Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2013, 5, 320-335 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jwarp.2013.53A033 Published Online March 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/jwarp) Acid Sulfate Soil Induced Acidification of Estuarine Areas Used for the Production of Sydney Rock Oysters, Saccostrea glomerata Michael C. Dove1*, Jesmond Sammut2 1Port Stephens Fisheries Centre, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Taylors Beach, Australia 2Australian Wetlands and Rivers Centre, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Email: *[email protected] Received December 10, 2012; revised January 10, 2013; accepted January 18, 2013 ABSTRACT This study investigated estuarine acidification, associated with drainage and excavation of acid sulfate soils, in areas used for commercial cultivation of Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata). Regular measurements of pH and elec- trical conductivity were collected in oyster cultivation areas and acidified reaches of the Hastings River estuary and Port Stephens estuary located on the mid north coast of New South Wales, Australia. Water quality information from acidi- fied floodplain drains was also collected in the Hastings River following heavy rainfall. Both estuaries experienced acidification of tributaries following periods of heavy rainfall. Drain outflow waters were acidic (pH < 3.5); contained elevated concentrations of iron, aluminium, manganese and zinc; and polluted areas used for oyster production. The extent and duration of estuarine acidification events was capable of causing a variety of short- and long-term impacts to oysters as well as other aquatic organisms in affected areas. Keywords: Estuarine Acidification; Acid Sulfate Soil; Sydney Rock Oyster; Saccostrea glomerata; New South Wales 1. Introduction iron, aluminium and manganese [6]. Engineered drainage channels, which are a common feature of eastern Austra- Estuarine acidification caused by outflows from drained lian estuarine floodplains, provide a route by which ASS landscapes containing acid sulfate soils (ASS) is a recur- oxidation products, originating from groundwater in rent problem in many estuaries in New South Wales contact with the soil, can enter estuaries during wet peri- (NSW), Australia including those used for Sydney rock ods [6]. Generally the worst cases of estuarine acidifica- oyster (Saccostrea glomerata: SRO) cultivation [1]. Pro- tion occur on the east coast of Australia when an ex- duction of SROs has occurred in estuarine areas of east- tended dry season is followed by heavy rainfall; acid ern Australia for over 130 years and is the largest aqua- production rates are up to 300 kg of sulfuric acid per ha culture industry in NSW, worth approximately US$29 per year [6]. million annually [2]. However, annual production has Increasing pressure on the environment from expand- decreased by more than 60% over the past 30 years. QX ing coastal populations in eastern Australia is a threat to (Queensland unknown) disease outbreaks, competition the oyster industry and other stakeholders. Mapping of from Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and declining ASS has been undertaken in NSW by the Department of water quality in estuarine areas used for oyster produc- Environment and Climate Change and has identified ap- tion have all contributed to reduced production [3,4]. proximately 400,000 hectares of these soils in coastal Acid sulfate soils (ASS) contain the mineral iron py- regions of NSW [7]. Environmental management of rite (FeS ) which is harmless to the environment in the 2 coastal floodplains and estuarine ecosystems is shared by waterlogged environments of undisturbed coastal low- lands [5]. Drainage, disturbance or excavation of ASS local and state government agencies and varies between exposes iron pyrite to the atmosphere causing it to oxi- different catchments. The Sydney rock oyster industry in dise and generate sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid attacks soil NSW has been a strong influence in setting environ- minerals, releasing metals contained in the soil including mental goals for water quality management in estuarine systems. *Corresponding author. Oyster growers first linked acidic, floodplain outflows Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JWARP M. C. DOVE, J. SAMMUT 321 with poor oyster production in the 1990s and alerted vated into the ASS to lower watertables to facilitate dry- government authorities and scientists to this problem. A land agriculture. Floodgate structures, constructed in the field study confirmed this association and found that S. 1960s and 1970s, are a common feature of floodplain glomerata had reduced growth and increased mortalities drains that flow into the Hastings River, Limeburners at oyster leases impacted by estuarine acidification caus- Creek, Fernbank Creek, Maria River, Wilson River, Con- ed by outflows from ASS-affected landscapes [1]. The nection Creek and Pipers Creek (Figure 1) [12] causing reasons for reduced growth and survival of oysters in the the once brackish and tidal reaches upstream of the gates field were then investigated using laboratory experiments to be fresh-water dominated. Most floodgates have one- [8]. Weakly acidified water (pH 5.5) prevented S. glom- way flap gates that release drain waters on the ebb tide erata from feeding at the same rate as oysters in normal but are forced closed by the flood tide [12]. pH water (pH 8.5). Additionally, acidic treatments (pH Areas of the Hastings River floodplain that were ex- 5.1) that contained elevated concentrations of aluminium tensively drained and are associated with ASS include: or ASS-affected water caused changes in the mantle and the lower and upper Maria River; Fernbank/Partridge gill soft tissues following short term (6 h) exposure. De- Creek; and Rawdon Island areas [13]. Most oyster pro- generative effects were also due to the iron contained in duction in the Hastings River estuary occurs in Lime- ASS-affected water which accumulates on oysters’ soft burners Creek, Big Bay and the main channel of the tissues and is ingested by the oysters. Additionally, very Hastings River (Figure 1). A number of oyster leases small changes in estuarine water pH are known to impact were abandoned in the Maria River and main channel of fertilisation success and early development of SRO lar- the Hastings River, near Fernbank Creek (Figure 1). vae [9,10]. The Port Stephens field site was an oyster lease situ- Knowledge of the characteristics of estuarine acidifi- ated in Fenninghams Island Creek, which flows into Til- cation is important to understand ecological impacts and ligerry Creek, a tributary of Port Stephens (Figure 2). effects on particular aquatic species [6,11]. pH and elec- Fenninghams Island Creek receives water from the Anna trical conductivity (EC) are two important physico- Bay catchment (Figure 2) which is low lying, flat land chemical water quality parameters for SRO health and that has been partly cleared for pasture. Lowest elevation are strongly influenced by outflows from ASS. This areas in the catchment are either swamps vegetated by study examined the changes in pH and EC caused by Melaleuca and Casuarina species or salt marsh that are outflows from ASS-affected landscapes on the mid north occasionally inundated by high tides. coast of NSW. Spatial characteristics of drainage waters The site is located 1.5 km downstream of a floodgate from extensively drained ASS were investigated in tidal structure (Figure 2) controlling the hydrology of an reaches of the Hastings River estuary, whilst temporal acidified drain (8 km long) that intersects ASS sediments. changes to pH and EC were investigated on an oyster There is a network of smaller drains (Figure 2) that con- lease in Port Stephens. The consequences of altered wa- nect to the main drain which were designed to lower the ter quality conditions induced by ASS outflows for Syd- water table and remove flood waters but have caused ney rock oyster production are discussed. oxidation of the ASS and outflows of acidic waters after heavy rainfall [14,15]. 2. Study Area There are approximately 19,000 ha of high risk ASS [7] in the Port Stephens/Myall Lakes catchments and no as- The study was undertaken on the mid north coast of sessments of impacts to oysters from ASS outflows have NSW, Australia and sampling was conducted throughout occurred in this estuary. In June 2006 there was a sig- the tidal areas of the Hastings River (Figure 1) and on an nificant estuarine acidification event in Fenninghams oyster lease in Port Stephens (Figure 2). The Hastings Island Creek caused by outflows from the Anna Bay River produces only 4.5% of the State’s Sydney rock drain. In February 2008 after heavy rainfall, a plume of oysters for consumption but is the largest supplier of low pH water contaminated with iron oxyhydroxide flocs naturally-caught wild oyster spat to other estuaries [2]. smothered oyster leases in Fenninghams Island Creek. Port Stephens is approximately 160 kilometres south of Originally, there were seven oyster leases in Fenning- the Hastings River and is the only estuary in NSW where hams Island Creek used for cultivating both S. glomerata both diploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and S. and C. gigas, three of these were still in use in 2006 and glomerata can lawfully be commercially cultivated. This four were former lease sites [16]. In April, 2007, Fen- estuary is the third largest oyster-producing estuary in ninghams Island Creek and Wallis Creek were desig- NSW and sold approximately
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