERTISING & INQUIRIES 227 AMS SURVEY ANNOUNCEMENT The NOTICES publishes situations 228 QUERIES wanted and classified advertising, details of which can be found in those 229 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR departments in each issue, and display advertising for publishers and academic 232 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS or scientific organizations. Requests for information: 236 NEW AMS PUBLICATIONS Abstracts: ) osephine Faria 238 SPECIAL MEETINGS Advertising: Elaine Lauble Change of address or subscriptions: 242 MISCELLANEOUS Ellen Hopkins·Heiser Personal Items, 242; Deaths, 242; Two-Year To avoid interruption in service please College Teachers, 242 send address changes four to six weeks in advance. It is essential 244 AMS REPORTS & COMMUNICATIONS to include the member code which Recent Appointments, 244; Committee on label with appears on your address Modes of Support of Research, 244; Biloxi all correspondence regarding subscriptions. Meeting, 244; Honolulu Meeting, 246 American Mathematical Society, 248 AMS BOOKS ON GROUPS P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, Rl 02940 (Telephone 401·272·9500). A-365 ABSTRACTS Second class postage paid at By title, A-365; Vancouver, A-399; Errata, A-406 Providence, Rl, and additional mailing offices: U.S. Postal Service A-407 ADVERTISEMENTS Publication No. 398520. A-416 REGISTRATION FORMS Copyright © 1979 by the American Mathematical Society, Summer Register and Applicant List, A-416; Printed in the United States of America. Duluth Preregistration-Housing Form, A-418 Vancouver, June 15-16, 1979, University of British Columbia Program for the 767th Meeting The seven hundred sixty-seventh meeting of HAZEL J0 REED, and KENNETH A. ROSS. The the American Mathematical Society will be held at Open University of Britain and the BBC will make a the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, presentation on the teaching of mathematics. Canada, on Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16, 1979. The meeting will be held in conjunction with REGISTRATION sectional meetings of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the Society for Industrial The registration area for the meeting will be on and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). the main floor of the Henry Angus Building, in the lounge opposite lecture rooms 104 and 110. (The By invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Henry Angus Building is a modern building on the Speakers for Far Western Sectional Meetings, there main mall adjacent to the campus bookstore.) The will be two invited one-hour addresses. THEODORE registration desk will be open on Friday from 8:00 FRANKEL of the University of California, San Diego, a.m. to noon and from 1 :00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and will lecture on Some geometrical aspects of general on Saturday from 8:30a.m. to noon and from 1:00 relativity at I :30 p.m. on Saturday. OSCAR E. p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration fees will be $3 for LANFORD Ill of the University of California, members of AMS, MAA, or SIAM; $5 for nonmem­ Berkeley, will speak at II :00 a.m. on Saturday; the bers; and $1 for students and unemployed persons. title of his talk is One-dimensional transformations. Both lectures will be in Room 110 of the Henry ACCOMMODATIONS Angus Building. By invitation of the same committee, there Both on-campus and off-campus accommoda­ will be three special sessions. PRISCILLA E. tions are available. In all cases, the rates are given GREENWOOD has organized a special session on in Canadian dollars (worth about U.S. $0.84 in Feb­ Probability; the speakers will be Murray D. Burke, ruary) and are subject to 5 percent provincial hotel Erhan (.inlar, Laurens de Haan, David R. McDonald, tax. A. 0. Pittenger, and Sidney Resnick. STANLEY S. On-campus housing is available in the Walter PAGE has organized a special session on Representa­ Gage Residence. This facility offers primarily single tions and ring theory; the speakers will be Frank W. accommodations, where six single bedrooms share a Anderson, George M. Bergman, Michael A. Fahy, common washroom and lounge area. There are four Burton I. Fein, Charles P. Lanski, Rajendra K. Rai, apartments of this type on each floor of the three and Robert B. Warfield, Jr. A special session on 17 -story towers. For participants preferring twin Mathematical physics has been organized by LON M. accommodations, there are a limited number of ROSEN; the list of speakers is Michael Aizenman, suites consisting of a bedroom with two twin beds, Guy A. Battle Ill, Paul R. Chernoff, William G. Faris, a lounge with refrigerator and balcony, and a private Stanley P. Gudder. Garrett S. Sylvester, and M. John washroom. The rate structure is: adult in single, Westwater. $12; couple in adjacent single rooms, $21; children There will also be sessions of contributed ten­ under 12, $6; International Student Card holder, minute papers. Late papers will be accepted for $8.50; suite (single), $24; suite (double), $31. Par­ presentation at the meeting, but will not be listed in ticipants should make room reservations by writing the printed program. to UBC Conference Centre, University of British At a dinner on Friday evening, the guest speak­ Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. (V6T 1W5), Canada. er will be Constance Reid, author of Hilbert (Springer­ Deposits are not accepted; however, payment is re­ Verlag. 1970) and Courant in Giittingen and New quested upon check-in. Personal checks are accepted, York (Springer-Verlag, 1976). Her talk, jointly but credit cards will not be honored. Canadian cur­ sponsored by the AMS and MAA, will be of interest rency is requested, although the 24-hour reception to nonmathematicians as well as to mathematicians, desk service is prepared to make currency exchange. and is titled 17w answer to the question everyone Participants are advised to use one of the two banks asks. The dinner, a lavish buffet, will begin at 7:15 on campus to obtain the current exchange rate (Bank p.m.
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