
the new republic P august 22 & 29, 2005 21 Wolsky had fabrics made. “Samples long as we’re there, we might as well ap- pictures possible?” I asked who that per- would go back and forth until we could preciate the good ones. We might also son might be. Fellini said, “Piero Gher- arrive at the right weight, weave and col- remember that costumes are usually ex- ardi.” Gherardi was the designer, a long- or.... Everything that Tom Hanks wore tensions of the director’s concept of the time colleague of Fellini’s. He was out of was woven for him.” The facing photo of film. In 1964 I spent a day with Federico town at the moment, and by the time I Hanks in his long overcoat makes us Fellini in Rome while he was shooting got back to Rome he had died. But I nev- grateful for Wolsky’s care. Juliet of the Spirits. At the end of the day er see a Fellini film, which happens fairly I doubt that many viewers go to films I thanked him, and he said, “Why don’t often, without thinking of what the direc- in order to judge the costumes, but as you go to see the genius who makes my tor said about his designer. J Jerry Coyne The Faith That Dare Not Speak Its Name The case against intelligent design. I. Of Pandas and People evidence.... Intelligent design is an xactly eighty years after By Percival Davis and explanation of the origin of life that the Scopes “monkey trial” Dean H. Kenyon differs from Darwin’s view.The ref- in Dayton, Tennessee, history (Haughton Publishing Company, erence book, Of Pandas and People, is about to repeat itself. In 170 pp., $24.95) is available for students to see if they a courtroom in Harrisburg, would like to explore this view in an EPennsylvania in late September, scien- effort to gain an understanding of tists and creationists will square off someone died on a cross. Can’t someone what intelligent design actually about whether and how high school stu- take a stand for him?” And he added: involves.As is true with any theory, dents in Dover, Pennsylvania will learn “Nowhere in the Constitution does it call students are encouraged to keep an about biological evolution. One would for a separation of church and state.” open mind. have assumed that these battles were After a summer of heated but in- over, but that is to underestimate the conclusive wrangling, on October 18, The results were dramatic but pre- fury (and the ingenuity) of creationists 2004 the Dover school board passed, by dictable. Two school board members re- scorned. a vote of six to three, a resolution that signed. All eight science teachers at The Scopes trial of our day—Kitz- read: “Students will be made aware of Dover High School sent a letter to the miller, et al v. Dover Area School District gaps/problems in Darwin’s theory and of school superintendent pointing out that et al—began innocuously. In the spring of other theories of evolution including, but “intelligent design is not science. It is not 2004, the district’s textbook review com- not limited to, intelligent design. Note: biology. It is not an accepted scientific mittee recommended that a new com- Origins of Life is not taught.” A month theory.” The biology teachers asked to mercial text replace the outdated biol- later, the Dover school district issued a be excused from reading the statement, ogy book. At a school board meeting in press release revealing how the alterna- claiming that to do so would “knowingly June, William Buckingham, the chair of tive of “intelligent design” was to be pre- and intentionally misrepresent subject the board’s curriculum committee, com- sented. Before starting to teach evolu- matter or curriculum,” a violation of their plained that the proposed replacement tion, biology teachers were to read their code of professional standards.And so, in book was “laced with Darwinism.” After ninth-grade students a statement, which January of this year, all ninth-grade biol- challenging the audience to trace its roots included the following language: ogy classes were visited by the assistant back to a monkey, he suggested that a superintendent himself, who read the more suitable textbook would include The Pennsylvania Academic Stan- mandated disclaimer while the teachers biblical theories of creation. When dards require students to learn about and a few students left the room. asked whether this might offend those of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Inevitably,the controversy went to the other faiths, Buckingham replied, “This eventually to take a standardized test courts. Eleven Dover parents filed suit country wasn’t founded on Muslim be- of which evolution is a part. against the school district and its board liefs or evolution. This country was Because Darwin’s Theory is a of directors, asking that the “intelligent founded on Christianity and our students theory, it continues to be tested as should be taught as such.” Defending his new evidence is discovered.The Jerry Coyne is a professor in the Depart- views a week later, Buckingham report- Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the ment of Ecology and Evolution at the edly pleaded: “Two thousand years ago, Theory exist for which there is no University of Chicago. 22 august 22 & 29, 2005 P the new republic design” policy be rescinded for fostering to find that a scientifically advanced So- according to its account, “primitive” or- “excessive entanglement of government viet Union had beaten the United States ganisms such as fish would be found in and religion, coerced religious instruc- into space.This spurred rapid revisions of the lowest layers, while mammals and tion, and an endorsement by the state of science textbooks, some emphasizing bi- more “advanced” species appeared in religion over non-religion and of one reli- ological evolution. But the anti-evolution higher layers because they climbed hills gious viewpoint over others.” The plain- statutes were still in force, and so some and mountains to escape the rising wa- tiffs are represented by the Philadelphia teachers using newer books were violat- ters.Why dolphins are found in the upper law firm of Pepper Hamilton, the Penn- ing the law. One of these teachers, Susan strata with other mammals is one of sylvania American Civil Liberties Union, Epperson, brought suit against the state many facts that this ludicrous fantasy and Americans United for Separation of Arkansas for violating the Establish- fails to explain. of Church and State; the defendants, by ment Clause. She won the right to teach Scientific creationism also came to the Thomas More Law Center, a conserv- evolution, and Epperson v. Arkansas was grief because its advocates did not ade- ative Christian organization in Ann Ar- upheld by the United States Supreme quately hide its religious underpinnings. bor, Michigan. Court in 1968, only a year after Tennessee In 1981, the Arkansas legislature passed finally rescinded the Butler Act. Finally it an “equal time” bill mandating balanced hy all the fuss about was legal to teach evolution everywhere treatment for “evolution science” and a seemingly inoffensive in America. “creation science” in the classroom. The statement? Who could bill was quickly challenged in federal possibly object to students he opponents of evolution court by a group of religious and scien- W“keep[ing] an open mind” and examin- proceeded to re-think their tific plaintiffs led by a Methodist min- ing a respectable-sounding alternative strategy, deciding that if they ister named William McLean. The de- to evolution? Isn’t science about testing could not beat scientists, they fense was easily outgunned, with Judge theories against each other? The furor Twould join them. They thus recast them- William Overton quickly spotting bib- makes sense only in light of the tortuous selves as “scientific creationists,” propos- lical literalism underlying the scientific- history of creationism in America. Since ing an ostensibly non-religious alterna- creationist arguments. In a landmark it arose after World War I, Christian- tive to the theory of evolution that might opinion (and a masterpiece of legal ar- fundamentalist creationism has under- be acceptable in the classroom. But the gument), Overton ruled in McLean v. gone its own evolution, taking on newer empirical claims of scientific creation- Arkansas Board of Education that the forms after absorbing repeated blows ism—that the Earth is young (6,000 to balanced-treatment act was unconsti- from the courts. “Intelligent design,” as I 10,000 years old), that all species were tutional, asserting that it violated the will show, is merely the latest incarnation created suddenly and simultaneously, Establishment Clause in three ways: it of the biblical creationism espoused by that mass extinctions were caused by a lacked a secular legislative purpose, its William Jennings Bryan in Dayton. Far great worldwide flood—bore a suspi- primary effect was to advance religion, from a respectable scientific alternative cious resemblance to creation stories in and it fostered excessive government to evolution, it is a clever attempt to the Bible.This strategy was devised large- entanglement with religion. sneak religion, cloaked in the guise of ly by Henry Morris, an engineering pro- McLean v. Arkansas Board of Educa- science, into the public schools. fessor who headed the influential Insti- tion began a string of legal setbacks for The journey from Dayton to Dover tute for Creation Research in San Diego scientific creationists. Five years later, was marked by a series of legal verdicts, and helped to write the textbook Scien- in Edwards v. Aguillard, the Supreme only one of which, the Scopes trial, fa- tific Creationism.
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