1950 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-SENATE 16159 By Mr. McCARTHY: port No. 3138; to the Committee on House MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT - H. R. 9848. A bill amending the Civil Serv­ Administration. ice Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amend­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ ed; to the Committee on Post Office and dent of the United States submitting Civil Service. ·PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS nominations were communicated to the By Mr. BARRETT of Wyoming: Under clause ·1 of rule XXII, private Senate by Mr. Hawks, one of his ~ecre­ H. R. 9849. A bill granting the consent or· bills and resolutions were introduced and taries. Congress to the States of Idaho, Montana, severally referred as ·follows: Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Wyoming to negotiate and enter into a com­ By Mr. ALLEN of California: A message from the House of Repre­ pact for the disposHion, allocation, diversion, H. R. 9858. A blll fo'r the relief of Mr. and sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its· and apportionment of the waters of the Co­ Mrs. W. A. Kettlewell; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · reading clerks, announced that the House lumbia River and its tributaries, and for had passed a bill <H. R. 9827) to provide other purposes; to the Committee on Public By Mr~ ANGELL: Lands. H. R. 9859. A bill for the relief of Chikako revenue by imposing a corporate excess By Mr. BURDICK: Shishikura Kawata; to the Committee on. profits tax, and ·for other purposes, in H. R. 9850. A bill to increase the rates of the Judiciary. which it requested the concurrence of the basic compensation provided for Govern­ By Mr. BUCKLEY of Illinois.: Senate. ment officers and employees by the Classifica­ H. R. 9860. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Ida The message also announced that the tion Act of 1949, as amended; to the Com­ E. Horton; to the Committee on Post Offtce House had agreed to the concurrent res­ mittee on Post Oftice and Civil Service. and Civil Service. olution <S. Con. Res. 105) authorizing By Mr. CLEMENTE: By Mr. BUCKLEY of New York: H. R. 9851. A bill to amend title 28, United the appointment of a committee to at­ States Code, to require Federal grand and H. R. 9861. A bill for the relief of Ciro tend the general meeting of the ·com­ petit jurors to take an oath of a,Uegiance, and Panariello; to the Committee on the Judi­ monwealth Parliamentary Association for other purposes; to the Committee on ciary. to be held in Australia or New Zealand. By Mr. McCORMACK: the Judiciary. ENROLLED BILLS 'SIGNED By Mr. LEONARD W. HALL: H. R. 9862. A bill for the relief of Joseph H. R. 9852. A bill to amend part I- of the Saganich; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The message further announced that Interstate Commerce Act so as to exempt By Mr. WALSH: . the Speaker had affixed his signature to therefrom any railroad which operates H. R. 9863. A bill for the relief of Man Foon the following enrolled bills, and they wholly within a State 1f 95 percent or more Tow; to the Committee on the Judiciary. were signed by the President pro tem­ of its passenger revenues are derived from pore: intrastate "tra~portation of passengers; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign H. R. 483. An act to extend the time limit Commerce. within which certain suits in admiralty may By Mr. RICHARDS: SENATE be brought against the United States; and H. R. 9853. A bill to promote the foreign H. R. 2365. An act for · the relief of the policy and provide for the "defense and gen­ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1950 city of Chester, Ill. · eral welfare of the United States by furnish­ ing emergen<;y relief assistance to Yugo­ (Legislative, day of Monday, November LEAVE OF ABSENCE slavia; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 27, 1950) . On his own request, and by unanimous By Mr. WHITTINGTON: consent,. Mr. CAIN was excused froni at­ H. R. 9854. A blll to amend the act entitled The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, tendance on the sessions .of the Senate "An act to provide better facilities . for the on th~ expiration of the recess. enforcement of the customs and immigra­ from the close of business December 14 tion laws," approved June 26, 1930, as The Chaplain, Rev. FreCierick Brown throu~h the remainder of 1950. amended; to the Committee on Public Harris, D. D., ottered the following MEETING OF COMMITTEE DURING Works. prayer: SENATE SESSIONS By Mr. FULTON: H. R. 9855. A bill to amend the act of July Eternal Spirit, hope of the souls that On request of Mr. CIIAVEZ, and by 6, 1945, as amended, so as to reduce the seek Thee, strength of the souls that find unanimous consent, a ·subcommittee of number of grades for the various positions Thee, pushed · a~d pressed by grave ques­ the Committee on Labor and Public under such act; and for other purposes; to tions and vexing problems we would bow, Welfare was authorized to meet during the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. first of all, at this daily altar dedicated the sessions of the Senate on Thursday By Mr. RHODES: to the far look. Before our eyes may and Friday of the present week. · tr. R. 9856. A bill amending section 3 of there tower those lofty and eternal veri­ CALL OF THE ROLL Public Law No. 134, Seventy-ninth Congress; ties that outlast the strident noises of to the Committee on Post Office and Civil any day. Mr. MAGNUSON. I suggest the ab­ Service. sence of a quorum. By Mr. HELLER: The world about us is full of wild com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The H. R. 9857. A bill to grant certain benefits motion, the clamor of the violent, the Secretary will call the roll. provided for veterans of World War II to dark deeds of the ruthless and the agony The roll was called', and the following persons on active service with the Armed of uncounted hosts of Thy children, Senators answered to their names:· Forces during the m111tary, naval, and air haunted by nameless dread and ground operations against the forces of North Korea, Aiken Hill Morse · Anderson and for other purposes; to the Conim.ittee on in the oust of tyranny. We cannot ade­ Hoey Mundt quately face such a world and make our Brewster Holland Myers Veterans' Affairs. Bricker · Hunt Neely By Mr. BUCHANAN: · humble contribution to the healing of its Butler Ives Nixon H. Con. Res. · 292. Concurrent resolution tangled, tragic state unless our·faith iri Byrd Johnson, Tex. O'Conor authorizing the printing of additional copies Thy power to make even the wrath of Cain Johnston, S. C. O'Mahoney of House Report No. 3137; to the Committee Capehart Kefauver Pepper man praise Thee and in the ultimate vic­ Chapman Kem Robertson on House Administration. tory of Thy purpose is kept untarnished. Chavez Kerr Russell H. Con. Res. 293. Concurrent resolution Clements Kilgore Saltonstall authorizing the printing of additional copies "Lord, in this hour or' tumult, Connally Knowland Schoeppel of hearings held before the Select Com­ Lord, in this night of fears; Cordon Langer Smith, Maine mittee on Lobbying Activities; to the Com­ Donnell Leahy Smith, N. J. mittee· on House Administration. Keep open, 0 keep open, Douglas Lehman Smith, N. C. By Mr. LARCADE: Our eyes, our hearts, our ears." Dworshak Long Stennis Eastland Lucas Taft· H. Res. 873. Resolution providing for the ·We ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. Ecton McCarran Taylor payment of certain additional charges for Amen. Ellender McCarthy Thomas, Okla. telephone and telegraph service furnished Flanders McClellan Thomas, Utah Members of the House of Representatives THE JOURNAL Fulbright McFarland Thye during the fiscal year 1950; to the Committee George McKellar Tydings on House Administration. On request of Mr. MAGNUSON, and by Gillette McMahon Watkins unanimous consent, the reading of the Gurney Magnuson Wherry By Mr. BUCHANAN: Hayden Malone · Wiley H. Res. 875. Resolution authorizing the Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, Hendrickson Maybank Williams - printing of additional copies of House Re- December 5, 1950, was dispensed with. Hickenlooper Millikin Young 16160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 6 Mr. ·MYERS. I announce that the were read and ordered to be filed, as essential for forest-fire-control operations of the Forest Service, United States Depart­ Senator from Connecticut [Mr. BENTON], follows: ment of Agriculture at or near Missoula, the .senator from Delaware [Mr. FREAR]. STATE OF UTAH, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Mont., and for other purposes; to the Com­ and the Senator from Montana [Mr. To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE mittee on Agriculture and Forestry. MURRAY] are necessarily absent. UNITED STATES: . A letter in the naturtl of a petition from The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. This is to certify that on the 7th day of the League of Women Voters of the United November 1950, WALLACE F. BENNETT was States, Washington, D. C., signed by Mrs. GREEN] is absent by leave of the Senate John G. Lee, president, relating to increased on official business, having been ap­ duly chosen by the qualified electors of the State of Utah a Senator from said State to tax rates and credit regulations; to the Com­ pointed a delegate from the Senate to represent said State in the Senate of the mittee on Finance. attend the meeting of the Common­ United States for the term of 6 years begin­ A resolution adopted by the sixth annual wealth Parliamentary Association in ning on the 3d day of January 1951.
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