INDEX Abbot, John, 430 Alger, Orestes (Uncle Ret), 405 Abernethy, Thomas P., and Yorke-Camden Alger, Roger (J. 1812), 368 opinion (i773>> 47~48 Alger, Roger, 406 Abolition, as controversial factor (1830- Alger. Walter, 370 1845), rev«> 47^. See also Antislavery move- Allegheny College: literary societies, 272^273, ment 274; student life in (19th century),f20a, Acade*mie Royale des Sciences, 53, 55, 56 266, 267; student pledge, to observe|laws Academy of Philadelphia. See University of of, 256 Pennsylvania Allegheny County, 443 Acrobats, Japanese, 396, 398 Allen, Carlos R., Jr., rev. of Wilmerding's Adams, Charles Francis, biog. of, rev., 473- James Monroe, Public Claimant, 228-229 474 Allen, Paul, 1777* Adams, John, 22, 25; letters intercepted Allen, William, 41 gn (1775), 21 Alvord, Clarence W., 42, 45 Adams, John Quincy (1833-1894), 445 The American Historian. A Social-Intellectual Adelman, Seymour, rev. of American Literary History of the Writing of the American Past, Manuscripts . , 333*334 by Wish, rev., 463-465 Admiralty courts, 34; and Am. Rev., rev., American Hotel, Phila., 207 89-90 American House, 419W After the Civil War. A Pictorial Profile of American Immigration, by Jones, rev., 251- America from 1865 to I goo, by Blay, rev., 252 484 American Indians, by Hagan, rev., 468-470 Agassiz, Louis, biog. of, rev., 475-476 American Literary Manuscripts. A Checklist of Agriculture: decline in rural workers (1860's), Holdings in Academic, Historical and Public 440; equipment used for, 371-410 passim; Libraries in the United States, rev., 333-334 farm life, in Pa. (1890's), 367-410; study of, American Mercury, Hartford, Conn, news- in U. S. (1815-1860), rev., 230-232; wages paper, 71 of hired hands (1890's), 370. See also names American Philosophical Society, 291; B. S. of individual crops, domestic animals, and Barton and, 423, 426, 428»; founding of, tools; Canning; Fairs; Fertilizers; etc. 56, 57; Franklin and, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59; Akin, Warren, letters of, rev., 356-357 Lewis and Clark journals in, 175; spirit of Alabama, Wm. D. Kelley in (1867), 325-326 universality in. 56, 59 Aldridge, Alfred Owen, "Thomas Paine and American Revolution: Gilbert Barkly as Comus," 70-75 spy in (1775-1777), 3-37; Rev. Thos. Alexander, Charles, 206 Barton imprisoned during, 423; origin of Alexander, James, 421 (1759-1766), by Knollenberg, rev., 87-88; Alfred^ ship, 25^, 28», 29^, 33n political satire in, rev., 90-92; Prevost Alger, Alfred, Pa. farm of (1890's), 368-410 family in, 116; scientific exchanges during, passim 58-59, 60-61, 66-67, 69; vice-admiralty Alger, Arvilla (Aunt Vill), 394, 405, 406 courts and, rev., 89-90. See also Boston Alger, Bertha Perdue (Mrs. Hugh W. Alger), Port Bill; British Navy; Chevaux de frise; farm sketches by, 3701,386% 389*, 399% 4o8r Colonies, Am. (British); Continental Alger, Donald, 406 Army; Continental currency; Continental Alger, Effie, 392 Navy; French aid in Am. Rev.; Great Alger, Ferris, 406 Britain; Militia; Navy, Pa.; Prisoners of Alger, Hugh W.: biog. sketch, 367-368; war; Privateers; West Indies "Crops and Chores: Pennsylvania Farm Amusements, in Pa. colleges (19th century), Life in the 1890's," 367-410 266-269. See also Dancing; Fairs; Games; Alger, Irving, 384, 405, 406, 408 Horse racing; Merry-go-rounds; Side- Alger, John, 384, 405, 406 shows; Theaters; etc. Alger, Minerva Tyrrell (Mrs. Alfred Alger), Anderson, Mr., 150 on Pa. farm (1890's), 368-410 passim Anderson, Thomas B., 284 485 486 INDEX October Andrew Doria, brig, i$n, 2$n, 3317 Aurora, Phila. newspaper, 71, 1647* Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction, by Axes, 371, 378 McKitrick, rev., 243-244 Ayres, Capt., 4 Andrews, Wayne, Architecture in America, A Photographic History from the Colonial Period to the Present, rev., 462-463 Babcock, Elisha, 71 Anglicans. See Episcopalians Bacon, Sir Francis, on universality of learn- Annapolis, Md., described (1774), 121 r, in,g> 54 Antislavery movement, study of (1830-1860), Bagley, • ,419 rev., 233-234. See also Abolition Baker, Joshua, 148 Apples, 369, 372, 377, 393, 398-401. See also Baker, Gen. Lafayette C, story of, rev., 241— Cider 243 Arch Street, Phila., bridge, 194W, 196 Baldwin, William, 425W Archery, 280 Ball, Capt., 63 Architecture: in Am., a photographic history, Baltimore, Md., described (1774), 121 rev., 462-463; of Am., a social and cultural Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, extended to history, rev., 460-462; in Phila., rev., 458- Pittsburgh, 453 460; in Williamsburg, Va. (18th century), Bancroft, Dr. Edward, 46 rev., 215-217 Bancroft, George, historical writing of, rev., Architecture in America. A Photographic His- 94-95 tory from the Colonial Period to the Present', Bank Meeting House, Phila., 190, 194?*, 196/j by Andrews, rev., 462-463 Banks, Sir Joseph, 60, 64, 6$, 66, 69, 424, 426 The Architecture of America. A Social and Cul- Banks, state, Pa. bill to compensate (1868), tural History, by Burchard and Bush- 448/z Brown, rev., 460-462 Barba, Preston A., They Came to Emmaus. Argo, ship, 67 A History, rev., 340-341 Arikaras Indians, \66n, 176 Baringer, William E., rev. of King's Lincoln*s Armstrong, Gen. John, 296, 299 Manager, David Davis, 3S4~3$6 Army of Northern Virginia, C. J. Stille on Barkly, Alexander, 3 destruction of, 311-312 Barkly, Gilbert: biog. sketch, 3-6; on Frank, Army of the Potomac: compared to British lin, 8, 12, 20, 23, 31, 32; letters to Grey troops during Peninsular War, 307, 308; Cooper, from Phila. (1775-1777), 6-34; northern criticism of (1862), 303-315 memorial to Gen. Howe (1776), 34-37; plan passim; reaction to C. J. Still6's pamphlet for conciliation (1775), 4-5, 6-30 passim, on (1862), 314 35-36; seeks pay for services, 5-6, 27-28; Art. See Architecture; Engravings; Lithog- talks with Dickinson, 11-12 raphy Barkly, Sir Henry, 3 Art and Argyrol. The Life and Career of Dr. Barlow, Joel, 166 Albert C. Barnes, by Schack, rev., 103-105 Barnard, F. A. P., 275 Ash trees, 377 Barnes, Dr. Albert C, biog. of, rev., 103-105 Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776): creates Barnes, Donald Grove, rev. of Clark's The admiralty court (1776), 34; and grievances Rise of the British Treasury . , 342-344 with Penns (1757), 76-77; Isaac Norrises Barry, John, 34^ in, 411 n; and Pa. jurisdiction in Pittsburgh, Barton, Benjamin Smith: Charles Caldwell I45«; recruits troops (1775), 13 on, 428-429, 436-437; career of, 423-438; Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ): bill to claims European medical degree, 423, 433- compensate state banks (1868), 448n; labor 434; controversy with Benj. Rush, 432- legislation (1868), 444, 452; labor legisla- 436; described, 423,436-437; in Edinburgh, tion (1913), 452-453; mine safety law 424, 432-433, 435-436; and Lewis and (1870), 452; and Negro suffrage, 450-451; Clark journals, 177; H. A. Muhlenberg on, prohibits segregation on transit lines 427,^430-432; and Thos. Nuttall, 437-438; (1866), 450, 450W; railroad incorporation writings of, 426-432 passim law (1868), 453; venality of (1860's), 455, Barton, Esther Rittenhouse (Mrs. Thos. 455W Barton), 423, 424 Astronomy, 59; observation voyages, 6$-66, Barton, Matthias, 430 68 Barton, Rev. Thomas, 423, 424 Athletics. See Sports Barton, Thomas, 18 Atkinson, Samuel C, 184, 197 Barton, Thomas Pennant, 424;* Atlanta, Ga., 326-327 Barton, William, 424, 430, 433 Audley, Jno., 421 Bartram, John, 60 Audubon, John James, n 6, 117 Bartram, William, 428;;, 429 1961 INDEX 487 Bartram's Garden, 425, 428 Bloom, Robert L.: rev. of Stackpole's From Baseball, 280, 284, 285, 287, 288 Cedar Mountain to Antietam: August- Basketball, 285, 288 September, 1862, 239-241; rev. of Steere's Bates, Edward, 319 The Wilderness Campaign, 239-241 Bates, Frederick, 176, 17671 Blue Anchor Tavern, Phila., 182, 187?*, 196;* Bathsheba's Bath and Bower, Phila., 193 Boating, 268, 284 Bathurst, Allen ,ist Earl Bathurst, 44 Bobsleds. See Sleds Baudin, Nicholas, 5277, 64 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I Beale, Howard K., 439 Bonsall, Caroline Bartram. See Kelley, Beals, Carleton, Brass-Knuckle Crusade, The Caroline Bartram Bonsall Great Know-Nothing Conspiracy: 1820- Boone, James, i6o« 1860, rev., 96-97 Borden, John, 416, 41677-41 777, 420 Beard, James Franklin, The Letters and Jour- Borden, Joseph, 416, 41677-41 777, 420 nals of James Fenimore Cooper, rev., 353- Boston, Mass., 25, 26, 120, 121; early scien- 354 tific society in (1683), 55; Rev. Wm. Beaver, Pa., 202 Hazlitt in, 290, 300; Isaac Norris II in Beaver College, student life in (19th cen- (1725), 411, 412, 417; taverns in (1725), tury), 267 41777 Beech trees, 378 Boston Port Bill, 11,12on, 121 Beef, 408-409 Boston Tea Party, 4, 11, 12077 Bees, 389 Botany: B. S. Barton and, 424-432 passim, Belknap, Jeremy, 4267* 437; international exchanges in, 58, 63-6$; Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., 75 study of, in West, 437 Belles Lettres Society, Dickinson College, 270 Botetourt, Lord. See Berkeley, Norborne Bellows, Henry W., 307 Botetourt, Lady Catherine, 123 Belmont, August, 448 Bouquet, Gen. Henry, 139 Bencoolen, Sumatra, 66 Bowdoin, James, $S Benezet House, 1947; Bowen, Daniel, 186, 206 "Benjamin Franklin and the 'Heads of Com- Bowlby & Weaver, hardware firm, 198 plaints/ " by John J. Zimmerman, 75-77 Boyd, Julian P., The Papers of Thomas Jeffer- "Benjamin Franklin and the Universality of son, vols. 1-6, rev., 78-81; vols. 7-15, rev., Science," by Glen M. Rodgers, 50-69 211-215 Berkebile, Don H., Cones toga Wagons in Boyd, Robert, 120 Braddock's Campaign, rev., 363-364. Boyer, Benjamin M., 320 Berkeley, Norborne, Baron de Botetourt, 123 Boyer, Melville J., rev. of Korson's Black Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Rock: Mining Folklore of the Pennsylvania Phila., 1907* Dutch, 232-233 ^ Betsy, brig, 2o» Braddock Expedition, Conestoga wagons in, Biddle, Nicholas, narrative of Lewis and rev., 363-364 Clark expedition, 177 Bradford & Inskeep, publishers, 177?; Big White, Mandan chief.
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