April 23, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 10621 of imagination and creativity. We are com- CONGRATULATORY TRIBUTE TO commend and congratulate Dr. Cowan on an mitted to serve as bridges for our fellow citi- DR. LARICE Y. COWAN ON THE outstanding career and wish her well in all of zens. Now, we need our government to take ACCESSION OF HER RETIREMENT her future endeavors. leadership and re-open the pathways of ex- AS ASSISTANT CHANCELLOR change. AND DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE f We look forward to working with you to OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND HONORING SEAN IAN O’REAR advance the interests of the United States ACCESS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF and of Cuba. ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN URBANA Sincerely, CAMPUS. HON. SAM GRAVES (Sampling of over 1,100 signatures from arts OF MISSOURI & culture as of March 2, 2009) HON. DANNY K. DAVIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Patch Adams; Michael Alexander, Exec OF ILLINOIS Thursday, April 23, 2009 Dir, Grand Performances* & Chair, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly California Arts Council*; Stuart A. Thursday, April 23, 2009 Ashman, Cabinet Secretary, State of pause to recognize Sean Ian O’Rear, a very New Mexico Cultural Affairs; Stephen Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I rise special young man who has exemplified the Bailey, Executive Director/CEO, Grand to pay tribute to Dr. Larice Cowan, a fellow finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by Opera House; Amiri & Amina Baraka; alumnus from the University of Arkansas at taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of Harry Belafonte; Laura Bickford, Film Pine Bluff who has distinguished herself as an America, Troop 145, and in earning the most Producer; Beth Boone, Artistic & Exec- outstanding academician and practitioner in prestigious award of Eagle Scout. utive Director, Miami Light Project; the field of human relations and affirmative ac- Sean has been very active with his troop Jackson Browne, Songwriter; Jimmy tion. Dr. Cowan graduated from the University participating in many scout activities. Over the Cobb, NEA Jazz Master, Drums; James of Arkansas at Pine Bluff with a Bachelor of many years Sean has been involved with Early, Artists & Intellectuals in De- Arts Degree in Sociology in 1971; she subse- Scouting, he has not only earned numerous fense of Humanity; Charles Fishman, quently earned a Masters Degree in Social merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Executive Producer, Duke Ellington Work at the University of Arkansas at Little ily, peers, and community. Jazz Festival; Danny Glover, Activist- Rock, and a PhD in Educational Policy Stud- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Actor; Charlie Haden, Educator/Musi- ies from the University of Illinois at Cham- me in commending Sean Ian O’Rear for his cian; Herbie Hancock, Musician/Chair- paign. man, Thelonious Monk Institute of accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Dr. Cowan began her career in civil rights Jazz.* America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Donald Harrison, Musician & Composer; and human rights as Director of the Commu- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Louis Head, US-Cuba Cultural Ex- nity Relations Department for the City of change; Oscar Hernandez, Musician/ Champaign, where she pioneered cooperative f Composer; Mike Kappus, President, relationships between Champaign Police De- The Rosebud Agency; Robert Kraft, partment and the community. She partnered COMMEMORATING ARMENIAN President, Fox Music; Vivien Lesnik with a Lieutenant in the police department and GENOCIDE REMEMBRANCE DAY Weisman, Filmmaker; Sandra two university professors to produce a re- Levinson, Director, Cuban Art Space/ search document titled ‘‘Police-community Re- HON. GARY C. PETERS Center for Cuban Studies; Bill lations: A Process, not a Product’’, this re- OF MICHIGAN Martı´nez, Arts Attorney & Presenter, search actively is credited with helping to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Martı´nez & Associates; Graham Nash; change police and citizens interaction within Lukas Nelson, Musician; Arturo the City of Champaign. Thursday, April 23, 2009 O’Farrill, Musician & Founder, Afro After coming to the University of Illinois, Dr. Mr. PETERS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Latin Jazz Alliance & 2009 Grammy Cowan devoted her life to a career in affirma- to commemorate the Armenian Genocide Re- Award Winner; Michael Orlove, Senior Program Dir, Chicago Department of tive action and diversity. As Assistant Vice membrance Day, which is observed by com- Cultural Affairs; Eddie Palmieri; Chancellor for Administration and Director of munities around the world on April 24th. It is Armando Peraza, Musician; Dafnis Affirmative Action for staff, she led the campus of great importance that atrocities past are not Prieto, Musician. in establishing policies and procedures to ad- forgotten, but rather serve as a solemn re- Bonnie Raitt, Musician & Activist; vance campus affirmative action for faculty minder of the importance of our continued vigi- Awilda Rivera, Radio Personality, and staff. As Assistant Chancellor and Director lance and opposition to genocide today. WBGO-Jazz 88; Tito Rodriguez, Jr., Mu- of OEOA, she introduced the first major cam- On April 24, 1915, the Ottoman Empire ar- sician, Tito Rodriguez, Jr. Orchestra; pus-wide diversity program which was at- rested Armenian intellectuals and community Ann Rosenthal/Cathy Zimmerman, Co- tended by Deans, Directors, and department leaders in Constantinople, marking the begin- Dirs, MAPP International Productions; heads and instrumental in the development of ning of an eight year campaign against Arme- David Rubinson, Music Producer; Pon- the first video produced on sexual harassment nian civilians. By the genocide’s end in 1923, cho Sanchez, Musician; Carlos prevention and the presentation of a series of roughly one and a half million unarmed men, Santana, Musician; Pete Seeger; Scott campus programs on sexual harassment pre- women and children were rounded up, Southard, Director, International vention. Currently, Dr. Cowan oversees the stripped of all their possessions and means of Music Network; Mavis Staples and Yvonne Staples, Singers; Ned Sublette, university’s affirmative action policies and pro- support, and sent on death marches or to con- Independent Scholar; Yosvany Terry, cedures, including companies such as The centration camps. Saxophonist & Composer; Dave Americans with Disabilities Act: the investiga- Nearly a century later, these events still res- Valentin, Latin Jazz Artist & Grammy tion of internal and external complaints of al- onate across the world. I am proud of the Award Winner; Jesse ‘‘Chuy’’ Varela, leged discrimination filed with federal and United States’ strong and continued history in Broadcaster/Writer, KCSM–FM 91/SF state civil rights agencies, the development standing up to and opposing genocide. I am Chronicle; Howard Zinn, Author & and implementation of educational programs proud to join with so many of my colleagues Playwright. on diversity inclusion, sexual harassment pre- who have weighed in on this issue and have vention, disability issues and related topics for called on Turkey and Armenia to have an faculty and staff to improve campus climate open and honest dialogue about their past. and to facilitate campus and community out- Madam Speaker, as we observe the Arme- reach and interaction. Dr. Cowan is active in nian Genocide Remembrance Day, it is impor- her local community where she serves on sev- tant that we pay our respects to the hundreds eral boards dealing with education, substance of thousands of lives senselessly lost. My abuse, women’s issues and civil rights. She thoughts and prayers on this day will be with has received numerous awards and citations the Armenian community in Oakland County, for her outstanding work. I am pleased to Michigan and throughout the world. VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:00 Aug 26, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E23AP9.000 E23AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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