4 14 Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Dam 1912-1917 Valve House 1883 - 1888 12 10 12 6 Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir The masonry-faced concrete gravity dam features ornamental parapets and The valve house forthe dam is located atone third of the way 12 large spillways to handle water overflow. Spillways ateither end ofthe along the top ofthe dam. A simple square structure with a Valve House 1904 damare the original spillways while the other10 have been modified with single doorand small window openings which have since been additionalconcre te structures to actas siphon spillways. Over the spillways blocked, the valve house has been builtin rock-faced rusticated are a road deck formed by 12 arches supported by half-round granite granite blocks. The original hipped roofhas been replaced with columns where busy road runs along connecting Stanley and TaiTam with a flatroof with the projecting cornice, supported by carved ChaiWan and Shek O. ornamental corbels, remains intact. Asmall valve house, located halfway along the 15 16 5 subsidiary dam,is rectangular in shape and features rock-faced granite walls,a flatroofand Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Valve House 1917 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir windows. Access walkways along the dam Tai Tam Upper Reservoir R ecorder House 1917 and Memorial Stone 1918 allowed regularins pections and are used today Tunnel Inlet 1883 - 1888 by hikers following trails in TaiTam Country 1918 Park. Original castiron safety railings remain (SirHenryMay, 1912-1918) in place. The valve house is situated near the south end ofthe Tai TamTuk Reservoir dam. The valve house was builton a projecting platformwhich Acommemorative stone is ere cted near the southern end at the top ofthe damto mark the completion ofthe Tai TamReservoirScheme has cantilevered steelbalconies or catwalks fixed to the frontof it. The in 1918. Sir Henry May, Governorof Hong Kong from1912 to 1918, valve house was built to a rectangularplan with walls of rock-faced officiated atthe ceremony. rusticated granite.The roof is flatand the parapethas a moulded projecting cornice and coping allround the building.Window and door openings have Acommemorative stone mark s the inletto the tunnel that semi-circular arches and flush cills. The windows on the side facing the carries stored waterfrom TaiTam through the Bowen Aqueductwhich runs above Wan Chaiand on road have been blocked up. to Mid-Levels meeting the needs ofresidents and business es alike in the Centraland Western districts ofHong Kong Island. The tunnel inlet, covered in iron grating, is located atthe south ofthe dam. Access catwalks with guard rails have been builtabove it. The tunnelillustrates the ambition ofthe Tai Tamprogramme and the advanced engineering skills applied atthat time. Aboutthree decades later, a smallrecor der house with coursed granite walls was builtacross the tunnelinlet to monitorwaterflows. 7 17 18 2009 53 Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir Dam 1904 5 41 Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Pumping The damis a concrete gr avity construction faced with masonry. An Pumping Station No. 2 Staff Station Staff Quarters 1905-1907 215 overflow orspillway runs almostthe entire length ofthe damwhich is Quarters 1936 strengthened ateither end by wing walls ofcours ed rubble. Access 1907 2 steps lead toa waterlevel gauge. 1936 8 As mallerde tached two-storey block, completed In 2009, following a recommendation by the Antiquities Advisory Board, the Antiquities Authority in 1936, has been builtin the ‘Arts and Crafts’ declared 41 historic waterworks facilities within the Tai Tam Group of Reservoirs and other 5 pre-war Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Masonr y Bridge 1907 style ofarchitecture. This building also features In 1907, accommodation foroperational and maintenance verandas looking out to the sea and is pending historic reservoirs (namely Pok Fu Lam Reservoir, Wong Nai Chung Reservoir, Kowloon Reservoir, staff was completed atthe western end ofthe Engine Hall. for revitalisation. Whatis believed to be the original red brick walls of the long Shing Mun Reservoir and Aberdeen Reservoir) as monuments under the Antiquities and Monuments narrow building have been painted lightyellow and the roof Ordinance (Cap. 53) to ensure that the import ant waterworks heritage would be p rotected and The top ofthe bridges ar e lined with decorative cornices. The parapets are is pitched and covered in Chinese tiles. The windows are lined with rusticated ordres sed granite copings. The bridges continuing to wooden casements with segmental arched heads and long preserved. ensure accessibility to the reservoirs ystemar e also integral to TaiTam verandas offer the additionaladvantages of views across Country Park’s walkways. TaiTam Bay and cooling sea breezes during hot summers. The building is still being employed by Water Supplies 19 The Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail covers 21 historic Departmentforoperationaluse. waterworks structures which have been declared monuments. Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Pumping The trail is 5 kilometres long and can be completed within 2 hours. 9 Station Chimney Shaft 1907 Convenient public transport takes you to Wong Nai Chung Gap Tai Tam Intermediate Reser voir Dam 1904 - 1907 near Hong Kong Parkview or to the junction of Tai Tam Road and Tai Tam Reservoir Road where the trail is located. Dams along the TaiTam system follow a generic form. The masonry faced damat The chimney shaftf orthe original pumping station remains in TaiTam Intermediate Reservoir has a stilling pond with concrete side walls and place today.Aflue carried smoke generated by coalburning tubular steelgu ard rails. Seventy years afterthe originalstr ucture was completed, steamb oilers through the engine hallto the chimney thatis the whole section ofthe dam’s spillway was lowered by 3 metres forsafety reasons. square in plan and constructed in red brick.Whilst the engine This has leftthe dam looking slightly indented at its crest. hallis classified as Georgian Revival,the chimney shaftfalls into the Utilitarian category. 20 10 21 Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Tai Tam Intermediate Reser voir 11 Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Pumping Masonry Bridge 1883 - 1888 Valve House 1904 - 1907 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Station 1907 Pumping Station Senior Staff Masonry Bridge 1907 Quarters 1905 Tai Tam Upper Reservoir 1905 Builtaspartof thereservoirproject ,this bridge The valve house is builton a proj ecting platform, and Two ofthe br idges in particular are quite high Masonry Aqueduct 300 sits ata right angle to the aqueduct, across what could be reached by a footbridge. The plinth consists of and feature granite imposts,ins erted between 1905 1883 - 1888 1.4 was once the byewash of the TaiTam Upper severalcourses ofdressed ashlarand the walls are columns and arches. Reservoir. Its piers and columns are also constructed of rock-faced rusticated granite blocks built The station’s role was to pump water fromthis southern mostpartof 1 strengthened with moulded capitals orcorbels to to courses. Features include semi-circulararched heads Hong Kong Island’s catchmentto provide extra supportf orthe bridge. overdoorand windows. A rectangularcastiron By the time the principle elements ofthe Tai Tam thetunnelinletlocated atthe middle rainwater pipe, complete with ornamental hopperhe ad, system were fully operationalin 1905, teams of ofthe hill. Its engine hallis a rare can be seen atone cornerof the valve house. crews were involved in the operation and Located to the southwestof the dambehind a piece ofhistoric industrial maintenance ofthe reservoirs , dams, aqueducts smallhill, the aqueductis constructed in thick architecture. The warehouse styled and tunnels. The house,orig inally builtforthe building, red brick walls and concrete slabs supported on specifically managerofthe waterworks systemin 1905, is a Chinese tiled pitched roofs encase 3 moulded masonry piers and columns. It sits plain two-storey building constructed atop a raised the engine house which, overthe across whatwas once a streambed and diverts platformat the eastern end ofthe pumping station’s 13 decades, has contained steamdriven Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam rainwaterfroman indirectdrainage catchment engine hall. The premises are being tenanted pumps capable oftran sferring 3 tothe TaiTamUpperReservoir. underthe managementofGovernmentProperty 1883 - 1888 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir million gallons (14 000 cubic Agency. 10030.5 Masonry Bridge 1907 metres)ofwaterper day. 400121.96018.3 2 7 3002.2 16 5005 Fourmasonry bridges were builtalong Tai Transportation to Tai Tam Water works Heritage Trail TamTuk Rese rvoir ’s western shore across The reservoir waters were contained by the towering walls of a graniteand significantstreambeds. City Bus concrete dam, 100 feethigh (30.5 metres), 400 feetlong (121.9 metres) and 12 314 314 Siu SaiWan (Island Resort) – Stanley (Beach / Market) [Circular] 60 feetwide (18.3 metres)atits base - the largestdamstructureeverbuiltin Hong Kong atthat time. From the reservoir, watergravitated through a 7 300 feet Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Masonr y Bridge 1907 (2.2 kilometres) long tunnelthrough mountain and an aboveground 16 500 feet New World First Bus (5kilometres)aqueductto Central.Allelements of theprojectdemonstra tethe 14 14 SaiWan Ho (Grand Promenade)- Stanley Fort(Gate) determination ofplanners and the tenacity ofconstruction workers. Each bridge boasts granite arch structures with huge columns thatconverge at the top end. 20099 1st Edit ion
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