derson, David W. Heron, William Heuer, Peter ACRL Amendment Hiatt, Grace Hightower, Sr. Nora Hillery, Sam W. Hitt, Anna Hornak, Marie V. Hurley, James Defeated in Council G. Igoe, Mrs. Alice Ihrig, Robert K. Johnson, H. G. Johnston, Virginia Lacy Jones, Mary At the first meeting of the ACRL Board of Kahler, Frances Kennedy, Anne E. Kincaid, Directors on Monday evening, June 21, the Margaret M. Kinney, Thelma Knerr, John C. Committee on Academic Status made known Larsen, Mary E. Ledlie, Evelyn Levy, Joseph its serious reservations about the proposed Pro­ W. Lippincott, Helen Lockhart, John G. Lor­ gram of Action of the ALA Staff Committee on enz, Jean E. Lowrie, Robert R. McClarren, Jane Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry. It moved S. McClure, Stanley McElderry, Jane A. Mc­ that the Board support an amendment to the Gregor, Elizabeth B. Mann, Marion A. Milc­ Program which would provide that the staff zewski, Eric Moon, Madel J. Morgan, Effie Lee committee “shall not have jurisdiction over mat­ Morris, Florrinell F. Morton, Margaret M. Mull, ters relating to the status and problems of aca­ William D. Murphy, William C. Myers, Mrs. demic librarians except on an interim basis,” Karl Neal, Mildred L. Nickel, Eileen F. Noo­ and that the interim should last only through nan, Philip S. Ogilvie, A. Chapman Parsons, August 31, 1972. It also stipulated that proce­ Richard Parsons, Anne Pellowski, Mary E. dures be set up by ACRL to protect the rights Phillips, Margaret E. Poarch, Patricia Pond, of academic librarians. (For the full amend­ Gary R. Purcell, David L. Reich, Margaret G. ment see the minutes of the Board of Directors Reid, Helen Renthal, John B. Richard, James meetings in this issue.) The Board agreed the H. Richards, Dorothy E. Rosen, Virginia L. amendment should be brought before the ALA Ross, Lelia B. Saunders, Catherine Schoenmann, Bella E. Shachtman, Brooke E. Sheldon, Mar­ Council when the Program was proposed. ietta Daniels Shepard, Giles F. Shepherd, Shir­ At the Council meeting on Friday, June 25, ley Shisler, Joseph F. Shubert, Sara L. Siebert, the program of action was presented. Mr. James Marion L. Simmons, Clare M. Smith, Mildred Holly, ALA Councilor and member of the ACRL K. Smock, C. Sumner Spalding, Mary Mace Board of Directors, moved the amendment Spadling, Charles H. Stevens, Mary Ann which was seconded by Mr. E. J. Josey. On a Swanson, Franklin P. Taplin, Donald E. roll call vote, the amendment was defeated Thompson, Marguerite G. Thompson, Gertrude 137 to 19 with two members answering R. Thurow, June Thurston, Ralph A. Van Han­ “present.” del, Melvin J. Voigt, Ruth Waldrop, Myrna M. At the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago in Jan­ Wegner, Raymond E. Williams, Donald E. uary 1970, the ALA Council voted that the re­ Wright, Barbara Westby (substitute), Helen sults of all roll call votes be published. Follow­ T. Yast, Wayne Yenawine (substitute), Roberta ing is the vote on the ACRL amendment. E. Young, Willard O. Youngs. Yeas—Lee Ash, Genevieve M. Casey, Rich­ Present—Page Ackerman, John A. Axam. ard M. Dougherty, Andrew J. Eaton, Anne C. No Answer—Richard S. Angell, Mrs. Augus­ Edmonds, Harold J. Erickson, James F. Holly, ta Baker, Ralph H. Blackburn, James E. Bryan, Andrew H. Horn, Ida-Marie Jensen, Arthur E. William S. Budington, Sr. Mary Claudia Car­ Jones, Sara Dowlin Jones, E. J. Josey, John P. len, Marietta Chicorel, George W. Coen, McGowan, Arthur Monke, James W. Pirie, Wil­ C. Donald Cook, Essae Martha Culver, Richard liam Powell, William Roehrenbeck, Joseph H. L. Darling (presiding), Charles Dalrymple, Treyz, James O. Wallace. Robert B. Downs, Leila Doyle, David E. Estes, Nays—Elizabeth Abolin, Hugh C. Atkinson, Mrs. Loleta D. Fyan, Clarence R. Graham, Mary C. Baker, Mary C. Barter, R. Paul Barto­ Warren J. Haas, Dean Halliwell, David R. lini, Helen H. Bennett, Lillian M. Bradshaw, Hoffman, Mrs. Ruth Sheahan Howard, Edwin James H. Burghardt, Edwin Castagna, Virginia G. Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Milton E. Lord, Chase, Irene Christopher, Geraldine Clark, Jean Stephen A. McCarthy, Errett W. McDiarmid, D. Cochran, Betty Coughlin, Carolyn Crawford, Roger H. McDonough, Newman F. Mallon, Arthur Curley, Marie A. Davis, Richard De- Guy Marco, Lowell A. Martin, Keyes D. Met­ Gennaro, William Dejohn, Robert F. Delzell, calf, Foster E. Mohrhardt, Lucile M. Morsch, William Dix, Keith Dorns, Lawrence J. Dow­ Orin M. Moyer, L. Quincy Mumford, Ralph ney, Kenneth F. Duchac, Elizabeth Edwards, Munn, William T. Peters, Benjamine E. Pow­ Richard B. Engen, Lois Engler, John Fall, Alice ell, Douglas G. Reid, John S. Richards, Carrie Hild Farris, Paul J. Fasana, Elizabeth T. Fast, Robinson, Mary U. Rothrock, Frank B. Sessa, John D. Forsman, Donell J. Gaertner, Ervin J. Ralph R. Shaw, Jessie Carney Smith, Frances Gaines, Janice Gallinger, Thomas J. Galvin, Lander Spain, Basil Stuart-Stubbs, F. Charles Donna Garcia, Charles A. Gardner, Mary V. Taylor, Kenneth Taylor, Betty Torricelli, Ralph Gaver, Andrew Geddes, William S. Geller, John A. Ulveling, Jane N. Vance, Allen B. Veaner, Glinka, Emerson Greenaway, Pearce S. Grove, Carl Vitz, Robert Vosper, Frederick H. Wag- Mary Ann Hanna, Gustave A. Harrer, Frances man, Albert L. Williams, Louis Round Wilson. S. Hatfield, William F. Hayes, William T. Hen­ ■ ■ 223 • Permuterm® Subject Index is the one guide mental, and corporate libraries, too, find the to the world's current scientific and technical Permuterm Subject Index one of their most literature that is issued quarterly and annually valuable reference tools. 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