THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY Vol. 9, No. 2 Sl"Ml\IEI{, 1951 A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Maruina (Diptera: Psychodidae) LARRY W. QUATE, Uni ve1·sUy of Calijo·rnia, B e1·k el ey .,j , Co.lifonl.'ia, and WILLIS W. WIRTH, B'lt1·eatt of Entomology and Plant Qua1·antine, Ag1·ic·ztltttral R e­ search Administmtion, United States D e1Ja1·tn~ent of Agricultm·e The purpose of this paper is to clarify the taxonomy and nomenclature of that part of the Psychodidae involving the genus Maruinct Muller. The fact that 111a-ruina was represented in the North American fauua was not recognized until several years after l\Iuller 's original discovery of this unique genus in Brazil. After its presence in North America was realized, a number of species not congeneric with those described by Muller were placed in the genus. Nomenclatorial confusion has also resulted from the misassociation of stages of 111m·nina lanceolata ( P e1·icoma californiensis Kellogg) and P e·ricoma californica. Kincaid. This paper is based upon the study of correlated series of larvae, pupae, and adults of 111. lanceolata collected and reared by W. W. Wirth, cotypes of Sycom.c lcmceola.ta Kincaid, cotypes of P e·ricoma califo1·niensis Kellogg, cotypes of T·richomyia ttni­ punctata Haseman, cotypes of T1·ichomyia cirmtct Coquillett, holotype of Mantina nuda Dyar, holotype and paratypes of 111cwu.inct hirta Johannsen, and specimens of Maruina 1Jilosella Muller and M. lanceolata. A lectotype has been selected from the cotype series in the case of T. ttnipunctata. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Drs. A. E . Pritchard and R. J.J. Usinger for their aid and encouragement in this problem. Professor 'frevor Kincaid has most generously presented his entire psychodid collection to lVIr. Quate and this has been of great value in preparin"" the present paper. Dr. P etr Wygodzinsky most kindly made a special effort to coll ect all Received for publication Jan uary 9, 1951. [ 151] 152 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 9, 1951 stages of Jl1a1·uina in Argentina and has therefore made it pos­ sible to study larvae, pupae, and adults of the type species of the genus. We wish to thank Dr. C. D. Michener, 1\Ir. Henry Dietrich, Professor G. F. F'erris, and Mr. C. P. Hoyt, whose loans of type material in addition to that of Kincaid and \Vygodzinsky, have made possible the conclusions formulated in this paper. 1\l[r. Paul Freeman kindly supplied notes on the type of Psychoda cmgustipennis Williston in the British Museum. We appreciate the aid rendered to us by Dr. Alan Stone, Mr. P. C. Ting, and Mr. P. H. Arnaud, Jr., during the preparation of the manuscript. Genus Maruina ~hiller. Mantina MOLu:n, 1895, p. 480.-KERTEsz, 1902, p. 302.-MALLocn , 1917, p. 267.-TON .,.OIH, 1933, p. 69 ;-1934, p. 72.-ENDERLEIN, 1937, p. 109. JOHANN St~ N, 1938, p. 224.-HENNIO, 1950, p. 29. T Tichomyia, HA SF.MAN (nee Ha.!iday) , 1907, p. 323.-RAPP, 1944, p. 209. Mantinini RAPP, 1945b, p. 174. TYPE OF GENUS: Jlllm·uina pilosella 1\'liiller (apparently by designation of Enclerlein, 1937). l\Iiiller (1895) erected the genus li:Ian~ina on the basis of three species which he discovered in Brazil. The genus may be charac­ terized in the following manner: larvae onisciform with ei?·ht ventral suckers; pupae very much flattened elise-like, oval, caudal end rounded; adults with fifteen or sixteen-segmented antennae without ascoids, labium enlarged, flattened at apex, and wings narrow, lanceolate with radial sector three-branehed (only one long·itudinal vein between the forked veins), and the bases of the Rz ancll\C veins obliterated. The larvae and pupae are found PLATE I Figu re 1. Mantina. species A, dorsal view of pupa. 1a respiratory organ of pupa. Figure 2. Maruinct hirta Johannsen, dor sal view of pupa. 2a. respira­ tory organ of pupa. Figure 3. Ma1·uina JJilosella Muller, dorsal view of pupa. 3a. respira­ tory organ of pupa. Figure 4. Mantina pilosella Muller, dorsal view of larva. Figu re 5. Mantina lanceo la.ta (Kincaid), dorsal view of pupa. 5a. r espiratory organ of pupa. REVISION OF GENUS MARUINA- QUATE AND WIRTH 153 lA 2A 2 M. HIRTA M SPECIES A 3A 5A 4 M. PILOSELLA 3 M PILOSELLA 5 M LANCEOLATA 154 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 9, 1951 adhering to rocks in rather swift-flowing streams and although usually not below the water line, the.v are kept wet by the water spray on the rocks. The adults are reclusive and seek shelter near t he stream in such places as deeply shaded marginal vegeta­ tion and bridges, which make convenient collecting places. Adults have never been taken in light traps ; in this respect they are unlike certain other psychodid species which ma~' be collected in large numbers by this method. At the present time t he genus is known f rom Brazil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, :i\fexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, California, and -w ashington. Future coll ecting of these t in~r cr·eatures will undoubtedly add considerably to the present meag·er knowledge of their distribution and reveal unrecognized species. The following are the .fh·e species which, in our opinion, belong to the genus jJ{arttina. Maruina hirta Johannsen, 1938. ( Plate I, figures 2, 2A ; pla,te II, figure 1.) Mantinct hi1·ta J o H.\Xi'OSEN, 1938, p. 224.-R.wP, 1945a, p. 26. HOLOTYPE, male (Department of Entomology, Cornell Uni­ Yersity) Guaynabo River (Km. 22, Road Ko. 1), Puerto Rico, F ebruary 21 , 1935, Needham and Garcias-Diaz. Paratypes: 2 females, pupae and larvae, Yunez River, Puerto Rico, June 20, 1935, Ga.rcia s-Dia.z. The holotype and paratypes of this species were examined and its position in Jl1(tntinct is verified. Maruina lanceolata (Kincaid, 1899 ). (Plate I , figures 5, 5A; plate II, figure 4.) Sycomx la.n ceolata K n'"c.\w, 1899, p. 35.-ENnEtu.ErN, 1937, p. 111. ManLina lanceola.ta. K ERT ESZ, ] 902, p . 302.- E NnERLE IN, 1937, p. 110.- JOltANNSE:\', 1938, p. 224. PLAT E II Figure 1. ManLina hi1·ta Johannsen, dorsal view of male genitalia. Figure 2. ManLina 1Jilosella Muller, ventral view of s ub·genital plate. Figure 3. MaTuina 1Jilosella Muller, lateral view of male genitalia. Figure 4. Mand.na lanceolata (Kincaid), lateral view of male geni- talia. REVISION OF GENUS MARUINA- QUATE AND WIRTH 155 2 M. PILOSELLA 4 M LANCEOLATA 156 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 9, 1951 T?"ichom yia lanceolata, HASEM .\N, 1907, p. 323.-RAPP, 1944, p. 209. Pe1"icoma ca.lifontiensis KELLOGG , 1901, p. 46. ilfa.ntina calijo1·n·iensis, MALLOCII, 1917, p. 226 (californiensis Kellogg ( = ca.lifonliect Kincaid) (sic!) ].-TONNOIR, 1933, p. 70 ;-1934, p. 71 . - ENDERLEIN, 1937, p. 110.-JOll ANN SEN, 1938, p. 224.-HI~ NNIG, 1950, p. 29. P e1"icoma califontica KELwoo, 1901, p. 48 (lapsus) .-Aumwn, 1905, p. 106. -MUTTKOW SKI, 1915, p. 111. T1"ichontyia 1tni1J7tnCtatct HA SDL\N, 1907, p. 323.-RAPP, 1944, p. 209. (New synonymy.) Mantina 1tni1nmctata., JOHANNSEN, 1938, p. 224. CoTYPES, (Kincaid Coll ection) 1 female, Palo Alto, Santa Clara Count?, California, August 3, 1895; 1 slide of female genitalia, 1 slide of wing, Santa Cruz 1\Iountains, California, August 9, 1895; 2 females, 1 slide of head and female genitalia, 1 slide of wing, Almota, Washington, R W. Doane. Cotypes, (Pe-riconw californica Kellogg) 28 larvae (Natural History Museum, Stanford University), Los Gatos Creek, Santa Clara County, California, March 3, 1900, J . II. Comstock. Cotypes, (T·richomyia unipnnctctta, Haseman) 2 females (Snow Entomological Collection, University of Kansas), Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona, 6,000 feet, August, F. H. Snow. 'l'he cotypes of "unipunctata" have been examined, one has been designated as lectotype and r eturned to the University of Kansas. OTHER MATERIAL ExAMINED: CALIFORNL\ : 8iskiyott County: South Fork Sacramento River, July 22, 1948, W. Vv. Wirth, 1 male, 12 females, 25 larvae, 10 pupae; H tonboldt County: Willow Creek, August 12, 1948, W. W. ·wirth, 1 female; Hely Creek, August 11, 1948, W. W. Wirth, 5 females, 20 larvae, 3 pupae ; Van Duzen River, August 11, 1948, W . W. Wirth, 1 ;nale, 9 females, 16 larvae, 10 pupae; }J cndocino ()ounty: Russian River, July 28 , 1948, W. W. Wirth, 11 larvae, 2 pupae; Con Creek, Boonville, Jul~r 30, 1948, W. W . Wirth, 2 males, 1 female, 25 larvae, pupae; Willits, f) miles east, lHa? 28, 1950, L. vV. Quate, 2 males, 29 femal es ; Hopland, 5 miles east, l\Ia? 28, 1950, L. W. Quate, 1 male, 16 females ; Lake County: St. Helena Creek, July 17, 1948, \V. W. Wirth, 6 larvae, 10 pupae ; Eldomdo County : Riverton, June 27 , 1950, P. C. 'ring and L. W. Quate, 5 males, REVISION OF GENUS MARUINA-QUATE AND W IRTH 157 1 female, 3 larvae, 2± pupae; A lameda Cotmty : 'trawberr,,- Creek, Berkeley, April 20, 19-±8, R. h usinger et aL, 7 larYae, 3 pupae; same, A.pril 23 , 1948, A. E. Pritchar·d and W. IV. Wirth, 2 males (reared) ; same, May 12, 19-±8, W. W. vVirth, 1 male, 2 female.­ (reared ) ; same, May 21, 1948, W. W. Wirth, 8 males, 9 females; Santn Crtu Cottnty : Santa Cruz Mountains, Jul.'- 18, 1895, 2 males, 7 females; same, August 12, 1895, 1 male, 8 females; Santa Clara County: Palo Alto, Au ~~·u st 3, J 895, 1 mal e, 9 females; Uvas Creek, July 7, 19-±8, W . W. Wirth, 2 males, 15 females, 50 larvae, pupae ; Ca mpbell Creek, Sarato::\·a, J uly 8, 19-:1:8, W.
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