6006 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1864. railway wholly in the parish of Merthyr Tydfil, shall he compulsorily determined by arbitration or commencing by a junction with the Cyfarthfa otherwise, and to empower the Company, and such Deviation Railway of the Company, authorised persons and corporations as aforesaid, to levy tolls, by the Brecon and Merthyr Railway Act, 18G3, at rates, and charges for traffic conveyed by them or near the point denoting 4 miles and 7 furlongs over the said railways. on the plans deposited with the Clerk of the Peace To extend the time limited by the Brecon and for the county of Glamorgan, in November, 1862, Merthyr Railway Act, 1862, for the completion of in respect of the Cyfarthfa Deviation Railway, the railway by that Act first authorised, and also and terminating in and by a junction with the same the time limited by the Brecon and Merthyr Rail- authorised line of the Cyfarthfa Deviation Railway, way Act, 1863, for the completion of the Cyfarthfa at or near [the point on the same plans denoting 5 Deviation, and to repeal or amend the provisions miles and 6 furlongs. of those Acts restricting the use of that railway (B). To deviate laterally from the lines of the and that deviation. intended railways to the extent shown on the plans, To repeal or amend the provisions of the Brecon and vertically from the levels shown on the sec- and Merthyr Railway Act, 1862, with respect to tions hereinafter mentioned, and to cross, divert, making a siding ami other works and conveniences alter, of stop up for the purposes of the intended for the Brithdir Estate, and restricting the opening" railways an<l works, and either temporarily or per- of the railway numbered 6 on the plans and sec- manently streets, roads, highways, and other ways, tions deposited for the purposes of that Act. streams, pipes, sewers, canals, navigations, bridges, To include the railway and works authorised railways, and tram roads, within the parishes, and powers given by the Bill in any leases or townships, and places aforesaid. agreement for leases, and in any powers for making (C). To purchase and take by compulsion, and leases or agreements for lenses of the existing also by agreement, lands, houses, and hereditaments undertaking of the Brecon Company, and to con- for the purposes of the intended railways and fer further powers in that behalf. works. (D). To levy tolls, rates, and charges upon or in To confer, vary, or extinguish other rights and respect of the intended railways and works, and privileges. to confer, vary, or extinguish, exemptions from the To amend the Acts or some of the Acts follow- payment thereof. ing, videlicit:—22 and 23 Vic., cap. 68 ; 23 and (E). To abandon and relinquish the construction 24 Vic., cap. 17; 24 and 25 Vic., caps. 10, 227, of the portion of the authorised Cyfarthfa devia- and 235 ; 25 and 26 Vio,, cap. 184 ; 26 and 27 tion between the commencement and termination of Vic., caps. «0, 196, and 202; and 27 and 28 Vic., the intended Llwyncelyn diversion. caps. 265 and 304, relating to the Brecon and Mer- And it is intended by the Bill to effect the thyr Tydfil Junction Railway Company; 6 and 7 objects, or some of the objects following, viz : William 4, cap. 82; 7 William 4, and 1 Vic., cap. To repeal altogether, or to alter section 12 of 70; 3 and 4 Vic,, cap. 110; 7 and 8 Vic., cap., 84; the Brecon and Merthyr Railway Act, 1862, relat- 8 and 9 Vic., cap. 150; 9 and 10 Vic., cap. 393; ing to the junction at or near Pant, between the 11 and 12 Vic., cap. 23; 12 and 13 Vic., cap. 61; Company's main line and the Dowlais Iron Com- and 20 and 21 Vic., cap. 123, relating to the Taff pany's Limestone Rail way, and to matters connected Vale Railway Company; 25 and 26 Vic., cap. 193; therewith. 26 and 27 Vic., cap 130; and 27 and 28 Vic., caps. 293 and 316, relating to the Neath and Brecon To alter the existing tolls, rates, and charges of Railway Company; 27 and 28 Vic., cap. 293, the Company, and the several other companies relating to the Swansea Vale and Neath and Brecon named in this notice, and to confer, vary, or extin- Junction Railway Company; 18 and 19 Vic., cap. guish exemptions from the payment thereof. 60; 19 and 20 Vic., cap. 95; 22 Vic., cap. 2 ; 24 To amend and enlarge the provisions of the and 25 Vic., cap. 162; and 27 and 28 Vic., cap. 18, Neath and Brecon Railway Act, 1863, with respect relating to the Swansea Vale Railway Company; 5 to agreements between the Neath and Brecon Rail- and 6 William 4, cap. 107; 9 and 10 Vic., cap. way Company and the Company, and to extend 303 ; 10 and 11 Vic , caps. 86 and 177; 16 and 17 the same to the approaches to the station at Brecon, Vic., caps. 178 and 1?9; '20 and 21 Vic., cap. 1J9; and other objects, and to payment by the Neath 21 and 22 Vic., cap. 126; 23 and 24 Vic., caps. and Brecon Railway Company of part of the 76, 81, and 127; 24 and 25 Vic., caps. 197 and expense thereof, and to empower that Company 212; 25 and 26 Vic., caps. 183 and 198; 26 and for the purposes of agreements under that Act, and 27 Vic., caps. 113, 136, 151, and 198; and 27 and the Bill to apply their corporate funds and revenues, 28 Vic., caps. 176, 196, and 306, relating to the and to raise more money by the creation of new Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford, the West shares and stock, with or without preference or Midland, and Great Western Railway Companies. priority of interest or dividend, and other specia On or before the 30th day of November, 1864, privileges, and by borrowing on mortgages or other- plans and sections of the intended railways, with wise. a book of reference to the plans, a published map To empower the [Company, and all persons and with the lines of the intended railways delineated corporations using their railways or any part thereon, and a copy of this notice, as published in thereof, to run and pass over and into, and use, with the London Gazette, will be deposited for public their engines, carriages, and trucks, officers and inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the servants, and for traffic of all descriptions, the re- county of Glamorgan, at his office at Cardiff, and spective railways (existing and authorised) of the on or before the said 30th day of November, a copy Neath and Brecon Railway Company, the Swansea of so much of the said plans, sections, and books Vale and Neath and Brecon Junction Railway of reference as relates to' each parish or extra- Company, and the Swansea Vale Railway Company, parochial place in or through which the intended or of any of them, or any part thereof, and the railways and works, or any part thereof, will be stations, -approaches, booking, and other offices, made, with a similar copy of this notice, will be and buildings, wharfs, sheds, yards, platforms, deposited for public inspection, in the case of each sidings, water-engines, and supplies of water, tele- such parish, with the parish clerk thereof, at his graphs, and other engir.es, machinery, works, and residence; and in the case of each such extra-paro- conveniences of or connected with those railways chial place, with the parish cleric of s^ine parish respectively, and on snch terms and conditions as immediately adjoining thereto, at his residence. shall be defined in the Bill, or as (failing agreement) On or before the 23rd day of December next..
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